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Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 1

Food idioms idiom
Example sentence

Apple of one's eye
A person that is adored by someone
Baby Jessica is the apple of her father's eye.

(Have a) bun in the oven
Be pregnant
I don't think Jan will come to the bar because she has a bun in the oven.

Bad egg
A person who is often in trouble
I don't want my little brother hanging around with the bad eggs on the street.

Big cheese
Very important person (vim)
I thought I was just going to interview the secretary, but they let me talk to the big cheese himself.

Bread and butter
Necessities, the main thing
Just explain the bread and butter of your report. You don't have to go into details.

Bring home the bacon
Earn the income
My husband has had to bring home the bacon ever since I broke my leg.

Butter someone up
Be extra nice to someone (usually for selfish reasons)
We'll have to butter angle up before we tell her the news about the broken vase.

(Have ones) cake and eat it too
Want more than your fair share or need
Rick wants to have his cake and eat it too. He wants to be single but he doesn't want me to date anyone else.

Carrot top
Person with red or orange hair
Simon is the first carrot top Ive ever gone out with.

I love reading cheesy romance novels because I don't have to think.

Cool as a cucumber
Very relaxed
I thought I was afraid of flying, but I was cool as a cucumber all the way to England.

Cream of the crop
The best
We hired the cream of the crop to entertain us at the Christmas party.

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(Dont) cry over spilled milk
Get upset over something that has happened and cannot be changed
The mirror is broken and we can't fix it. There's no need to cry over spilled milk.

Cup of Joe
Cup of coffee
Let's stop for a cup of Joe before we head to work.

(Not my) cup of tea
Something you enjoy (usually used negatively)
Opera isn't exactly my cup of tea.

Egg someone on
Urge someone to do something
The gang tried to egg us on but we didn't want to fight.

Freeze one's buns off
Be very cold
I froze my buns off at the ice rink.

Full of beans
Have a lot of (silly) energy
The kids were full of beans after the circus.

Gravy train
Extremely good pay for minimal work
The unionized grocers have been enjoying the gravy train for twenty years.

(Have something) handed to someone on a silver platter
Receive without working for something
The professor's daughter had her college diploma handed to her on a silver platter.

Hard nut to crack
Difficult to understand (often a person)
Angelo is a hard nut to crack when something is bothering him like this.

Hot potato
A controversial or difficult subject
Choosing a location for our new store is a hot potato right now.

In a nutshell
In a nutshell, Im having a bad day.

Nuts about something, someone
Like a lot
Im nuts about classical music these days.

Out to lunch
Crazy or mad
Harry has been out to lunch ever since he lost his job.

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One smart cookie
A very intelligent person
Your daughter is one smart cookie. She reads much higher than her grade level.

Peach fuzz
Small amount of hair growth
Except for a bit of peach fuzz, the baby came out bald.

Piece of cake
Very easy
The exam was a piece of cake.

Put all of ones eggs in one basket
Rely on one single thing
Even though Im majoring in art, Im taking a maths course because my dad says i shouldn't put all of my eggs in one

Souped up
Made more powerful or stylish
The car was souped up with shiny rims and a loud stereo.

Sell like hot cakes
Bought by many people
The new harry potter books sold like hot cakes.

Spice things up
Make something more exciting
I wanted to spice things up in the office, so i bought some red and gold paint.

Spill the beans
Reveal the truth
On Monday, Im going to spill the beans about my travel plans.

Take something with a pinch (grain) of salt
Don't consider something 100% accurate
Take Mandys advice with a pinch of salt. She doesn't always do her research.

Use your noodle
Use your brain
You're going to have to really use your noodle on this crossword puzzle. It's an extra difficult one.

Animal idioms
Example sentence

Ants in one's pants
Unable to sit still or remain calm out of nervousness or excitement
Lisa had ants in her pants the day before her interview.

(the) birds and the bees
Sex education
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I learned about the birds and the bees when my baby brother was born.

Cat nap
A short sleep
Im going to have a cat nap while you're cooking dinner.

Cat's got one's tongue
Said about someone who doesn't speak (usually due to shyness)
It looks like the cat's got your tongue, lucy. Are you always this quiet?

Chicken out
To decide not to do something out of fear (usually just before)
I was going to take a ride on Geoffs motorcycle, but i chickened out when he gave me a helmet to wear.

Clam up
Become quiet suddenly
Arthur clammed up when i asked him about his family.

Copy cat
A person who does the same thing as someone else
My sister is such a copy cat. First she bought the same car as me, and now she's applying to my school.

Dog days
Very hot days
I sleep in the basement during the dog days of august.

Dropping like flies
Dying/giving up quickly
My roses are dropping like flies in this early frost.

Eager beaver
A person who is excited about doing certain work
Ever since he got his new drill set my husband has been an eager beaver around the house.

Odd, suspicious
I knew something fishy was going on when i saw all of my friends' cars in my mom's driveway.

Have a cow
Get extremely upset (often over something minor)
My teacher had a cow when she realized nobody had done the homework.

Hold your horses
Wait and be patient
Hold your horses! I'll be done in the washroom in a minute.

Holy cow!
Wow, Im surprised!
Holy cow! I can't believe you ate everything on your plate.

Horse around
Play roughly
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If you're going to horse around, please go outside.

Get the lion's share
Get the greatest percentage
My aunt got the lion's share of the inheritance.

In the dog house
In trouble with another person
I don't think Marsha is coming out tonight. She's still in the dog house for forgetting aaron's birthday.

Kill two birds with one stone
Get two things done at once
If you pick the groceries up when you drop George off for his shift, you will kill two birds with one stone.

Kitty corner
Diagonal direction
The gas station is kitty corner to the library.

Let the cat out of the bag
Reveal a secret
Who let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party?

(a) little bird told me
I heard something (usually secretive or unknown) from someone (not named)
A little bird told me that you are thinking of quitting your job.

Make a beeline
Go straight for something
My grandma made a beeline for the smoking room as soon as she got off the airplane.

Monkey see, monkey do
Silly/unintelligent people tend to copy each other's actions
Our one-year-old is saying bad words now. I told my husband, "monkey see, monkey do!"

Nest egg
Money saved for the future
We have a nest egg that we might have to use if jim goes on sick leave.

Pig out
Eat a lot of something
I pigged out on pancakes so i don't have room for lunch.

Raining cats and dogs
Raining heavily
I forgot my umbrella, and it was raining cats and dogs.

