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1 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

2 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Table of Contents
A uthor s N ote ............................................................................................................................... 5
Stor y................................................................................................................................................ 7
Contr ols .......................................................................................................................................... 8
F A Q ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Codex ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Or i gi ns .................................................................................................................................. 10
The War dens K eep ............................................................................................................. 31
The Stone Pr i soner .............................................................................................................. 31
Retur n to Ostagar .............................................................................................................. 32
F east Day Gi fts and Pr anks ............................................................................................ 32
The Dar kspawn Chr oni cles .............................................................................................. 32
Leli anas Song ...................................................................................................................... 33
The Golems of A mgar r ak.................................................................................................. 33
Wi tch H unt ......................................................................................................................... 34
Compani ons ............................................................................................................................. 34
Gi fts and Pr anks ..................................................................................................................... 43
Legendar y I tems ..................................................................................................................... 47
Speci alizati ons ........................................................................................................................ 52
Walkthr ough ............................................................................................................................... 55
Dali sh Elf Or i gi ns A Chi ld of the Dali sh ........................................................................ 58
Dwar f Commoner Or i gins On the Str eets of Dust Town ............................................ 59
Ci ty Elf Or i gi ns Li fe i n the A li enage ............................................................................... 59
M agi Or i gi ns I n the H i gh Tower s of the M ages ........................................................... 60
H uman N oble Or i gi ns The Couslands of H i ghever .......................................................61
Dwar f N oble Or i gi ns The Pr i nce of A educan .............................................................. 62
J oi ni ng the Gr ey War dens .................................................................................................... 63
Tai nted Blood .......................................................................................................................... 64
The Gr ey War dens Cache ..................................................................................................... 64
A fter the J oi ni ng .................................................................................................................... 64
3 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

The Tower of I shal .................................................................................................................. 65
Lother i ng and the I mper ial H i ghway ............................................................................... 66
A V i llage U nder Si ege ........................................................................................................... 67
The A ttack at N i ghtfall ........................................................................................................ 68
The A r l of Redcli ffe ............................................................................................................... 69
The U r n of Sacr ed A shes ...................................................................................................... 70
A Test of F ai th ......................................................................................................................... 71
Gather the A r my .................................................................................................................... 74
Br oken Ci r cle ........................................................................................................................... 75
Lost i n Dr eams........................................................................................................................ 76
N atur e of the Beast ............................................................................................................... 79
A Par agon of H er K i nd......................................................................................................... 81
A Pr i nces F avor : The F i r st Task ....................................................................................... 82
A Lor ds Tr ust: The F ir st Task ............................................................................................ 82
A Pr i nces F avor / A Lor ds Tr ust: The Second Tasl ...................................................... 82
Enter i ng J ar vi as H i deout ................................................................................................... 83
A nvi l of the V oi d .................................................................................................................... 83
The Landsmeet ........................................................................................................................ 85
Rescue the Queen .................................................................................................................... 85
Captur ed! .................................................................................................................................. 87
U nr est i n the A lienage ......................................................................................................... 87
The Fi nal Onslaught .............................................................................................................. 89
M or r i gans Ri tual .................................................................................................................. 90
Defend the A li enage .............................................................................................................. 90
H old the Gates ..........................................................................................................................91
The Fi nal Battle .......................................................................................................................91
Si de Quests ................................................................................................................................... 94
Ostagar & K or car i Wi lds ...................................................................................................... 95
Lother i ng .................................................................................................................................. 96
Redcli ffe ................................................................................................................................... 98
H aven ..................................................................................................................................... 100
Ci r cle of M agi ........................................................................................................................ 100
Br eceli an F or est ....................................................................................................................103
4 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Or zammar ..............................................................................................................................105
Dener i m ................................................................................................................................. 109
Par ty Camp & Compani ons ................................................................................................. 117
DLC .............................................................................................................................................. 119
The War dens K eep .............................................................................................................. 120
The Stone Pr i soner ................................................................................................................ 121
Retur n to Ostagar ................................................................................................................. 122
The Dar kspawn Chr oni cles ................................................................................................ 124
Leli anas Song .........................................................................................................................126
The Golems of A mgar r ak.....................................................................................................129
Wi tch H unt ............................................................................................................................ 132
Xbox 360 A chi evements .......................................................................................................... 137
Copyr i ghts ................................................................................................................................... 141

5 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

A uthor s N ote

13.04.2011: Like ever yone, I was playi ng the game again for the save games and
thought I should gi ve one last update to thi s epi c game befor e playing i ts sequel. A nd
to my sur pr i se, I found mor e side quests and stuffs even i n my thir d playthr ough;
I ve added all of them to thei r r espective secti ons and made few changes. H ope you
guys find i t useful.

Befor e I go, I would li ke to thank all the r eader s and websi tes for your feedbacks and
suppor t. Thank you guys, for all your help, r eviews, suggesti ons, questi ons, flamings
and ever ythi ng. Thi s gui de would have never been this good wi thout your help.

26.09.2010: N ew DLCs has been added along wi th some cor r ecti ons.

29.03.2010: Thi s i s my thi r d and final update I m maki ng dur i ng the second
playthr ough of the game, I ve added almost ever ything I wanted to add and checked
i t fully for mi stakes. I f ther e ar e sti ll any mistakes or mi sspells then contact me vi a
E-mai l or my blog, pr ovi ded at the bottom of the document so that I can cor r ect

Lately, I ve been getting some stupi d mai ls about codex, i f you cant fi nd the thi ng
ther e then tr y looking in the next r oom i nstead of complaini ng. Cmon I m a human
bei ng; you cant expect me to collect 330 codexes wi thout any mi stakes. I tr i ed
cor r ecti ng as many mi stakes I can i n the second playthr ough, i f ther e ar e sti ll any
mi stakes then please contact me pr oper ly and stop flami ng. A s for the begi nner s
who ar e playing thi s awesome epi c game for the fir st ti me, please go thr ough the
tabbed secti on below for extr a useful ti ps:
I ts an epi c game wi th 60 hour s of game [Took me 53:30 and 47:00 hour s to
beat i t completely], adopt a habi t of savi ng the game fr equently. Save, save,
save, save, save, save ever y di alogues and movements of your game, youll
never know when you need to r eload. We should r eally thank Bi owar e for
gi vi ng unli mi ted save slots; we would have been toasted i f they made i t
li mi ted save slots or auto-save ever y ti me we r each a checkpoi nt.
I m not the type wholl wr i te how many enemi es ar e dwelling i n each r oom,
N O WA Y . I f you cant deal wi th couple of Genlocks and H ur locks then qui t
playi ng instead of telling me to wr i te how to defeat them. I f ther es r eally
that much of a tough battle then I ll menti on i t, besi des that ther es no telling
how many cr eatur es can be fi nd i n each ar ea. I t depends on di ffi culty level of
the game, plus ther e ar e places wher e cr eatur es r espawn due to a gli tch. I ve
alr eady wr i tten how to defeat each and ever y boss, i f you ar e sti ll havi ng
tr ouble then change your di ffi culty level.
Some aski ng me how to fi nd codex. Well i ts pr etty easy, go to ever y r oom and
hold Tab to highlight usable objects. Thi s i s how ever yone fi nds them so i t
should wor k for you as well.
6 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Combat system of the game i s ver y di ffer ent fr om the other s. I t i s a r ole-
playi ng game but i nstead of contr olli ng one, you contr ol your enti r e team.
Choose wi sely when you choosi ng your or i gins, speci alizati ons and weapon
exper ti se for your main char acter , the same apply for the r emai ni ng N PCs
as well. Dont tr y to change N PCs weapon exper ti se and speci ali zati ons. F or
example: gi vi ng a two-handed swor d for A li stai r when hi s or i gi nally a swor d
and shi eld type or givi ng Reaver speci ali zation wi th Templar . Tr y to balance
the abi li ties when choosi ng speci alizati on, A li stai r i s a Templar and a good
tank, give him ber ser ker or champi on, whi chll i ncr ease hi s attack str ength.
Deci si on maki ng i s the best featur e in the game, the abi li ty to weave the
game as you want. Wow! Ri ght? So choose wi sely when you ar e taki ng
deci si ons, save those moments so that you can play as both good and evi l. Thi s
i s defi ni tely a game wor th two-thr ee playthr oughs, tr y di ffer ent things ever y
ti me you play. Dont sti ck to the same game play all the time; tr y to be evi l
ki ck-ass char acter . Beli eve me i ts damn fun.
Plan your game, dont go to the toughest place fir st and get your ass ki cked.
Star t fr om the easi er one, save the tough ones for later . The best possi ble or der
I can thi nk of i s: Or i gi ns, Ostagar and K or car i Wi lds, Lother i ng, Redcli ffe
V i llage and Castle, H aven, Ci r cle of M agi , Br eceli an F or est, Or zammar ,
Dener i m and The F inal Battle. When I fir st played thi s game, I went to
Or zammar after completing Redcli ffe V i llage and yes, as you guys alr eady
guessed I got my ass beat up by the ti me I came out of the deep r oads. Dont
do the same mi stake I di d and get ki lled.
F i nally, the most simple and i mpor tant ti p keep gaming unti l your thumbs
go r ed, gr ew numb and bur st to pi eces and have fun!

7 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Stor y
Y oull begi n the game i n one of the si x or igi ns, each wi th i ts own stor yli ne and
char acter i sti cs. Dur i ng the or i gi n, youll meet a N PC called Duncan, Leader of the
Gr ey War dens, who br i ngs the tur ni ng poi nt by r ecr ui ti ng you to the Gr ey War dens,
an or der of speci alized veter ans of/ fr om all r aces pledged to fi ght the dar kspawns
ti ll death. I n Ostagar , youll complete your joi ni ng r i tual becoming a fully pledged
Gr ey War den. Soon the dar kspawns r each the for tr ess and Duncan and K i ng Cai lon
takes the fr ont li ne whi le you and A li stai r tr avels to the Tower of I shal to light the
beacon to signal Loghai ns men to char ge fr om the flank. A fter ki lli ng sever al
dar kspawns that dwelled i nsi de the tower , youll manage li ght the beacon but
Loghai n pulls back hi s men and r etr eats to the capi tal and Cai lon and Duncan di es
wi th the r emaini ng Gr ey War dens and soldi er s.

A fter sever al days, F lemeth, the wi tch of the wi lds manages to car r y your half-dead
bodi es fr om the tower and heals your i njur i es. I n her hut, i t becomes appar ent that
an A r chdemon, a tai nted Old Dr agon God has been awaken and leadi ng the
dar kspawn to the sur face. Wi th the loss of your beloved leader , Duncan, you and
A li stair deci des to use the tr eati es to gather for ces and slay the A r chdemon.
M eanwhi le in Dener im, Queen A nor a, Cai lons wi fe and Loghai ns daughter
nomi nates her father as the r egent to the thr one.

When tr aveling to meet A r l Eamon, A li stair r eveals he i s the second son of K i ng
M ar i c and half-br other to K i ng Cai lon. But in or der to pr ove he i s tr ue hei r to the
thr one, you need to call the landsmeet and befor e that you need to gather an ar my
str ong enough to push back the dar kspawns for ce to the deep r oads. Wi th new
compani ons to aid i n your jour ney, youll tr avel to the deep ci ties of Or zammar ,
whi ch i s i n tur moi l wi thout a ki ng and pr i nces and landlor ds fighti ng for the
thr one, ancients for ests of Br ecelian, whi ch has been hunted by wer ewolves fr om
centur i es, danger ous Ci r cle of M agi fi lled wi th power ful abominati ons of blood
mages and sick A r l of Redcli ffe, who has been poi soned by Loghai ns men, solvi ng
thei r pr oblems and maki ng them pledge thei r alli ance to the Gr ey War dens.

F i nally, the si ck A r l Eamon calls the landsmeet to pr ove Loghai ns tr eacher y to the
nobles and to r etur n the thr one to i ts r i ghtful hei r . Ri odor n, a Gr ey War dens fr om
the nei ghbor i ng countr y, i nfor ms that only the Gr ey War dens must per sonally
engage i n battle and slay the A r chdemon sacr i fi ci ng thei r own li fe. I n the Fi nal
Battle, youll be made to choose between your li fe or your fellow Gr ey War dens li fe,
whi ch wi ll deci de the fi nal outcome of the game.

8 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Contr ols
Par ty Selecti on
Select F ull Par ty =
Select Par ty M ember 1 F 1
Select Par ty M ember 2 F 2
Select Par ty M ember 3 F 3
Select Par ty M ember 4 F 4
A dd Par ty M ember 1 To Gr oup Shi ft + F 1
A dd Par ty M ember 2 To Gr oup Shi ft + F 2
A dd Par ty M ember 3 To Gr oup Shi ft + F 3
A dd Par ty M ember 4 To Gr oup Shi ft + F 4

Qui ckbar
Qui ckbar 1 1
Qui ckbar 2 2
Qui ckbar 3 3
Qui ckbar 4 4
Qui ckbar 5 5
Qui ckbar 6 6
Qui ckbar 7 7
Qui ckbar 8 8
Qui ckbar 9 9
Qui ckbar 10 0

Camer a Contr ols
F i x Camer a U p U p
F i x Camer a Down Down
F i x Camer a Left Left
F i x Camer a Right Ri ght
M ove Camer a Left A
M ove Camer a Ri ght D
F i x Camer a M i ddle-Click
Zoom I n Scr oll F or war d
Zoom Out Scr oll Backwar d

Player Contr ols
M ove F or war d W
M ove Backwar d S
M ove Left A
M ove Ri ght D
9 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Toggle Run/ Walk N ampad /
Swap Weapon Sets /

M enus
Char acter Recor d C
J our nal J
I nventor y I
Ski lls K
Spells & Talents P
M ap M
Wor ld N
M ai n M enu Esc
Tacti cs \

M i scellaneous
Pause Space
H old Posi ti on/ M ove F r eely H
H i ghlight U sable Objects Tab
Qui ck Save F 5
Qui ck Load F 9
Scr eenshot Pr i nt Scr een
H i de M ai n I nter face V

10 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

F .A .Q

N ote: The codex number i ng of the DLCs may change i f you have any other DLCs
i nstalled wi th them. The number i ng you find below wi ll only r emai n the same i f you
have i nstalled only that DLC wi th the base game. A lso, the number i ng of the base
game codexes i s how they appear when none of the DLCs and expansi on i s i nstalled.

# Or i gi ns Categor y Locati on
1. A bominati on Cr eatur es
Encounter an
abomi nati on.
2. A r cane H or r or Cr eatur es
Encounter an
ar cane hor r or .
3. A r chedemon Cr eatur es
Talk to Duncan i n
Ostagar .
4. A sh Wr ai th Cr eatur es
Encounter an ash
wr ai th.
5. Bear Cr eatur es Encounter a bear .
6. Br onto Cr eatur es
Encounter a
br onto.
7. Br oodmother Cr eatur es
Defeat the
br oodmother i nside
the dead tr enches.
8. Cor pse Cr eatur es Encounter a cor pse.
9. Deepstalker Cr eatur es
Encounter a
deepstalker .
10. Desi r e Demon Cr eatur es
Encounter a desi r e
11. Dr agon Cr eatur es
Encounter a
dr agonli ng, dr ake,
dr agon and hi gh
dr agon i n H aven.
12. Genlock Cr eatur es
Encounter a
13. Ghoul Cr eatur es Encounter a ghoul.
14. Golem Cr eatur es Encounter a golem.
15. H alla Cr eatur es
Encounter a halla
i n the Br eceli an
F or est.
16. H ur lock Cr eatur es
Encounter a
hur lock.
11 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

17. M abar i War H ound Cr eatur es
Talk to the kennel
master i n Ostagar
or encounter a
mabar i hound.
18. N ug Cr eatur es
Talk to the nug
dealer i n
Or zammar .
19. Ogr e Cr eatur es Encounter an ogr e.
20. Pr i de Demon Cr eatur es
Defeat U ldr ed i n
the Ci r cle of M agi .
21. Rage Demon Cr eatur es
Encounter a r age
22. Rat Cr eatur es
Encounter a r at i n
human noble or i gi n
or i nsi de the fade.
23. Revenant Cr eatur es
Encounter a
r evenant.
24. Shade Cr eatur es Encounter a shade.
25. Shr i ek Cr eatur es Encounter a shr i ek.
26. Skeleton Cr eatur es
Encounter a
27. Sloth Demon Cr eatur es
Encounter a sloth
demon i n magi
or i gi n or i n the
Ci r cle of M agi .
28. Gi ant Spi der Cr eatur es
Encounter a gi ant
spi der .
29. Wi ld Sylvan Cr eatur es
Encounter a wi ld
sylvan i n the
Br eceli an F or est.
30. Wer ewolf Cr eatur es
Encounter a
wer ewolf i n
Br eceli an F or est.
31. Wi sp Cr eatur es
Encounter a wi sp
i n magi or i gi n or
i nsi de the fade.
32. Wolf Cr eatur es
Encounter a wolf
i n dalish elf or i gi n
or i n the K or car i
Wi lds.
33. M abar i Dominance Cr eatur es
A ctivate the
mabar i
domi nati on.
34. The Li tany Of A dr alla I tems
Pi ck up the li tany
of adr alla fr om
N i alls body i n the
Ci r cle of M agi .
35. A r chons of the I mper i um I tems Tr ade or loot the
12 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

book fr om the M ad
H er mi t in the
Br eceli an F or est.
36. H avar ds A egi s I tems
Loot i t fr om the
ogr e i n the Tower
of I shal.
37. A nci ent Elven A r mor I tems
Collect all the
pi eces of
J ugger nauts ar mor
i n the Br eceli an
F or est.
38. A odh I tems
Loot i t fr om Cr istof
i n Dener im.
39. Bar ds Danci ng Shoes I tems
Pur chase i t fr om
Bodhan and Sandal
i n the par ty camp.
40. Blood Ri ng I tems
Wi n all the i llegal
fi ghts i n
Or zammar .
41. Bow of the Golden Sun I tems
Loot i t fr om
Daver a i nsi de the
elven alienage.
42. Camenaes Bar bute I tems
Pur chase i t fr om
Gor i m i n Dener i m.
43. Dar k M oon I tems
Pur chase i t fr om
V ar athor n i n
Br eceli an Outski r ts.
44. K atr i els Gr asp I tems
Pur chase i t fr om
Gor i m i n Dener i m.
45. The Li fe Dr i nker I tems
Loot i t fr om the
H i gh Dr agon i n
H aven.
46. The M agi ster s Shield I tems
Steal i t fr om the
deser ted bui ldi ng
i n Dener im.
47. Shadow of the Empir e I tems
Pur chase i t fr om
Legnar i n
Or zammar .
48. The Summer Swor d I tems
Loot i t fr om Ser
Cauther i en i n
Dener i m.
49. Thor n of the Dead Gods I tems
Collect all the thor n
pi eces.
50. Thr ovals Luck I tems
Pur chase i t fr om
Gor i m i n Dener i m.
51. Y usar i s: The Dr agonslayer I tems
Loot i t fr om Shah
Wyr d i n the Ci r cle
of M agi.
13 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

