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Would you llke Lo see a LransformaLlon ln your Sunday School / Chlldren's MlnlsLry?

Would you llke Lo see chlldren moblllzed, mlnlsLerlng, and wlnnlng Lhelr frlends for !esus?

Would you llke Lo see chlldren dlsclpled and maklng dlsclples Lhemselves?

Would you llke Lo see Sunday School / Chlldren's MlnlsLry Leachers commlLLed Lo a small group of
chlldren and become splrlLual faLhers and moLhers Lo Lhem?

Would you llke Lo see Sunday School/ Chlldren's MlnlsLry Leachers Lralned and able Lo moblllze
chlldren Lo lead cells ln Lhelr churches, schools and homes?

Would you llke maLerlals LhaL wlll help your chlldren Lo undersLand klngdom values of lovlng Cod,
lovlng one anoLher and lovlng Lhose who are losL Lo !esus?

All over Lhe world small groups are Lransformlng Chlldren's MlnlsLry and Lralnlng chlldren Lo be
parLakers of Lhe klngdom. lrom Lhe lnner clLy Lo Lhe vlllages, chlldren are leadlng and dlsclpllng oLher
chlldren, Lhey are mlnlsLerlng Lo each oLher and havlng Lhe opporLunlLy of reachlng Lhelr full
poLenLlal ln !esus.

!esus used lnLeracLlve learnlng. Pe encouraged quesLlons and responded Lo relevanL lssues. Pe senL
Pls dlsclples ouL and Lralned Lhem Lo be leaders whlle glvlng Lhem supporL and feedback. lL ls Llme Lo
look aL Lhe way we are dolng Church for our chlldren and, uslng !esus as our model, Lraln Lhem for
such a Llme as Lhls!


1hen read on!

1h|s 1ra|n|ng |s |n 2 parts:

Document 1 = art #1 - 1ralnlng for LranslLlonlng Chlldren's MlnlsLry / Sunday School Lo cells.
Document 2 = art #2 - Cell agendas Lo experlenLlally Lake leaders and chlldren Lhrough cell values.

8eg|n 8y:

Asklng Senlor Leadershlp and Sunday School / Chlldren's MlnlsLry leaders Lo compleLe arL 1
by Lhemselves. (1hls documenL ls Lo provoke dlscusslon, noL Lo be seen as rlghL / wrong.)
Arranglng Lo meeL and dlscuss Lhelr wrlLLen responses ln Lhe documenL.
lrom Lhe pulplL Lhe asLor should preach on Lhe 8lbllcal place of chlldren before announclng
any changes Lo Lhe congregaLlon.

1hen Us|ng the Mater|a|s |n art 2

CasL Lhe vlslon Lo Lhe chlldren Lhemselves.
SelecL a small group of chlldren and ploneer Lhe experlence wlLh Lhem.
lorm cells (8 chlldren) wlLh commlLLed adulL leaders.

1hen L|v|ng W|th Iesus 1ogether: 43 weeks of Chlldren's Cell maLerlal ln LemplaLe form, so Churches
can Lhen wrlLe Lhelr own maLerlal ln llne wlLh Lhe vlslon of Lhelr Church.

D|sc|p||ng Ch||dren to be Imp|emented 1hrough the Adu|t Lqu|pp|ng 1rack:

L|v|ng W|th Iesus: ulsclpleshlp MaLerlal - once a week for a chlld one Lo one wlLh a parenL (or
anoLher adulL lf noL appllcable).

Add|t|ona| kesources by Daphne k|rk

8econnecLlng Lhe CeneraLlons
8orn for Such a 1lme as 1hls
Pelrs 1ogeLher (rlnclples and pracLlce of lnLergeneraLlonal Cells)
When a Chlld Asks Lo be 8apLlzed
When a chlld asks abouL Communlon

art #1 - 1ransform|ng M|n|stry w|th Ch||dren (Ce||s)


God's "Iob Descr|pt|on" for the Ch||dren of the Nat|ons

All over Lhe world l hear Lhe SplrlL of Cod sendlng a clear propheLlc message. 1hls ls Lhe hearLbeaL of
Lhe message LhaL l have capLured from so many naLlons, lL could be called Cod's !ob uescrlpLlon"
for Lhe youngesL generaLlon. LveryLhlng we do ls Lo release Lhem Lo be Cod's Lnd 1lme Army. keep
Lhls word as a plumb llne" as you begln Lhe process of Lransformlng your chlldren's mlnlsLry.

Many have called Lhls Lhe !oshua generaLlon, chosen Lo lnherlL Lhe land. 1hey wlll noL walL for deaLh,
Lo come lnLo Lhelr lnherlLance, buL wlll Lake Lhelr walLlng lnherlLance. 1hey wlll lnherlL whaL Lhey
have noL looked or asked for and whlch oLhers have lnLerceded for. 1hey musL remember LhaL oLhers
have foughL and dreamed for whaL Lhey wlll recelve.

1hls ls a consecraLed generaLlon for a hlgh and noble Lask Lo rlse up and lnherlL Lhe land, wlLh an
anolnLlng for baLLle. 1hey wlll see Lhlngs speed up, Lhey wlll look and Lhe answer wlll be Lhere, Lhey
wlll speak and lL wlll happen. 1hey wlll see come Lo pass whaL many have spenL years looklng for.
1hls wlll be normal Lo Lhem, Lhls wlll be Lhelr expecLaLlon.

1here ls an awakenlng sweeplng across Lhe earLh, Lhls generaLlon wlll see Lhe glory of Cod poured
ouL, and sLreams ln Lhe deserL... 1hey wlll noL llve by Lhe rules of prevlous generaLlons buL wlll have a
llfe and a vlslon LhaL cannoL be conLalned.

1hey wlll look dlfferenL and be dlfferenL, wlLh a power and zeal dlfferenL from oLher generaLlons.
1hey wlll see whaL oLhers have sLruggled Lo see and undersLand dlvlne sLraLegy of Lhese days, flndlng
lL easy Lo walk ln.

1hey wlll manlfesL as a wlld radlcal generaLlon who pracLlce hollness, who know how Lo love and
forglve. 1hey are an advanclng ellLe army, rlslng from every parL of Lhe earLh, even from Lhe dry
places, and emerglng from Lhe wllderness, Laklng !esus everywhere, lnLo places of lnfluence, Lo Lhe
poor and rlch allke.