Rat race
Fierce, competitive struggle for power, position etc
Im ready to leave this rat race and retire in Mexico.

Smell a rat
Begin to suspect trickery etc
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I asked my brothers not to tell my parents that i went out, but i could smell a rat as soon as i opened the door.

Straight from the horse's mouth
Directly from the original source
I know jenny is pregnant, because i heard it straight from the horse's mouth.

Take the bull by the horns
Face a challenge or danger boldly
If you really think you deserve a promotion, you'll have to take the bull by the horns.

Until the cows come home
For a very long time
I could eat pizza and ice-cream until the cows come home.

Body idioms
Example sentence

All ears
Fully listening
Give me a minute to finish my work and then i'll be all ears to hear about your project.

Break a leg
Today's the big game, eh? Break a leg!

Cold feet
Nervous just before a big event
My sister didn't get cold feet until she put her wedding gown on.

Cost an arm and a leg
Be very expensive
These cakes are delicious, but they cost an arm and a leg.

Cry your heart out
Cry very hard
I cried my heart out when my best friend moved away.

Face the music
Meet, stand up to unpleasant consequences, for example criticism or punishment
I stayed out all night. When i eventually got home i had to face the music from my wife.

(my) Flesh and blood
I have to hire mia. She's my own flesh and blood.

Get something off one's chest
Tell someone your problems
Thanks for listening to me complain about my boss. I just needed to get this off my chest.

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Give a hand, lend a hand
Help (someone) do something
I can give you a hand when you move if you like.

Have one's head in the clouds
Be unaware or unrealistic about something
Amy has her head in the clouds if she thinks she's going to pass her exams without studying.

Head over heels
Deeply in love
My brother is head over heels for his new girlfriend.

Head start
An earlier start
The kids gave Anthony a head start in the bicycle race because he was the youngest.

In over one's head
Taking on a task that you can't handle
I was in over my head when i agreed to babysit the triplets and the dogs.

Keep an eye on
Take care of, watch in order to protect
I'll keep an eye on the dinner while you're on the phone.

Keep one's chin up
Try to be cheerful
Keep your chin up. Im sure you'll make some friends soon.

Learn by heart, know by heart
I learned my multiplication tables by heart in the fourth grade.

Let one's hair down
Relax, have fun
Go to the cottage and let your hair down this weekend.

(my) Lips are sealed
Promise to keep a secret
Don't worry, i won't tell your mother how much you spent. My lips are sealed.

Makes my blood boil
Makes me very angry
It makes my blood boil when people don't tie up their dogs.

Neck of the woods
Nearby location or region
I heard that they might be opening a post office in our neck of the woods soon.

(an) old hand
An experienced person
My uncle's an old hand at car repair. He'll know what the problem is.

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Over my dead body
Not unless Im dead and can't stop you
My daughter wants a tatoo. I told her she'd get one over my dead body.

Pat on the back
Recognition or a thank-you
The party organizers deserve a pat on the back for a job well done.

Play something by ear
Do something without a plan
We don't know if the weather will be good enough for camping. We'll have to play it by ear.

Pull one's leg
Joke or tease someone
I was just pulling your leg. Im not really a police officer.

Rule of thumb
Basic rule (not always followed)
The rule of thumb is that the students wear black pants and white shirts.

See eye to eye
The couple doesnt see eye to eye on how to train their pets.

(By the) skin of one's teeth
Just barely
I passed my exam by the skin of my teeth.

Stick your neck out
Help someone a lot, with possible bad consequences for oneself
I stuck my neck out for bessie when she was thrown out of her house.

Sweet tooth
A love of sugar or sweet things
I need three spoonfuls of sugar in my tea. I have a sweet tooth.

Thick in the head
Not very intelligent
Im a bit thick in the head when it comes to reading a map.

Wash one's hands of something
Stop dealing with an issue or problem
Im washing my hands of Marys addiction. She is going to have to get some professional help.

(have) egg on your face
You have egg on your face if you've said or done something wrong, and it's made you feel embarrassed or stupid.

(your) hands are tied
You can say your hands are tied if you're prevented from doing something that you'd normally have the power or the authority to

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(your) heart goes out to (someone)
If your heart goes out to someone, you feel great sympathy for them.

(your) heart is in the right place
If your heart is in the right place, you try to do the right thing, even if things don't always work out for the best.

(your) heart isn't in it
If your heart isn't in something you're doing, you don't really want to do it.

A bad hair day
If you're having a bad hair day, everything seems to be going wrong for you.

A gut feeling
If you have a gut feeling, you sense something about a person or a situation, without knowing why, but you're sure what
You sense is true.

A head start

If you have a head start, you start something ahead of others or with an advantage over others.

A kick in the teeth
If you get a kick in the teeth, something bad happens to you or you feel that you've been treated poorly.

A knuckle sandwich
If you give someone a knuckle sandwich, you punch them.

A pain in the neck
You can say someone is a pain in the neck if they annoy you, or something is a pain in the neck if you don't like doing it.

A pat on the back
You've given someone a pat on the back if you've told them they've done something well, or done a good job.

A shot in the arm
You can say something is a shot in the arm if it gives a person or an organisation renewed energy or enthusiasm.

A sight for sore eyes
If something or someone is a sight for sore eyes, you are glad to see them.

A skeleton in the cupboard | closet
If you have a skeleton in the cupboard, or in the closet, you have a secret in your past which could damage you if it became

A slap on the wrist
If someone gives you a slap on the wrist, they give you a mild punishment for making a mistake or doing something wrong.

A slip of the tongue
If you make a slip of the tongue, you make a small mistake when speaking.

A weight off your shoulders
You can say a weight is off your shoulders if you no longer have to worry about something or deal with something difficult.

Achilles' heel
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An Achilles heel is a weakness that could result in failure.

An eye-opener
You can say something's an eye-opener if it's made you realize something you hadn't been aware of before.

Behind someone's back
If you do something behind someone's back, you do it without letting them know about it.

Bite your tongue | hold your tongue
If you bite your tongue, or hold your tongue, you force yourself not to say something you really want to to say.

Break your heart
If someone breaks your heart, they cause you a lot of emotional pain by ending a romantic relationship, or by deeply hurting you in
some other way.

By word of mouth
If something becomes well-known by word of mouth, it becomes well-known because people are telling each other about it, and
not because of advertising or other marketing tools.

Caught red-handed
If someone is caught red-handed, they are caught in the act of doing something wrong such as cheating or stealing.