52. A ndr ui l: Goddess of the H unt
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the statue
of A ndr ui l i nsi de
the Dali sh Camp.
53. Di r thamen: K eeper of the Secr ets
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the scr olls
near V ar athor ns
shop i n the Dalish
54. Elgar nan: God of Vengeance
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne i ts statue
i nsi de the Dali sh
F alondin: Fr i end of the Dead, The
Gui de
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Pi ck i t up fr om the
Dr agon H oar d i n
the upper level of
the r ui ns i n the
Br eceli an F or est.
56. F enhar el: The Dr ead Wolf
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne i ts statue
i n the Dali sh Camp.
57. Ghi lannai n: M other of the H alla
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the head-
less statue i nsi de
the Dali sh Camp.
58. J une: God of the Cr aft
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the God of
Cr aft statue i n the
Dali sh Camp.
59. M ythal: The Gr eat Pr otector
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Loot the shi eld fr om
the skeleton in the
Easter n Br ecelian
F or est.
60. Sylai sh: The H ear tkeeper
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the statue
of Slyai sh i n the
Dali sh Camp.
61. The A eonar
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the scr oll
i nsi de the wonder s
of thedas.
62. A ndr aste: Br i de of the M aker
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the book
at the entr ance of
the r ui ned temple.
63. The Ri te of A nnulment
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the book
i n the entr ance of
templar s
ni ghtmar e.
64. A postates
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Talk to J owan i n
Redcli ffe castle.
65. The Black Ci ty
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the statue
i nsi de the r aw fade.
66. The Chant of Li ght: The Blight
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the scr oll
near the i nfi r mar y
i n Ostagar .
67. The Commandments of the M aker M agi c and Exami ne the book
14 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Reli gi on i n Redcli ffe
Chantr y.
68. The M aker
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the altar
i n Lother ing
chantr y.
69. The Chant of Li ght: Redempti on
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Talk to the si ster s
outsi de the chantr y
i n Dener im.
70. The I mper i al Chantr y
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the book
i n Lother ing
chantr y.
71. Chantr y H i er ar chy
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the book
i nsi de Br other
Geni tivi s house.
72. Templar s
M agi c and
Reli gi on
U nlock templar
speci alizati on.
73. The F oundi ng of the Chantr y
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the books
i n Redcli ffe
chantr y.
74. The Fr ater ni ty of Enchanter s
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the book
i nsi de I r vi ngs
study r oom in the
Ci r cle of M agi .
75. H i er ar chy of the Ci r cle
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the mage
asunder .
76. H i stor y of the Ci r cle
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the
bookcase i nsi de
mage asunder .
77. The F ade
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Talk to Wynne i n
Ostagar or enter
the fade.
78. The H ar r owi ng
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the book
i nsi de mage
asunder .
79. Lyr i um
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne a lyr i um
vein i n the fade or
i n the deep r oads.
80. M aleficar um
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the books
i n the templar s
ni ghtmar e.
81. M ana and the U se of M agi c
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the
appr enti ce
quar ter s i n the
Ci r cle of M agi .
82. Demoni c Possessi on
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the book
i n Redcli ffe
15 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

chantr y.
83. The Car di nal Rules of M agi c
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the mage
asunder .
84. Blood M agi c: The F or bi dden School
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Talk to J owan i n
magi or i gi n or i n
Redcli ffe castle.
The F our Schools of M agic:
Cr eati on
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne all the
books r egar di ng the
magi c schools in
mage asunder .
86. The F our School of M agi c: Entr opy
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne all the
books r egar di ng the
magi c schools in
the mage asunder .
87. The F our Schools of M agi c: Pr i mal
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne all the
books r egar di ng the
magi c schools in
the mage asunder .
88. The F our Schools of M agi c: Spi r i t
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne all the
books r egar di ng the
magi c schools in
the mage asunder .
Beyond The Vei l: Spir i ts A nd
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the statue
i n the entr ance of
the r aw fade.
90. The Tr anqui l
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the books
i nsi de the mage
asunder .
91. The Sacr ed A shes of A ndr aste
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Exami ne the books
i n Lother ing
chantr y.
92. The V ei l
M agi c and
Reli gi on
Enter the fade.
93. A r avels
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to Elor a i n the
Dali sh Camp.
94. The Dales
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to Sar el in the
Dali sh Camp and
agr ee to li sten to
the stor y.
95. The Long Walk
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the scr oll
near V ar athor ns
shop i n the Dalish
96. U thener a
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Collect all the
pi eces of
J ugger naut ar mor
and complete The
16 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

M ages Tr easur e i n
the Br eceli an
F or est.
97. V allasli n: The Blood Wr i ting
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the i nk
near A r thr as i n the
Dali sh Camp.
98. The A nder fels
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
at the counter of
pear ls i n Dener im.
99. A ntiva
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i n A r l of Dener ims
100. The A vvar s
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
besi de the vi llager s
house i n H aven.
101. The Bannor n
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de your r oom in
Dener i ms estate.
102. The Br eceli an F or est
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the fallen
tr ee i n the
Br eceli an F or est.
103. Thedas Calendar
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i n Redcli ffe
chantr y.
104. The Chasi nd
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Li sten to the
conver sati on near
Stens cage i n
Lother i ng.
105. The Ci ty Elves
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the
apar tment i n elven
ali enage.
106. A li enage Cultur e
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Tr avel to the elven
ali enage.
107. A r lathan: Par t One
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to Lanaya i n
the Dali sh Camp.
108. A r lathan: Par t Two
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the scr oll
i nsi de camp i n
dali sh elf or i gi n.
109. The Dali sh Elves
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to Zathar i an
i n the Dali sh Camp.
110. Dener i m
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the wonder s
of thedas.
111. Dr agon Cults
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de Br other
Geni tivi s house.
112. H i stor y of Fer elden: Book 1 Cultur e and Exami ne the books
17 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

H i stor y i nsi de the second
floor i n Redcli ffe
113. H i stor y of Fer elden: Book 2
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de Eamons
estate i n Dener i m.
114. Cultur e of Fer elden
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the pear l i n
Dener i m.
115. Dogs in F er elden
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the scr oll
i n the thi r d floor of
Tower of I shal.
116. Geogr aphy of F er elden
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the wonder s
of thedas.
117. The Fr ee M ar ches
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the r oom
wher e Zevr an i s
standing i n
Eamons estate.
118. Poli ti cs of F er elden
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Tr avel to the
gnawed noble
taver n i n the
mar ket di str i ct.
119. The Fr ostback M ountai ns
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the books
i nsi de the r ui ned
120. Gwar en
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the [only]
book i nsi de the
li br ar y i n A r l of
Dener i ms estate.
121. H i ghever
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to the scholar
i nsi de the libr ar y
i n human noble
or i gi n.
122. Lake Calenhad
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the si gn
post i n Redcli ffe
123. Lother i ng
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Tr avel to
Lother i ng.
124. K i ng M ar i c Thei r in
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to Teyr n
Cousland and A r l
H owe in human
noble or i gi n or
Teyr n Loghai n i n
Ostagar .
125. N evar r a
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de gnawed
18 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

noble taver n.
126. The N oble F ami li es of F er elden
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to the scholar
i nsi de the libr ar y
i n human noble
or i gi n or exami ne
the book i nsi de
gnawed noble
taver n.
127. The Old Gods
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the books
i nsi de the r ui ned
128. The Or lesi an Empir e
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de Eamons
study r oom in
Redcli ffe castle.
129. The Casteless
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the r ubble
i n dust town.
130. The Castes
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the wall
car vi ng i n
Or zammar
131. Li fe i n Or zammar
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the wall
car vi ng i nsi de the
weapon shop i n
Or zammar .
132. Deep Roads
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the
shaper ate i n
di amond quar ter s.
133. The Ci ty of Or zammar
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Tr avel to
Or zammar .
134. Cut to K al Shar ok
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the si gn
boar d near the
deep r oads.
135. Legi on of the Dead
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the
shaper ate i n
di amond quar ter s.
H ouse A educan, Shield of
Or zammar
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the wall
car vi ng i n
Or zammar
di amond quar ter s.
137. The Par agons
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the
Par agons statue i n
the entr ance of
Or zammar .
138. Or zammar Poli ti cs
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the
19 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

shaper ate i n
di amond quar ter s.
139. The Pr ovi ng
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the wall
car vi ng i nsi de the
pr ovi ng gr ounds i n
Or zammar
140. Dwar ven F ai th
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the
shaper ate i n
di amond quar ter s.
141. Stalata N egat
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the r une
stone i n the dead
tr enches.
142. Or zammar H i stor y: Chapter One
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the statue
i n car i di ns cr oss.
143. Or zammar s H i stor y: Chapter Two
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the statue
at the entr ance of
dead tr enches.
144. Ostagar
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to the guar d
near the br i dge i n
Ostagar .
145. Par V ollen: The Occupied N or th
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de Eamons
estate i n Dener i m.
146. The Qunar i
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to Sten i n
Lother i ng or
exami ne the book
i nsi de the wonder s
of thedas.
147. Redcli ffe
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Tr avel to Redcli ffe.
148. Ri vai n
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de gnawed
noble taver n.
149. The Tevi nter I mper i um
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i n the thi r d floor of
Ci r cle of M agi .
150. Legend of the J ugger naut
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Collect all the
pi eces of
J ugger nauts ar mor
i n the Br eceli an
F or est.
151. Geogr aphy of Thedas
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the wonder s
of thedas.
152. V henadahl: The Tr ee of The People
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the tr ee
i nsi de the elven
20 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

ali enage.
153. The Gr ey War dens
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to Duncan i n
your or igi ns.
154. The K or car i Wi lds
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Tr avel to Ostagar .
155. Dar kspawn
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to Duncan i n
your or igi ns.
156. The Bli ghts
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the r ubble
i n car i di ns cr oss or
or tan thai g.
157. A li stair Char acter s
M eet A listi ar i n
Ostagar .
158. A nor a Char acter s
When you fir st see
her i n the cut scene
when you ar e
tr aveli ng to
Lother i ng.
159. Bhelen A educan Char acter s
M eet Bhelen i n
Or zammar .
160. K i ng Cai lan Thei r i n Char acter s
Talk to Teyr n
Cousland and A r l
H owe in human
noblr or i gi n or
meet K i ng Cai lon
i n Ostagar .
161. Ser Cauthr i en Char acter s
When you fir st see
her i n the cut scene
at the end of
Ostagar s battle.
162. Connor Guer r i n Char acter s
By I solde i n
Redcli ffe vi llage.
163. Dog Char acter s
Complete M ischi ef
i n the Ladder in
human noble or i gi n
or The M abar i
H ound si de quest
i n Ostagar .
164. Duncan Char acter s
M eet Duncan i n
your or igi ns.
165. A r l Eamon Guer r i n Char acter s
By A li stai r i n
F lemeths H ut.
166. K i ng Endr i n A educan Char acter s
Talk to the guar d
at the entr ance of
Or zammar
167. F lemeth Char acter s
Complete The
Tower of I shal i n
Ostagar .
21 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

168. Br other F er inand Geni ti vi Char acter s
Complete The A r l
of Redcli ffe i n
Redcli ffe or talk to
Weylon i n
Geni tivi s house i n
Dener i m.
169. K night-Commander Gr eagoi r Char acter s
M eet Gr eagoi r i n
the Ci r cle of M agi .
170. Lor d Pyr al H ar r owmont Char acter s
M eet H ar r owmont
i n Or zammar .
171. A r l Rendon H owe Char acter s
M eet H owe i n
human noble or i gi n
or i n The
Landsmeet i n
Dener i m.
172. F i r st Enchanter I r vi ng Char acter s
M eet I r ving i n
magi or i gi n or i n
the Ci r cle of M agi .
173. A r lessa I solde Char acter s
Complete the The
A ttack at
N i ghtfall i n
Redcli ffe.
174. Leli ana Char acter s
M eet Leli ana i n
Lother i ng.
175. Teyr n Loghai n M ac Tir Char acter s
M eet Loghai n i n
Ostagar .
176. M or r i gan Char acter s
Complete The Gr ey
War dens Cache i n
the K or car i Wi lds.
177. Oghr en Char acter s
M eet Oghr en i n
Or zammar .
178. Sten Char acter s
M eet Sten i n
Lother i ng.
179. Bann Teagan Guer r in Char acter s
M eet Bann Teagan
i n Redcli ffe
chantr y.
180. V alendr i an Char acter s
M eet Valendr ai n
i nsi de the elven
ali enage.
181. Wynne Char acter s
M eet Wynne i n
Ostagar or i n the
Ci r cle of M agi .
182. K eeper Zathr i an Char acter s
M eet Zathr i an i n
the Dali sh Camp.
183. Zevr an A r ai nai Char acter s
Complete the
Br oken Ci r cle and
meet Zevr an i n the
22 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

184. Wi ther fang Char acter s
By Zathr i an i n the
Br eceli an Outski r ts.
185. A veli n, The K ni ght of Or ali s
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de Connor s
r oom i n Redcli ffe
186. Ballad of A yesleigh
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de Der nals
house i n Redcli ffe.
187. M edi tati ons and Odes to Bees
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the libr ar y
i n Eamons estate
i n Dener im.
188. A dventur es of the Black F ox
Books and
Exami ne the book
i n Lother ing
chantr y.
189. The H oly Br azi er
Books and
Li ght the br azi er s
i nsi de the temple i n
H aven.
190. The Legend of Calenhad: Chapter 1
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de K ai tlyns
house i n Redcli ffe.
191. The Legend of Calenhad: Chapter 2
Books and
Exami ne the book
near J owans cell in
Redcli ffe castle.
192. The Legend of Calenhad: Chapter 3
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de gnawed
noble taver n.
193. Car i di ns J our nal
Books and
Exami ne the book
near Br ankas
jour nal i n or tan
thai g.
194. The H i stor y of Chantr y: Chapter 1
Books and
Exami ne the books
i nsi de the Tower of
I shal.
195. The H i stor y of Chantr y: Chapter 2
Books and
Exami ne the book
i n the thi r d floor of
the Ci r cle of M agi .
196. The H i stor y of Chantr y: Chapter 3
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de Br other
Geni tivi s house.
197. The H i stor y of Chantr y: Chapter 4
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de wonder s of
198. The Tale of I lor en
Books and
Cammens Lament
si de quest i n the
Dali sh Camp.
23 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

199. Dane and the Wer ewolf
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the pear l.
200. Death of a Templar
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the vi llager s
house i n H aven.
201. A V er y Chewed and M oi st Book
Books and
H ave your dog
sear ch the ar ea.
The N oladar A nthology of
Dwar ven Poetr y
Books and
Exami ne the book
on the open
mar ket.
203. The Feast Day Fi sh
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the r oom
wher e Oghr en i s
standing i n
Eamons estate.
204. The Fi r st Bli ght: Chapter 1
Books and
Exami ne the book
i n Lother ing
chantr y.
205. The Fi r st Bli ght: Chapter 2
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de A r ls r oom in
Redcli ffe.
206. The Fi r st Bli ght: Chapter 3
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the temple i n
H aven.
207. The Fi r st Bli ght: Chapter 4
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de A r l of
Dener i ms estate.
208. The M aker s F ir st Chi ldr en
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the gauntlet.
209. The Legi on of Steel
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the
shaper ate i n
di amond quar ter s.
210. I n U thener a
Books and
Open the chest near
the keeper i n
Dali sh Camp.
211. The Legend of Luthi as Dwar fsom
Books and
Talk to the ash
war r i or s leader i n
Ostagar .
212. I n Pr ai se of the H umble N ug
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the
shaper ate i n
di amond quar ter s.
213. Tr adi ti onal Dwar ven F olk Songs
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the
shaper ate i n
di amond quar ter s.
214. The Ser mons of Di vi ne Renata I Books and Exami ne the books
24 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Songs i nsi de the temples
li br ar y i n H aven.
215. J our nal of the Tr anqui l
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the r oom
next to Eamons
study i n Redcli ffe
216. Tr ai ns J our nal
Books and
Exami ne the book
or letter i nsi de the
r oyal palace i n
Or zammar .
Cauti onar y Tales of the
A dventur ous
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de K ai tlyns
house i n Redcli ffe.
218. Ber wi cks Letter N otes
Talk to Br ewi ck i n
Redcli ffe taver n.
219. A Letter to Someone i n H i ghever N otes
H ave your mabar i
sear ch the ar ea i n
Lake Calenhad.
220. A Letter fr om K i ng Endr i n N otes
Exami ne the scr oll
i nsi de
H ar r owmonts
estate i n
Or zammar .
221. A N ote fr om Ser H enr i c N otes
Loot i t fr om the
dead templar i n
Lother i ng i mper i al
hi ghway.
222. A Letter fr om Ri ca N otes
Exami ne the scr oll
i nsi de one of the
r ooms i n
Or zammar r oyal
223. A Cr aven Elven Tablet N otes
Loot i t fr om the
sar cophagus i nsi de
the lower r uins i n
Br eceli an F or est.
224. A Tatter ed Shoppi ng Li st N otes
Exami ne the book
i nsi de Redcli ffe
gener al stor e.
225. Gr affi ti i n Redcli ffes Taver n N otes
Exami ne the
gr affi ti i n Redcli ffe
taver n.
226. Load Li mi t Reached N otes
Exami ne the r ubble
near H espi th i n
dead tr enches.
227. The Black Vi als N otes
K i ll all the black
vi al r evenants.
25 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

228. Cor r espondence I nter r uptus N otes
fi nd all the love
letter s i n F er elden.
229. Ci r cles Wi thi n Ci r cles N otes
Exami ne the tor n
paper i nsi de the
bookcase i n I r vi ngs
study r oom.
230. Desi r e and N eed N otes
Loot i t fr om the
possessed templar
i n the Ci r cle of
M agi .
231. The N otes of A r l F or eshadow N otes
Steal i t fr om A r l
F or eshadow i n the
Ci r cle of M agi .
232. I r vi ngs M i stake N otes
Exami ne the book
i nsi de I r vi ngs
study r oom in the
Ci r cle of M agi .
233. Pr omi ses of Pr i de N otes
Loot i t fr om one of
the abomi nati ons
i n the Ci r cle of
M agi .
234. Extr acur r i cular Studies N otes
Collect all the notes
wr i tten by the
templar s i n the
Ci r cle of M agi .
235. Gr ease Fi r e
Combinati ons
Gr ease + Fi r e.
236. Entr opi c Death
Combinati ons
Death H ex + Death
237. Par alysis Explosi on
Combinati ons
Glyph of Par alysi s
+ Glyph of
Repulsi on.
238. Stor m of the Centur y
Combinati ons
Spell M i ght +
Bli zzar d +
239. F lame-Quencher
Combinati ons
Gr ease + Fi r e +
Bli zzar d.
240. Shockwave
Combinati ons
F or ce Fi eld +
Cr ushi ng Pr i son.
241. I mpr oved Dr ai n
Combinati ons
V ulner abi li ty H ex
+ Dr ai n Li fe.
242. A dvanced Reani mati on
Combinati ons
Spell M i ght +
A ni mate Dead.
243. N i ghtmar e
Combinati ons
Sleep + H or r or .
244. Shatter i ng
Combinati ons
F r eeze + M elee
A ttack.
245. Tacti cs Contr ols Open your tacti cs
26 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

246. Par ty A ppr oval Contr ols
Rai se your
compani ons
appr oval.
247. A r ea M ap Contr ols
Open your ar ea
map menu.
248. H eavy A r mor Contr ols
Equi p a heavy
ar mor .
249. A r my Pi cker Contr ols
Dur i ng The F inal
Onslaught i n
Dener i m.
250. Retr i eve Y our Equi pment Contr ols
Retr i eve your
str i pped
equi pments fr om
the chest.
251. The J ob Boar d Contr ols
Exami ne a job
boar d.
252. Codex Entr i es Contr ols
Collect a codex
entr y.
253. Combat Basics Contr ols
Encounter your
fi r st enemy in your
or i gi ns.
254. Combat Basics M age Contr ols
Encounter your
fi r st enemy in your
M agi or igi ns.
255. Ranked Cr eatur es Contr ols
Encounter a
r anked cr eatur e.
256. I njur i es Contr ols A cquir e an i njur y.
257. Sever e I njur i es Contr ols
A cquir e a sever e
i njur y.
258. H ealth Poulti ces Contr ols
Pi ck up a health
poulti ces.
259. Contr olli ng Par ty M ember s Contr ols
M eet your fi r st
compani on i n your
or i gi ns.
260. Cr afti ng Contr ols
A cquir e a ski ll
poi nt.
261. Reci pes Contr ols
F i nd a cr afti ng
r eci pe.
262. Defending the Gates Contr ols
Dur i ng The F inal
Onslaught i n
Dener i m.
263. Di sgui sed! Contr ols
Dur i ng Rescue the
Queen i n Dener im.
264. Explor ati on Contr ols
A t the begi nning of
the game.
265. F ati gue Contr ols
Equi p a heavy
ar mor .
27 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