1hey are a masslve army belng Lralned rlghL now, Lhere wlll noL be Llme Lo Lraln Lhem laLer. now ls
Lhe Llme Lo equlp and release Lhem. 1hey are called Lo be an army of propheL and propheLesses, Lo
hear Lhe beaL of Pls hearL and march Lo lLs message, Lo sLand ln Lhe clLy gaLes and prophesy. 1hls ls
Lhe Llme for Lhe splrlL of Lhe nasserlLes, for Lhe Lll[ah revoluLlon, a radlcally obedlenL, holy
generaLlon full of grace, mercy and boldness.

As Lhey sLay close Lo anolnLed men and serve Lhem Cod wlll open doors. 1hey wlll shake Lhe naLlons
and Lake Pls glory Lo Lhe ends of Lhe earLh wlLh a vlslon and passlon for Lhe harvesL. lL wlll be seen
why Lhe enemy has Lrled Lo desLroy Lhem, Pe saw Lhe end Llme army, havlng counLed Lhe cosL of
dlsclpleshlp, ready and wllllng Lo lay down Lhelr llves.

revlous generaLlons have sLood Lhrough hard Llmes seelng llLLle ln reLurn. 1hey sLood for Lhls
generaLlon, Lhey pald a prlce LhaL Lhls generaLlon could lnherlL"

- - LxcerpL from keconnect|ng the Generat|ons

8e-read Lhe propheLlc word and underllne sLaLemenLs LhaL lmpacLed you.

SLaLe why you were lmpacLed:

WhaL dlfference wlll Lhese words make Lo your undersLandlng of Lralnlng Lhls generaLlon
llLerally for such a Llme as Lhls."?

Va|ues 1hat W||| 1ransform our Ch||dren's M|n|stry

1he followlng are clearly deflned values for Chlldren's MlnlsLry, glvlng every chlld Lhe opporLunlLy of
llvlng Lhem ouL.

!esus aL Lhe CenLre:
!esus aL Lhe cenLre of every chlld's llfe.
!esus aL Lhe cenLre of every famlly.

Lvery Chlld ln MlnlsLry
All chlldren are mlnlsLers.
All chlldren are called Lo serve.
All chlldren are empowered for servlce.

Lvery Chlld Crowlng
All chlldren are recelvers and glvers.
All chlldren are hearers and doers.
All chlldren belng dlsclpled.

Lvery Chlld WlLnesslng
All chlldren are called Lo wln oLhers.
All chlldren are equlpped Lo wln oLhers.
All chlldren maklng dlsclples.

Lvery lamlly 8eached
1he famlly of every chlld reached for !esus.
arenLs who know !esus, dlsclpllng Lhelr own chlldren.
1he famlly of every chlld servlng !esus LogeLher.

Lvery Chlld and Lvery lamlly
Lovlng Cod.
Lovlng one anoLher.
Lovlng Lhe losL.

LvaluaLe how lmporLanL you see Lhese.

Who |s a Ch||dren's M|n|ster?

1he 8lble presenLs parenLs as belng Lhe prlmary mlnlsLers for Lhelr chlldren (salm 78:1-8,
ueuLeronomy 29:29, eLc.) buL also every member of every generaLlon ls commanded Lo be
responslble for Lhe nexL (salm 143:4). When we lgnore Lhls edlcL Lhe caLasLrophlc resulL ls seen ln
!udges 2:10 When Lhls generaLlon had reLurned Lo lLs faLhers a generaLlon grew up who dld noL
know Lhelr Cod." 1oday Lhe Poly SplrlL ls moblllzlng our generaLlon Lo Lraln a generaLlon LhaL really
knows Lhelr Cod. Sadly Loday many see Chlldren's MlnlsLry as holdlng Lhe prlmary, and ofLen Lhe only,
responslblllLy for chlldren's splrlLual developmenL. Chlldren's MlnlsLry have a very lmporLanL role, buL
Lhey are sLruggllng Lo do Lhe Lask LhaL every bellever ls called Lo do!

Pavlng sald LhaL, we wlll now refer Lo Lhe Chlldren's MlnlsLer as we have come Lo Lhlnk of lL Loday,
buL l hope LhaL Lhese 8lbllcal prlnclples wlll noL dlsappear:
Cne generaLlon belng responslble for Lhe dlsclpleshlp of Lhe nexL.
arenLs belng responslble for Lhe dlsclpleshlp of Lhelr chlldren.

1he erson Lead|ng the Ch||dren's M|n|stry

1hls person ls key, [usL as ln every oLher leadershlp poslLlon. 1hls ls noL Lhe Lask for [usL anyone. lL ls a
poslLlon LhaL noL only deserves honor buL should be held wlLh respecL and be glven only afLer much
prayer and under Lhe usual leadershlp guldellnes.

1he erson Lead|ng the Ch||dren's M|n|stry Must:

8e someone wlLh vlslon and passlon ln Lralnlng Lhe chlldren for such a Llme as Lhls"!
Pave Lhe same leadershlp characLer and splrlLual quallLles as oLher Church leaders.
8e empowered and recognlzed by Lhe senlor leadershlp of Lhe Church.
8e submlLLed Lo LhaL leadershlp.
8e ln members of a cell Lhemselves.

ua||t|es they w||| Need (recognlzlng LhaL we are all ln Lhe process of change):

1he ablllLy Lo work closely wlLh Lhe senlor leadershlp.
1he ablllLy Lo Leach chlldren wlLh lnsplraLlon and convlcLlon.
1he ablllLy Lo relaLe and communlcaLe Lo parenLs and leaders.
1he ablllLy Lo command respecL and dlsclpllne ln a Codly manner.
A person of prayer.
1he ablllLy Lo Lraln, empower and supporL oLhers wlLh whom Lhey work.

It |s V|ta| that the Sen|or Ch||dren's ] outh M|n|sters are on the Sen|or Leadersh|p 1eam, so:

1hey caLch Lhe hearL of all LhaL ls happenlng, Laklng lL lnLo Lhe Chlldren's MlnlsLry.
1he face of Lhe chlldren" ls represenLed on Lhe leadershlp Leam.
1he ouLworklng of declslons lncludes Lhe chlldren.
1hey are supporLed and glven honor.
8elng responslble for chlldren ls a someLhlng !esus holds ln hlghesL esLeem.

8ead MaLLhew 18:1-18, llsL and make a noLe of whaL lmpacLed you:

Pow wlll your llfe be changed as a resulL of Laklng a fresh look aL Lhls chapLer?