Come to your senses
If you come to your senses, you see things clearly and begin to act sensibly after a period of confusion and unwise behaviour.

Dig your heels in
If you dig your heels in, you stubbornly resist something or refuse to change.

Drag your feet | drag your heels
If you drag your feet, or drag your heels, you do something slowly because you don't really want to do it.

Ear to the ground
If you have your ear to the ground, you know what's really going on in a situation.

Easy on the eye
If something is easy on the eye, it is pleasant to look at.

Elbow grease
If something needs elbow grease, it needs a lot of hard physical work.

Eyes like a hawk
If someone has eyes like a hawk, they have very good eyesight and they notice everything.

Face to face
If people meet face to face, they meet in person in the real world.

Feel the pinch
If you are feeling the pinch, you're finding it harder to survive on your income.

Find your feet
If you're still finding you're feet, you're still adjusting to a new place or a new situation.

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Get it off your chest
If you get it off your chest, you tell somebody about something that's been bothering you and you've been thinking about a lot.

Get off on the wrong foot
If you get off on the wrong foot, you start something poorly, or begin with a mistake.

Go over your head
If someone goes over your head, they go to someone with more authority than you in order to get something that you would
normally grant, possibly because they think you won't give it to them.

Grease someone's palm
If you grease someone's palm, you pay them a bribe.

Hard to swallow
Something that someone has said is hard to swallow if it's difficult to believe.

Have a heart-to-heart
If you have a heart-to-heart with someone, you have an honest talk and share your feelings with each other.

Have your hands full
If you have your hands full, you're busy.

Have your head in the clouds
If someone has their head in the clouds, they are out of touch with the everyday world and can be unrealistic or naive as a result.

Heads will roll
You can say "heads will roll" if people are going to lose their jobs after making a mistake.

Hold your head high | hold your head up high
You can hold your head high, or hold your head up high, if you feel proud of something.

It's written all over your face.
If you say "it's written all over your face", you're saying that the expression on someone's face is showing their true feelings or

Itchy feet
If you have itchy feet, you feel the need to go somewhere different or do something different.

Joined at the hip
If two people or things are joined at the hip, they're so closely linked as to be almost inseparable.

Jump down your throat | jump all over you
If someone jumps down your throat, or jumps all over you, they strongly criticise you or scold you.

Jump out of your skin
You jump out of your skin when something suddenly shocks you and your whole body jumps.

Keep an eye on
If you keep an eye on someone, you make sure you know what they're doing.

Keep your nose clean
If you keep your nose clean, you stay out of trouble by making sure you don't do anything wrong.
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Lend someone a hand
If you lend someone a hand, you help them.

Let your hair down
If you let your hair down, you enjoy yourself by doing whatever you feel like doing and not worrying about what other people might

Lose face
If you lose face, your status falls and you aren't respected as much as you were.

Lose your head
If you lose your head, you become very angry about something.

More than meets the eye
You can say there's more to something than meets the eye if it's more complex, more important or more interesting than it seems
at first.

Music to your ears
If something is music to your ears, it's just what you want to hear.
Neck and neck
If two competitors are running neck and neck in a race, they are almost level.

Nerves of steel
If you have nerves of steel, you are very brave and not many things make you scared or nervous.

Off the top of your head
If you give someone information off the top of your head, you do so from memory, without checking beforehand.

On the one hand | on the other hand
You can say "on the one hand" before describing one of two contrasting ideas, options, or opinions, and then say "on the other
hand" before describing the other one.

On your last legs | on its last legs
If you say you're on your last legs, it can mean you're close to exhaustion, or it can mean you're close to death. If a thing is on its
last legs, it's close to breaking or wearing out.

Pay through the nose
If you pay through the nose for something, you pay more than the usual price for it.

Pick somebody's brains
If you pick somebody's brains, you ask them for detailed information or ideas about something.

Play it by ear
If you play it by ear, you don't plan ahead but you do whatever seems best at the time depending on the situation.

Pull someone's leg
If you pull someone's leg, you play a joke on them by saying something that isn't true.

Put someone's nose out of joint
If you put someone's nose out of joint, you upset them by not treating them with as much respect or consideration as they think
they deserve.
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Put your foot in it
If you put your foot in it you say or do the wrong thing and usually make matters worse.

Put your foot in your mouth
If you put your foot in your mouth you say or do the wrong thing and usually make matters worse.

Rack your brains | rack you brain
If you rack your brains, or rack you brain, you try hard to remember something or think of a solution to a problem or a puzzle.

See eye to eye
If you see eye to eye with someone, you totally agree with them about something.

Shoot yourself in the foot
If you shoot youself in the foot, you harm yourself in some way by doing something stupid or making a silly mistake.

Stick out like a sore thumb | stand out like a sore thumb
If someone sticks out like a sore thumb, or stands out like a sore thumb, everyone notices them because they're not the same as
the people around them.

Teething problems | teething troubles
If someone or something is having teething problems, or teething troubles, they're having problems during the early stages of

The gift of the gab | the gift of gab
If you've got the gift of the gab, or the gift of gab, you have the natural ability to talk in a way that people find entertaining or

The upper hand
If you have the upper hand, you have the advantage or you're in the stronger position in a contest or a conflict.

Up in arms
If you are up in arms, you are angry about something that you think is unfair or wrong.

Up to your neck | up to your eyeballs
If you're up to your neck in something, or up to your eyeballs in something, you've got too much of it and it's become a problem.

Vent your spleen
If you vent your spleen, you express your anger.

Vote with your feet
If you vote with your feet, you show your opinion of something by acting in a certain way, such as by buying something if you like
it, or by not buying it if you don't like it.

Warts and all
If you show something warts and all, you show it exactly as it is without trying to hide any of its faults or weaknesses.

Wash your hands of something
If you wash your hands of something that you were involved in, you decide to stop being involved in it after losing your interest or
belief in it.

Weak at the knees
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If you go weak at the knees, you feel an emotion so strongly that it makes you feel unstable on your feet.

Wear your heart on your sleeve
If you wear your heart on your sleeve, you show your emotions openly and you don't try to hide your feelings.

Wet behind the ears
If someone is wet behind the ears, they don't have much experience of life.

Work your socks off | work your tail off
If you work your socks off, or work your tail off, you work very hard.

If someone is yellow-bellied, they are not brave, or they are cowardly.

Young at heart
Someone is young at heart if they still feel young even though they're getting old.

