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The story of Pinocchio was written by the Italian Carlo Collodi (18261890) and firs

t published as book in 1883 with the title Le avventure di Pinocchio. Storia di u

n burattino, illustrated by Enrico Mazzanti (18501910).
The text of this eBook edition of The Adventures of Pinocchio is identical to the
first translation into English by Mary Alice Murray.
The English title was The Story of a Puppet or The Adventures of Pinocchio and was
published 1892 in London by T. Fisher Unwin.
This Kindle edition includes 79 illustrations by Enrico Mazzanti, while the edit
ion of 1892 included only 38 illustrations. The additional illustrations of this
eBook have been taken out of a German translation.
Traditional books have limitations in the positioning of illustrations, due to t
he page layout. Therefore the 1892 edition placed the pictures at the beginning
or the end of the chapters. Ebooks are free of these limitations. Thus the illus
trations could be positioned as close as possible to the related text.

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