1eacher to Iac|||tator

Sunday school Leachers wlll need a change of paradlgm Lo undersLand Lhe faclllLaLlng role of a cell
leader. lL ls a dlfferenL dynamlc and one LhaL needs Lo be clearly undersLood.

Ch||dren's Ce|| Iac|||tator

Cne of Lhe prlmary ad[usLmenLs for Lhose who have prevlously LaughL ln Chlldren's MlnlsLry / Sunday
school ls Lo be able Lo faclllLaLe chlldren raLher Lhan Leach. laclllLaLlon wlll help Lo release Lhe work
of Pls SplrlL ln and Lhrough Lhem.

Movlng from Leacher Lo faclllLaLor can be hard, especlally when leadlng a small group of chlldren. 1he
adulL can auLomaLlcally feel LhaL Lhey have more Lo glve Lhan a chlld. lL also Lakes Llme for chlldren Lo
reallze LhaL whaL Lhey have Lo offer oLher chlldren and adulLs ls [usL as valuable. lL ls one Poly SplrlL
llvlng ln all of us, whaLever age. 1he 8lble Lells us LhaL we have much Lo learn from Lhem and LhaL
Lhey are role models for us (MaLLhew 18).

llrsL conslder Lhe dlfferences beLween a Leacher and a faclllLaLor:

1eacher Iac|||tator
l am Lhe focus l enable oLhers Lo be Lhe focus
?ou expecL Lo learn from me We expecL Lo learn from each oLher
l brlng my besL Lo you We brlng ouL Lhe besL ln each oLher
l am lmporLanL Lo you We are lmporLanL Lo each oLher
l mlnlsLer Lo you We mlnlsLer Lo each oLher

Add Lo Lhe llsL oLher examples of Lhe dlfference beLween Leacher" and faclllLaLor.

WhaL are some of Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhese changes ln a Chlldren's MlnlsLry:

1eacher to 1ra|ner

Ch||dren Need D|sc|p|esh|p

!esus modeled dlsclpleshlp, whlch was noL llmlLed Lo meeLlngs buL a llfesLyle LhaL was relevanL Lo
Lhem. So lL ls wlLh chlldren. Cur alm ls Lo make dlsclples of !esus, and Lhen send Lhem ouL Lralned
and supporLed, Lo do Lhe same. !esus commlssloned us Lo make dlsclples of all naLlons" - every
adulL, young person and chlld (MaLLhew 28). Pe also commlssloned Lhe chlldren Lo make dlsclples.

Chlldren need relaLlonshlp boLh lnslde and ouLslde Lhe small group meeLlng, noL only Lo bulld LrusL
buL also for encouragemenL and follow up. 1he cell leadershlp musL exLend beyond Lhe meeLlng and
be lnvolved ln Lhe famlly and llfe of Lhe chlld Lhrough vlslLs, phone calls, eLc.

1ra|n up a Ch||d

roverbs says, 1raln up a chlld ln Lhe way he should go and when he ls old he wlll noL deparL from
lL." 1here ls a dlsLlncL dlfference beLween Leachlng" and Lralnlng". A Leacher may Lell all abouL lL,
buL a Lralner wlll glve opporLunlLy Lo pracLlce and coach. l may glve chlldren lnformaLlon so Lhey have
good undersLandlng of a game, buL unless Lhey have opporLunlLy of belng coached and pracLlce Lhey
wlll never make a player. 1hls ls Lralnlng.

A Lralner or dlsclpler, wlll be Lhe observer, parLlclpaLor, coach and encourager, [usL as !esus was wlLh
Pls dlsclples. Pe senL Lhem ouL and gave Lhem Lhe opporLunlLy of learnlng and comlng back Lo Plm
for coachlng" or Lralnlng.

Chlldren may !"#$ abouL prayer... buL can Lhey pray?
1hey may !"#$ abouL a relaLlonshlp wlLh !esus. buL have Lhey goL a relaLlonshlp wlLh Plm?
1hey may !"#$ abouL wlnnlng Lhelr frlends Lo !esus. buL are Lhey acLually dolng lL?
1hey may !"#$ abouL hearlng Lhe volce of Co. buL can Lhey acLually hear Plm?

WhaL are dlfferences beLween a Leacher and a Lralner?

1eacher 1ra|ner ] D|sc|p|er
l Lell l glve you Lhe opporLunlLy Lo experlence Loo
l do lL so you can see l model Lhen you do lL Loo. l glve you feedback
?ou learn from whaL l say l encourage and help you unLll you geL lL"
AL seL Llmes and occaslons l follow up so you make Lhe pracLlce a llfesLyle
l Leach from my experlence l wanL you Lo have experlence Loo


ConLlnue Lo add some dlfferences beLween a Leacher and a dlsclpler/Lralner.

LlsL some lmpllcaLlons of movlng from a Leacher Lo a Lralner ln chlldren's mlnlsLry:

WhaL would be your personal blggesL challenge as you move from Leacher Lo

What |s the V|s|on of the Ch||dren's M|n|stry?

1he prlmary alm of Chlldren's MlnlsLry ls Lo work wlLh Lhe senlor leaders Lo brlng Lo pass Lhe vlslon
LhaL Cod has glven for LhaL local body of bellevers.

lor Loo long Lhe Chlldren's MlnlsLry has been dlsconnecLed from Lhe vlslon, and Lherefore Lhe
dlrecLlon of Lhe Church. now ls Lhe Llme for Lhe Church Lo be unlLed and work Lowards a clearly
communlcaLed vlslon. 1hls unlLy wlll brlng famllles LogeLher, cells LogeLher and every generaLlon
LogeLher worklng for Lhe klngdom of Cod.

lL has been sald, Lwo vlslons are dlvlslon", yeL ofLen a Church has Lhree vlslons: one for Lhe adulLs,
one for Lhe chlldren and one for Lhe young people. When Lhe chlldren of lsrael Lraveled from LgypL
Lo Lhe romlsed Land every generaLlon wenL LogeLher. 1hey wenL Lhrough Lhe good Llmes and Lhey
wenL Lhrough Lhe bad. When haraoh Lold Moses LhaL he could Lake Lhe men buL leave Lhe women
and chlldren behlnd, Moses replled Cne ouL! All ouL!" Pe had a vlslon, Lo Lake Lhem all, every man,
woman, young person, and chlld Lo Lhe romlsed Land. 1haL ls sLlll Cod's dream: LhaL we all go

1ake a momenL rlghL now and wrlLe ouL Lhe vlslon sLaLemenL for your church:

V|s|on statement for your Church: (lf you are unclear abouL Lhe vlslon for your Church, lnvlLe a
member of Lhe senlor leadershlp Lo come and share lL wlLh all Lhose lnvolved ln Chlldren's MlnlsLry
(perhaps lncludlng Lhe parenLs).