266. Gi fts Contr ols F i nd a gi ft.
267. F r i endly F ir e Contr ols
Engage i n a fi ght
wi th your ar cher
or mage.
268. I nventor y Contr ols
Open your
i nventor y menu.
269. Runes and Enchantment Contr ols
F i nd a r unestone
or talk to Bodahn
and Sandal i n your
par ty camp.
270. J our nal Contr ols
Open your jour nal
271. Level U p Contr ols
A cquir e enough
exper i ence to level
272. Sustai ned A bi li ties Contr ols
A ctivate a
sustai ned abi li ty.
273. I nventor y Over load Contr ols
F i ll your
i nventor y.
274. Par ty M ember Contr ols
M eet your fi r st
par ty member .
275. Par ty Camp Contr ols
Tr avel to your
par ty camp.
276. Locked I tem Contr ols
Encounter a locked
i tem.
277. Plot H elper Contr ols
Recei ve your fi r st
278. Shapeshi fter : Bur ni ng M an F or m Contr ols
A cquir e the
bur ni ng man for m
i nsi de the fade.
279. Shapeshi fter : Golem F or m Contr ols
A cquir e the golem
for m i nsi de the
280. F ade Shapeshi fting Contr ols
A cquir e the r at
for m i nsi de the
281. Shapeshi fting: Spir i t F or m Contr ols
A cquir e the spir i t
for m i nsi de the
282. Speci alizati ons Contr ols Reach level 7.
283. Stealth Contr ols
Per for m stealth or
r ecr ui t Leli ana or
Zevr an.
284. M er chants Contr ols V i si t a mer chant.
285. Wor ld M ap Contr ols
Enter the wor ld
286. A Rolled-U p N ote Quest-Related
Exami ne the scr oll
i nsi de the basement
28 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

i n Redcli ffe Castle.
287. Summoni ng Science Quest-Related
Collect all the notes
wr i tten by the
appr enti ces and
complete the
Sci ence si de quest
i n the Ci r cle of
M agi .
288. The Dead Caste Quest-Related
Collect all the
ar mor s pi eces and
the i nsi gni a and
complete the Dead
Castes si de quest i n
Or zammar .
289. The Cr osscut Dr i fter s Quest-Related
Exami ne the r ubble
pi le near the
fr actur ed statue in
car i di ns cr oss.
290. The Gangue Shade Quest-Related
Exami ne the statue
i nsi de the dead
tr enches.
291. The K ey to the Ci ty Quest-Related
Collect all the
i nfor mati on about
Or zammar and
complete the The
K ey to the Ci ty
si de quest i n
Or zammar .
292. The Shaper s Li fe Quest-Related
Collect all the r unes
and complete the
Wall of M emor i es
si de quest i n
Or zammar .
293. Topsi der s H onor Quest-Related
Collect all the
pi eces of topsi der
and complete the
Topsi der s H onor
si de quest i n the
deep r oads.
294. J ammer s Stash Quest-Related
Collect all the
cheapest i tems and
complete J ammer s
Stash in the car ta.
Letter fr om the Blackstone
I r r egular s
M eet a Blackstone
Li ai son.
296. Blackstone Letter of Conscr i pti on Quest-Related
Collect the letter s
for Gr easi ng the
29 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Wheels or
Der eli cti on of
Duty si de quest
fr om the
Blackstone Li ai son.
297. Blackstone Letter of Condolence Quest-Related
Collect the letter s
for N oti ces of
Death si de quest
fr om the
Blackstone Li ai son.
298. A Pi nch of A shes Quest-Related
Loot i t fr om the
dead soldier near
the br i dge and
complete A Pi nch
of A shes si de quest
i n the K or car i
Wi lds.
299. Letter of J ogby Quest-Related
Loot i t fr om the
dead body tr aveler
and complete The
M i ssi onar y si de
quest in the
K or car i Wi lds.
300. F ar ewell Letter to J ogby Quest-Related
Open the chest
menti oned i n
J ogbys note.
301. Ri gbys Last Wi ll and Testament Quest-Related
Loot the body near
the r i ver and
complete the Last
Wi ll and
Testaments si de
quest in the
K or car i Wi lds.
302. Si gns of Chasi nd Quest-Related
Locate all the si gns
of Chasi nds and
complete the Signs
of Chasi nds si de
quest in the
K or car i Wi lds.
303. The M ages Collecti ve Quest-Related
M eet a M ages
Collectives Li aison.
304. A sunder Quest-Related
Collect all the
bloody sacks and
complete the
A sunder si de
quest in the deep
r oads.
305. U nbound Quest-Related
Collect all the dead
adventur es jour nal
30 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

and complete the
U nbound si de
quest in Dener im.
306. Caged i n Stone Quest-Related
A ctivate the thr one
and complete the
Caged i n Stone
si de quest i n
Or zammar r oyal
307. By Or der of Emer Thor ogood Quest-Related
Loot the note fr om
the ambusher s and
complete the Sign
i f Safe Passage si de
quest in the
Br eceli an F or est.
308. Scr olls of Banastor Quest-Related
Collect all the
scr olls and
complete the
Scr olls of Banastor
si de quest.
309. F r i ends of Red J enny Quest-Related
Collect the pai nted
box fr om I r vi ngs
r oom and the letter
fr om the dead
ambusher and
complete the
F r iends of Red
J enny si de quest i n
Dener i m.
310. F i ve Pages, F our M ages Quest-Related
Collect all the tor n
paper s and
complete the F i ve
Pages, F our M ages
si de quest.
311. Watchguar d of the Reachi ng Quest-Related
Collect all the notes
wr i tten by the
appr enti ces and
complete the
Watchguar d of the
Reachi ng si de
quest in the Ci r cle
of M agi.
312. M aleficar um Regr ets Quest-Related
Loot i t fr om the
dead mage i n
Lother i ng i mper i al
hi ghway.
313. Renolds Plea Quest-Related
Exami ne the scr oll
i nsi de Redcli ffe
Castle and complete
31 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

H ave Y ou Seen
M e? si de quest i n
Dener i m.
314. The Spot Quest-Related
Exami ne the
appr enti ces
footlocker in the
fi r st floor of Ci r cle
of M agi.
315. Letter of Ter mi nati on Quest-Related
Collect the letter s
for N oti ces of
Ter mi nati on si de
quest fr om the
M ages Collectives.

# The War dens K eep Categor y Locati on
98. The H i stor y of the Dr ydens
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Talk to Levi
Dr yden i n the
par ty camp.
The H i stor y Of Soldi er s Peak:
Chapter 1
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the statue
near the main
The H i stor y Of Soldi er s Peak:
Chapter 2
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the book
i n the fir st floor of
Soldi er s Peak.
The H i stor y Of Soldi er s Peak:
Chapter 3
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the altar
i n the second floor
of Soldi er s Peak.
The H i stor y Of Soldi er s Peak:
Chapter 4
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne the cor pse
i nsi de A ver nuss
labor ator y i n
Soldi er s Peak.
190. Sophi a Dr yden Char acter s
Talk to Levi
Dr yden i n the
par ty camp.
224. Sophi a Dr ydens J our nal
Books and
Exami ne the book
i n the second floor
of Soldi er s Peak.
A Letter Fr om Bann M athui n
N otes
Exami ne the book
i n the fir st floor of
Soldi er s Peak.
234. A ver nuss N otes N otes
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the
labor ator y i n
Soldi er s Peak.
235. A Plea Fr om Commander A thlar N otes
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the fir st floor
i n Soldi er s Peak.

32 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

# The Stone Pr i soner Categor y Locati on
178. Shale Char acter s
M eet Shale i n the
vi llage of
H onnleath.
218. The J our nal of Enchanter Wi lhelm
Books and
Exami ne the book
i nsi de the basement
i n H onnleath.
A N ote fr om the H onnleath
V i llage Counci l
N otes
Exami ne the scr oll
on the r ound table
i n H onnleath.
229. A Decades-Old Letter N otes
Exami ne the scr oll
i nsi de Wi lhelms
basement i n
H onnleath.

# Retur n to Ostagar Categor y Locati on
218. Cai lans Documents Page 3 of 3 N otes
Loot i t fr om
Cai lans chest i n
Ostagar .
236. Cai lans Documents Page 2 of 3 N otes
Loot i t fr om
Cai lans chest i n
Ostagar .
237. Cai lans Documents Page 1 of 3 N otes
Loot i t fr om
Cai lans chest i n
Ostagar .
238. Retur n to Ostagar Cr edi ts N otes
Complete Retur n to
Ostagar DLC.

# F east Day Gi fts and Pr anks Categor y Locati on
235 F east Day Gi fts Cr edi ts N otes
U pon installi ng the
236 F east Day Pr anks Cr edi ts N otes
U pon installi ng the

# The Dar kspawn Chr oni cles Categor y Locati on
245. Battle Tr ophies Contr ols F i nd a gi ft.
246. Bur ni ng the A li enage Contr ols
Tr avel to the
ali enage.
247. Ear ni ng Thr alls Respect Contr ols
Recr ui t your fi r st
thr all.
248. F allen Thr all Contr ols
When your thr all
falls i n battle.
249. H eali ng Contr ols
F i nd a health
poulti ce.
250. Ogr e A bi li ti es Contr ols Enthr all an ogr e.
33 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

251. Recr ui ting Enthr alls Contr ols
When you star t the
252. Stealthy Shr i ek Contr ols Enthr all a shr i ek.

# Leli anas Song Categor y Locati on
282. Rai di ng the Collectives Quest-Related
Collect the si gnet
fr om the mages
collecti ves.
283. The Or lesi an Game of I ntr i gue Quest-Related
When you star t the
284. The A r ls Estate Quest-Related
Exami ne the statue
at the entr ance of
A r ls estate.
285. The H ar d Li ne Quest-Related
Encounter an eli te
soldi er i n A r ls
286. War J our nal, Revi sed Quest-Related
Exami ne the war
jour nal i n A r ls
H ar wen Ralei ghs Per sonal
J our nal
Exami ne Ralei ghs
jour nal i n A r ls
288. M ar jolai ne Quest-Related
Exami ne
M ar joli anes bag i n
the hi deout.
289. Sketch Quest-Related
Exami ne Sketchs
books in the
hi deout.
290. Tug Quest-Related
Exami ne Tugs bag
i n the hi deout.
291. A n I ntr oducti on Quest-Related
Exami ne
A ndr astes statue
i n the chantr y.
292. Si las Quest-Related
Talk to Si las i n the
chantr y.

# The Golems of A mgar r ak Categor y Locati on
33. A Br onto N amed Snug Cr eatur es
M eet J er r i k i n deep
r oads gr otto.
34 The H ar vester Cr eatur es
Defeat the
H ar vester i n
A mgar r ak for ge.
188. J er r i k Dace Char acter s
M eet J er r i k i n deep
r oads gr otto.
189. The Gr ey War den Char acter s
When you star t the
--- Dar i ons J our nal Books and Exami ne all pieces
34 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Songs of Dar i ons jour nal
and enter all the
phases in the thai g.
232. A nci ent Wr i tings N otes
Exami ne all the
tatter ed notes i n
A mgar r ak.
233. Seneschal Gar evels M i ssive N otes
When you star t the

# Wi tch H unt Categor y Locati on
33 The V ar ter r al Cr eatur es
Defeat the
V ar ter r al i n
Dr agonbone Waste.
187. The M abar i H ound Char acter s
When you star t the
188. F lemeths Demi se Char acter s
Exami ne the
clear i ng wher e you
ki lled her .
189. The Gr ey War den Char acter s
When you star t the
--- Letter s fr om the Past
Cultur e and
H i stor y
Exami ne all the
notes in cadash
thai g.

Compani ons

A li stai r
Race H uman A li stair i s a tr ai ned templar who
then becomes a Gr ey War den. H ell
joi n you i n the ear ly stage of the
game and stays wi th you ti ll the end
unless your [har sh] deci si on r esults
i n ki lling him i n the landsmeet. H e
i s the second son and the tr ue hei r
to K i ng M ar i cs thr one though he
li kes to hi de hi s or i gi n and act li ke
hes too lucky to di e as a Gr ey
War den.

Tacti cs: A li stai r ser ves as a
power ful tank i f you equip hi m wi th
good weapons and ar mor s. Wor k a
bi t on hi s health and he can take the
fr ontli ne i n the battle allowing you
to sneak behi nd the tar get and
fi ni sh them off.
Class War r i or
Speci alizati on Templar
Level Depends on your level and
game pr ogr essi on
Gi fts A li stair s M other A mulet*
Black Runestone
Compleat Geneaology of the
K yngs of F er eldan
Duncans shi eld*
Gr ey War den H and Puppet
J oi ni ng Chali ce
Onyx Demon Statuette
Small Car ved Statuette
Stone Dr agon Statuette
Stone War r i or Statuette
Whi te Runestone
Requir ement Complete J oini ng the Gr ey
War dens quest i n Ostagar
35 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Si de Quest A li stair s F ami ly
H i s templar ski lls become ver y
handy i f you ar e fi ghti ng agai nst a
blood mage and hell become a
massive damage dealer i f you r ai se
hi s swor d and shi eld exper ti se.
When choosing speci alizati on, go for
ber ser ker . I tll r ai se hi s attacki ng
str ength maki ng hi m a ki lli ng

A ppr oval: A li stai r i s a fun
char acter to have ar ound; youll
never get bor ed i f hes i n the team.
H e likes to joke ar ound and can
take a few teasi ng and flir ti ng but
never dar e to bad mouth Duncan in
fr ont of him.

Baby si tti ng hi m i s the best way to
r ai se hi s appr oval, he is the most
easi est char acter to take car e of, tr y
not to hur t hi s feeli ngs and dont
menti on about hi s father or him
bei ng the hei r to the thr one and
youll get by pr etty easi ly wi thout
any gi fts or deci si ons.

Ther e ar e ar ound thr ee si tuati ons
wher e A li stai r deci des to leave the
par ty: [a] i f you hur t his feeli ngs for
hi s fami ly after meeti ng hi s si ster ,
[b] i f you F ORCE hi m to become the
ki ng and [c] i f you take Loghai n i nto
the Gr ey War dens. A void these
thr ee and hell sti ck ar ound your
back like your shadow.

Race M abar i War H ound Y ou can acqui r e your dog by
completing M i schief in the Lar der
i n H uman N oble or i gi ns or The
M abar i H ound si de quest in
Ostagar .

Tacti cs: Tr y gai ni ng his over whelm
abi li ty i n the ear ly stage of the
game, your dog wi ll be r eplaced as
Class War Dog
Speci alizati on ---
Level Depends of your level and
game pr ogr essi on
Gi fts Beef Bone
Lamb Bone
Lar ge Bone
Ox Bone
36 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Pr otective Collar
Sti ck
V eal Bone
you meet other compani ons but
unti l you fi nd them you need his
over whelming ski ll as i t can ki ll a
non-boss uni t in a si ngle blow.

H aving your dog i n the team nets
you thr ee things: [a] hell fetch you
r andom thi ngs i f you have him
sear ch the place, [b] acti vati ng
mabar i dominance incr eases his
attacki ng str ength and [c] havi ng
hi m li ck your bloody gor e gi ves him
a li ttle health boost [and keeps you

A ppr oval: H i s r ati ng never dr ops
below 100% but you can always
fetch him a bone or two so that he
can play wi th them. J
Requir ement Complete M ischi ef in the
Ladder si de quest i n N oble
H uman or i gi ns or The
M abar i H ound si de quest i n
Si de Quest N one [cmon what ki nd of a
si de quest a dog can gi ve?! Go
fetch my bone?]

Leli ana
Race H uman Leli anas a migr ant fr om Or el, she
spent most of her ti me as a bar d
and an under cover ed spy who then
joi ns the chantr y tr ying to spr ead
the chant of li ght to the four cor ner s
of the wor ld. Y oull meet Leli ana in
Lother i ng taver n, shell voluntar i ly
joi ns your team sayi ng she was sent
by The M aker to help you fi ght
agai nst the dar kspawns.

Tacti cs: Best possi ble weapon
exper ti se for Leli ana i s ei ther
ar cher y or duel-weapons though i ts
best to avoid her in hand-to-hand
combat. Rai se her ar cher y ski ll and
shell become one of the handi est
char acter s i n the team, especi ally in
the ear ly stage of game wher e you
cant affor d to buy weapons and
have to r ely on chests and locker s.

A ppr oval: A s a r eli gi ous per son
Leli ana always expects you to
r espect her cultur e and never bad
mouth A ndr aste and The M aker .
Shell always suppor ts you for doi ng
good deeds and tr i es to speak out
Class Rogue
Speci alizati on Bar d
Level Depends on your level and
game pr ogr essi on
Gi fts A ndr astes Gr ace*
Blue Sati n Shoes
Br onze Symbol of A ndr aste
Chantr y A mulet
Cute N ug*
Etched Si lver Symbol
F at Lute
Golden Symbol of A ndr aste
Si lver Swor d of M er cy
Steel Symbol of A ndr aste
U gly Boots
Requir ement Dur i ng the Lother ing and
I mper i al H i ghway quest i n
Lother i ng
Si de Quest Leli anas Past
37 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

her wor ds i f you tr y to cheat her
cultur e. F or example: I f you tr y to
poi son the U r n i n the temple then
shell tur n agai nst you and helps the
guar di an ki ll you, but i f you have
hi gh concr eti on ski ll then you can
i nti mi date her to stay i n the team.

Loghai n
Race H uman Loghai n wi ll joi n your team i f you
let hi m live i n the landsmeet but
doi ng so wi ll r esult in A listair
leavi ng your team. Loghai n r eplaces
A li stair i n most of the places
i ncluding bei ng a good tank,
standing in the same place as
A li stair in the par ty camp and
gi vi ng the same pose on the
compani ons scr een. But as we all
know he cant r eplace that blondie-
bastar d who tr ies to make fun out of
ever ythi ng.

Tacti cs: Loghai n ski lls ar e as same
as A li stair ; hell r eplace A listair as
a power ful tank taki ng the fr ontli ne
and can infli ct a bi t mor e damage
than A li stai r . H e comes wi th
champi on speci alizati on, whi ch hell
teach you i f you ever manage to
r ai se his appr oval to war m or
hi gher status.

A ppr oval: A s the seni or most
member of the team, Loghai n talks
ver y li ttle. The only way to r ai se his
appr oval i s by gi fts, tr y talki ng
about A nor a and agr ee he know
whats best for her , thi sll gi ve you a
li ttle boost in the r ati ng.
Class War r i or
Speci alizati on Champi on
Level Depends on your level and
game pr ogr essi on
Gi fts A nci ents M ap of I mper i um
Botani sts M ap of Thedas
Cur r ent M ap of F er elden
K i ng M ar i cs Shield
M ap of the A nder fels
M ap of Occupi ed F er elden
Or lesi an M ask
Requir ement Dur i ng The Landsmeet quest
i n Dener im
Si de Quest N one

M or r i gan
Race H uman A fter escapi ng fr om the Tower of
I shal, F lemeth offer s her daughter s
assi stance to help you gui de in the
wi lds. But M or r igan plays a major
r ole r ather than just guidi ng
thr ough wi lds pr ovi ding one of the
Class M age
Speci alizati on Shapeshi fter
Level Depends on your level and
game pr ogr essi on
Gi fts A li stair Doll
38 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Black Gr i mor e*
F lemeths Gr i mor e*
Golden A mulet
Golden Demon Pendant
Golden Ear r i ngs
Golden M i r r or *
Golden Rope N ecklace
The Chant of Li ght
U nabr i dged
Tr i bal N ecklace
four possi ble endi ngs after slayi ng
the A r chdemon.

Tacti cs: Tr y to acqui r e blood mage
speci alty when dealing wi th Connor ,
wi th thi s i n hand she can become a
ni ghtmar e to your foes di spatchi ng
them wi th her A oE spells and
cur ses. H er shape shi fti ng abi li ti es
ar e good but not as good as her
magi c.

I f you ar e planni ng to acqui r e her
master shape shi fti ng ski ll then
acqui r e ar cane war r i or i n the
Br eceli an F or est instead of blood
mage. I f not then wor k on her
par alyzi ng and A oE spells like cone
of cold, wi th thi s you can fr eeze
your enemies i ncludi ng the boss
uni ts and cr eate an openi ng for
your war r i or s to str i ke.

A ppr oval: M or r igan i s mor e of a
pr acti cal type than a senti mental,
she dont like wasti ng time and
money on fooli sh thi ngs and helpi ng
other s wi th thei r headaches. Y oull
get ar ound -5 to -10 dr op i n her
appr oval ever y ti me you tr y to help
other s.

Y ou can easi ly r ai se her r ating by
gi vi ng her gi fts, which ar e avai lable
i n vast number or by si mply talki ng
to her i n the camp. F or example:
when she says she doesnt beli eve in
love and all, agr ee love is
unnecessar y and people only seek to
gai n mor e power . These ki nd of
conver sati ons gi ve you a huge boost
i n her r ati ng. M or r i gan wi ll only
leave your team i f you tur n down
her offer befor e the fi nal battle
agai nst the A r chdemon.
Requir ement Complete The Tower of I shal
i n Ostagar
Si de Quest F lemeths Gr i mor e

Oghr en
Race Dwar f Oghr en for ces himself i nto the team
whi le looki ng for her wi fe, Par agon Class War r i or
39 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Speci alizati on Ber ser ker Br anka in the deep r oads and
deci des to come wi th you so that he
can get good var i ety of ale.

Tacti cs: Two-handed weapons wor ks
wonder s wi th hi s ber ser ker ski ll
deali ng massi ve damage to the
enemi es. I f you ar e playi ng
Or zammar in the fi nal stages of the
game then i ts fi ne, i f not then you
need to wor k a lot on hi s health
si nce hell di e wi th two or thr ee
cr i tical hi ts fr om a moder ate level

Oghr ens best i f you use him i n the
second r ow havi ng your tank taki ng
all the damage and allowi ng him to
str i ke fr om behi nd, like I said
i ncr ease hi s health then his
ber ser ker ski ll and two-handed
weapons exper ti se and hell become
a handy fi ghter i n tough si tuati ons.

A ppr oval: Oghr en likes to dr i nk; yes
he loves to dr ink mor e than hi s dead
wi fe. F etch him some power ful ale
fr om the near by taver ns and hell
stay on your tai l ti ll the end. When
you ar e talki ng to him i n the camp,
tr y consulting for hi s lose i nstead of
talki ng about hi s wi fe, leave hi m i f
he dont wi sh to talk you to gai n a
Level Depends on your level and
game pr ogr essi on
Gi fts A le
A lley K i ngs F lagon
Br ead F lask
Chasi nd Sack M ead
Gar lbogs Backcountr y
Reser ve
Golden Scythe 4:90 Black
Legacy of Whi te Shear
Scented Soap
Sun Blonde Vi nt-1
Wi lhelms Speci al Br ew
Requir ement Complete A Pr i nces
F avor / A Lor ds Tr ust: The
Second Task quest i n
Or zammar
Si de Quest Oghr ens F lame

Race Golem Shale in one of few sur vi vi ng golems
i n F er elden, she was bor n i n Cadhas
Thai g as a dwar ven woman then
scar i fi es her li fe to become a golem.
She has no memor ies of her past
si nce she has spent last few decades
of her li fe as a scar e cr ow in
H onnleath V i llage.