Young blood
If you say "young blood", you mean young people who have fresh, new ideas and lots of energy.

Color idioms
Example sentence

Beet red
Dark red (usually to describe face)
My sister's face turned beet red when i caught her singing in front of a mirror.

Black and blue
Bruised and beaten
We found the poor guy black and blue near the train tracks.

Black and white
Straight forward, very clear
The rules we gave the kids were black and white. No answering the phone or the door.

Black out
I always black out at the sight of blood.

Black sheep
The odd or bad member of the group
My oldest brother was the black sheep in our family. He dropped out of school at fifteen.

Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
Born into a rich family
Keiko hasn't worked a day in her life. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Catch red handed
Catch someone in the act of doing something wrong or illegal
The kids were caught red handed stealing chocolate bars.
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Golden opportunity
The perfect chance
The models' conference was a golden opportunity for me to sell my beauty products.

Grass is always greener on the other side
You always want what you don't have
I always wanted to go to university, but now i wish i had time to get a job. Grass is always greener on the other side.

Grey area, gray area
Something without a clear rule or answer
Writing personal email in the office is a grey area that needs to be discussed at the next meeting.

The green light
The builders were given the green light to begin the tower.

Green with envy
Very jealous
I am green with envy over Julios new wardrobe.

(have a) green thumb
Be skillful in the garden
You can tell by her flower garden that Sheila has a green thumb.

Have the blues
Be sad or depressed
I always have the the blues during the winter time.

In the dark
Antoine left his wife in the dark about their honeymoon destination until they got to the airport.

In the red
In debt
When we were in the red we almost had to sell the house.

Once in a blue moon
Very rarely
We only go out for dinner once in a blue moon.

Out of the blue
I got a phone call from a long lost cousin out of the blue last week.

Red tape
Official or bureaucratic tasks
There is still some red tape to deal with in terms of the inheritance.

Red eye
An airplane flight that takes off after midnight
I caught the red eye so that i would see the sunrise over the mountains.
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Roll out the red carpet
Treat someone like royalty
When relatives come to town my grandmother rolls out the red carpet.

Rose coloured glasses
Unrealistic view
Paula imagines Hollywood with rose coloured glasses.

See red
Be very angry
I saw red when that guy grabbed my sister's purse.

Tickled pink
Very pleased and appreciative
My mom was tickled pink when my father brought roses home for her.

True colours
Real self
Suzanne doesn't show her true colours when we have guests over.

White lie
An innocent lie to protect another person's feelings
We told grandma that her cake was delicious, which was actually a white lie.

With flying colours
With distinction
I passed my road test with flying colours.

Clothing idioms
Example sentence

At the drop of a hat
Without needing any advance notice
My grandma will babysit for anyone at the drop of a hat.

(have a) bee in one's bonnet
Something that is annoying someone
Milan has had a bee in his bonnet all day, but he won't tell me what's wrong.

Below the belt
Beyond what is fair or socially acceptable
His comment about manfred's handicap was below the belt.

Bursting at the seams
Not fitting anymore
I ate too much. Im bursting at the seams in these jeans.

Caught with one's pants down
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My students caught me with my pants down on Monday. I forgot about the field trip.

(have a) card up one's sleeve
Have a secret or reserve plan
I think josh has a card up his sleeve cause he wants me to wear a dress to the fast-food restaurant.

Buckle down
Work extra hard
It's almost exam time, so i need to buckle down this weekend.

Burn a hole in one's pocket
Money that one is tempted to spend
Let's go to the mall after school. There's a hundred dollar bill burning a hole in my pocket.

Dress to kill, dress to the nines
Dress in nice or sexy clothes
My cousin was dressed to kill on her birthday.

Fit like a glove
Fit perfectly (tight to one's body)
Anita's prom dress fits me like a glove.

Fine-tooth comb
In great detail, extremely carefully
The police looked for fingerprints with a fine-tooth comb.

Fly by the seat of one's pants
Do by instinct, not by plan
I had never taught art to kids before. I had to fly by the seat of my pants.

Handle with kid gloves
Treat delicately
Please handle my grandmother's tea set with kid gloves.

Used clothing
We buy hand-me-down skates because the kids' feet grow so quickly.

Hat trick
Three goals scored by one person
The fans cheered when the hockey player got a hat trick.

In one's birthday suit
In the nude
The swimmers in the lake were in their birthday suits.

Keep one's shirt on
Try to stay calm
I know you're in a hurry, but please keep your shirt on.

Keep something zipped
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Keep something a secret
We know we're having a boy, but we're keeping it zipped from the grandparents.

Off the cuff
Said without planning
I didn't have a speech prepared. Everything i said was off the cuff.

Pull up one's socks
Try harder
Marco will have to pull up his socks if he wants to make the football team.

Put a sock in it
Stop talking
Put a sock in it! Im trying to tell a story.

Put one's thinking cap on
Think hard in order to solve a problem
I can't remember where the christmas decorations are. I'll have to put my thinking cap on.

Put oneself in someone else's shoes
Imagine what it would be like to be in someone else's situation
Put yourself in amber's shoes. She doesn't even have a car to drive.

Ride one's coattails
Let someone else do all of the work
It was a group project, but everyone rode Andrews coattails.

Roll up one's sleeves
Get down to hard work
The celebrities rolled up their sleeves and washed cars for charity.

Take one's hat off to someone
Recognize or honor someone for something
I take my hat off to Jim. The doctors said he'd never walk, and he just ran a marathon.

Wear one's heart on one's sleeve
Display emotions openly
My dad's not afraid to cry. He always wears his heart on his sleeve.

Wear the trousers
Be in charge, make the rules
By the looks of things, the kids wear the trousers in this household.

Geography and weather idioms
Example sentence

(on) cloud nine
Extremely happy
Andrea was on cloud nine when she bought her new car.
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Dig deep
Look hard for information
I had to dig deep to find my old report cards.

Dirt cheap
Very inexpensive
The clothes at the thrift shop are dirt cheap.

Down to earth
Natural or real (personality)
Lucile is really down to earth for a woman with so much money.

Fair-weather friend
A person who is only a friend in good times
I can't talk to nancy about my boyfriend problems. She's only a fair-weather friend.

A field day
A very enjoyable time
The kids had a field day at the water slide park.

Go downhill
Get progressively worse
My grades started going downhill when i got a part-time job.