WhaL lmpacL would lL have lf every generaLlon were movlng LogeLher Lo fulflll Lhe vlslon
LhaL Cod has glven for your Church? 8e speclflc abouL whaL you Lhlnk LhaL would look llke!

In your Church:

In your Ch||dren's M|n|stry:

What nappens |n a Ch||dren's Ce|| Meet|ng?

ln a Cell, Lhrough a sLraLegy of Welcome, Worshlp, Word and WlLness (ofLen called Lhe 4 W's!), Lhe
chlldren and Cell leader wlll worshlp !esus, apply Lhe word of Cod Lo Lhelr llves, and be equlpped Lo
wln Lhelr frlends for !esus.

Model 1 - lf Lhe Chlldren's Cells meeL ln one room Lhen Lhe followlng paLLern could be used wlLh Lhe
Chlldren's asLor faclllLaLlng from Lhe fronL." 1hls model allows Lhe senlor Chlldren's MlnlsLer Lo
glve supporL Lo all Cells. lL wlll also be a supporLlve envlronmenL for chlldren as Lhey are dlsclpled Lo
lead Lhelr own group.

Model 2 - lf Cells meeL ln lndlvldual rooms Lhen each small group leader wlll be responslble for Lhe
whole meeLlng havlng Lhe maLerlal LhaL ls glven ouL Lo all Lhe Cells.

We|com|ng Lach Cther

Chalrs for cells can be seL ouL ln a u" shape open Lo Lhe fronL.

As chlldren arrlve Lhey go sLralghL Lo Lhelr Cell where Lhelr leader walLs Lo welcome Lhem. ln Lhelr
lndlvldual groups Lhe chlldren welcome each oLher durlng refreshmenLs (a drlnk and a snack), sharlng
LogeLher abouL Lhelr week.
Lncourage all chlldren Lo share, llsLen and respond. ray, moblllze, supporL, encourage, and

All Cells can Lhen answer Lhe lcebreaker quesLlon (glven on Lhe Cell agenda) ensurlng LhaL every chlld
and leader has Lhe chance Lo respond.
SLarL by answerlng yourself Lo model Lhe Lype and lengLh of answer. 1hen go round Lhe clrcle.

Worsh|pp|ng Iesus

Worshlp can be led by a glfLed worshlp leader from Lhe fronL," whlle chlldren remalnlng ln Lhelr
Cells. eople ofLen wonder why chlldren aren'L enLerlng lnLo pralse and worshlp - Loo ofLen lL ls
because of Lhe quallLy of worshlp leader. Lhey need Lhe very besL! 1he faclllLaLlon of LhaL worshlp
can Lake place ln Lhe Cell, led by Lhe leader wlLh Lhe glfLs of Lhe Poly SplrlL belng encouraged Lo flow
and mlnlsLry as approprlaLe.
uo noL begln unLll all Lhe chlldren are sLandlng ready Lo welcome !esus. Poldlng hands ls a
good way Lo brlng unlform.
use Cu's or a quallLy gulLarlsL, eLc.
When muslc ls belng used as background, always use lnsLrumenLal muslc.
Lncourage glfLs Lo flow.
Worshlp creaLlvely: e.g. wrlLe a leLLer Lo !esus, llsLen Lo whaL Pe ls saylng, llsLen Lo muslc, eLc.
use songs LhaL encourage worshlp (noL because Lhey are chlldren's songs").

Iesus' Word and Cur L|ves

A shorL Word" can be glven from Lhe senlor Chlldren's MlnlsLer Lo all Lhe Cells.
1he Cells can Lhen close Lhelr clrcle and Lhe Word applled Lo Lhelr llves (quesLlons wlll be on Lhe
agenda glven Lo each Cell leader). MlnlsLry can Lake place chlld Lo chlld, chlld Lo adulL, and adulL Lo
1hls ls abouL applylng Lhe Word Lo Lhe llves of Lhe chlldren and leader.
Lncourage mlnlsLry whenever approprlaLe. chlld-Lo-chlld, adulL Lo chlld, chlld Lo adulL.
Lncourage lnLeracLlon beLween Lhe chlldren: e.g. answerlng quesLlons anoLher mlghL have.
8e ready Lo make your lnpuL, guldlng, Lralnlng always faclllLaLlng Lhe move of Lhe Poly SplrlL.

W|tness|ng Ior Iesus

1hls secLlon ls Lo brlng awareness Lo a losL and hurLlng world, equlpplng and moblllzlng Lo make
Lveryone can Lhen close wlLh prayer and Lhe chlldren collecLed, by Lhelr parenLs, from Lhelr

1|ps for the Ch||dren's Sma|| Group Meet|ng:

1he maLerlals are Lhe skeleLons. keeplng Lhe essence of Lhe maLerlal, allow Lhe Poly SplrlL Lo
flow, senslng Pls dlrecLlon and creaLlvlLy.
Pave Lhe chlldren seaLed ln a clrcle. always waLch Lhe seaLlng arrangemenL as Lhls can be a
decldlng facLor ln Lhe aLmosphere of whole Cell meeLlng!
Lncourage every member Lo fully parLlclpaLe: lf Lhere ls a problem Lhen address lL. L.g. ln prayer.
WlLh Lhe chlld, wlLh Lhe parenLs, wlLh Lhose you are accounLable Lo.
lL ls lmporLanL Lhe leader shares and Lakes a full parL wlLh Lhe chlldren, uslng language
approprlaLe Lo chlldren. use a chlld frlendly verslon of Lhe 8lble.
8e well prepared. L.g. refreshmenLs, muslc, maLerlals, eLc. before Lhe chlldren arrlve.
8e very careful abouL Lhe use of drawlng / handlcrafL, eLc. Chlldren asslmllaLe very llLLle Lhrough
Lhese meLhods (generally Lhey are [usL learnlng Lo draw!)

Pow could you apply Lhls model Lo your Chlldren's MlnlsLry?

WhaL value do you see ln uslng all 4 W's wlLh Lhe chlldren's Cell?

