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A lost letter from the Queen of Salzt to her daughter Cassandra:

My Daughter Cassandra,
I believe that there is trouble coming my way, but that does not concern me. Rather, I
am concerned about you my Dearling. Since last time you wrote, I have observed much and
from what your brother tells me, a similar observation may be made of your country. I fear for
the security of your nation.
Our Minister of Foreign Affairs is the topic on which I am worried. I cannot say too much
in fear that he will read this. If you receive it, you must burn it, but I will tell you that Salzts spies
have played a hand. The simple signs are truly simple. Salzt, has been its usual quite, but our
neighbors in Mudden have far passed us on quietness. Even Hordenlind, has fallen under some
lack of communication. I believe that this is all do to Richard. It is not that he has told them to
render their speech, but rather that he has formed an army of the countrys peoples. An army
against your husband. My Dearling, I fear that he means to kill me and your brother, so that
way we will not stand in his way in killing you.
Richard, he has one weakness. It is the same as your husbands and your husbands
mother. Richard is silent about his obsession, but over the years, he has asked many questions
that only a very well educated man would know. The questions relate to, of course, The Kings
Promise. Which, I really know next to nothing about except for the fact that its origins lie in
Salzian legends, truths, and means. You know of what I am making reference to and I hope this
will encourage you to put an end to the Linderservian legends myth. Not only for your good-but
for the future of your growing family, Linderservia, Salzt, and our sacred promise.
If you receive this letter, please do respond, but be careful. I hope that you will discuss
with your husband all that I told you in my last letter and that you receive this letter in time. In
reference to my concern, I hope my suspicions are false and only due to my illness. Please
respond as quickly as you can my Dearling. Remember that the future of our promise and the
truths of what we know are in your hands.

Love always,
Your Mother

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