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Viral Disease

By: Nabila Auliani GAC Level 3

1. Rubella
Rubella or German measles is a viral disease which usually occurs in children. It is caused by a
virus called Rubivirus. The first clinical description of this disease was made in 1740 by Friedrich
Hoffman. Later in 1814, clinical description was officially considered as a disease. Since all the
doctors who analyzed Rubella in the early years came from German, the disease was known as
German measles. Regarding the occurrence of the disease, the disease occurred worldwide,
affecting 3 to 9 years old children and pregnant women. However, since vaccine is introduced,
the occurrence of Rubella decreased.
2. Dengue fever
Dengue fever is a viral disease which is caused by an infection of virus from Aedes aegypti
mosquito. The clinical description of this disease was first discovered by a Chinese doctor in 15

century. At the time, dangue fever has occurred in tropical places such as in Africa. The
occurrence significantly rose since 1940. Until now, the occurrence is still frequent. In most of
the cases, individual who was once infected is more likely to get infected again.
3. Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a viral disease which is caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is transmitted through
body fluids such as blood and saliva. The clinical record was first discovered by Lurman in 1885.
It is officially recognized as a viral disease by Baruch Blumberg in 1965. The vaccine was then
discovered in 1981. World Health Organization (WHO) calculated that approximately 600,000
people die each year due to hepatitis B.

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