Tacti cs: She have good defense and
can r eplace A li stai r or Loghain as a
tank. U nlike other s she dont have
Class War r i or
Speci alizati on N one
Level Depends on your level and
game pr ogr essi on
Gi fts Pet Rock
Remar kable A methyst
Remar kable Di amond
Remar kable Emer ald
Remar kable Gar net
Remar kable Gr eenstone
Remar kable M alachi te
40 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Remar kable Ruby
Remar kable Sapphi r e
Remar kable Topaz
U ncr ushabled Pi geon
multi ple slots for equi pments, she
only got two slots. One for offense
and one for defense. I f you manage
to get two color cr ystals of same
color s then shell r ecei ve a bonus,
just li ke you wear i ng same
class/ metal equipments.

A ppor val: To be fr ank I dont know
much about her to tell you how to
r ai se her appr oval. Shes a golem
who spent decades as a scar e cr ow,
hur ting her feeli ngs wi th these
thi ngs wi ll cause major dr op in her
appr oval. She like cr ystals so
fetching them i s the best way to
r ai se her appr oval.
Requir ement Complete The Stone Pr i soner
Si de Quest A Golems M emor i es

Race Qunar i Sten can be found i n the nor ther n
par t of Lother i ng, i f you dont fr ee
hi m ther e then hes gone for good.
H e comes to F er elden to help i n the
bli ght but i nstead gets hur t and
separ ated fr om hi s r emai ni ng team,
a gr oup of far mer s finds him
wounded i n the wi lds and tr eats his
i njur i es but he sub-coconsci ously
ki lls them thinki ng they ar e the one
who tr i ed to ki ll hi m i n the battle.

A fter r ealizi ng he has slaughter ed
an enti r e fami ly who saved hi m, he
sur r ender s to the local templar s
feeli ng gui lty for what he has done.
The only way to r ecr ui t him i nto
the team i s by offer i ng him
salvati on by fi ghti ng i n the bli ght
and helpi ng you ki ll the
A r chdemon.

Tacti cs: Stens becomes the li fe of the
team has he is the most power ful
war r i or i n the gr oup. Two-handed
weapons ar e best sui ted for him
si nce he can sli ce over si zed foes wi th
hi s swor ds and axes.

Complete hi s two-handed weapon
Class War r i or
Speci alizati on N one
Level Depends on your level and
game pr ogr essi on
Gi fts Butter fly Swor d
Pai nting of the Rebel Queen
Por tr ai t of a Goose Gir l
Quaanr o Pr ayer s for the
Si lver F r amed Sti ll-Li fe
Swor d of Ber esaad
Water -Stained Por tr ai t
Requir ement Complete The Qunar i
Pr i soner side quest i n
Lother i ng
Si de Quest The Swor d of Ber esaad
41 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

exper ti se acqui r i ng the final ski lls
li ke cr i tical-hi t, death-blow, etc and
thr ow hi m some of the best ar mor s
and hell become a ki lling machi ne
taki ng on fi ve-six tr oops at a ti me.

A ppr oval: Y oull lose a bi t of r ati ng
ever y ti me you deci de to help
other s, whi ch wi ll stop you fr om
r eachi ng the A r chdemon. A s a bor n
war r i or , he likes to stay on his
enemys tai l unti l he ki lls them.
Dont talk to him anythi ng except
for the bli ght, dar kspawns and
A r chdemon. The only way to r ai se
hi s r ating i s by gi fti ng hi m some
pai nti ngs, for whi ch hes
myster i ously fond of.

Race H uman Wynnes a scholar and a fi r st
enchanter in the Ci r cle of M agi ,
who then deci des to leave the Ci r cle
and go wi th you to help you defeat
the bli ght, i n whi ch she fai led in
Ostagar . Shes another one of those
who voluntar i ly joi ns your team to
fi ght agai nst the dar kspawns and
stays wi th you unless your deci si ons
makes them leave or di e.

Tacti cs: A s a spir i t healer Wynnes
a valuable asset to the team, i f you
ar e r eplaci ng M or r igan by Wynne
then tr y acquir i ng blood mage
speci alty si nce ar cane wi ll do no
good to her abi li ty as a mage.

Wi th the combi nati on of blood
magi c and spi r i t heali ng, shell
become the most r eli able N PC to
count on in toughest battles li ke the
H i gh Dr agon, F lemeth and the
A r chdemon, for whi ch you need a
dedi cated healer along wi th a
power ful mages to dr ai n li fe out of
enemi es souls.

A ppr oval: Shes not the one who
Class M age
Speci alizati on Spi r i t H ealer
Level Depends on your level and
game pr ogr essi on
Gi fts A mulet of M emor i es
Cat Ladys H obble Stick
Di scover i ng Dr agons Blood
Poti ons, Tinctur es and Spi cy
F ancy Scr oll
The Guer r i ns of Fer elden: A
Genealogi cal H i stor y
Tatter ed N otebook
The Rose of Or lai s
The Sear ch for the Tr ue
Pr ophet
Wi ne
Requir ement Dur i ng the Br oken Ci r cle
quest in the Ci r cle of M agi
Si de Quest Wynnes Regr et
42 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

li kes to hang out and talk wi th
fr i ends, she li kes to di scuss about
par ti cular topics r ather than
r andom thi ngs li ke M or r i gan and
wi ll leave you i n two si tuati ons: [a]
i f you deci de to poison the U r n and
[b] i f you deci de to ki ll all the mages
i n the Ci r cle of M agi befor e
confr onting U ldr ed. H er e, shell
tur n i nto a blood mage and attacks
you so be car eful.

A s a scholar , she li kes books, scr olls
and etc and expects you to r espect
ever ythi ng i n the wor ld wi thout
bad mouthi ng or shar i ng your
thoughts, shes mor e like Leli ana,
who wants you to do good deeds and
help other s, when they need you the
most [cr ap I say].

Zevr an
Race Elf Zevr ans an assassi n, whos sent by
Loghai n to ki ll you and A li stai r ,
hell ambush you tr yi ng to ki ll you
but then joi ns your team [i f you let
hi m li ve]. H es a bloodthi r sty
assassin who li kes to plunge his
blade into his enemi es neck and see
thei r blood spi ll to the gr ound.

Tacti cs: A deadly assassin wholl
become mor e deadlier wi th twi n
blades. H ell become the most
valuable member i n the team wi th
hi s r ogue ski lls allowi ng you to pi ck
locks and chests. Put hi m i n stealth
befor e the fi ght star ts and navi gate
hi m behi nd the tar gets back to see
hi s tr ue power put to test; he can
i nfli ct massi ve damage on boss uni ts
usi ng his r ogue and assassins ski lls
to backstab the tar gets br ini ng them
to thei r knees.

A ppr oval: H es a bloodthi r sty
mur der er who likes to ki ll people;
hell enjoy spi lli ng other s blood and
wants you to be like hi m. H es a
Class Rogue
Speci alizati on A ssassi n
Level Depends on your level and
game pr ogr essi on
Gi fts A ni tva Leather Boots*
Chasi ty Belt
Dali sh Gloves*
M edi um Gold Bar
M edi um Si lver Bar
Rar e A ntivan Br andy
Small Gold Bar
Small Si lver Bar
Requir ement A fter completi ng the Br oken
Ci r cle quest i n the Ci r cle of
M agi
Si de Quest N one
43 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

funny char acter who li kes to tease
other s even i f i t means hur ti ng his
own feeli ngs. H e thinks of what hell
get in r etur n and wi ll not thi nk
twi ce to betr ay you i f hes goi ng to
get a better pay fr om your
opponents unless you have war m or
hi gher r elati onshi p wi th hi m.

Gi fts and Pr anks

N ame Reci pi ent Locati on
A le Oghr en Bar tender i n gnawed noble taver n.
A li stair Doll M or r i gan F east Day Gi fts DLC.
A li stair s M other A mulet A li stair
I nsi de A r l Eamons study r oom in
Redcli ffe castle.
A lley K i ngs F lagon Oghr en Legnar i nsi de Or zammar commons.
A mulet of M emor i es Wynne F east Day Gi fts DLC.
A nci ent M ap of
I mper i um
Loghai n Wonder s of thedas i n Dener im.
A ndr astes Gr ace Leli ana
N ear the landmar k tr ee i n Redcli ffe
vi llage.
A ntivan Leather Gloves Zevr an Chest i nsi de the gener al stor e in H aven.
Beef Bone Dog
Chest near the dogs kennel i n the Tower
of I shal.
Black Gr i mor e M or r i gan
I nsi de I r vi ngs study r oom i n the Ci r cle
of M agi.
Black Runestone A li stair One of the chests insi de or tan thai g.
Blue Suede Shoes Leli ana
Ox mer chant r andomly encounter ed in
wor ld map.
Botani sts M ap of Thedas Loghai n
Chest i nsi de Eamons study r oom i n
Dener i m.
Br ead F lask Oghr en F east Day Gi fts DLC.
Br onze Symbol of
A ndr aste
Leli ana
Chest near the Rever ed M other i n
Lother i ng.
Buttefly Swor d Sten F east Day Pr anks DLC.
Cat Ladys H obble Stick Wynne F east Day Pr anks DLC.
Chantr y A mulet Leli ana F allen templar i nsi de the Ci r cle of M agi.
Chasi nd Sack M ead Oghr en
Pi le of scr olls i nsi de the Temple i n
H aven.
Chasi ty Belt Zevr an F east Day Pr anks DLC.
Compleat Geneaology of
the K yngs of F er elden
A li stair F east Day Pr anks DLC.
Cur r ent M ap of F er elden Loghai n
Gener al stor e i nsi de the elven ali enage
after completi ng U nr est i n the
A li enage quest.
44 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Cute Li ttle N ug Leli ana N ug dealer i n the Or zammar .
Dali sh Gloves Zevr an
Camp near the Gr eat Oak Tr ee in the
Br eceli an F or est.
Di r ty Pantaloons M i sc. Randomly found by your dog.
Di scover i ng Dr agons
Blood Poti ons, Tinctur es
and Spicy Sauces
Wynne Bookshelves i nsi de the temple i n H aven.
Duncans Shi eld A li stair
I nsi de the Gr ey War dens cache i n
Dener i ms war ehouse. A fter completing
Rescue the Queen quest dur i ng the
landsmeet. Go to the war ehouse near
gnawed noble taver n and examine the
bookshelves to r eveal the hi dden cache.
Etched Si lver Symbol Leli ana Ruck i nsi de the or tan thaig.
F ancy Scr oll Wynne
Complete the Elven Ri tual quest and
ki ll the ghost woman in the Br eceli an
F or est.
F at Lute Leli ana F east Day Gi fts DLC.
F lemeths Gr i mor e M or r i gan
Chest i nsi de F lemeths H ut after
completing F lemeths Gr imor e quest.
F ound Cake M i sc. Randomly found by your dog.
Gar lbogs Backcountr y
Reser ve
Oghr en Randomly found by your dog.
Gemmed Br acelet M i sc. Gar i n insi de Or zammar commons.
Gold Ear r i ngs M or r i gan Legnar i nsi de Or zammar dust town.
Golden A mulet M or r i gan Gar i n insi de Or zammar commons.
Golden Demon Pendent M or r i gan
Dead adventur er insi de the Temple i n
H aven.
Golden M i r r or M or r i gan Gar i n insi de Or zammar commons.
Golden Rope N ecklace M or r i gan Bodahn and Sandal i n your Par ty Camp
Golden Scythe 4:90 Black Oghr en
Cr ate near the vi llager s house i n
Lother i ng.
Golden Symbol of
A ndr aste
Leli ana Legnar i nsi de Or zammar dust town.
Gr ey War den H and
A li stair F east Day Gi fts DLC.
J oi ni ng Chali ce A li stair
A t the far end si de of the war counci l in
Ostagar , Retur n to Ostagar DLC.
K i ng M ar i cs Shei ld Loghai n F east Day Gi fts DLC.
Lamb Bone Dog
I nsi de the mabar i war hounds r oom in
Redcli ffe castle.
Lar ge Bone Dog I nsi de the gener al stor e i n H aven.
Legacy of Whi te Shear Oghr en
Sar cophagus insi de the r ui ned for tr ess
i n the Br eceli an F or est.
Locket M i sc. Chest i nsi de the gener al stor e in H aven.
M ap of A ndefels Loghai n
I nsi de the Gr ey War dens cache i n
Dener i ms war ehouse. A fter completing
45 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Rescue the Queen quest dur i ng the
landsmeet. Go to the war ehouse near
gnawed noble taver n and examine the
bookshelves to r eveal the hi dden cache.
M ap of Occupi ed
F er elden
Loghai n
Chest i nsi de A r l Eamons estate i n
Dener i m.
M edi um Gold Bar Zevr an
Tr easur e pi le i nsi de A r l of Dener ims
M edi um Si lver Bar Zevr an
Chest i nsi de the anvi l of the voi d in the
deep r oads.
Onxy Demon Statuette A li stair
Bones near the gr avestone i n the
Br eceli an F or est.
Or leasi an M ask Loghai n F east Day Pr anks DLC.
Ox Bone Dog
Rubble pi le near the fallen tr ee in the
Br eceli an F or est.
Pai nted Sky Ball M i sc.
Rubble near the fallen tr ee i nsi de the
Br eceli an F or est.
Pai nting of Rebel Queen Sten
Ox mer chant r andomly encounter ed in
the wor ld map.
Pet Rock Shale F east Day Gi fts DLC.
Pi ece of Wood M i sc. Randomly found by your dog.
Por tr ai t of a Goose Gir l Sten F ar yn i n fr ont of Or zammar s for tr ess.
Pr otective Collar Dog F east Day Pr anks DLC.
Quanr i Pr ayer s for the
Sten F east Day Gi fts DLC.
Rar e A ntivan Br andy Zevr an F east Day Gi fts DLC.
Remar kable A methyst Shale Somewher e in Or zammar dust town
Remar kable Di amond Shale Gar li n i nsi de Or zammar commons.
Remar kable Emer ald Shale F i gor i nsi de Or zammar commons.
Remar kable Gar net Shale Wonder of thedas i n Dener i m.
Remar kable Gr eenstone Shale
Loot i t fr om the dead wr ai th i nsi de
Wi lhelms basement, The Stone Pr i soner
Remar kable M alachi te Shale Owen insi de the Ci r cle of M agi .
Remar kable Ruby Shale
A lar i ths i nsi de the elven alienage i n
Dener i m.
Remar kable Sapphi r e Shale Legnar i nsi de Or zammar commons.
Remar kable Topza Shale F ar yn i n fr ont of Or zammar for tr ess.
Scented Soap Oghr en F east Day Pr anks DLC.
Shi ny Gold Ring M i sc. Bar lin i nsi de Lother i ng taver n.
Si lver Br acelet M i sc. I nsi de the Tower of I shal i n Ostagar .
Si lver Br ooch M i sc.
V ar athon i nsi de the dali sh camp i n the
Br eceli an Outski r ts.
Si lver Chain M i sc.
V ani ty insi de the seni or mages quar ter s
i n the Ci r cle of M agi .
Si lver Demon H ead M i sc. Legnar i nsi de Or zammar dust town.
Si lver M edalli on M i sc. Dr agon hoar d i nsi de the elven r ui ns i n
46 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

the Br eceli an F or est.
Si lver Swor d of M er cy Leli ana
Ox mer chant r andomly encounter ed in
the wor ld map.
Small Cr aved Statuette A li stair Cr ate near the mer chant in Lother ing.
Small F r amed Sti ll Li fe Sten
Chest i nsi de the second floor i n Redcli ffe
Small Gold Bar Zevr an
Char med templar i nsi de the Ci r cle of
M agi .
Small Si lver Bar Zevr an Chest i nsi de the chantr y i n H aven.
Steel Symbol of A ndr aste

Leli ana
Chest i nsi de Br other Geni ti vi s house i n
Dener i m.
Sti ck Dog F east Day Gi fts DLC.
Stone Dr agon Statuette A li stair
Chest i nsi de the second floor i n Redcli ffe
Stone War r i or Statuette A li stair
Dr agon fi lth i nsi de the Temples caver ns
i n H aven.
Sugar Cake M i sc. F east Day Gi fts DLC.
Sun Blonde Vi nt-1 Oghr en
V ani ty insi de the four th floor i n the
Ci r cle of M agi .
Swor d Of Ber esaad Sten Complete The swor d of Ber esaad quest.
Tangled Ball of Y ar n M i sc. Randomly found by your dog.
Tatter ed N otebook Wynne
Randomly found by your dog i n the
Ci r cle o M agi .
The Chant of Li ght,
U nabr i dged
M or r i gan F east Day Pr anks DLC.
The Guer i ns of F er elden:
A Genealogi cal H i stor y
Bookshelves i n the second floor of
Redcli ffe castle.
The Rose of Or lai s Wynne Li br ar y i n the Ci r cle of M agi .
The Sear ch for the Tr ue
Pr ophet
Wynne Chest i nsi de Or zammar shaper ate.
Thoughtful Gi ft M i sc. F east Day Gi fts DLC.
Totem Sten Chest i nsi de Car i di ns cr oss.
Tr i bal N ecklace M or r i gan Bar r el insi de the Tower of I shal.
U gly Boots Leli ana F east Day Pr anks DLC.
U ncr ushabled Pi egon Shale F east Day Pr anks DLC.
V eal Bone Dog
Chest i nsi de the apar tment i n elven
ali enage.
Water Stained Por tr ai t Sten
Ox mer chant r andomly encounter ed in
the wor ld map.
Whi te Runestone A li stair
A bominati ons i n the thir d floor of Ci r cle
of M agi.
Wi lhelms Speci al Br ew Oghr en
Exami ne the br ew maker in Wi lhelms
house, The Stone Pr i soner DLC.
Wi ne Wynne Lloyd i n Redcli ffe taver n.

47 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Legendar y I tems

Weapons and Staves

A geless Swor d [Two-handed Weapon]: I n Or zammar , befor e choosi ng the ki ng,
go to the thr one r oom and place your par ty member s on the pr essur e plates,
one i s outsi de the door and two ar e i n the r i ght si de of the r oom. H ave your
four th char acter exami ne the thr one to fr ee to the tr apped dr agon, ki ll i t and
loot i ts body to fi nd the swor d.

A nti que War den Cr ossbow [Ranged Weapon]: Dr opped by the War den
M aster Scout at the entr ance of the for tr ess dur i ng The War dens K eep.

A odh [One-handed Weapon]: I f you i nti mi dated the Whi te F alcons to leave
the taver n dur i ng Pear l Befor e Swi ne si de quest. Then, Cr i stof wi ll attack
you i n a r andom encounter , ki ll hi m and loot hi s body to fi nd the weapon.

Cali ons Shei ld [One-handed Weapon]: K i ll the dar kspawn vanguar d i n Ostgar
dur i ng Retur n to Ostgar DLC and loot i ts body to fi nd the swor d.

P.S: Gi ves a stamina bonus when pai r ed wi th M ar i cs Blade.

Chasi nd Gr eat M aul [Two-handed Weapon]: Pur chase i t fr om Gor i m in
Dener i m mar ket di str i ct.

Dr agonbone Cleaver [Two-handed Weapon]: Defeat the V ater all i n har d or
ni ghtmar e di ffi culty dur i ng the Wi tch H unt DLC to acquir e the weapon i n
the base game.

Duncans Dagger [One-handed Weapon]: Loot i t fr om the r esur r ected ogr e at
the end of Retur n to Ostgar DLC.

Duncans Shei ld [One-handed Weapon]: A fter completing Rescue the Queen
quest i n Dener im, go to the war ehouse next to gnawed noble taver n and
exami ne the table to r eveal a hi dden cache, loot the shi eld fr om the chest and
gi ve i t to A li stai r to have i t tur ned i nto a shi eld.

Duncans Swor d [One-handed Weapon]: Loot i t fr om the r esur r ected ogr e at
the end of Retur n to Ostgar DLC.

F ai ths Edge [Two-handed Weapon]: Dr opped by K olgr i m dur i ng the U r n of
the Sacr ed A shes quest i n H aven.

F ang [One-handed Weapon]: Y ou can only acqui r e thi s weapon i f you ar e
playi ng as the ci ty elf. When you r etur n to the ali enage dur i ng the landsmeet,
talk to Cyr i on and he wi ll gi ve you the dagger .

48 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

F ar Song [Ranged Weapon]: Pur chase i t fr om the new blacksmi th i n the
vi llage after completing The A r l of Redcli ffe quest in Redcli ffe.

F i nal Reason [Staff]: Pur chase i t fr om Bodahn i n the par ty camp.

I mper i um Cr ossbow [Ranged Weapon]: Y ou need to steal or pi ckpocket thi s
fr om the mer chant i n Lother i ng.

K eening Blade [One-handed Weapon]: K i ll Gaxkang i n hi s hi deout dur i ng the
U nbound si de quest and loot hi s body to fi nd the swor d.

M ages Eye [Ranged Weapon]: Pur chase i t fr om the only shop i n H aven.

