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Business Intensive ProgramSayuri Takahashi

Professional Writing: Business Letter Template

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140
53113 Bonn
Mr. Tim Cook CE!
1 #n$inite %oo"
C&"ertino CA '5014
(&ly 13 )014
*e+ ,i-c&--ion $or o&r .ork
,ear Mr. Cook
Germany -tarted -ellin/ the i0hone at the end o$ 1e"tember )010 and .e2re able to con$irm that
.e -old 400000 i0hone- in the $o&rth 3&arter in E&ro"e.
At the -ame time yo&r com"any made an e4cl&-i5e contract .ith AT6T in the 7.1. There$ore
American c&-tomer- are mo5in/ $rom o&r com"any to AT6T. Con-e3&ently o&r income re5en&e
-tream- in the 7.1. ha5e been red&ced. A- a re-&lt in5e-tor- are concerned abo&t o&r b&-ine--
# .o&ld like to di-c&-- thi- .ith yo& a- .ell a- "o--ible -ol&tion-. # .ill be in Cali$ornia ne4t
month and ha5e time to 5i-it yo&r o$$ice. My admini-trati5e a--i-tant .ill contact yo& abo&t the
meetin/ time.
*ene !bermann
,e&t-che Telekom CE!
University of Pennsylvania | English Language Programs | Business Intensive Program

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