Mater|a| for the Ch||dren's Ce|| Meet|ng

An Lncounter w|th Iesus

Many people ask how Lo keep chlldren lnLeresLed, how Lo enLerLaln Lhem, and have fun. Powever l
am rarely asked: Pow do we brlng chlldren lnLo Lhe presence of !esus, Lo have an encounLer wlLh
Plm?" 1hls ls Lhe prlmary alm of Lhe Cell. So any maLerlals used musL have Lhls as Lhe ob[ecLlve.

What |s the no|y Sp|r|t Say|ng to the "Church"?

1here are many good resources for Chlldren's MlnlsLry, buL how Lhey are used ls lmporLanL. 1he
Chlldren's MlnlsLry needs Lo llne up wlLh Lhe vlslon for Lhe whole Church

l have heard leadershlps say LhaL Lhe Church ls enLerlng a season of prayer, or a Leachlng serles on
whaL Lhey belleve ls a word for Lhe Church", yeL Lhe chlldren are dolng (e.g.) Lhe cross and Lhe
young people sLudylng relaLlonshlps.

Chlldren are parL of Lhe Church" so lf Lhe message ls for Lhe Church lL ls for Lhem also. WlLh Lhls ln
mlnd lL ls lmporLanL LhaL resources wlll faclllLaLe Lhe vlslon and dlrecLlon of Lhe Church.

1hls wlll:
Lnable famllles Lo hear Lhe same Word and move ln Lhe same dlrecLlon.
Lmpower parenLs.
8rlng abouL a unlLy ln Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe Church.
8e obedlence Lo Lhe Poly SplrlL when Pe has a Word for Lhe Church".

1hls may seem llke an lmposslble challenge buL lf Lhe senlor asLor gave one member of Lhe Church
Lhe followlng, Lhen Lhe chlldren's agenda could be wrlLLen, wlLh some added creaLlvlLy, and senL ouL
Lo all chlldren's Cells each week (appllcaLlon of Lhe Word ls ageless!):
1he maln ScrlpLure - L.g. !ohn 3:16
1he Lheme of Lhe message - L.g. Cod Loves Lhe World
1he challenge of Lhe message - L.g. uo We Love 1hose Around us As Cod uoes?

1hls way Lhere ls one message golng lnLo Lhe homes, and one message Lo Lhe whole of Lhe body of

Mater|a|s Used

MaLerlals ln arL 2 enable you Lo sLarL Lhe Cells by Laklng you Lhrough baslc Cell values.
Llvlng WlLh !esus 1ogeLher by uaphne klrk has one year's maLerlal. 1hese glve a model Lo
Lhen wrlLe your own maLerlals, and wlll help Lhe chlldren experlence Lhe baslc values of Cells.

8ased on Lhe 4 W's (Welcome, Worshlp, Word, and WlLness) Lhe above maLerlals provlde Lhe
framework for Lhe Poly SplrlL, Lhrough prayer, Lo glve everyone an encounLer wlLh !esus. no maLLer
how good Lhe maLerlals, Lhey wlll be llke wood wlLhouL flre unless Lhere ls prayer and preparaLlon
and Lhe Poly SplrlL flowlng.
reparat|on wlll ensure LhaL ownershlp ls Laken of agendas.

rayer wlll prepare Lhe way buL mosL of all prepare Lhe hearL of Lhe leader so Lhey are senslLlve Lo
Lhe Poly SplrlL.

WhaL beneflLs can you see lf Lhe chlldren hear Lhe same Loplc / message as Lhe adulLs?

WhaL would Lhe challenges be Lo you as a mlnlsLry and how could you over come Lhem?

1ra|n|ng eer Leadersh|p

l have a dream: LhaL parenLs dlsclple Lhelr chlldren and brlng Lhem Lo Lhe body of ChrlsL who forms
Lhem lnLo an army (Cell) Lo wln Lhe losL." Cradually lL ls posslble Lo see chlldren form Lhelr own Cells
and dlsclple Lhelr frlends, whllsL Lralned, supporLed and resourced by Lhe Chlldren's MlnlsLry, senL
ouL ln Lhelr communlLles and schools Lo reach Lhose we cannoL reach, wlLh Lhe gospel of !esus. 1hls
wlll noL happen by chance buL as Lhe chlldren are lnLenLlonally Lralned, [usL as wlLh adulL leaders.

Chlldren who have become famlllar wlLh communlLy llfe ln Lhelr Cell and are capable of leadlng Lhe
Cell Lhemselves can be ralsed lnLo leadershlp experlenLlally and very gradually released. 1hls ls boLh
exclLlng and challenglng.

WhaL are Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lralnlng chlldren Lo lead small groups?

WhaL lmpllcaLlons would Lhls have on your mlnlsLry?

What About the arents?

Sadly ln mosL Chlldren's MlnlsLrles Lhe parenLs are lsolaLed from Lhelr chlldren. arenLs Lake an acLlve
lnLeresL ln Lhelr chlldren's educaLlon, ln Lhelr sporLlng achlevemenLs and ln many oLher aspecLs of
Lhelr llves. WhaL message does lL glve Lo a chlld LhaL Lhls does noL happen wlLhln Lhe llfesLyle of

LffecLlve change ln Lhe hearLs of parenLs wlll come from revelaLlon of Lhe Word under Lhe power and
anolnLlng of Lhe Poly SplrlL. Cenerally Lhls requlres Leachlng and mlnlsLry from Lhe asLor aL Lhe
pulplL, brlnglng abouL a change of culLure where parenLs are lnvolved ln Lhe Church llfe" of Lhelr
chlldren, and are resLored Lo belng Lhe prlmary dlsclplers ln Lhelr chlldren's llves.

ueuLeronomy 29:29, 1he secreL Lhlngs belong Lo Cod Lhe Lhlngs revealed belong Lo us and our
chlldren." 1hls sLaLemenL brlngs Lo llfe Lhe vlslon of every parenL belng a cusLodlan of all LhaL Cod
glves Lhem and belng responslble for passlng LhaL on Lo Lhelr chlldren.

When we Lry and reach chlldren wlLhouL belng lnvolved ln Lhelr famlly Lhe Lask ls so much more
dlfflculL. So ofLen Lhe secreL of chlldren's fuLure can be seen ln Lhelr home clrcumsLances.

Suggest|ons for Invo|v|ng arents:

Pave parenLs as cell leaders wlLh Lhelr own chlldren or wlLhln Lhe age group of Lhelr chlldren.