M ar i cs Blade [One-handed Weapon]: Loot i t fr om Cali ons per sonnal chest
dur i ng Retur n to Ostgar DLC.

P.S: Gi ves a stamina bonus when pai r ed wi th Cali ans Shei ld.

M ar jor laneses Recur ve [Ranged Weapon]: K i ll M ar jor lane in Leli anas si de
quest and loot her house to fi nd the bow.

N ug Cr asher [Two-handed Weapon]: F ound i nsi de the weapon stand i n Ostgar
dur i ng Retur n to Ostgar DLC.

Spellweaver [Staff]: Dr opped fr om the ar cane war r i or insi de the caver ns
dur i ng the U r n of the Sacr ed A shes quest i n H aven.

Staff of M agi ster Lor ds [Staff]: Pur chase i t at Wonder s of Thedas in Dener i m
mar ket di str i ct.

Star fang [One-handed Weapon or Two-H anded Weapon]: Whi le tr aveling
ar ound the Soldier s Peak, you wi ll get a r andom encounter i n the cr ater
wher e you wi ll see an old couple finding a baby. A fter the cut scene, go to the
spot and you wi ll fi nd a str ange mater i al, take i t to Levi s br other in the
Soldi er s Peak and chose what type of weapon you want to have i t for ged i nto
a long swor d or gr eat swor d.

The Gr een Blade [One-handed Weapon]: Whi le looki ng for Bevi n in A M i ssi ng
Chi ld si de quest in Redcli ffe V i llage, ask what he was doi ng insi de the house
and acqui r e the key fr om hi m, open the cupboar d upstair s to find the swor d.

The Reaper s Cudgel [One-handed Weapon]: Defeat the H ar vester in har d or
ni ghtmar e di ffi culty i n The Golems of A mgar r ak DLC.

The Roses Thr one [One-handed Weapon]: Pur chase i t fr om Legnar / Gar li n in
Or zammar commons.

The Sar r ows of A r lathan [Ranged Weapon]: Complete the scr yi ng r i tual i n
the Wi tch H unt DLC to ear n the bow.
49 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

The Summer Swor d [One-handed Weapon]: K i ll Cauther in dur i ng the Rescue
the Queen or The Landsmeet quest i n Dener i m and loot her body to get the
swor d.

The V eshi alle [One-handed Weapon]: Pur chase i t fr om Bodahn i n the par ty

Topsi der s H onor [One-handed Weapon]: Fi nd all the pi eces in the deep r oads
and take i t to i ts master s gr ave i n or tan thai g to complete the Topsi der s
H onor si de quest and get the swor d.
1. H i lt Dr opped by a genlock emi ssar y i n Car i dans Cr oss.
2. Pommel F ound insi de the vase i n Rucks camp in Or tan Thaig.
3. Blade Dr opped by the anci ent dar kspawn i n Dead Tr enches.

Wi nter s Br eath [Staff]: K i ll the r age demon found in the gr eat hall dur i ng
the The War dens K eep DLC and loot i ts r emai ni ngs to fi nd the staff.

Wi nter sbr eath [Staff]: Pur chase i t fr om the Wonder s of Thedas i n Dener i m
mar ket di str i ct.

Y usar i s Gr eatswor d [Two-handed Weapon]: K i ll Shah Wyr d in the Ci r cle of
M agi and complete the Watchguar d of the Reachi ng si de quest to get the
swor d.

A r mor s and Robes

A r mor of the Di vi ne [A r mor Chest Piece]: Pur chase i t fr om Ruck in Or tan
thai g.

P.S: The ar mor can be used as a r eplacement to Effor ts chest pi ece and sti ll
get the set bonus.

Battledr ess of the Pr ovocateur [A r mor ]: F ind all the ar mor pi eces dur i ng
Leli anas Song DLC to have i t tr ansfer r ed to the mai n game:
1. F i r st pi ece Dr opped by J ovi M er ice i n the mar ket di str i ct.
2. Second pi ece I nsi de the locked chest i nsi de the hall in the estate.
3. Thi r d pi ece I nsi de he locked or nate i nsi de the master bedr oom i n the
4. F or uth pi ece I n the ar mor stand i nsi de the r oom, wher e you fi ght the
weapon master and mabar i hounds.
5. F i fth pi ece I nsi de the fir st r oom after passing the second por tcui li s.
6. Si xth pi ece I nsi de the desk in the chantr y.

Blood Dr agon A r mor Set [A r mor ]: I nstall the DLC to get the ar mor and buy
the r est of the pi eces fr om Bodahn i n the par ty camp.

Cali ans A r mor Set [A r mor ]: K i ll the dar kspawn leader s i n Ostgar dur i ng
Retur n to Ostgar DLC and loot thei r bodi es to fi nd the pi eces.
50 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

1. H elm Dr opped by one of the dar kspawn gener als i n Ostgar
dur i ng Retur n to Ostgar DLC.
2. Chest piece Dr opped by one of the dar kspawn gener als in Ostgar
dur i ng Retur n to Ostgar DLC.
3. Gloves - Dr opped by one of the dar kspawn gener als i n Ostgar
dur i ng Retur n to Ostgar DLC.
4. Boots - Dr opped by one of the dar kspawn gener als i n Ostgar dur i ng
Retur n to Ostgar DLC.

Effor t A r mor Set [A r mor ]: F i nd all the pi eces of the ar mor i n the deep r oads
to complete set:
1. H elm - H ave your dog sear ch the thaigs i nsi de the deep r oads.
2. Chest pi ece - Dr opped by the br oodmother in A nvi l of V oi d quest in
Or zammar .
3. Gloves - Complete the Dr i fter s Cache si de quest and open the chest to
fi nd the gloves.
4. Boots - Pur chase i t fr om A limar i n Or zammor dust town.

J ugger naut A r mor Set [A r mor ]: Collect all the ar mor pieces scatter ed i n the
Br eceli an F or est and complete The M ages Tr easur e si de quest to get the
ar mor .
1. H elm F ound i nsi de one of the gr aves i n Br eceli an F or est.
2. Chest piece F ound i nsi de the sar cophagus wher e you fi ght the
ghost lady i n the r ui ns.
3. Gloves - F ound insi de one of the gr aves in Br eceli an F or est.
4. Boots - F ound i nsi de one of the gr aves in Br eceli an F or est.

Legi on of Dead A r mor Set [A r mor ]: Collect the pi eces scatter ed i n the deep
r oads and complete the Dead Castes si de quest to get the ar mor .
1. H elm F ound i nsi de the altar wher e you fi nd the key to the
Br oodmother i n Dead Tr enches.
2. Chest pi ece F ound insi de sar cophagi e i n one of the houses i n Dead
Tr enches.
3. Gloves - ound i nsi de sar cophagie i n one of the houses i n Dead
Tr enches.
4. Boots - ound i nsi de sar cophagi e i n one of the houses i n Dead
Tr enches.

Reaper s V estment [Robe]: Pur chase i t fr om the Wonder s of Thedas i n
Dener i m mar ket di str i ct.

Robe of A ver nus [Robe]: Dr opped by A ver nus in the for tr ess dur i ng The
War dens K eep DLC.

The Felons Coat [Robe]: Pur chase i t fr om Wades Empor i um i n Dener i m
mar ket di str i ct.

V estment of the Seer [Robe]: Complete the Wi tch H unt DLC to acqui r e the
i tem i n the base game.
51 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Wades Dr ake Scale A r mor Set [A r mor ]: Collect the dr ake scales fr om the
dr akes i n H aven temple and gi ve them to Wade in Dener i m along wi th some
money to get the ar mor .

Wades Super i or Dr agon Scale A r mor Set [A r mor ]: Collect the dr agon scale
fr om the H igh Dr agon and gi ve them to Wade wi th some coins to have them
for ged i nto ar mor .

Wades Super i or Dr ake Scale A r mor Set [A r mor ]: Collect the dr ake scales
fr om H aven temple and gi ve them to Wade wi th mor e money to get the
ar mor . Remember , you need to collect the fi r st ar mor set befor e you can
or der the second one.

War den Commander A r mor Set [A r mor ]: K i ll Sophi a Dr yden i n the fi r tr ess
dur i ng The War dens K eep DLC and loot her body to fi nd the ar mor .

P.S: The helm i s not r equir ed for the set bonus but can be pur chased M i khai l
Dr yden i n Soldier s Peek for extr a pr otecti on.

A ccessor i es

A ndr ui ls Blessi ng [A mulet]: Pur chase it fr om the quar ter smaster in the
Ci r cle of M agi .

Dawn Ring [Ri ng]: A cquir ed fr om Shainni after pr otecti ng the alienage in
The F i nal Battle quest i n Dener im.

P.S: Gi ves a set bonus when pai r ed wi th the Dusk Ri ng.

Dusk Ri ng [Ring]: Dr opped by the gr eater shade near the The Gr and Oak tr ee
i n the Br eceli an F or est.

P.S: Gi ves a set bonus when pai r ed wi th the Dusk Ri ng.

K ey to the Ci ty [Ring]: Fi nd all the scr olls scatter ed thr oughout Or zammar to
fi nd the locati on of the chest and open i t to complete the The K ey to the Ci ty
si de quest and to get the r i ng.

Li fegi ver [A mulet]: Pur chase i t fr om Gor in i n Or zammar commons.

M agi ster s Shei ld [A mulet]: F i nd i nsi de one of the chests in the deser ted
bui ldi ng dur i ng The Last Request si de quest in Dener i m.

M emor y Band [Ri ng]: A cquir ed thr ough i ts DLC.

Ri ng of A ges [Ri ng]: Pur chase i t fr om the Wonder s of Thedas in Dener im
mar ket di str i ct.

52 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

The Spellwar d [A mulet]: Pur chase i t fr om Bodahn i n the par ty camp.

Speci ali zati ons

War r i or
Ber ser ker

The fi r st ber ser ker s
wer e dwar ves.
They would
sacr i fi ce fi nesse for
a dar k r age that
i ncr eased thei r
str ength and
r esi li ence.
dwar ves taught
these ski lls to
other s, and now
ber ser ker s can be
found amongst all
r aces. They ar e
r enowned as
ter r i fying
adver sar i es.

+2 str ength, +10

Sour ce: By Oghr en
or a manual
avai lable fr om
Gor i m i n Dener i m
mar ket di str i ct.
Champi on

The champi on is a
veter an war r i or
and a confi dent
leader i n battle.
Possessi ng ski lls at
ar ms i mpr essive
enough to i nspi r e
alli es, the champi on
can also inti mi date
and demor alize
foes. These ar e
her oes you find
commandi ng an
ar my, or plungi ng
headlong i nto
danger , somehow
maki ng i t look easy.

+2 wi llpower , +1

Sour ce: By A r l
Eamon after
heali ng hi m usi ng
the U r n of the
Sacr ed A shes.

Demoni c spir i ts
teaches mor e than
blood magi c.
Reaver s ter r or i ze
thei r enemi es, feast
upon the souls of
thei r slai n
opponents to heal
thei r own flesh,
and can unleash a
bloody fr enzy that
makes them mor e
power ful as they
come to near er to
thei r own death.

+1 consti tuti on, +5
physi cal r esi stance

Sour ce: By
K or gr im after
poi soni ng the U r n
of the Sacr ed
A shes.

M ages who r efuses
Ci r cles contr ol
becomes apostate
and live i n a fear
of templar s power s
the abi li ty to
di spel and r esi st
magi c. A s ser vants
of the chantr y, the
templar s have been
the most effecti ve
means of
contr olli ng the
spr ead and use of
ar cane power for
centur i es.

+2 magic, +3 magi c
r esi stance

Sour ce: By A li stair
or a manual
avai lable fr om
Bodahn and
Sandal i n the
Par ty Camp.

M age
A r cane War r i or

A mong the
ancient elves,
ther e wer e mages
who tr ai ned thei r
magi cal ar ts to
augment thei r
mar tial pr owess.
They channeled
thei r magi cal
Blood M age

Ever y mage can
feel the dar k lur e
of blood magi c.
Or i gi nally
lear ned by
demons, these
dar k r i tes tap
i nto the power of
blood, cover ti ng

Rumor s speak of
bar bar ians that hold
the secr ets of
tr ansfer r ing the body
i nto the for m of
ani mals. The Ci r cle of
M agi denies such
r umor s, but thi s r ar e
ar t sur vi ves i n the
Spi r i t H ealer

N ot all enti es of
the fade ar e
demonic. M any
ar e benevolent
enti ts consisti ng
of li fe ener gy,
whi ch can be
called upon to
mend flesh and
53 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

power thr ough
thei r weapons and
bodi es, becomi ng
ter r or s on the
battlefield. M ost
consi der ed these
ski lls lost for ever ,
but they may sti ll
li nger in the
for gotten cor ner of
the wor ld. A r cane
war r i or s may
lear n to use thei r
magi c power scor e
to sati sfy the
str ength
r equir ement to
equi p hi gher -level
weapons and
ar mor .

+1 dexter i ty, +5

Sour ce: By fr eei ng
the soul tr apped
i nsi de the
phylacter y i n the
Br eceli an F or est.
li fe i nto mana
gi vi ng the mage
command over
the mi nds of
other s. U sch
power comes wi th
a pr i ce, though, a
blood mage must
sacr i fi ce hi s own
health, or the
health of allies, to
fuel these
abi li ties.

+2 consti tuti on,
+2 spell power

Sour ce: By going
thr ough J owans
r i tual to fr ee
Connor or
demandi ng the
desi r e demon to
gr ant the power
whi le the Ci r cle of
M agi per for ms
the r i tual.
for gotten cor ner s of
Thedas. M aster y of
thei r bodis allows
shapeshi fter s some
pr otecti on, even i n
human for m, maki ng
them dur able opponent
and staunch alli es.

+2 consti tuti on, +1
ar mor

Sour ce: By M or r i gan
or a manual avai lable
fr om Var athor n i n the
Dali sh Camp.
heal disease.
Spi r i t healer s
focus on
channeli ng the
ener gi es gr anted
by these spir i ts,
maki ng them
di spensable
member s of a
par ty of
adventur er s.

+2 consti tuti on,
+0.2 combat
r egener ati on

Sour ce: A manual
avai lable fr om
the wonder s of
thedas or Levi
Dr yden i n the
Soldi er s Peak.

A ssassi n

The assassi n fi nds
any noti on of
fai r ness a quaint
i deal that has no
place i n combat.
Poi sons ar e thei r
weapon of choice,
as ar e cr i ppli ng
str i kes that i nfli ct
per si stent wounds
on their foes. A s
ki ller s, as assassins
ar e a mar vel of
stealth and
effi ciency.

Bar d

Bar ds follow an
Or lesi an tr adi ti on,
acti ng as assassi ns,
spi es, saboteur s
and followi ng other
secr etive pur sui ts
i n the constant,
and someti mes
petty, str uggles
between nobles.
H aving taki ng the
mi nstr els ar t to
new level, bar ds
ar e ski lled
per for mer s and
master ed
Dueli st

Dueli sts ar e deadly
combatant who
pr efer to fi ght i n
li ght ar mour and
str i ke wi th li ght,
but pr eci se attacks.
Exper ienced
dueli sts have
pr eter natur al
r eflexes that allow
them to evade thei r
opponents clumsy
blows, as well as
str i ke wi th
r emar kable
pr eci si on.

Ranger s have
affi ni ty for open
countr y and
wi lder ness, but as
i ndependent scout
and mi li ti a, they
ar e oppor tuni ti es,
ni t stewar ds of
natur e. They
exploi t ever y
advantage of thei r
envi r onment, and
can lur e wi ld beats
to attack thei r foes.

+1 consti tuti on, +5
54 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

+2 dexter i ty, +2.5
cr i tical chance

Sour ce: By Zevr an
or a manual
avai lable fr om
A lar i th i n
Dener i m elven
ali enage.
manipulator s,
bar ds can i nspir e
thei r alli es or
di shear ten thei r
foes thr ough song
and tale.

+2 wi llpower , +1

Sour ce: By Leli ana
or a manual
avai lable fr om
A li mar i n
Or zammar dust

+2 dexter i ty, +1

Sour ce: By I sabela
i n Dener im pear l
after beati ng her i n
a car ds game.
natur e r esi stance

Sour ce: A manual
avai lable fr om
Bodahn and Sandal
i n the Par ty Camp.

55 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

56 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

M ale F emale

H uman Elf Dwar f

War r i or M age Rogue

Dali sh

Dwar f

Ci ty
M agi
H uman
N oble

Dwar f
N oble

M ale

M en and women i n Fer elden ar e
gener ally r egar ded as equal. Both
gender s ar e evenly r epr esented i n most
or gani zati ons, noble houses, and mi li tar y
for ces.
F emale

M en and women i n Fer elden ar e
gener ally r egar ded as equal. Both
gender s ar e evenly r epr esented i n most
or gani zati ons, noble houses, and mi li tar y
for ces.

H uman

The most numer ous, yet
the most divi ded of all the
r aces. Only four ti mes
have they ever uni ted
under a si ngle cause, the
last bei ng the centur ies
ago. Reli gi on and the
Chantr y play a lar ge par t
i n human soci ety. I t
di sti ngui shes them
cultur ally fr om elves and
dwar ves mor e than
anything else. H umans
can be war r i or s, r ogues, or

Raci al benefi ts: +1
str ength, +1 dexter i ty, +1

Once enslaved by humans,
most have all lost thei r
cultur e, scour gi ng an
i mpover i shed livi ng in the
slums of the human ci ti es.
Only the nomadi c Dali sh
tr i bes sti ll cli ng to thei r
tr adi ti ons, livi ng by the
bow and the r ule of thei r
gods as they r oam the
ancient for ests, welcome
nowher e else. Elves can
war r i or s, r ogues, or

Raci al benefi ts: +2
wi llpower , +2 magi c
Dwar f

Ri gi dly bound by caste
and tr adi ti on, the
dwar ves have been
wagi ng a losi ng war for
gener ati ons, tr yi ng to
pr otect the last str onghold
of thei r once vast
under gr ound empir e fr om
the Dar kspawns. Dwar ves
ar e ver y tough and have
hi ghly r esi stance to all
for ms of magi c, thus
pr eventing them fr om
becoming mages.

Raci al benefi ts: +1
str ength, +1 dexter i ty, +2
consti tuti on, 10% chance to
57 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

magi c, +1cunni ng r esi st hosti le magi c

War r i or

War r i or s ar e power ful
fi ghter s, focusi ng on melee
and r anged weapons to
deal wi th thei r foes. They
can and deli ver a gr eat
deal of puni shment, and
have str ong
under standi ng of tactics
and str ategy.
Speci alizati on for
war r i or s includes
ber ser ker , templar ,
champi on and r eaver .

Class benefi ts: +4 str ength,
+3 dexter i ty, +3
consti tuti on
M age

A s danger ous as i t potent,
magi c i s a cur se for those
lacki ng the wi ll to wi eld i t.
M alevolent spi r i ts that
wi sh to enter the wor ld of
li vi ng ar e dr awn to mages
li ke beacons, putti ng the
mage and ever yone
near by i n constant
danger . Because of thi s,
mages lead the li ves of
i solati on, locked away
fr om the wor ld they
thr eaten. Speci alizati on
i ncludes spi r i t healer ,
ar cane war r i or , and blood

Class benefi ts: +5 magi c, +4
wi llpower , +4 cunni ng

Rogues ar e ski lled
adventur er s who come
fr om all walks of li fe. A ll
r ogues possess some ski ll in
pi cki ng locks and spotting
tr aps, maki ng them
valuable assets to any
par ty. Tactically, they ar e
not i deal for fr ont-li ne
fi ghter s, but i f r ogues can
ci r cle ar ound behi nd thei r
tar get, they can backstab
to devastati ng effect.
Rogue speci alizati ons ar e
r anger , bar d, dueli st, and

Class benefi ts: +4
dexter i ty, +2 wi llpower ,
+4 cunni ng

Backgr ound
Dali sh Elf

Pr oud of
your r ole as
one of the
few tr ue
elves, you
you spend
your li fe
wi th your
tr i be unti l
a chance
wi th a r eli c
of your
people pasts
thr eatens to
tear you
away fr om
Dwar f

Bor n
casteless i n
a land
wher e r ank
i s
ever ythi ng,
bound as
the lackey
and thug of
a local
cr i me lor d,
you have
spent your
li fe
i nvi sible
unti l chance
thr usts you
i nto the
Ci ty Elf

Y ou have
li ved under
the heavy
thumbs of
over lor ds,
but when a
local lor d
clai ming hi s
pr ivi lege
wi th the
br i de
shatter s
weddi ng
day, the
si mmer i ng
M agi

Wi eldi ng a
power as
danger ous
as i t i s
potent, you
know the
magi c i s
cur se for
lacki ng the
wi ll to
contr ol i t.
Y ou
anxi ously
awai t your
H ar r owi ng,
the one
chance to
pr ove
H uman
N oble

Bor n to
wealth and
second only
to r oyalty,
you fi nd
tr ai ni ng i n
di plomacy
and battle
put to the
test as your
br other
leads the
bulk of your
fami lys
for ces to the
Dwar f
N oble

A s the
favor ed
chi ld of the
dwar ven
ki ng, you
pr oudly
take up
your for st
mi li tar y
only to
lear n that
the deadly
i ntr i gues of
fami ly and
may pose a
gr eater
58 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

ever ythi ng
you ever
spotli ght,
wher e you
can finally
pr ove
you wi ll be
defi ned by
the acti ons
or your
bi r th.
r aci al
tensi ons
explodes i n
a r ai n of
your self
agai nst the
lur king
wi thout and
wi thi ng.
Succeed, or
by the
knights who
war d
agai nst
your ki nd.
war i n the
danger than
even the

Dali sh Elf Or i gi ns

The stor y star t when your fr i end, Tamlin captur es two humans i n the for est, ask
them what they wer e doi ng her e and let them go. Then follow the path and youll
r each an old r uin in the mi ddle of the for est, ki ll the spi der s at the entr ance and
pr oceed east. K i ll the cr eatur es outsi de the r oom and enter the mi r r or r oom to
tr i gger a cut scene. Y oull wake up i n your camp, the elder says a human named,
Duncan br ought you back fr om the cave and hi s cur r ently looki ng for Tamli n.

