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1. It must quickly introduce you and explain why you are the right person
2. The advertisement or information that you are responding to would have indicated the kind of
person who is being sought.
3. xplain quickly why you are suitable.
!. The letter should whet the reader"s appetite and force him to invite you for an interview.
#. $ddress the letter to the person mentioned in the advertisement.
%. Take the &'( )*$T+" test, it will make you write compelling and effective letters.
$fter reading every sentence ask yourself &so what+"
Is the last sentence compelling or -ust hot air+ is it necessary+ Is it true+ .oes it excite+ If
not remove or rewrite it.
Then ask yourself &so what+" again

/. If every sentence passes the &so what+" test , your cover letters will be concise, hard hitting and
irresistible to employers.
I am currently employed with a $lpha 'ystems in 2umbai in the 3roduction 4ogistics quipment
$ssembly division as a Technical 'upport 2anager 5"'( )*$T+"6.I am willing to take up any
engineering post 5&'( )*$T+"6 .
I am applying for a position where my eight years of engineering experience and end user
training experience will add value to the logistics operation for your client.5here he7she clearly
states the type of -ob he is speaking, while promoting add value for client6
*ere is what I can give to 'ura- $irways1 five years of publication and marketing experience for
fortune #88 clientele resulting in repeat business,2189 revenue growth and three industry

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