Ask every parenL (faLhers and moLhers) Lo go on a rosLer Lo be parL of Lhelr chlld's Cell on a
regular basls, noL Lo help buL be parLlclpanLs wlLh Lhelr chlldren. 1hls noL only allows Lhem Lo see Lhe
poLenLlal of Lhelr chlld, buL also encourages parLlclpaLlon LhaL can be conLlnued aL home.

Pold quarLerly prayer nlghLs for parenLs, where Lhey pray for Lhemselves, Lhelr famllles, Lhelr
chlldren and Lhelr chlldren's Cells.

Lncourage parenLs Lo play a parL ln ouLreach evenLs wlLh Lhelr chlldren.

When Lhelr chlld brlngs a frlend Lo Lhe chlldren's small group encourage Lhe parenLs Lo adopL"
LhaL chlld, care for Lhem and relaLe Lo LhaL chlld's parenLs.

As parL of Lhe adulL equlpplng Lrack, when addresslng dlsclpleshlp, lmplemenL a chlldren's
dlsclpleshlp Lrack for parenLs Lo do wlLh Lhelr chlldren (see Llvlng WlLh !esus by uaphne klrk). 1hls
can be used as an lnlLlal push ln parLnershlp wlLh Lhe Llvlng wlLh !esus 1ogeLher chlldren's Cell
maLerlal and Lhen solely Lhrough Lhe adulL equlpplng Lrack. never lnlLlaLe Lhls Lhrough Lhe chlldren's
mlnlsLry - parenLs look Lo Lhe asLor, Lhelr Cell leader, eLc.)

LlsL ways LhaL you, as a church, could more effecLlvely empower and lnclude your parenLs.
8emember LhaL Lhe lmpeLus musL come from Lhe senlor leadershlp of Lhe Church.

"1wo W|ngs" for the Ch||dren

Chlldren need Lo experlence Church boLh Lhrough:

1. 1he 8|g W|ng ] Ch||dren's Ce|ebrat|on where Lhe greaLness of Cod ls experlenced and Cells
come LogeLher Lo pralse and worshlp Lhe AlmlghLy Cod and hear Lhe anolnLed Word of Cod.
1hls musL lead by someone who ls experlenced and glfLed for Lhls.

1hls could be when chlldren are encouraged Lo brlng Lhelr frlends. 1hey can pray for Lhe
celebraLlon ln Lhelr Cells, pray for Lhelr frlends and glve Lhem some ownershlp of Lhls Llme.
1esLlmonles could be glven and Lhey can hear whaL !esus has been dolng ln oLher Cells.
lL ls a Llme of celebraLlon". 1he decor of Lhe room should glve LhaL feel Loo!
AL Lhls Llme chlldren whose glfLs are belng dlsclpled can approprlaLely mlnlsLer. Always be
careful noL Lo expose chlldren Loo soon. ray wlLh Lhem and help Lhem prepare, encourage
Lhelr famllles Lo pray lnLo Lhelr lnpuL ln Lhe proceedlng weeks.

2. 1he Sma|| W|ng when Cells experlence lnLlmacy wlLh each oLher and wlLh !esus

WlLh Lwo wlngs Lhe chlldren can fly!

1he followlng are ldeas LhaL you may be able Lo adapL Lo your slLuaLlon:
Cnce a monLh have a chlldren's celebraLlon and Lhen Lhe resL of Lhe monLh meeL ln Cells.
Pave an lnLergeneraLlonal celebraLlon once a monLh and Lhen meeL ln Lhelr cell groups Lhe
resL of Lhe monLh.
Pave a chlldren's / lnLergeneraLlonal celebraLlon on Lhe Sunday and Cells meeL ln Lhe week.
1he cells apply dlfferenL aspecLs of Lhe Word Lhey heard ln Lhe celebraLlon.

Powever you declde Lo go forward, Lhe alm musL be Lo glve Lhem Lhe experlence of boLh wlngs".

WhaL wlll Lhe chlldren galn by belng ln a 8lg Wlng" experlence?

WhaL wlll Lhe chlldren galn by belng ln a Small Wlng" experlence?

Pow could you faclllLaLe boLh of Lhese for your chlldren?

What |s the ko|e of the Ch||dren's M|n|stry?

1he followlng provldes some guldellnes for you Lo adapL Lo your slLuaLlon:
1o work closely wlLh Lhe senlor leadershlp Lo fulflll Lhe vlslon and goals for Lhe Church.
8elng a Codly role model.
8elng splrlLual parenLs Lhrough relaLlonal dlsclpleshlp LhaL exLends ouLslde Lhe meeLlng Llme.
raylng for and relaLlng Lo chlldren and Lhelr famllles.
Always honorlng Lhe offlce of parenLhood and empowerlng parenLs Lo be Lhe prlmary
dlsclplers of Lhelr chlldren.
8elng a resource Lo cells as Lhey relaLe Lo and mlnlsLer Lo chlldren.
8eachlng ouL Lo unsaved chlldren, bulldlng relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhelr parenLs and asslmllaLlng
Lhem lnLo Lhe Cells.
Crganlzlng ouLreach evenLs for chlldren ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe Cells.
8unnlng equlpplng /encounLer weekends for chlldren.
1ralnlng new chlldren's small group leaders, boLh adulLs and chlldren.

What |f the Same Adu|t Cannot Lead the Ce|| Lvery Week?

SomeLlmes adulLs roLaLe ln Lhe chlldren's mlnlsLry because of clrcumsLances. ldeally chlldren need
Lhe conLlnulLy of Lhe same people/person buL lf Lhls ls noL posslble Lhen, Lhlnklng relaLlonshlp," Lhe
followlng could be an answer:

3 adulLs (A. 8. and C.) commlL Lo one cell, Lhls ls Lhelr group of chlldren. 8eLween Lhem Lhey are
responslble for bulldlng relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe chlldren and Lhelr famllles, buL ln a coordlnaLed way.

lor Lhe acLual meeLlng:
Weeks 1 - 4 person A ls responslble
Weeks 4 - 7 person 8 ls responslble
Weeks 7 - 9 person C ls responslble
Weeks 9 - 12 person A ls responslble
Weeks 12 - 13 person 8 ls responslble
Weeks 13 - 18 person C ls responslble, eLc.

ln Lhls way Lhere ls overlap and co-ordlnaLlon so Lhe chlldren have a smooLh relaLlonal change from
one person Lo anoLher. Also Lhe leader can Lake Lhe group forward smooLhly.

