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Florida Warm-Up

2 3
2 3
Players 1 + 2 both begin with basketballs. 3 does not have a basketball. 1 starts the drill by passing
to 3 on the wing. 3 dribbles upcourt with her outside hand until she sees 1 pass to 2. While 3 is
dribbling, 2 now passes to 1. 1 immediately catches + passes back to 2. 2 now dribbles up court
with her outside hand until she sees 1 pass to 3. While 2 is dribbling, 3 passes to 1. 1 immediately
catches + passes back to 3. The drill continues until all three players reach the endline. They then
turn + come back in the same lanes. Emphasize: 1 never dribbles. 2 + 3 must stay wide + dribble
with their outside hands.

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