A ppr oach F enar el and hell asks you to take hi m wi th you to look for Tamli n, talk to
the elder and per suade her to let hi m come wi th you. Then meet up wi th M er r i l and
head to the for est, this time ther ell be dar kspawn i nstead of wi ld animals so be ver y
car eful. Enter the r ui ns and head to the mir r or r oom to tr i gger another cut scene,
wher e Duncan destr oys the mi r r or and takes you all back to the camp.

Speak to H ahr en and tell him to pr epar e for Tamli ns cer emony for the dead, then
r etur n to the elder and shell tell you some shocki ng news. Y ou have been tainted by
the dar kspawns and ther es no r eal cur e, Duncan offer s a cur e to your i nfecti on i f
you agr ee to become a Gr ey War den and go wi th hi m, agr ee to joi n the Gr ey
War dens and the elder tells you to say far ewell to ever yone. Talk to the weapon
maker and per suade him to gi ve you a bow then talk to the stor y teller and agr ee to
tell the chi ldr en a stor y to get some codex. Talk to other N PCs and vi si t the
mer chant i f you need something, then r etur n to the elder and tell her you r eady to
leave the for est.
59 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Dwar f Commoner Or i gi ns

Watch the cut scene and exi t the house to meet your buddy, Leske. M ake way to the
tapster taver n i n the commons and talk to the Oski as. Y ou can ei ther ki ll him and
take the goods back to Ber ath or negoti ate and sell the lyr i um for some gold. Go back
to the shop i n dust town and talk to Ber ath, he tells you to go to the pr oving gr ounds
and make sur e hi s man wi ns the fi ght.

Retur n to the commons and talk to the guar ds to enter the pr ovi ng gr ounds, go to
Ever ds r oom to fi nd hes i n no condi ti on to fi ght i n the competi ti on. Open the chest
and gr ab hi s ar mor s and weapon, enter the battle gr ound and win all fi ve r ounds to
tr i gger a cut scene. When you wake up, youll fi nd your self in the pr i son, lur e the
guar d insi de and knock hi m out. Then take the keys and escape the pr i son, r eclai m
your weapons fr om the chest and head acr oss the car ta to exi t the bui lding. A t the
end, youll fi nd Ber ath chatting wi th his buddi es, ki ll them and exi t the car ta to
tr i gger another cut scene.

Ci ty Elf Or i gi ns

Shi anni , your cousin wakes you up and tells you to get r eady. Pi ck up the weddi ng
clothes fr om the chest and talk to your father to r eceive the boots. Exi t the house
and talk to the old couple near the house; theyll gi ve you 10 si lver s, whi ch they have
been savi ng to gi ve you. Talk N essas and her fami ly and theyll infor m they ar e
leavi ng because they dont have money to li ve i n the ali enage, tr y to leave them and
hi s daughter asks you to help her so that she can li ve her e or go somewher e else, gi ve
some money or convince her father stay her e. Then meet up wi th Sor i s near the
60 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

lar ge tr ee and hell take you to the weddi ng celebr ati on but thi ngs gets r oughed up
when A r ls son, V aughn ki dnaps your br i des and escapes.

Talk to Duncan and hell gi ve a long swor d and a bow so that you can pr otect
your self i n A r ls estate. Tr avel to the estate and meet up wi th your fr i end outsi de
the castle, follow hi m to the backdoor and enter the estate. Sneak i nto the nor ther n
si de of the estate and ki ll the guar ds insi de, examine the body to fi nd out shes dead.
Conti nue nor th and youll eventually r each V aughn and hi s men, ki ll them and
watch the cut scene. Retur n to the alienage and talk to ever yone you want, then go
back to Duncan and tell him you ar e r eady to leave.

M agi Or i gi ns

Y oull star t insi de the fade, follow down the path ki lling spir i ts unti l you r each a
talki ng r at, talk to hi m and agr ee to follow hi m. Conti nue down the path and youll
r each Spi r i t V alor , who asks you to fi ght him i f you want hi m to help you, defeat
hi m and hell give you a staff along wi th some i nfor mati on about your exam. F ollow
the r at to the plot helper and youll see a huge bear , whi ch asks you to solve i ts
r i ddles i n exchange for the i nfor mati on:
M ap
Tongue and
Dr eam

F ollow the plot helper back wher e you star ted and youll see your fi nal exam
wai ti ng for you, ki ll the demon and watch the cut scene. When you come back to the
Ci r cle, you fr i end, J owan tells you to meet the F ir st Enchanter I r vi ng i n hi s offi ce.
Go to the offi ce in the second floor and I r vi ng wi ll i ntr oduce you to Duncan and tells
you to escor t him to the guest wi ngs. Take Duncan to the guest wi ng in the same
floor and talk to hi m i nsi de hi s r oom, head back to your quar ter s and J owan asks
you to follow him to the chantr y, wher e hell ask you to help hi m escape the Ci r cle.
Y ou can ei ther be a good fr i end and agr ee to help him or agr ee to help and then
61 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

complai n to I r vi ng. Ei ther way, you need to go thr ough the enti r e pr ocess so i t
doesnt matter what you choose.

H ead to the exclamator y mar k and talk to the F ir st Enchater , shell ask you to help
her ki ll the spi der s i n the stor e r oom, agr ee to help and ki ll the spi der s i nsi de the
caver n. Then head to the Quar ter master Owen and ask hi m for a fir e r od, for which
hell ask you to get a si gnatur e fr om a F ir st Enchanter . Take the paper to Leor ah
and shell gladly si gn the paper i f you have her helped ki ll the spi der , take the si gned
paper back to Owen and get the r od.

Retur n to J owan and follow hi m to the r eposi tor y, ki ll the senti nels and appr oach
the door to tr i gger a cut scene. Go thr ough the other door and make your way to the
plot helper ki lli ng the senti nels on the way. Exami ne the bookcase i n the li br ar y to
fi nd out ther es a r oom behi nd the wall, move the bookcase and use the statue to
destr oy the wall. K i ll the senti nels insi de and appr oach the phylacter y to tr i gger a
cut scene.

H uman N oble Or i gi ns

Y our father , Teyr n Cousland of H i ghever i ntr oduces you to A r l H owe and tells you
to speak to your br other befor e he leaves the castle. The scene continues when
Duncan, Leader of the Gr ey War dens ar r i ves in the cour t. H e tells hes her e to
r ecr ui t new member s and offer s you to joi n but your [dumb old] father r efuse i t.
Talk to your father , A r l H owe and Duncan and tr y to get as much as infor mati on
about the dar kspawns.

Exi t the r oom thr ough the left door and head nor th, youll meet Sir Gi lmor e, whos
been sent by your mother to i nfor m about your naughty dog. Befor e going to the
ki tchen, talk to Gi lmor e about himself and the Gr ey War dens. Then head nor th and
tur n r i ght when you r each the alley, enter the ki tchen and talk to N an. Enter the
lar der and youll see your dog goofi ng ar ound, pi ck a name for your hound and
62 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

watch the cut scene. K i ll the [not so] gi ant r ats and exi t the r oom, talk to N an agai n
and shell tell you a stor y about a mabar i war hound.

Roam ar ound the castle talki ng to N PCs, then vi si t your mother in the atr i um and
watch the scene, wher e youll meet H owes wi fe and son. H ead str ai ght fr om the
atr i um and tur n left, enter the r oom and talk to your br other . Retur n to your r oom
and watch the cut scene. Open the inventor y and put on your weapon and ar mor s,
ki ll the soldi er s outsi de the door and exi t the r oom. Talk to your mother and enter
your br other s r oom to find your sister -i n-law and nephew dead. Exi t the r oom and
ki ll the soldi er s, vi si t all the places including the chapel, libr ar y, ki tchen and pantr y
and ki ll the soldi er s i nsi de. Then pr oceed to the mai n hall and ki ll the soldier s.

I f you ar e r unni ng low on health then use the poti ons fr om the i nventor y to your
r estor e your health, i f you or your alli es di es i n the battle then you cant use them
unti l the battle i s over so be car eful. Talk to Gi lmor e and hell tell you he saw your
father i n the ki tchen. I nstead of ki tchen, head to the tr easur y r oom and your mother
wi ll gi ve you the key to the ar mor y, open the door and gr ab the thi ngs i nsi de. Then
pr oceed to the ki tchen and youll see a lar ge gr oup of soldi er s outsi de, be car eful and
keep an eye on your health. Enter the ki tchen and watch the cut scene, your father
and mother deci des to stay and fight whi le Duncan escor ts you to Ostagar .

Dwar f N oble Or i gi ns

A fter the cut scene, head to the pr ovi ng gr ounds i n the commons and youll meet
your br other s on the way, talk to them and head to the pr ovi ng gr ounds. Speak to
the Pr ovi ng M aster and tell hi m you wi sh to par ti ci pate, wi n all fi ve r ounds and
r etur n to the r oyal palace for a cut scene, wher e youll be assi gned to your fir st task
as commander . Y ou need to tr avel to the deep r oads and r etr i eve your fami ly shi eld.

63 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Tr avel to the nor th si de and meet up wi th the scout at the center of the thi ag,
conti nue down the path and make your way to the A educan thi ag. A t the entr ance,
youll be ambushed by a lar ge gr oup of Tr i ans men, ki ll them and loot thei r bodi es to
fi nd your br other s signet r i ng. Enter the r oom and youll find a locked sar cophagus,
suspend fr ee movements and place your thr ee member s on the pr essur e plates and
pr ess the si gnet r i ng i nto the lock to open the door .

Retr i eve the shi eld and exi t the chamber to tr i gger a cut scene. A fter the cut scene,
youll fi nd your self at the entr ance of the deep r oads. Conti nue down the path ki lli ng
all the cr eatur es you encounter , head to the far nor ther n tunnel and tur n east to
fi nd Duncan and r emai ni ng Gr ey War dens, who have been explor i ng the deep r oads
i n sear ch of the dar kspawn to complete the your or igi ns stor y.

N ote: I played the game as human noble so I dont know what happens i n the other
or i gi ns after getting r ecr ui ted to the Gr ey War dens, as far as I know, ther es no
di ffer ence between or i gi ns except for few di alogues and cut scenes. I f ther e ar e any
si gni fi cant di ffer ences then I wi ll menti on i t in the walkthr ough.

J oi ni ng the Gr ey War dens

Y ou wi ll ar r i ve i n Ostagar , wher e war r i or s fr om all r aces have gather ed to fi ght
agai nst the dar kspawns. Duncan tells you to fi nd another Gr ey War den named,
A li stair befor e commenci ng the joi ni ng cer emony. Run ar ound the ar ea talki ng to
N PCs and collecti ng codex, i f you ar e havi ng tr ouble fi ndi ng places then talk to the
guar d near the br i dge, hell explain whose wher e.

To the r i ght, youll fi nd the Ci r cle of M agi, Wynne and a Tr anqui ller . Daveth,
another Gr ey War den r ecr ui t, i s in fr ont of Wynnes tent. I n the left si de, youll find
dogs kennel, Gr ey War dens, K i ng Cai lan and Teyr n Loghai ns tents. A cr oss the
64 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

br i dge i s the i nfir mly, wher e you can fi nd J or y, another r ecr ui t. I f you ar e looki ng
for suppli es then talk to the Quar ter master near Daveth.

Once you ar e done, head acr oss the br idge i n the west and talk to the Gr ey War den,
A li stair , tell him you ar e r eady to begi n the cer emony and follow hi m to the camp.
Watch the cut scene wher e Duncan explai ns the joini ng r i tual, you need to tr avel to
the K or car i Wi lds and fi nd thr ee vi als of dar kspawn blood and some old scr olls lost
deep in the for est. When you ar e r eady, pi ck up any equi pment you want and talk
to the guar d to enter the wi lds.

Tai nted Blood

A s soon as you enter the for est, youll get attacked by a pack of wolves, ki ll them
and appr oach the wounded soldi er s to tr i gger a cut scene. Y our fir st objective i s to
fi nd thr ee vi als of dar kspawn blood. Ther e dozens of dar kspawns dwelli ng i n the
for est, ki ll the ones i n the entr ance and examine thei r bodies to collect the blood.

The Gr ey War dens Cache

Once you get the blood, feel fr ee to r oam ar ound and explor e the ar ea. Then pass the
r ui ns and head nor th unti l you r each a lar ge gr oup of Dar kspawns, put ever yone i n
defense and take contr ol of all your char acter s. Lur e the genlocks to the other si de
and ki ll them, then cr oss the br idge and take out the mage and ar cher s. Continue
nor th unti l you r each the outpost, appr oach the br oken chest and exami ne i t to
tr i gger a cut scene.

A fter the J oi ni ng

Retur n to Duncan to begi n the cer emony and watch the cut scene. Ever y r ecr ui t
must under go a r i tual called, the joining r i tual, wher e they need to dr i nk
dar kspawns blood and sur vi ve. Ther e i s no guar anty that theyll sur vi ve but once
the cer emony has began, ther e i s no tur ni ng back. I ts ei ther do or di e. When you get
contr ol of your char acter , head to the meeting and watch the scene. A ccor di ng to
Loghai ns str ategy, Cai lan and Duncan wi ll take the fr ont li ne whi le you and
65 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

A li stair go to the Tower of I shal and light the beacon si gnaling his ar my to attack
fr om the back [pr etty nasty plan i f you ask me].

The Tower of I shal

I f you have got the key fr om the pr i soner then go to the tr anqui ller s tent and open
the chest to fi nd hi s stuffs. Then talk to the mer chant i f you need any equipments
and head to the tower , talk to the mage at the entr ance to find out the tower i s
under attack. K i ll the dar kspawns attacki ng the soldier s near the door s and send
one char acter to take out the ar cher s i n the lookout tower s. Enter the tower and
slowly move towar ds centr e, ther ell be a lar ge gr oup of dar kspawns i n the fi r st
floor . Take contr ol of your enti r e team and slowly move to the left side of the tower ,
wai t for the fir e blast and r elease your par ty member s. Command two member s on
the emi ssar y and take hi m out fi r st, then pi ck the r emaini ng dar kspawns one by one
and loot thei r bodi es.

Pr oceed to the second floor and sear ch all the r ooms ki lling ever y dar kspawns you
fi nd. Enter thi r d floor and youll see some dar kspawns tor tur i ng the H ounds, use the
same str ategy we used befor e and ki ll them. I f you ar e havi ng tr ouble then r elease
the M abar i H ounds out of the cage, theyll take car e of them for you. Pr oceed to the
four th floor and watch the cut scene, whi ch i snt ver y pleasant to watch.

The r oom i s empty wi th only you, your fr iends and an ogr e [Run!!!!!!!!!],
swi tch to mage and let loose of your r emai ni ng char acter s, use spells like par alyze,
fi r e ball and lighti ng to stun the ogr e and cr eate an openi ng for your war r i or s to
str i ke. Once the Ogr e i s down, li ght the beacon and watch the cut scene. Loghain
r etr eats fr om the battlefi eld and both Cai lon and Duncan dies fighti ng the
dar kspawns [Loghai n I ll get for thi s].

66 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Y oull wake up i n F lemeths hut, thanks to her you ar e sti ll alive and br eathing. She
car r i ed you back fr om the tower and tr eated your wounds. Talk to M or r i gan and
appr oach A li stair to tr i gger a cut scene. A listai r suggests using the Gr ey War dens
tr eati es to demand alli ance fr om other r aces to fi ght agai nst the dar kspawns, but
enti r e F er elden i s now under Loghains contr ol and he has labeled you two for
mur der i ng the ki ng. The only man capable of savi ng you i s A r l Eamon, the A r l of
Redcli ffe and K i ng Cai lons uncle. Talk to F lemeth, M or r i gan and A li stai r and pi ck
up your stuffs fr om the chest i nsi de, then gather your team and head nor th to enter
the wor ld map.

Lother i ng and the I mper i al
H i ghway

When you ar e tr avelli ng to Lother i ng, you get a cut scene wher e Queen A nor a
nomi nates her father , Teyr n Loghai n as the r egent to the thr one [Gr eat!]. Y our goal
i s to secur e a safe passage in the I mper i al H i ghway, whi ch wi ll take you ar ound
F er elden. Tr avel to Lother i ng and youll see some bandi ts collecting tolls fr om the
tr aveler s. Y ou can ei ther pay them 10 si lver or inti mi date them to leave or ki ll them
and loot thei r bodi ed, I say ki ll them.

Once you ar e done wi th the bandi ts, head down to the vi llage and watch the scene.
A ccor di ng to A li stai r , the Gr ey War dens can call for ai d fr om four r aces namely
Dwar ves of Or zammar i n the Fr ostback M ountai ns, Dalish Elves of the Br eceli an
F or est, Ci r cle of M agi fr om Lake Calenhad and A r l Eamon of the Redcli ffe. But i n
or der to do so, you need to tr avel to each place and ask them to pledge thei r alliance
to the War dens.

Enter the vi llage and fi nd a mer chant to dump off your goods, then talk to the N PCs
collecti ng codex and i nfor mati on. H ead to the chantr y and talk to the br other i n the
entr ance, hell gi ve a r ewar d for ki lli ng the bandi ts i .e., i f you have the ki lled the
bandi ts. Enter the chantr y and talk to br other s and si ster s to collect some info about
the Chant of the Light, talk to the Rever ed M other i n her studi es to get some
i nfor mati on about Loghai ns wher eabouts.

H ead to the taver n and youll see some bounty hunter s har assi ng the vi llager s,
i nter fer e the conver sati on and scar e them out of the taver n. H avi ng Sten and
M or r i gan wi ll help a lot, use attacks like sunder ar ms, wi nter gr i ps, pummel str i ke
67 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

and shi eld bash and tr y to fr eeze or par alyze them. I f you ar e havi ng tr ouble
deali ng wi th all of them then concentr ate on the commander and take him out fi r st,
i f you take out the commander then the r est wi ll sur r ender and leave the taver n.
A fter the fighti ng, youll meet a pr i estess, who wi shes to joi n your campai gn agai nst
the dar kspawns. Even i f you di sagr ee to r ecr ui t her to your team, shell come wi th
you when you leave the vi llage. H avi ng Leliana in the par ty wi ll allow you to pi ck
locks and spot tr aps so why say no, r i ght?

H ead to the nor thwest of the vi llage and youll see man i nsi de the cage, talk to him
and per suade hi m to joi n your cause. Then use Lei lana and pi ck the lock to let hi m
out. Once you ar e done, head back to the H ighway and youll see some dar kspawns
attacki ng two dwar ves [I m getti ng ti r ed of savi ng other s ass], ki ll them and talk to
the dwar ves. I f you dont have Leli ana then shell joi n you at thi s poi nt, conti nue
nor th and leave the vi llage to tr i gger a cut scene, wher e youll see the A r chdemon i n
the dr eam and pass out.

When you wake up youll see A listair si tting next to you, he says i ts nor mal for
Gr ey War dens to have dr eams about A r chdemon and dar kspawns. Talk to Bodahn
and Sandal and theyll offer to tr ade i tems and enchant your weapons for discount,
use r unes you found in your jour ney and enchant any one of your weapon to add
extr a effects to i t. Remember , you can only enchant cer tain weapons and not all
[Even I dont why i ts li ke that but i ts li ke that].

A V i llage U nder Si ege

When you ar r i ve in Redcli ffe, youll get a cut scene r egar di ng A listair s past. Thi s
bastar d is the half-br other of K i ng Cai lan. N ow that Cai lan i s dead, he i s the hei r to
the thr one. But the only per son who knows thi s is Eamon, Loghain and K i ng M ar i c.
N ow that M ar i cs dead and Eamons si ck, ther es no one wholl help you r egai n the
thr one fr om Loghai n and Loghai n wi ll do ever ythi ng i n hi s power to stop you and
A li stair fr om r eachi ng Dener im.
68 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

H ead to the vi llage and youll see a M i li ti a near the br i dge, talk to him and agr ee to
meet Bann Teagan. The vi llage i s under attack by undead, they ar e attacki ng at
ni ghts ki lling and ki dnappi ng vi llager s. M any has died fi ghti ng and A r l i s deadly
si ck to call for ai d, Teagen offer s to ar r ange an audi ence wi th the A r l i f you help
them defend the vi llage [*Sigh* A s i f we have a choi ce]. Talk to the Rever ed M other
and other s and collect mor e i nfor mati on about the si ege.

