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To begin with, censorship is the absolute concealment of the truth.

This has become

very prevalent nowadays. More and more people are conceding to this enactment
without knowing its insidious effect. It is important for people to know the truth
behind censorship itself for it is not what it appears to be. For all we know, as we get
further to its disclosure, we will come upon an enlightenment of its rational motives.
In general, censorship is an exceptionally broad concept. Delving deeper into the
different angles and aspects of censorship, will take up much time and length. So, in
this research, we are only going to tackle and explain the moral censorship itself in
terms of its utterance and language used. Here, we are going to track down the
origin of censorship and how it all began. This is, of course, inclusive of laws and the
minds behind its promulgation. As the aforementioned, most of us believe in the
moral righteousness of ethics but all through out this research paper we are going to
be reassured otherwise. Not only is censorship devoid of freedom itself, but it also
degrades our intellectual knowledge. Thus, censorship should be rubbed out.

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