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$ 500
Congressman Marion Berry
(AR-01) Appropriations Committee
would like to invite you for
Burgers, Dogs and Beer
on his back porch
Thursday, June 29
, 2006
5:30 -7:30 PM
The Berry Residence
408 Third Street, SE
Washington, DC
$5,000 Hosts
$1,000 Individual
Please RSVP to Yuichi ( or Simone ( at (202)/543-5777
or fax this fonn back to (202)/543-5595
___Yes, I would like CO attend and make a contribution of$ ------.
___No, I cannot attend but would like to make a contribution of $
Contributions to federal candidates are not tax deductible fat income tax putposes. Pedetallaw r.quttes us to use our best
eff'otts to collect and report the name, addtess, employer and occupation ofindividuals whose contributions exceed $200 in
an election cycle. Cotporate ehecks are not acceptable fot federal campaigns.
Phone: _
Betey for Congress
236 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Suire 508
Washington, DC 20002
Contributions CO Betey for Congress are not tax deductible.
Corporate checks cannot be accepted. F.E.c. ID# C00313734
Name: Organization: Title:, _
Fax: E-Mail: _
Please make checks payable to:
!Blast fax paid for by the DCCC and authorized by Betty for Congress]

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