Go with the flow
Continue in the same way as others
Nobody trained me at work. I just went with the flow.

Hit the hay
Go to sleep
Im exhausted. I think i'll hit the hay early tonight.

Hit the road
It's getting late. We had better hit the road.

Keep one's head above water
Have just enough money to live
It's hard to keep my head above water with all of these medical bills.

Know which way the wind blows
Know how things will turn out
Who knows which way the wind will blow? I just hope jesse gets one of the jobs he's applied for.

Make a mountain out of a molehill
Make a small problem seem big
The car only got a tiny dent. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.

Out of the woods
Clear of danger
The doctor said my heart is doing better, but Im not out of the woods yet.
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Over the hill
Past middle age
I knew i was over the hill when i started needing glasses to read.

Rain on someone else's parade
Ruin somebody else's happiness
Whenever i had a dance recital, my older brother always rained on my parade.

A loner or person who won't join in
They didn't bother inviting charles to the party because he's alway a stick-in-the-mud.

(as) quick as lightning
Very fast
Wow! Your shower was as quick as lightning.

The tip of the iceberg
A small part of a large problem
The lost tickets were just the tip of the iceberg.

Take a raincheck
Accept at a later date
I'd love to go out for dinner, but can i take a raincheck?

Under the weather
I was feeling under the weather so i went back to bed.

Up the creek
In trouble
If my dad finds out i had a party i'll be up the creek.

Win by a landslide
Win by a lot of points
The skiier in the green coat won by a landslide.

(get) wind of something
Overhear something about someone or something (often gossip)
My dad has a new girlfriend. I got wind of it over dinner tonight.

Animal idioms | body idioms | colour idioms | clothing idioms
Food idioms | geography idioms | sports idioms

Sports idioms
Sports idioms generally originate from a specific sport such as baseball or sailing. Over time these phrases have come to mean
something that can be used in everyday life. While most sports idioms can still be used when discussing sports, they are even more
common in other areas of life, especially the business world.

Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 21

Sport of origin
Example sentence

Across the board
Equal for everyone
Ten percent raises were given across the board.

At this stage in the game
Any sport
At this time
Nobody knows who is going to win the election at this stage in the game.

The ball is in your court
It's your decision or responsibility to do something now
"do you think i should accept the job offer?"
"don't ask me. The ball is in your court now".

Bark up the wrong tree
You've got the wrong person or idea
I think you're barking up the wrong tree by blaming matt for the missing money.

Any sport
To not see something coming
George blind-sided eric with his fist at the bar.

Blow the competition away
Any sport
Win easily
If you wear that dress to the beauty pageant you are going to blow the competition away.

Call the shots
Make the decisions
While our boss is on vacation, bob will call the shots.

Chip in
Help by donating money or time
The staff members chipped in 5 dollars each to buy jody a birthday gift.

Down to the wire
Horse racing
Right at the end
It's coming down to the wire to get these done on time.

Front runner
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One of the people who is expected to win
Angela is a front runner for the new supervisor position.

Get a head start
Horse racing
Start before all others
They gave the walkers a head start in the run for cancer.

Get into the full swing
Be comfortable doing something after some time
It will probably take a month of working at my new job before i get into the full swing of things.

Get off the hook
Escape, have responsibility removed
The child got off the hook for stealing because the security camera was broken.

Give something or someone a fair shake
Try for a while before giving up
You should give nadine a fair shake before you decide she isn't good enough for the job.

Get a second wind
Have a burst of energy after tiring
I was exhausted after 3 kilometres of running, but i got a second wind after i passed the beach.

Give it your best shot
Try your hardest
Give it your best shot and you may just make it to the finals.

Give one a run for one's money
Try one's hardest to defeat another person
I know the other team is expected to win, but let's give them a run for their money tonight.

Go overboard
Do or say more than you need to
You can't believe everything janice says about rick. She tends to go overboard when she's complaining about him.

Go to bat for someone
Defend someone
Andy is asking for a salary increase, and Im going to go to bat for him if the boss says no.

Have the upper hand
Have a better chance of winning or succeeding
The blues have the upper hand in the tournament, because none of their players is injured.
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Hit below the belt
Martial arts
Do or say something that is very unfair or cruel
Amanda was hitting below the belt when she called adrian an unfit father.

Hit a snag
Come up against a problem
The renovations were going along great until we hit a snag with the carpet installation.

Hold all the aces
Expected to win or succeed
The children hold all the aces when it comes to the father-son baseball tournament.

The home stretch
Almost the end
I think alice's pregnancy is in the home stretch.

Hot shot (big shot)
A person who thinks they are the best
Even though luke only placed 20th in the ski race, he thinks he's a hot shot.

Jump the gun
Start too early
I guess i jumped the gun by buying pam and steve a wedding gift. They called off the engagement.

Keep one's head above water
Try not to fall behind in work or other duties
We are so busy during the tourist season i can barely keep my head above water.

Learn the ropes
Understand new things
The first week on the job you will just be learning the ropes.

Let her rip
Go ahead now
Okay, here are the keys to your new car. Let her rip!

Level playing field
Any field sport
Everyone has an equal chance
The spelling bee is a level playing field because all of the kids are in grade nine.

Long shot
Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 24

A very difficult thing to accomplish
Jim thinks we can afford the house, but i think it's a long shot.

Make the cut
Any sport
Be chosen to be part of a team or group
I didn't get a second interview, so Im pretty sure i won't make the cut.

Neck and neck
Horse racing
To be in a close tie with someone
George and stan are neck and neck in the hockey pool. Either of them could win the money.

No sweat
Any sport
No problem
I told lily it was no sweat for us to babysit next weekend.

Not playing with a full deck of cards
Not having full brain capacity
I think jerry was still drunk at work on sunday because he wasn't playing with a full deck of cards.

Not up to par
Not good enough for a job or position
Im afraid your resume isn't up to par for the engineering position.

To be off base
Not making a fair or true remark
You were way off base when you said bill needed to lose weight.

On target
Doing the right thing to succeed
We are on target to meet our budget this month.

On the ball
Ready and able
The new receptionist is really on the ball when it comes to answering the phone.

Out in left field
Nowhere near being true, nowhere near doing something correctly
All of the students laughed when joe gave an answer that was out in left field.

Out of someone's league
Team sport
Not as good as someone
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I'd like to date maria, but Im afraid Im out of her league.

Par for the course
An expected circumstance
Waiting in line is par for the course at christmas time.