1hls leadershlp may:
Make changes Lo LhaL rosLer for holldays, personal clrcumsLances, eLc. so long as Lhere ls
always Lhe week overlap.
Make declslons on who wlll lead Lhe group dependanL on facLors, e.g. a Loplc may be
lnLroduced LhaL one leader has a hearL for and Lhey may declde LhaL he/she Lakes Lhe group
LhroughouL LhaL Loplc.
Pave speclal Llmes or evenLs when all Lhe leaders are presenL.
Pave clear agreed ways Lhey wlll all work. l.e. Approach Lhe chlldren, dlsclpllne, rouLlnes, eLc.
All meeL aL leasL once durlng each roLaLlon Lo pray and Lalk Lhrough lssues LhaL may have
keep clear reporLs Lo send Lo each oLher and Lo Lhe senlor chlldren's mlnlsLer afLer each
meeLlng so all can pray and communlcaLe.

1hese glve ownershlp Lo Lhe leadershlp Leam and Lhe senlor chlldren's mlnlsLer does noL have Lo
make endless compllcaLed rosLers!


Clear wrlLLen pollcles are essenLlal ln a Church noL only for Lhe beneflL of currenL members, buL also
for Lhose who wlll be comlng ln.

ollcles can always be changed buL, unless Lhey are wrlLLen, Lhere ls opporLunlLy for
mlslnLerpreLaLlon boLh of Lhe facLs and of Lhe hearL behlnd Lhe pollcy. All pollcles relaLlng Lo docLrlne
need ScrlpLure references so LhaL everyone can see Lhe 8lbllcal basls on whlch Lhey have been made.

key po||c|es re|at|ng to ch||dren,
1he place of chlldren ln relaLlon Lo 8apt|sm.
1he place of chlldren ln relaLlon Lo Commun|on / Lhe Lord's Supper.
1he role and expecLaLlon of parenLs and Lhe Church.

1he senlor leadershlp, ofLen ln consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe senlor chlldren's mlnlsLer, musL deflne pollcles.
lL ls essenLlal Lo communlcaLe Lo parenLs, chlldren, Cell leaders, eLc. Lhe hearL behlnd declslons and
glvlng ScrlpLural references so 8lbllcal foundaLlons are clearly undersLood.

A clearly deflned Cell based Ch||d rotect|on ollcy.

A Chlld roLecLlon ollcy for Lhe cells LhaL meeL ln homes or Lhe Church bulldlng musL address lssues
such as: meeLlng ln homes, dlsclpleshlp, eLc. 1he whole Church needs Lo be aware of Lhe pollcy. 1hls
pollcy wlll need Lo be lmplemenLed Lhrough:
Speclflc Lralnlng days.
rofesslonal guldance.
Clearly wrlLLen and avallable guldellnes.
8egular revlews Lo keep lL always aL Lhe fronL of people's awareness.

Spend some Llme revlewlng your Church's poslLlon ln relaLlon Lo a Chlld roLecLlon ollcy, e.g.:

uo you have one / how wlll you go abouL lnlLlaLlng Lhe process?

lf you have one, ls lL approprlaLe for Lhe Cells?

Pow can you ralse Lhe proflle of Lhls lssue?

1ransform|ng the Ch||dren's M|n|stry from Schoo| to k|ngdom Va|ues

1ranslLlonlng lnLo Cells glves opporLunlLy Lo Lransform lnLo a mlnlsLry LhaL ls a greaLer reflecLlon of
relaLlonal klngdom values, LhaL reflecL Lhe hearL of Lhe laLher and cause splrlLual faLhers and
moLhers Lo emerge. unlversally Sunday School/Chlldren's MlnlsLry ls organlzed wlLh a school
menLallLy. 1he language Loo conveys Lhls: e.g. Leacher, class, lesson, grades, graduaLlon, currlculum,

no adulL changes groups or asLors because Lhey have reached a cerLaln age, or aLLends anoLher
deparLmenL" of Lhe Church because Lhey had promoLlon aL work! ?eL chlldren have relaLlonshlps
broken Lhrough golng up" when age or school changes occur. Changlng classes aL school ls a very
challenglng Llme for mosL chlldren, yeL so ofLen Lhe Church adds Lo LhaL Llme of sLress by asklng Lhem
Lo change aL Lhe same Llme.

1hose who mlnlsLer Lo chlldren very ofLen say l was [usL geLLlng Lo know Lhe chlld and Lhey wenL up
Lo anoLher class". 1hose who are commlLLed, as splrlLual faLhers and moLhers," are noL glven Lhe
opporLunlLy of on-golng relaLlonshlp. no carlng parenL has a chlld unLll a cerLaln age and Lhen passes
Lhem on Lo a more sulLable" famlly! ?eL Lhls ls how we operaLe wlLh chlldren who we wanL Lo
undersLand Lhe characLer of Lhelr Peavenly laLher from Lhose who mlnlsLer Lo Lhem.

lL ls my hope LhaL Cell leaders wlll sLay wlLh Lhelr Cell Lhrough chlldhood, and even Leenage years. 8y
Leens Lhere ls every posslblllLy Lhey wlll be peer led, buL sLlll wlLh ongolng relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe
person who poured lnLo Lhelr llfe durlng chlldhood.

lL ls undersLandable LhaL people may noL readlly commlL Lo see a group Lhrough Lo Leenage years.
Leaders may leave because of movlng ouL of Lhe locallLy or because of oLher llfe clrcumsLances.
Chlldren can undersLand Lhls far beLLer Lhan belng Lold Lhey have a new leader because Lhey have
reached a cerLaln age! 1he change of leadershlp Loo can Lake place wlLh over lap and agaln havlng
relaLlonshlp as a key facLor ln Lhe change.

WhaLever you declde, Lhlnk: klngdom values, noL an educaLlon sysLem!

Some of Lhe resulLs of lmplemenLlng chlldren's Cells:

Lvery chlld wlll be glven Lhe opporLunlLy of experlenclng Cell llfe.
1here wlll be Lhe opporLunlLy for peer leadershlp among Lhe chlldren.
Chlldren wlll have a model Lo Lake lnLo Lhelr schools and homes Lo make dlsclples of !esus.
Chlldren's Cells can be blrLhed from a large chlldren's ouLreach, Lo faclllLaLe dlsclpleshlp.
lL prepares chlldren Lo Lake Lhelr place ln lnLer-generaLlonal cells wlLh Lhelr parenLs.


ln whaL ways do your sLrucLures, values and language reflecL school"?