Talk to Gener al M ur dock outsi de the chantr y and hell ask you to speak wi th the
blacksmi th, who has locked himself i n the smithy. Br eak open the door to the smi thy
or per suade / i nti mi date hi m to open i t and talk to hi m. Per suade hi m to help the
vi llager s and hell ask you to fi nd hi s daughter , pr omi se to look for her and leave the
house. N ext head to the east si de of the vi llage and br eak i nto Dwyns house,
pur suade hi m to help i n the si ege and agr ee to pay 100 si lver s [what?! I ve wor ked
har d to ear n thi s money].

Then head to the taver n and youll see an elf spyi ng on the vi llager s, i nti mi date hi m
and hell admi t the tr uth, get the letter and tell hi m to fi ght wi th the mi li ti a. Talk to
the mi li ti a i nsi de the taver n and theyll complai n about the owner for char ging for
the ale, talk to Lloyd and per suade hi m to give fr ee ale to the soldier s, i f you dont
have good per suasi on ski ll then pay 100 si lver s for the ale. Retur n to M ur dock and
tell hi m the mi li tias ar e r eady for the attack, then head to Ser Per ths outpost and
i nfor m hi m you ar e r eady to wai t for the ni ghtfall.

The A ttack at N i ghtfall

Ther ell be two waves of attack in the hi lltop each wi th ar ound 15-20 undead, lucki ly
Ser Per th and hi s kni ghts wi ll held you a hand. K i ll the undead and follow the
messenger to the vi llage, ther ell be ar ound fi ve waves her e, fir st two wi ll come i n
gr oups wher eas the r emai ni ng comes one after another . I f you manage to defeat the
fi r st two gr oups then you can pi ck out the r emai ni ng easi ly, loot thei r bodies and
watch the scene.
69 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

The A r l of Redcli ffe

Talk to Teagen and he tell you to meet him and Ser Per th i n the wi ndmi ll, do as he
says and speak to hi m at the wi ndmi ll to tr i gger a cut scene, wher e youll meet the
A r lessa of Redcli ffe, who seems to hate A listai r a lot. The castle i s under attack and
Connor , A r ls son is acting ver y str ange. They fear he has become an abomi nati on.
Teagen tells you to use the secr et passage to enter the castle and see whats exactly
happeni ng. Talk to Ser Per th and hell pr omi se to help you i f you open the mai n
gates for hi s men, enter the wi ndmi ll and use the secr et passage to tr avel to the

When you ar r i ve, youll see some walki ng cor pse tor tur i ng the pr i soner s, ki ll them
and talk to the mage i nsi de the cell [Y es, hes your buddy fr om the Ci r cle of M agi ].
Choose whether to let hi m go or ki ll hi m and watch the scene, be car eful though
A li stair wi ll di sappr ove i f you let hi m go. Sear ch all the r ooms and ki ll each and
ever y undead you see, youll find V elena, blacksmi ths daughter i nsi de one i f the
r ooms i n the nor th, tell her the path i s safe and send her back to the vi llage to
complete her father s si de quest.

Clear the tr oops i n the basement and head to the cour tyar d for one of the most
annoyi ng fi ghts i n the game. Take contr ol of your enti r e team and move them
behind the tr ee, lur e the ar cher s i n the stair s and ki ll them. Once the ar cher s ar e
dead, equip all your char acter s wi th bow and attack the r evenant fr om distance,
thi sll deplete most of hi s health befor e he r eaches you. Then swi tch weapons and let
your war r i or s di str act the r evenant whi le your mage or r ogue sneak behi nd hi m
and open the gates for Ser Per th and hi s soldi er s, take out the r evenant fir st then
ki ll the r emai ni ng to tr i gger a cut scene.

70 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

J ust li ke J owan pr edi cated, Connor has became an abomi nati on. The only way to
solve thi s pr oblem i s by ei ther ki lling hi m or agr ee to go thr ough J owans r i tual and
sacr i fi ce I solde or get some help fr om the Ci r cle of M agi . I f you want to ki ll Connor
then go to the second thr ough the mai n halls and youll find Connor near Eamons
r oom, i nti mi date the demon to show i ts tr ue for m and ki ll i t, i ts an easy fi ght as
long as mai ntai n your health stable.

J owans or the Ci r cle of M agi s r i tual ar e both the same, you have to send M or r i gan
or Wynne into the fade and ki ll the demon savi ng Connor . I f you ar e planni ng to
acqui r e blood magi c speci alty then you have to go thr ough the r i tual. I n J owans
r i tual youll get the speci alty as soon as you enter the fade thr ough blood magi c.
Wher eas in CoM s r i tual, you have to per suade or i nti mi date the demon to gi ve you
the power then ki ll i t. Once the demon i s dead, the vi llage wi ll be back to i ts old state
but A r l i s sti ll si ck wi th no signs of impr ovement. Talk to Teagen and hell tell you
about the U r n of the Sacr ed A shes, offer to help hi m look for i t and leave Redcli ffe
[for now].

The U r n of Scar ed A shes

Teagen tells you to meet a br other named, Geni tivi , whos cur r ently doing r esear ch
on the sacr ed ashes. Though hi s cur r ent wher eabouts i s unknown hi s house i s located
i n the Dener i m. So star t your sear ch ther e, go to hi s house near the gnawed noble
taver n and talk to Weylon, use per suasi on and other ski lls and get as much as
i nfor mati on as possible.

Then tr y to enter the r oom behi nd hi m and hell stop you, i nsi st on enter i ng and hell
change i nto a malefi c and attacks you, ki ll hi m and enter the r oom to fi nd r eal
Weylons body and Geni ti vi s jour nal. Tr avel to Lake Calenhad and talk to the i nn
owner , he clear ly states ther es no one by the name of Geni ti vi and tells you to get
out. Exi t the inn and youll get attacked by a gr oup of cultists, ki ll them and loot
thei r bodies.
71 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Tr avel to H aven, i t i s located in the wester n par t of F er elden and talk to the guar d
i n the entr ance [Thats a war m welcome]. A fter some questi oning, hell let you enter
the vi llage. Enter the house i n the left and youll see an altar wi th fr esh blood,
exami ne the altar to fi nd i ts human blood. Exi t the house and youll get attacked by
another gr oup, ki ll them. Enter the stor e and talk to the owner , tr y to questi on
about the si tuati on and hell attack you, ki ll hi m and enter the stor er oom to fi nd one
of Eamons kni ghts dead body [I m begi nni ng to love this vi llage].

Talk to boy outsi de the shop and hell tell you all the vi llager s ar e i n the chantr y,
thats all the i nfo you can get fr om him so leave the boy and head to the mountai ns.
Y oull get attacked by mor e vi llager s on the r oad, ki ll them and enter the chantr y.
Talk to the Rever ed Father Ei r i k and ask hi m about Br other Geni tivi , i nstead of
answer i ng hell tur n i nto a mage and attacks you [Thi s i s why I hate to be poli te].
H ave your mage or ar cher and a melee fi ghter take car e of hi m whi le the other s
clear the r emaini ng guar ds i n the r oom.

Once ever yones dead and gone, Exami ne the wall near the bookcase and youll find
a secr et door behi nd [J ust like old movi es], enter the r oom and talk to Geni tivi .
A ccor di ng to him, the sacr ed ashes ar e kept insi de a r ui ned temple in H aven and he
can help you find it i f you take him ther e. Pi ck up the medalli on fr om Eir i ks body
and talk to Geni ti vi agr ee, agr ee to take him to the temple and watch the cut scene.

Leave Geni tivi to his wor k and sear ch the temple, clear all the culti sts i nsi de the
r ooms and explor e the temple. The mai n hall i n the upstai r s i s locked; the key i s
hi dden insi de the chest i n the wester n wi ngs. Take the key and enter the main hall,
whi ch leads to the caver ns, wher e the ashes ar e kept. Ther e wi ll be couple of
dr agonli ng, a younger ver si on of dr agons, dr akes and dozens of cultists insi de, ki ll
them and make sur e you pi ck up the scales fr om the dr agons you slew; theyll help
you complete two quests. Take your ti me to clear all the culti sts i nsi de [Why leave
them wai ti ng, r i ght?], then tur n left and head deep i nto the caves.

72 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

A t the end of caver n, youll fi nd F ather K olgr i m, who welcomes you much better
than vi llager s. A nyway this di ckhead thi nks A ndr aste has r etur ned as the H i gh
Dr agon but she i s ver y weak to r etur n to her tr ue for m. SO he asks you to help
hi m r evi ve her to full power by pour i ng the dr agons blood on the ashes. Y ou can
ei ther choose to help hi m and take the blood or pr omise to help and then betr ay hi m
or say N O and ki ll him her e, I say ki ll hi m. Sear ch the bodies [A ssumi ng you ki lled
them] and pi ck up flute.

Exi t the cave and youll see a dr agon flyi ng to the mountai n top [F i nally a dr agon, I
was star ti ng to wonder why they named Dr agon A ge i f ther e ar e no dr agons in the
game]. Look ar ound the ar ea and head to the Gauntlet on the other si de of the
br i dge. Talk to the Guar di an and hell ask you to state your pur pose for bei ng her e,
admi t you ar e looki ng for the ashes to heal your fr i end and hell let you take a si ngle
pi nch fr om the ur n. A sk hi m about the H i gh Dr agon and hell clar i fy you wi th a bi g
N O.

A Test of F ai th

Befor e taki ng the ashes, you need to go thr ough sever al tests to pr ove your self to The
M aker and A ndr aste. Enter the r oom behi nd the Guar di an and youll see ei ght
di sci ples of A ndr atse, i f you have ser i ously gone thr ow all the codices r egar di ng
A ndr aste and her teachi ng then you should be able to guess the answer . But i f you
havent then r efer to the followi ng li st:
Eali say A Tune
V asi li a Vengeance
H avar d The M ountai ns
Cather i n H unger
Br ona Dr eams
Thane Shar tan H ome
Gener al M afer ath J ealousy
A r chon H essar i an M er cy

I f you answer all the questi ons cor r ectly then the door to the next r oom wi ll open. I n
the next r oom, youll meet someone fr om your or i gi ns. F or me [noble human] I saw
my father , Teyr n Br yce Cousland, who gave me an amulet [I dont know whatll
happen i n the other or i gi ns. Sor r y]. Enter the next r oom and youll see four i mages
of you and your fr i ends, who attack you for no r eason. They ar e not har d just
annoyi ng, i f you have M or r i gan then have her shape shi ft i nto a spi der or bear .
73 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

N ext r oom i s a bi t tr i cky; you need to make your way to the other si de of the r oom
by steppi ng on the r i ght set of ti les. F or thi s you need all four char acter s so suspend
thei r fr ee movements and command your char acter s to hold posi ti on, then find the
two ti les whi ch wi ll make the floor soli d. F or the sake of not to get confused, I ll
name the char acter s as N o. 1, N o. 2, N o. 3 and N o. 4, thi s way youll know whi ch one
to move. H er es how i ts done:
F i r st move N o.1 to the second ti le in the r ight si de, then move N o.2 to the
thi r d ti le i n the left side and N o.3 to the si xth ti le i n the left si de. Thi sll make
two ti les soli d enough to walk, move the N o.4 to the second ti le i n the centr e.
M ove N o.1 to the fir st ti le i n the left si de and N o.2 to the four th ti le i n the
r i ght si de. Then move N o.3 to the sixth ti le in the left si de to cr eate the next
set of ti les, move your N o.4 to the next ti le i n centr e.
M ove N o.1 to the fi r st ti le i n the left side and N o.2 to the second ti le, move
N o.3 to the fi fth ti le i n the r i ght si de to cr eate the fi nal set of ti les. F i nally
move your N o.4 to the other si de to make all four ti les appear .

Pr oceed to the next r oom and examine the altar , r emove your equipments and cr oss
the holy fi r e to tr i gger a cut scene. Y ou have successfully completed all the tests and
pr oved your self fai thful, the Guar di an lets you take a single pinch of ash fr om the
pot. I f you have agr eed to help K olgr i m then you can pour the blood to the pot, but
doi ng so wi ll tr i gger a boss fi ght agai nst the Guar di an, A li stai r , Leli ana and Wynne.
Y ou can i nti mi date your compani ons and convince them to stay but deali ng wi th
the Guar di an i s not an easy task, hes a har d nut to cr ack.

I f you dont want to fi ght the Guar di an and the other s then simply take a pi nch of
ashes and leave the ur n. Thi sll tr i gger a fi ght wi th K olgr i m and hi s men, whi ch i s a
whole lot easi er than the Guar di ans. Y our choi ce deter mines what speci alizati on
youll get fr om the quest, i f you ki ll the Culti sts and pr otect the ur n then Eamon wi ll
r ewar d you wi th the champi on speci alizati on. On the other hand, helpi ng K olgr i m
wi ll net you r eaver speci alizati on [after ki lli ng the Guar di an and exi ti ng the

Ei ther way, take the ashes and leave the Gauntlet. H ead back to the mountains top
and youll see the H i gh Dr agon at the peak. I f you have ki lled K olgr i m and pi cked
up hi s flute, then go to the i nventor y and blow i t to call down the dr agon. But do it
only i f you ar e above level 15 or else i tll be li ke sui ci de attempt. The fi ght wi ll be
si mi lar to F lemeths fight, she have cr azy defense and uses var i ety of attacks. H er
flames ar ent like dr agonlings fir e, i t hur ts A LOT. I suggest havi ng thr ee meele
fi ghter s wi th Wynne, thi s way you can keep heali ng and r evivi ng member s whi le
fi ghti ng.
74 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

When shes goi ng to di e, shell pi ck up one of your char acter and chews them unti l
they ar e dead [Y uck!]. H ave Wynne r evive them as soon as she let goes, keep up the
melee attacks and deplete her bi t by bi t until i t r eaches 0. M ake sur e you loot her
body befor e leavi ng, she have enough equi pments for your enti r e team. Once you ar e
done, head back to Geni ti vi and tell hi m about your success, her e you can ei ther ki ll
hi m to keep the ashes safe and secr et or per suade or i nti mate not to tell anyone or
have hi m r esear ch on the ashes whichll cause the enti r e wor ld to come and take the
ash. Then r ush back to Redcli ffe and use the ashes to get the old man back on his

Whi le tr aveling to Redcli ffe, youll have another ni ghtmar e of the A r chdemon,
A li stair takes you back to the camp and lets you r est for awhi le. When you wake up,
youll see your dog bar ki ng then suddenly a gr oup of dar kspawns attacks your
camp. I ts not a har d fi ght, youll have your enti r e team at your di sposal [Y ou just
cant contr ol them thats all. Lol] so dont wor r y about str ategi es and all, just ki ll
them and talk to your fellow Gr ey War den.

Gather the A r my

Thanks to the heali ng power of the ashes, Eamon i s back on his feet. A fter a long
conver sati on, the A r l pr omi ses to call a landsmeet agai nst Loghai n and pr ove hi s
di sloyalty to the nobles. But the pr oblem i s wholl take the thr one after Loghai n,
A li stair clear ly states hes not wi lli ng to take over the thr one and leaves but i ts a
pr oblem to deal later .

N ow you need to gather an ar my lar ge enough to defeat the dar kspawns and slay
the A r chdemon. A fter all the cut scenes, you have to deci de what to do wi th J owan,
ther es no benefi t in ki lli ng hi m so convi nce the A r l to let hi m live. I f you havent
r ecover ed A li stair s amulet then pi ck i t up now, i ts i nsi de the dr awer i n A r ls study.
75 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Gi vi ng i t to A li stair wi ll gi ve you a huge load of appr oval, whi ch wi ll help you
unlock hi s si de quest.

Once ever ythings set and done, lets move onto the bi ggest par t of the game Gather
an A r my, for thi s you need to tr avel to the Ci r cle of M agi i n Lake Calenhad,
Br eceli an F or est and Or zammar i n the F r ostback M ountai ns. I f someone asks me to
comment on these thr ee then I ll say they ar e bor i ng, annoyi ng and ir r i tating.
A nyway I m sur e I m r ui ni ng your cur i osi ty by sayi ng all these things so lets just
get on wi th i t. Well do i t i n the same or der A li stair explai ned in Lother i ng:
Templar s/ M ages fr om the Ci r cle of M agi , Dali sh Elves of the Br ecelian F or est and
Dwar ves of Or zammar .

Br oken Ci r cle

H ead to Lake Calenden and talk to the Templar near the boat, he says the Ci r cle i s
cur r ently closed. Talk to K ester and hop onto the boat, talk to Si r Gr i egor at the
entr ance and hell fi ll you in wi th the r emai ning detai ls. The mages have tur ned i nto
the abomi nati on and attacked the Ci r cle; the templar s ar e now tr yi ng to tr ap the
abomi nati on i nsi de by sealing the door s. Gr i egor clear ly states they cant help in
thei r cur r ent si tuati on and tells you to look for ai d somewher e else, tr y to per suade
hi m and hell let you enter the Ci r cle.

Dump off your equi pments i n the quar ter master and head thr ough the door s. Once
you go thr ough the door s, ther es no tur ning back unti l the tower is back to nor mal
wi th no abomi nati on so pack your self wi th some power ful equi pments and poti ons.
Pr oceed to the centr e hall and youll see Wynne fr om Ostagar fi ghti ng the
abomi nati ons, ki ll them and talk to her . H er e you can convi nce the mages to leave
and help the templar s seal the door s or help the mages clean the Ci r cle, i f you ar e
looki ng for help to deal wi th Connor then you need to help the mages by ki lling the
abomi nati ons.
76 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Pr oceed to the second floor and talk to Owen, he says he saw some blood mages
looki ng for lyr uim. Enter the r oom and youll see some blood mages he menti oned,
they ar e actually weak i n hand-to-hand combat so you shouldnt have any tr ouble
deali ng wi th them. Once done, a woman wi ll beg for mer cy, you can ei ther let her go
or ki ll her , i t doesnt matter what you choose though A listair may di sappr ove i f you
have low r ati ng. Pr oceed to the Fi r st Enchanter s study and sear ch the r oom,
especi ally for the Black Gr i mor e.

Gi vi ng i t to M or r i gan wi ll tr i gger her si de quest, I suggest you gi ve i t to her r i ght
away [A ssumi ng shes in your team] so that shell gi ve you the quest the next time
you go to your camp. I f you gi ve i t her i n your camp then you have to wai t unti l
you go back to the camp next ti me. Ther es nothi ng speci al i n the thir d floor , mor e
abomi nati ons and some si de quests. So deal wi th them and head to the four th floor .
I n the centr e r oom, youll encounter a sloth demon, who wi ll send you and your
compani ons to the fade.

Lost i n Dr eams

[*Evi l tone* welcome to the bi ggest pai n i n the ass par t of the game] I f you fai l to
r esi st sloth demons temptati on then hell send you to the fade. Li ke I said, the fade i s
a complete pai n, i ts di vi ded into ten par ts and the sloth i s the centr e. Y oull star t i n
Weisshaupt F or tr ess; fr om her e you need to tr avel to four other places vi z., the
bur ni ng tower , the mages of asunder , the templar s nightmar e and the dar kspawns
i nvasi on.

Pr oceed to the entr ance of the for tr ess and youll see Duncan, who tr i es to lur e you
i nto dr eams, ki ll hi m along wi th the r emai ni ng Gr ey War dens and access the fade
pedestal. Tr avel to r aw fade and youll see a mage at the entr ance, wholl explai n
how to tr avel fr om pedestal to pedestal and escape the fade. Go thr ough the fade
por tal and ki ll the r age demon, ki lli ng i t wi ll tr i gger a conver sati on wi th a r at,
77 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

whi ch has been tr apped i nsi de the fade. A fter few questi oni ng and answer i ng, i t wi ll
gi ve i ts shape shi fting abi li ty, whi ch wi ll allow you to become a r at and tr avel
thr ough mouse holes. U se the pedestal next to you and tr avel to the bur ni ng tower ,
head east and go thr ough the mouse hole. K i ll the demon and the templar wi ll gi ve
you the bur ni ng man for m, whi ch wi ll allow you to cr oss fi r e wi thout getting hur t,
thi s for m i s str ong agai nst melee fighter s but when i t comes to mages i ts best to
avoi d i t.

Tr avel to mages of asunder and go thr ough the mouse hole, follow the hall way
ki lli ng whatever you fi nd and at the end, youll see a dr eamer bei ng attacked by
golems, ki ll them and hell give you the golem for m, most power ful for m i n the game.
H ead to the next pedestal and enter the dar kspawns invasi on, ki ll the ar cane
hor r or s and head nor th thr ough the mouse hole. K i ll the dar kspawns attacki ng the
dr eamer and hell gi ve you the spi r i t for m for savi ng his li fe. Once you got all four
for ms i n hand, head back to all the pedestals and ki ll i ts master s to unlock the
r emai ni ng pedestals.