Plenty of other fish in the sea
There are many other men and women to date
I know you still love jack, but remember there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

Race against time
There is almost no time left to accomplish something
It's a race against time to find a kidney donor for my cousin.

Settle a score with someone
Any sport
Get even with a person after a previous battle
My brother wants to settle the score with that guy who stole my wallet.

Shot in the dark
A guess
I was lucky to win the quiz. All my answers were shots in the dark.

Skate on thin ice
Do something risky, take a chance
You're skating on thin ice by not sending in your college application before now.

Start the ball rolling
Ball sports
Begin something
Please can everyone be seated so we can start the ball rolling.

Step up to the plate
Do the honourable thing, take responsibility
It's time you stepped up to the plate and apologized for your mistake.

Take a rain check
Accept at a later time
Sorry, i can't go to the movies today, but i'd love to take a rain check.

Take sides
Any sport
Choose a person or group to support
I hate to take sides, but i think jerry is right about the paint colour.

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Take the bull by the horns
Bull fighting
Accept the challenge and try your hardest
Even though this new job will mean relocating, i think you should take the bull by the horns for once.

Take the wind out of one's sails
Make someone feel deflated
I think i took the wind out of angela's sails when i told her she was a terrible singer.

Throw in the towel
Give up
If they don't accept our offer this time we are going to throw in the towel and look at houses elsewhere.

Time out
Any sport
Let's take some time out and grab a coffee.

Three strikes and you're out
You only get three chances
The school's no smoking policy is three strikes and you're out.

Two strikes against
You only have one chance remaining
Nancy is going to be fired in no time. She already has two strikes against her for coming in late.

Under the table
I don't have a work visa, so they have to pay me under the table.

Win hands down
Easy victory
The other team was missing half of its players. We won hands down.

Death idioms

A matter of life and death
If something is a matter of life and death, it's extremely important and it could involve someone's survival.

Dead in the water
If something is dead in the water, it has no chance of succeeding or of making any progress.

Dead to the world informal
If you're dead to the world, you are sound asleep.

Dig one's own grave
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If you dig your own grave, you do something unwise that will result in your own failure or downfall in the future.

Kick the bucket informal
If someone kicks the bucket, they die.

Kill the goose that lays the golden egg
If you kill the goose that lays the golden egg, you destroy something that has made you a lot of money.

Kill time
You kill time when you do something to amuse yourself while waiting for something.

Kill two birds with one stone
If you kill two birds with one stone, you achieve two things with the one action.

Make a killing
If you make a killing, you make a lot of money from a sale or a deal of some sort.

Never say die!
You can say "never say die!" if you want to tell someone to keep trying while there's still a chance of success.

Health idioms

A new lease of life
If someone has a new lease of life, they have a new enthusiasm for living.

A pain in the neck
You can say someone is a pain in the neck if they annoy you, or something is a pain in the neck if you don't like doing it.

A shot in the arm
You can say something is a shot in the arm if it gives a person or an organisation renewed energy or enthusiasm.

Do you the world of good
If something does you the world of good, it makes you feel a lot better.

Fresh as a daisy
If you feel as fresh as a daisy, you feel energetic and lively.

Ill at ease
If you're ill at ease, you feel tense or you can't relax in a situation.

Junk food
Food that is bad for us because it contains large amounts of harmful substances like artificial colouring, preservatives, salt, refined
sugar, and so on.

Just what the doctor ordered
You can say something was just what the doctor ordered when it was exactly what was needed.

Kick the habit
If you kick the habit, you manage to stop doing something that has become a bad habit.

On your last legs | on its last legs
Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 28

If you say you're on your last legs, it can mean you're close to exhaustion, or it can mean you're close to death. If a thing is on its
last legs, it's close to breaking or wearing out.

Recharge your batteries
You recharge your batteries if you do something to regain your energy after a period of hard work.

Sick as a dog
If you're as sick as a dog, you're very sick.

Stick out like a sore thumb | stand out like a sore thumb
If someone sticks out like a sore thumb, or stands out like a sore thumb, everyone notices them because they're not the same as
the people around them.

Teething problems | teething troubles
If someone or something is having teething problems, or teething troubles, they're having problems during the early stages of

Under the weather
If you are under the weather, you're not feeling well.

Verbal diarrhoea
If someone has verbal diarrhoea, they can't stop talking.

Vim and vigor
If you have vim and vigor, you have lots of energy and enthusiasm for life.

Warts and all
If you show something warts and all, you show it exactly as it is without trying to hide any of its faults or weaknesses.

Weak at the knees
If you go weak at the knees, you feel an emotion so strongly that it makes you feel unstable on your feet.

You are what you eat.
You can say "you are what you eat" when you want to point out the connection between food and health.

Law idioms

A law unto themselves
If somebody is a law unto themselves, they do things their own way and follow their own ideas about how to live instead of
following what others do.

A slap on the wrist
If someone gives you a slap on the wrist, they give you a mild punishment for making a mistake or doing something wrong.

A vested interest
If you have a vested interest in something, you have a strong personal interest in it because you stand to gain from it.

Above board
If something is above board, it's been done in a legal and honest way.

Above the law
If someone is above the law, they are not subject to the laws of a society.
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Beat the rap
If someone beats the rap, they avoid being found guilty of a crime.

By the book
If you do something by the book, you do it strictly according to the rules or the official procedures.

Caught red-handed
If someone is caught red-handed, they are caught in the act of doing something wrong such as cheating or stealing.

Cook the books | cook the accounts
If someone cooks the books, or cooks the accounts, they keep inaccurate accounts for a business, usually in order to pay less tax.

Cover your tracks
If you cover your tracks, you make sure no-one can find evidence of what you've done.

Face the music
If someone has to face the music, they have to accept the consequences of doing something wrong.

Fall from grace
If you fall from grace, you do something that results in a loss of respect and support, especially among those who influence your
life or career.

Feather your own nest
If you feather your own nest, you use your position or your job illegally for personal gain.

Grease someone's palm
If you grease someone's palm, you pay them a bribe.

Keep your nose clean
If you keep your nose clean, you stay out of trouble by making sure you don't do anything wrong.

Lay down the law
If you lay down the law, you tell people what they should do in a forceful and stern way.

Mend your ways
If you mend your ways, you improve your behaviour and stop doing things that cause trouble.

Red tape
Strict adherence to rules and regulations so that a procedure seems to take longer than necessary.

The jury is still out
We can say the jury is still out when a decision still hasn't been made about something.