WhaL beneflLs can you see ln reformlng your sLrucLures Lo reflecL klngdom values raLher Lhan an
educaLlon sysLem?

WhaL changes can you make Lo reflecL and llve ouL relaLlonal klngdom values ln your Chlldren's

Ideas and 1houghts for the Iuture

lour weekends aL regular lnLervals Lhrough Lhe year where Lhe chlldren:
1. Afflrm Lhelr salvaLlon, undersLand abouL repenLance and Lhe prlce LhaL !esus pald.
2. undersLand abouL freedom ln ChrlsL and how Lo llve ln LhaL freedom.
3. undersLand Lhelr responslblllLy for Lhe CreaL Commlsslon and are equlpped Lo wln
Lhelr frlends.
4. undersLand and experlence more of Lhelr local Church.

Pold a 1hree-uay 8lble school for chlldren who wanL Lo know more.
lor example:
8elng LaughL abouL Lhe Labernacle maklng a model of lL ln deLall.
undersLandlng Lhe robes of Lhe prlesL and maklng Lhelr own.
llndlng ouL abouL hlsLorlcal evldence for 8lbllcal 1lmes and maklng Lhelr own arLlfacLs.

Pold regular fun Lralnlng days for chlldren wanLlng Lo lead Lhelr own cells. Where posslble ask Lhe
parenLs Lo be presenL for Lhls so Lhey can supporL Lhelr own chlldren. MosL of Lhls day should be

Pave regular sesslons for chlldren who are new bellevers so Lhey can go Lhrough baslc prlnclples.

Always be aLLenLlve Lo Lhe facL LhaL chlldren, llke adulLs, have dlfferenL needs and are aL dlfferenL
sLages ln Lhelr splrlLual growLh (noL educaLlonal growLh!). Some are noL saved, some are on flre for
!esus, some have a loL of 8lbllcal knowledge and some have none. 1hey cannoL be puL LogeLher and
hope every need ls meL. Cells wlll help buL Lhere may need Lo be Llmes Lo meeL speclflc needs.

1oday's chlldren are a generaLlon for mlsslon.
Pow can you geL Lhe Cells lnvolved ln mlsslon?
Pow can you glve Lhem a hearL for Lhe unreached and persecuLed?
Pow can you help Lhem Lo have a hearL for Lhe losL?

1oday's chlldren are a generaLlon for prayer.
Pow can you blrLh a llfesLyle of prayer?

1oday's chlldren are Lhe 8rlde of ChrlsL.
Pow can you encourage Lhem Lo llve uncompromlslng llves ln Lhe mlddle of a generaLlon LhaL
has sLrayed far from Cod?

1oday's generaLlon could be an end Llme generaLlon
Pow can you equlp Lhem Lo be as !ohn Lhe 8apLlsL and prepare Lhe way for !esus?

And I|na||y:

As you moblllze Lhese Cells you wlll no longer have a mlnlsLry where a few chlldren Lake parL, whlle
adulLs lead. ?ou wlll no longer have a mlnlsLry where every chlld ls noL personally known.

?ou have Lhe poLenLlal of:
All chlldren mlnlsLerlng.
All chlldren wlnnlng and dlsclpllng oLhers.
All chlldren servlng.
All chlldren empowered for servlce.
All chlldren parLlclpaLlng fully.
All chlldren recelvers and glvers.
All chlldren hearers and doers.
All chlldren known and dlsclpled.
All famllles relaLed Lo.
All chlldren havlng splrlLual parenLs commlLLed Lo Lhem 7 days a week!

1here ls no furLher excuse for delaylng Lhe mlllLanL equlpplng of every salnL (every chlld) for Lhe
work of Lhe mlnlsLry"
- ur. 8alph nelghbor

nCW ls Lhe Llme Lo Lraln Lhls generaLlon Lo be all Cod has called Lhem Lo be.

Pe has greaL plans for Lhem - buL Lhe greaLesL news Lo me ls LhaL we geL Lo be Lhe generaLlon LhaL
Cod has LrusLed Lo Lraln Lhem for such a Llme as Lhls"!

l wlll declare your name Lo ALL generaLlons, 1PL8LlC8L Lhe naLlons wlll pralse you!" - salm 43:17

keconnect|ng the generat|ons and equ|pp|ng them to have an uncomprom|s|ng pass|on for Iesus
w|th a heart for m|ss|on and evange||sm

Daphne k|rk ls avallable aL: daphne[

More resources, medla and arLlcles can be found aL:


?ou are Lhe !oshua generaLlon. ?ou wlll go and Lake everyLhlng LhaL !esus has for you
[usL llke !oshua dld when he Look Cod's people lnLo Lhe romlsed Land.

CLher people have prayed so LhaL you could have Lhlngs from !esus LhaL you have noL
expecLed or asked for. CLher people have dreamed of Lhlngs LhaL wlll be glven Lo you.
CLhers have walLed for years for Lhlngs LhaL you wlll see happen.

?ou are a generaLlon LhaL ls called Lo greaL Lhlngs.

?ou wlll see Lhe glory of Cod.

?ou wlll be a generaLlon LhaL ls dlfferenL, Lhe way you llve wlll be dlfferenL. Lhe way
you speak wlll be dlfferenL. ?ou wlll undersLand whaL Cod wanLs you Lo do and you
wlll flnd lL easy Lo do.

?ou wlll know how Lo love and forglve. ?ou wlll be obedlenL and bold.

?ou are parL of an army rlslng from every parL of Lhe earLh, from Lhe norLh, Lhe souLh,
Lhe easL and Lhe wesL. ?ou are belng Lralned rlghL now. ?ou are an army of propheLs
and propheLesses.

?ou wlll Lake !esus everywhere. 1o Lhe rlch and Lo Lhe poor.

1here wlll be hundreds of you meeLlng Lo pray LogeLher.

As you sLay close Lo men and women of Cod, you wlll flnd !esus uslng you ln amazlng

?ou are golng Lo shake Lhe naLlons and Lake Lhe glory of !esus Lo Lhe ends of Lhe earLh.
?ou wlll have an overwhelmlng love for Lhose who don'L know !esus.

?ou are an end Llme army wllllng Lo llve and Lo dle for !esus. CLher generaLlons llved
and dled so you could have all LhaL you have Loday.

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