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Ocular Visit / Physical Observation Checklist

Y N Remarks
1. Are there enough level of ambient lighting for overall illumination? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2. Are path and walkways sufficiently illuminated?
3. Are task lighting provided for workplaces?
4. Does it use fluorescent light or LED light?
5. Does the color of light suitable for the workplace?
6. Are there access to natural light?
7. Is glare being controlled?
1. Are noises from office machines being controlled?
2. Are noises from external sources heard indoors?
3. Does the space echo?
4. Are there speech privacy?
Thermal Comfort & Air Quality
1. Are there provisions for natural ventilation? (windows can be opened)
2. Are there comfortable and stable indoor temperature?
3. Are there adequate airflow indoor?
4. Are indoor natural plants present?
Office Layout, Workstations and Equipment
1. Are there enough workspace area/floor area for each personnel?
2. Are there enough area for equipment?
3. Does the organization opt for open plan office?
4. Are there sufficient width of walkways?
5. Does partitions effectively provide division and/or privacy?
6. Is the partitioning system flexible?
7. Are there sufficient storage spaces for files and documents?
8. Are eating and relaxation facilities provided?
Building Location
1. Is the building accessible to public transport?
2. Was the location a notoriously congested area (traffic)
3. Does the Image and reputation of the area suitable for the office?
4. Does the neighborhood provide a sense of security?
5. Is it proximate to emergency services?
6. Are there enough places to eat during lunch break?
Building Itself and Safety
1. Does the age of the building pose an issue or concern?
2. Does it meet regulations for the accessibility of PWD?
3. Are there sufficient parking spaces?
4. Are there outward views to aide visual fatigue?
5. Are pollution a major problem in the area?
6. Are there risk for flooding on the area?
7. Are there fire exit plans for the building?
8. Are there right amount of fire exits for the amount of people?

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