Under the table
If something is done under the table, it's done secretly, usually because it's illegal or unethical.

Money idioms

(your) bread and butter
Your bread and butter is your livelihood or the source of your income.

Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 30

A ballpark figure | a ballpark estimate
If you give a ballpark figure or a ballpark estimate, you give a number which you think is fairly close to the actual one.

A nest egg
If you have a nest egg, you have money put away for the future.

A vested interest
If you have a vested interest in something, you have a strong personal interest in it because you stand to gain from it.

Cook the books | cook the accounts
If someone cooks the books, or cooks the accounts, they keep inaccurate accounts for a business, usually in order to pay less tax.

Cost the earth | charge the earth
If something costs the earth, or they charge the earth for it, it's very expensive.

Deep pockets
You can say a person or an organisation has deep pockets if they have lots of money.

Dirt cheap
You can say something is dirt cheap if it costs very little money.

Easy come, easy go
You can say "easy come, easy go" to express the idea that if something comes to someone easily, such as money they get without
working hard for it, they can lose it just as easily and it won't matter to them much.

Easy money
You can say "easy money" to describe money that someone gets without having to make much effort.

Feather your own nest
If you feather your own nest, you use your position or your job illegally for personal gain.

Feel the pinch
If you are feeling the pinch, you're finding it harder to survive on your income.

For my money
You can say "for my money" to mean the same as "in my opinion".

Go out of business
If a company goes out of business, it stops trading and closes down.

Grease someone's palm
If you grease someone's palm, you pay them a bribe.

In the black
If a person or a company is in the black, their assets are greater than their debts.

In the red
If a person or a company is in the red, their debts are greater than their assets.

Kill the goose that lays the golden egg
If you kill the goose that lays the golden egg, you destroy something that has made you a lot of money.

Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 31

Made of money
If you are made of money, you have lots of money.

Make a killing
If you make a killing, you make a lot of money from a sale or a deal of some sort.

Make ends meet
If you make ends meet, you earn just enough to pay for a place to live and your daily expenses.

Pay the price
You pay the price for doing something when you experience the unpleasant results of doing it.

Pay through the nose
If you pay through the nose for something, you pay more than the usual price for it.

Pick up the tab | pick up the bill
If you pick up the tab, or pick up the bill, you pay for yourself and your friends in a restaurant or a bar.

Rags to riches
If you go from rags to riches, you start out very poor and you become very rich.

Talk turkey
If you talk turkey, you discuss something seriously, usually to do with business or money.

Tighten your belt
If you tighten your belt, you try to spend less money.

Under the table
If something is done under the table, it's done secretly, usually because it's illegal or unethical.

Wheeling and dealing
If you're wheeling and dealing, you're involved in the complex world of making deals and exchanging favours in business or politics,
or both.

Worth its weight in gold
If something is worth its weight in gold, it's extremely valuable or extremely useful.

Music idioms

Blow your own horn | blow your own trumpet
If you blow your own horn, or blow your own trumpet, you proudly boast about your own talents and successes.

Change your tune
If you change your tune, you change your opinion about something or your attitude towards someone.

Face the music
If someone has to face the music, they have to accept the consequences of doing something wrong.

For a song
If you buy or sell something for a song, you buy or sell it at a very cheap price.

Make a song and dance about something
Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 32

If you make a song and dance about something, you make a big deal out of, or a fuss over, something that isn't very important.

Music to your ears
If something is music to your ears, it's just what you want to hear.

Play it by ear
If you play it by ear, you don't plan ahead but you do whatever seems best at the time depending on the situation.

Pull out all the stops
If you pull out all the stops, you do everything you can to make sure something is successful.

Ring a bell
If something rings a bell, it sounds familiar or you think you've heard it before.

Nature idioms

A drop in the ocean
If an amount is a drop in the ocean, it's a very small portion of the amount that's needed.

A ray of sunshine
Something is a ray of sunshine if it brings happiness to someone.

A voice (crying) in the wilderness
You're a voice in the wilderness, or a voice crying in the wilderness, if you're expressing an unpopular opinion or insight.

Answer the call of nature
If you answer the call of nature, you go to the toilet.

At sea | all at sea
If you're at sea, or all at sea, you're confused about something and not sure what to do.

Beat around the bush | beat about the bush
If you beat around the bush, or beat about the bush, you don't say something directly, usually because you don't want to
Upset the person you're talking to.

Can't see the forest for the trees
If you can't see the forest for the trees, you can't see the whole situation clearly because you're looking too closely at small details,
or because you're too closely involved.

Can't see the wood for the trees
If you can't see the wood for the trees, you can't see the whole situation clearly because you're looking too closely at small details,
or because you're too closely involved.

Down to earth
If someone is down to earth, they are practical and sensible.

Go with the flow
If you go with the flow, you relax and go along with whatever is happening.

In deep water
If you're in deep water, you're in some sort of trouble or in a difficult situation.

Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 33

Make a mountain out of a molehill
If you make a mountain out of a molehill, you make a small problem seem to be a much bigger problem.

Make hay while the sun shines
If you make hay while the sun shines, you make good use of the chance to do something while it lasts.

Neck of the woods
A neck of the woods is a neighbourhood or a district, usually rural.

Reach for the moon | reach for the stars
If you reach for the moon, or reach for the stars, you are aiming to achieve something great, or do something very challenging.

The tip of the iceberg
You can say something is the tip of the iceberg when it's just a small part of something much bigger.

Under a cloud
If someone is under a cloud, they are suspected of having done something wrong.

Under the weather
If you are under the weather, you're not feeling well.

Virgin territory
You can say something is virgin territory if it's never been explored before or never been done before.

Weather a storm
If you weather a storm, you survive a dangerous event or deal with a difficult situation.

Numbers idioms

A ballpark figure | a ballpark estimate
If you give a ballpark figure or a ballpark estimate, you give a number which you think is fairly close to the actual one.

A one-track mind
If someone has a one-track mind, they spend most of their time thinking about one subject.

A zero-sum game
A zero-sum game is a situation in which any gain by one side or person is at the expense of a loss to another side or person
involved in the situation.

Against all odds | against all the odds
If you do something against all odds, or against all the odds, you do it even though there were many problems and it didn't seem
possible to do.

Back to square one
If you have to go back to square one, you have to stop and start again, usually because something isn't working as well as

Behind the eight ball
If you're behind the eight ball, you're in a difficult or dangerous position.

Dressed (up) to the nines
If you are dressed to the nines, or dressed up to the nines, you are wearing very smart clothes for a special occasion.
Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 34

Forty winks
If you have forty winks, you have a short sleep, or a nap.

Have second thoughts
If you're having second thoughts about something, you're having doubts about a decision you've made.

I owe you one!
You can say "i owe you one!" when someone has done something for you and you'd be happy to return the favour one day.

In two minds
If you're in two minds about something, you can't decide what to do, or you can't decide which option is the best.

Kill two birds with one stone
If you kill two birds with one stone, you achieve two things with the one action.

Once and for all
If you do something once and for all, you do it in a way that's final and it means you'll never have to do it again.

Once in a blue moon
If something happens once in a blue moon, it happens very rarely.

One in a million
If you say someone is "one in a million", you mean they're an exceptionally good person.

Par for the course
If something is par for the course, it's what you'd expect it to be.

Put all your eggs in the one basket
If you put all your eggs in the one basket, you put all your efforts or resources into one person, one thing or one plan, and if things
don't work out, you lose everything.

The year dot | the year one
You can say "the year dot", or "the year one", when you're talking about a very, very long time ago.

Zero in on
If you zero in on something, you focus your attention on it.

Zero tolerance
If something is given zero tolerance, it won't be accepted even once.

Plants idioms

Bark up the wrong tree
If you're barking up the wrong tree, you're looking for something in the wrong place or going about something in the wrong way.

Beat around the bush | beat about the bush
If you beat around the bush, or beat about the bush, you don't say something directly, usually because you don't want to upset the
person you're talking to.

Can't see the wood for the trees
Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 35

If you can't see the wood for the trees, you can't see the whole situation clearly because you're looking too closely at small details,
or because you're too closely involved.

Everything's coming up roses.
You can say "everything's coming up roses" if everything is turning out very well for someone or for something.

Fresh as a daisy
If you feel as fresh as a daisy, you feel energetic and lively.

Go out on a limb
If you go out on a limb, you put yourself in a risky position in order to support someone or something.

Make hay while the sun shines
If you make hay while the sun shines, you make good use of the chance to do something while it lasts.

Nip it in the bud
If you nip something in the bud, you stop a problem from becoming serious by dealing with it as soon as you notice it.

The cream of the crop
If something or someone is in the cream of the crop, they are among the best of a class of things or people.

Up a gum tree
If you're up a gum tree, you're in trouble or have a serious problem.

Structure idioms

A night on the town | out on the town
If you have a night on the town, or go out on the town, you go out for dinner and then go to a show or a dance club or
Some other entertainment venue.

A roller coaster | a roller-coaster ride
You can say an experience is a roller coaster, or a roller-coaster ride, if it involves many emotional highs and lows, or really good
times alternating with really difficult times.

Burn your bridges | burn your boats
You have burned your bridges, or burned your boats, if you were in a situation and you then left it after doing something that made
it impossible to go back there.

Cross that bridge when we come to it
You can say "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" if someone mentions a problem that might occur in the future, but you
want them to think about what's happening now instead.

Light at the end of the tunnel
If you can see light at the end of the tunnel, you can see some sign of the end of a difficult period.

Paint the town red
If you paint the town red, you visit bars, nightclubs and other nightspots to have a good time.

The new kid on the block
If you are the new kid on the block, you are the newest person in a workplace or in an educational institute, or any other place or

Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 36

Under lock and key
If something is under lock and key, it is kept in a very secure place.

Water under the bridge | water over the dam
You can say a problem or an experience is water under the bridge, or water over the dam, if it happened in the past and it no
longer affects the present.

Time idioms

A question of time
You can say "it's only a question of time" before saying what you think will happen in the future.

A whale of a time
If you have a whale of a time, you have a great time and really enjoy yourself.

Around the clock
If something occurs around the clock, it goes on all day and all night.

Behind the times
If someone is behind the times, they are old-fashioned and their ideas are out of date.

Day to day
If something happens day to day, it's part of the usual daily routine.

For the time being
If something will be the way it is "for the time being", it will be that way for a limited period of time only.

From now on
If you do something "from now on", you do it from now until some unknown time in the future.

From time to time
If you do something from time to time, you do it occasionally, but not very often.

In the long run
If you talk about something "in the long run", you mean over a long period of time.

It's high time
If you say it's high time something was done, you think it should have been done already, and is overdue.

Just in time | just in the nick of time
If you do something just in time, or just in the nick of time, you do it just before time runs out.

Kill time
You kill time when you do something to amuse yourself while waiting for something.

Now and then | now and again
If you do something now and then, or now and again, you do it occasionally.

Now or never
If you say it's now or never, you mean that something has to be done now or it can't be done at all.

Once in a blue moon
Cat Idioms for Verbal Ability Page 37

If something happens once in a blue moon, it happens very rarely.

The moment of truth
The moment of truth is a time when the truth about something is revealed, or when an important decision is made.

The year dot | the year one
You can say "the year dot", or "the year one", when you're talking about a very, very long time ago.

Time after time
If you do something time after time, you do it again and again, or repeatedly.

Time and time again
If you've done something time and time again, you've done it many times, or you've done it repeatedly.

Year in, year out
If something has happened year in, year out, it's happened every year for many years in a row.

Transport idioms

A roller coaster | a roller-coaster ride
You can say an experience is a roller coaster, or a roller-coaster ride, if it involves many emotional highs and lows, or really good
times alternating with really difficult times.

A zebra crossing
A zebra crossing is a pedestrian crossing that is marked on the road with painted black and white stripes.

Burn your bridges | burn your boats
You have burned your bridges, or burned your boats, if you were in a situation and you then left it after doing something that made
it impossible to go back there.

Cross that bridge when we come to it
You can say "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" if someone mentions a problem that might occur in the future, but you
want them to think about what's happening now instead.

Jump on the bandwagon
If someone jumps on the bandwagon, they join a movement or follow a fashion that has recently become popular.

Plain sailing
If something is plain sailing, it's very easy to do and there are no problems to overcome.

Put the brakes on
If you put the brakes on something, you stop it or slow it down.

Rock the boat
If you rock the boat, you do or say something that will upset people by changing a situation that they don't want changed.

Steer clear of
If you steer clear of something, you don't go near it because it could harm you or cause you a problem.

Upset the apple cart
If you upset the applecart, you do something that causes trouble or upsets someone's plans.

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