H ead back to the r aw fade and talk to N i all then go thr ough the spi r i t next to him
and youll see a desi r e demon, Zevenya, she i snt ver y har d but the pr oblem i s her
shades. Lur e the shades away fr om her and ki ll them, then change i nto the golem
and pummel her unti l shes dead. N ext, head to the bur ni ng tower and cr oss the fi r e,
i nsi de youll find Rhagos. Tur n i nto a golem if you have the for m, i f not then use the
bur ni ng man for m and ki ll hi m. Tr avel to mages of asunder and go thr ough the
blocked door wher e you got your golem for m. H ead str ai ght and at the end, youll
fi nd Slavr en., get r i d of him however you want and use the pedestal to the templar s
ni ghtmar e.

Pass the massive door at the far si de of the fade and ki ll ar cane hor r or s and
dar kspawns, enter the r oom and youll see another desi r e demon called, V er eveel,
wholl r un away as soon as she sees you. Chase after her thr ough the mouse hole and
ki ll her . Fi nally, head to the dar kspawns i nvasi on and destr oy the massive door i n
the entr ance, ki ll the Genlock Emi ssar y and the r emai ni ng dar kspawn and bust open
the next door to fi nd U thki el, ki ll hi m to unlock the ni ghtmar e pedestals.

Once all five bosses ar e dead, you need to tr avel to the ni ghtmar es and r escue your
compani ons, they wi ll be tr apped believi ng what they ar e seei ng is r eal, you need to
fr ee them by ki lli ng thei r dr eams or ni ghtmar e. F or example: the elven student for
Wynne and Goldanna for A li stair . Once you complete all thr ee ni ghtmar es, the
centr e fade pedestal leadi ng to the I nner Sanctum, wher e Sloth i s located wi ll be
unlocked. H es not that tough to beat, just annoyi ng. Ever y time you defeat him,
hell come back in another for m. Take contr ol of Wynne and leave your war r i or s
78 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

engage i n melee combat. U se Wynnes healing and r evivi ng power s and dont let
your char acter s health to dr op less than half. Once you defeated hi m, youll have a
long conver sati on wi th N i all, who tells you to pi ck up the Li tany of A dr alla fr om hi s
body and use i t agai nst U ldr ed to pr event him fr om tur ni ng i nto abomi nati on.

Y oull be back in r eali ty wi th all your compani ons safely back at your si de, pi ck up
the Li tany of A dr alla fr om N i alls body and clear out the r emai ni ng abomi nati ons
i n the r ooms. Then head to the last r oom and youll find a templar , who has
i mpr i soned hi mself insi de a bar r i er to pr otect fr om the abomi nati ons. Talk to hi m
and hell tell you to ki ll all the mages i n the tower , agr eei ng to thi s wi ll cause a lot of
di sappr oval i n your team including M or r i gan and A li stair and Wynne wi ll
tur n i nto a blood mage and attacks you. J ust leave hi m ther e and head to the
har r owi ng chamber to fi nd U ldr ed, the man r esponsible for all the mess cr eated in
the Ci r cle.

A fter the conver sati on, youll be for ced to fi ght hi m, take out the abomi nati ons
ar ound him and have all your melee char acter s distr act hi m whi le Wynne heals the
wounds. Wai t for Wynne to tell you to use the Li tany and thr ow the Li tany at hi m
to stop hi m fr om tur ni ng into an [power ] abomi nati on. Deplete all hi s health and
watch the cut scene, wher e you need to deci de what to do wi th the mages. Y ou can
ei ther ki ll them as the templar s told you or spar e them, i f you ar e looking for help to
solve Connor s pr oblem then you need to si de wi th the mages and spar e them.
Retur n to the Gr i egor to complete the quest, you can now head back to Redcli ffe and
deal wi th Connor .

A fter completing the Ci r cle of M agi , youll get a cut scene of Loghai n hi r i ng an
assassin to ki ll you and A listair . When you tr y tr avel to your next destinati on,
youll be stopped by a gi r l who asks you to help her save her car avan fr om
dar kspawns, you need to follow her as ther es no other way whi ch wi ll lead to an
ambush by the same assassin. I suggest you dont br i ng A li stair , M or r i gan and Sten
wi th you, youll know why after the battle.

79 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

H ave your melee fighter s take car e of the assassins whi le your mage fr eeze the
ar cher s pr eventing them fi r i ng shatter i ng shots. I f you have Lei lana then have her
back stab Zevr an, gang up and di spose Zevr an as qui ckly as you can then pick out
the r est one by one. A fter the battle, you can ei ther ki ll hi m or wake hi m up and
convince hi m to joi n your team, i f deci de to take him i nto the team then A listair ,
M or r i gan and Sten wi ll di sappr oval so i ts best i f you avoid br i ngi ng them.

N atur e of the Beast

Tr avel to the Br ecelian Outski r ts and youll meet some elven hunter s, who ask you
at least hundr ed questi ons befor e taki ng you to the elder . Sooner or later , youll
r ealize just like H aven these guys dont like outsi der s poki ng thei r nose into thei r
busi ness. Talk to the Clan Leader , Zathr i an and hell tell you they ar e under attack
by the wer ewolves and cant help you in the bli ght [Tell me one per son who can help
wi th the bli ght?]. A sk hi m mor e about the wer ewolves and agr ee to help them fight
agai nst the wer ewolves, hell tell you to tr avel to the Br eceli an F or est and ki ll the
wer ewolves leader , Wi ther fang [H ey! Y ou cant just or der me to do your di r ty
thi ngs old man]. Roam ar ound the camp talki ng to N PCs, especi ally to Sar el, the
stor y teller .

Once you ar e r eady, head to the for est. The for est i s a tr i cky one to navi gate, just
r oam ar ound ki lli ng the wer ewolves and dar kspawns unti l you r eveal the enti r e
ar ea. Somewher e in the nor thwest youll r un i nto a wer ewolf called, Swi ft Runner
[Wow! I di dnt wer ewolves have names]. H ell r un away i f you ki ll hi s buddies so
take out the other wer ewolves and scar e him off. H ead to the next par t of the for est,
whi ch i s a complete pai n i n the ass. Ever y ti me you tr y to go thr ough the mi st, youll
get back to the star ti ng poi nt so instead of getti ng annoyed about the for est, tr y to
take out as many wer ewolves as you can. Then, head to the nor thwest par t of the
for est and youll fi nd a cr azy her mi t [Exactly wher e I m standi ng in the map] who
keeps babbli ng all the ti me. A ccor ding to him, a huge oak tr ee is tr yi ng to ki ll hi m
because he stole i ts acor n.
80 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

H ead to the nor theast par t, dir ectly opposi te to the her mi t and youll see the Gr eat
Oak Tr ee he menti oned, talk to i t and i tll agr ee to help you pass the mi st i f you
br ing back i ts acor n fr om the H er mi t. H ead back to the H er mi t and talk to him
about the acor n, i f you have met Danlya back i n the for est and picked up her scar f
or helped Cammen and r ecei ved the book then exchange i t for the acor n, i f not then
go back and talk to her / hi m or just ki ll him and loot hi s camp. Ei ther way, go back
to the Oak Tr ee and r etur n the acor n, in exchange i tll gi ve a piece of i ts enchanted
wood, whi ch wi ll let you pass the bar r i er and r each the wer ewolves li ar .

Go thr ough the bar r i er and youll encounter your old fr i end, Swi ft Runner agai n
and as usual he r un away as soon as he see you. Pr oceed towar ds the r ui ns and
enter the so called for tr ess, ki ll ever yone you see and look ar ound the ar ea. Y ou wi ll
stumble acr oss a li br ar y i n the lower level of r uins, exami ne the small box on the
floor and place i t on the altar next to i t to fr ee the spi r i t tr apped insi de and to gain
ar cane magi c speci alizati on. When you ar e done, head to the far west cor ner of the
for tr ess and enter the lair . A t the entr ance, youll see a wer ewolves called, Gate
K eeper , talk to hi m and hell take you to the Lady of the F or est, who i s none other
than Wi ther fang and the Whi te Wolf you encounter ed outsi de the for tr ess.

A ccor di ng to Wi ther fang, centur i es ago when the Dali sh Elves fir st came to the
Br eceli an F or est, i t was occupi ed by humans. The elves and humans had a cr ash for
the place and the humans ki dnapped Zathr i ans son and daughter and ki lled them.
Enr aged Zathr i an summoned a wer ewolf demon and i mpr i soned i t insi de a human
body, who i s now Wi ther fang. Wi ther fang pr omi ses to leave the vi llager s i f Zathr i an
r elease them fr om the cur se.

Go thr ough the newly opened door and youll see Zathr i an exami ni ng the r ui ns
outsi de. Talk to hi m and convi nce him to talk to the Lady of the F or est, now keep i n
mi nd that you only need to take him to the Lady so keep that tongue of your s at
contr ol and dont do anythi ng stupi d to r ui n the plan. Take hi m to Wi ther fang and
theyll have a long [r eally long] conver sati on. H er e, you can ei ther side wi th the
wer ewolves and ki ll Zathr i an or si de wi th hi m and ki ll Wi ther fang or stick to the
81 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

plan and convi nce hi m what he has done i s wr ong and end the cur se wi thout ki lling

I f you ar e playing as neutr al to both the si des and tr yi ng to end the cur se then your
teammates wi ll suppor t or at least A li stai r wi ll. By doing thi s, Zathr i an wi ll be
enr aged and attack you. But nothing to wor r y, Wi ther fang and hi s men wi ll help
you. Once you infli ct cer tai n amount of damage, Zathr i an admi ts what he has done
i s wr ong and ends the cur se by scar i fyi ng himself [What?! I sai d you dont need to
ki ll anyone, that doesnt mean they cant ki ll themselves or commi t sui ci de]. Watch
the cut scene and r etur n to the camp to complete the task, the clan wi ll pledge to
help you fight against the dar kspawns [Y ippee!].

A Par agon of H er K i nd

Befor e tr avelling to Or zammar , r ear r ange your cur r ent ar my and have at least two
melee fi ghter s and a r ogue to pi ck locks, then tr avel to the F r ostback M ountai ns and
watch the cut scene. H ead to the for tr ess entr ance and youll see some Loghai ns men
pester i ng the guar ds to let them i n, talk to the guar ds and theyll ask you to get r i d
the soldi er s. Do as they say and enter the for tr ess to see a war m welcomi ng scene,
talk to the soldier i n the entr ance and hell fi ll i n wi th detai ls. Or zammar is in
tur moi l, the ki ng i s dead and the thr one i s empty. Both Pr i nce Bhelen and Lor d
H ar r owmont ar e tr yi ng to take over the cr own and the ci tizens ar e unable to
choose between them. Wi thout the K i ng they cant help you agai nst the blight so i ts
up to you to settle the despi te and br i ng peace back to the land.

Do some shoppi ng i f you want and explor e the ar ea collecti ng codex. When you ar e
done explor i ng, head to the di amond quar ter s and enter the assembly to tr i gger a
cut scene. Y ou can ei ther si de wi th Bhelen or H or r owmont and make them the K i ng.
Ei ther way, they wi ll pr omi se to fi ght agai nst the dar kspawns i n the blight. I f you
ar e have played/ ar e playi ng as dwar f noble then you know who to choose, both
Bhelen and H ar r owmonts men wi ll tr y to lur e you to thei r si de.

82 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

A Pr i nces F avor : The F i r st

Talk to V ar tag in the assembly chamber s and hell ask you to deli ver two letter s to
the nobles, who have changed thei r votes to H ar r owmont. Go to the taver n in the
commons and youll see two dwar ves fighti ng each other s, show the letter to Lor d
H elmi and leave the taver n. Go back to the di amond quar ter s and gi ve the other
letter to Dace, shell agr ee to help Bhelen i f you look for her father i n the deep r oads.
Go to the entr ance of the deep r oads and talk to the commander , enter the deep
r oads and conti nue down the path unti l you r each a for k. Tur n left and follow down
the path ki lling all the dar kspawns and youll eventually r each Daces father , talk to
hi m and r etur n to the palace to complete the fi r st task.

A Lor ds Tr ust: The F i r st

I f you choose to si de wi th H ar r owmont then talk to Duli n in H ar r owmonts estate
and hell tell you to go to the pr ovi ng gr ounds and get some infor mati on on Bhelen
[H e means go to the pr ovi ng and wi n i t, dumbo]. H ead to the pr ovi ng gr ounds in the
commons and look for the Pr ovi ng M aster , tell hi m you want to par tici pate and hell
enr oll you i nto the competi ti on. Wi n all fi ve r ounds and r etur n to Duli n, ask hi m for
an audience wi th H ar r owmont and watch the scene.

A Pr i nces F avor / A Lor ds
Tr ust: The Second Task

Bhelen/ H ar r owmont asks you to deal wi th the local cr i me lor d, J ar vi a, who i s
r esi di ng in the dust town. H ead to the dust town and speak to the people about
J ar vi a and collect infor mati on about her cur r ent wher eabouts. Especi ally to the
83 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

woman si tting near the fi r e pi t, i f gi ve her 10 si lver s then shell tell you how you to
enter J ar vi as hi deout. Then intimi date the shop keeper for mor e info and leave the
shop. Exami ne the wall behi nd the fir e pi t and youll fi nd an old locked door , enter
the house next to i t and youll see couple of J ar vi as guar ds hangi ng out, ki ll them
and sear ch the bodi es to fi nd the key.

Enter i ng J ar vi as H i deout

Enter the locked r oom and ki ll ever yone i n the entr ance, head to the far nor th par t
of the car ta and youll fi nd J ar vi a i n the last left r oom. Shes the most annoying boss
i n the enti r e game; she di sappear s and r eappear s ever y ti me you tr y to hi t her . Cast
gr ease + fi r e and bur n the guar ds i nsi de the r oom. Then use cone of cold or blizzar d
and fr eeze J ar vi a cr eati ng an openi ng for your war r i or s to str i ke. Repeat the same
techni que two or thr ee ti mes and ki ll her . Loot the bodi es and use the hi dden passage
to exi t the car ta.

A nvi l of the V oi d

Talk to H ar r owmont/ Bhelen and theyll ask you to fi nd a Par agon named, Br anka,
who has left to the deep r oads year s ago looki ng for A nvi l of the V oi d. I F you
succeed i n this task then theyll pr omi se to convince the assembly to help you i n the
war . H ead to the deep r oads and youll meet a dr unken named, Oghr en, who wants
to come wi th you to look for hi s wi fe. H ell tag along even i f you say no so just
welcome hi m i nto the team.

Deep r oads i s a complete pain, you need at least one day to complete i t so pi ck up
whatever you want and fi ll your bag wi th loads of health poulti ces. Li ke I menti oned
befor e, you need at least two war r i or s for thi s par t. Once you enter ed the thaigs,
youll fi nd all sor ts of cr eatur e so i f ar e planni ng to play wi th your char my mages
and ar cher s then for get i t. Y our [r eal] desti nati on i n the deep r oads i s the A nvi l of
the V oi d, whi ch is located at the edge of the deep r oads. F or this, you need to tr avel
thr ough A educan Thi ag, Car i dans Cr oss, Or tan Thi ag and Dead Tr enches.

Ther es nothi ng much to do i n A educan Thi ag, Car i dins Cr oss and Or tan Thi ag,
youll get attacked by couple of dozens of dar kspawns and other cr eatur es who tr i es
to stop you fr om r eachi ng the A nvi l, ki ll them and clear all the tunnels. Once you
84 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

ar e done, head to the far nor thwest of Or tan Thi ag and youll fi nd Br ankas jour nal,
i t i s located r i ght next to the spi der queen [Exactly wher e I m standi ng i n the map].
Get r i d of the spi der queen and r ead the jour nal, Br anka continued her sear ch for
the A nvi l and tr aveled to the Dead Tr enches, the home of dar kspawns.

When you fi r st ar r i ve i n the Dead Tr enches, youll see a dr agon flyi ng ar ound the
thai g [hope i ts not the A r chdemon]. Talk to the dwar ves near the br i dge and youll
get attacked by couple of dar kspawns, ki ll them and head to the nor thwest unti l you
hear some str ange voi ces. Clear the dar kspawns outsi de and enter the hall to fi nd an
i nfected dwar ven woman, talk to her about Br anka and shell r un away. The r oom
next to thi s i s locked so enter the r oom at the other si de and youll see spi r i ts
wander i ng ar ound the r oom, exami ne the altar and youll fi nd the key to the bi g
door .

U se the key to enter the r oom and youll see a huge bi g lar ge monster called,
Br oodmother , who i s none other than H espi th. Shell spawn couple of dar kspawns
ever y ti me you hi t her , have your war r i or s deal wi th the mi ni ons whi le your mage
take car e of H espi th. Y ou cant ki ll her wi th your melee fi ghter s so mages ar e your
only choi ce, cast spell mi ght and follow i t by tempest, i nfer no and blizzar d. Y ou can
also use sleep + hor r or to knock her down then use dr ai n her li fe or cast cr ushi ng
pr i son and follow i t by other spells.

Defeat the monster however you want and talk to her , then loot her body and
pr oceed to the next ar ea. A t the entr ance of the tunnel, youll fi nd Br anka, who
or der s you to help her pass the tr aps. F ollow her and enter the fi r st r oom, whi ch is
cover ed wi th poi son gas and four stone golems. H ave someone tur n off the valves
whi le the other s take car e of the golems, thi s way you can save at least half of your
health. N ext r oom i s fi lled wi th tr aps lots of tr aps, have your r ogue deactivate
them whi le your r emai ni ng thr ee take car e of the dar kspawns.

Pr oceed to the next r oom and youll see a stone face, whi ch wi ll star t tur ni ng fir i ng
li ghtni ng and fir eballs. Ther e four stones at each end of the platfor m, you need to
ki ll the dwar f guar di ng the stone and use the stone to destr oy the faces. Once all four
85 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

faces ar e destr oyed, head to the next r oom and watch the cut scene. H er e, you need
to choose between Br anka or Car i di n and help them ki ll the other s, i f you have Shale
they shell leave i f you chose to ki ll Car i di n so be car eful.

I f you deci de to ki ll Br anka then you need to deal wi th thr ee of her golems and then
wi th Br anka. On the other hand, i f you choose to help Br anka then you need destr oy
four Car i di ns stone golems and then Car i din hi mself; deali ng wi th him i s no easy
task. Once you dealt wi th them, you need to deci de what to do wi th the A nvi l of the
V oi d. A s far I know, i f you ar e si di ng wi th Car i din then you need to destr oy the
A nvi l. I f you wi sh to r etur n i t to the Or zammar then Car idi n wi ll attack you even if
you helped him ki ll Br anka. A nyway after the fi ght, the Par agon, whom you chose
to help wi ll make a cr own to give i t to the new ki ng.

Retur n to Or zammar and head to the assembly chamber , her e you can choose who
you want to be the next ki ng. I t doesnt matter for whom you ar e wor ki ng for ; you
can easi ly double-cr oss them and gi ve the cr own to the other . I f you choose
H ar r owmont then Bhelen wi ll attack r i ght i n the assembly chamber s but nothing to
wor r y, the nobles wi ll ai d you ki ck hi s ass. Watch the cut scene and say bye-bye to
Or zammar once and for all.

The Landsmeet

Once you have completed Gather an A r my, i ts ti me to head back to Redcli ffe and
begi n the landsmeet. Thi s i s the last but one quest of the game, youll tr avel to
Dener i m wher e youll have a face-to-face conver sati on wi th K I N G Loghai n, pi ss him
off as much as you want and watch the cut scene. Talk to Eamon in hi s estate and
hell i ntr oduce to you Er li na, one of Queen A nor as mai den, who beli eves that the
Queen has been ki dnapped by H owe [Revenge ti me].

Rescue the Queen

H ead to A r ls estate and meet up wi th Er li na outsi de the castle, she tells you to
sneak i nsi de thr ough the back door whi le she di str acts the guar ds. Thi s i s the same
castle you sneak i n ci ty elf or i gi ns, follow Er li na to the backdoor and ki ll the guar ds
patr olli ng near the walls. Wai t for her to di str act the guar ds and sneak i nsi de
thr ough the door ; once you ar e insi de the castle dont tr y to talk to anyone. Sneak
86 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

i nto the nor ther n par t of the castle and youll fi nd the Queen i nsi de a locked r oom
[Wher e I m standing i n the map], shell tells you to ki ll the mage who put the bar r i er
i n or der to r emove the spell.

The mage i s cur r ently wi th H owe, you know what this means r i ght? Sneak i nsi de
the H owes bedr oom and open the chest to find some Gr ey War dens documents, enter
the pr i sons youll see a pr i soner who ki lls the guar d and take his clothes. H e
i ntr oduces hi mself as a Gr ey War den fr om another countr y, who came to ai d in the
bli ght i n Ostagar , ask hi m about the Gr ey War dens and gi ve hi m the documents you
found i n H owes bedr oom.

Once you ar e done, follow the plot helper and you wi ll eventually r each the
dungeons wher e H owe i s stati oned wi th his men [wai ti ng for you to come and ki ll
hi m]. H ave your mages or ar cher concentr ate on H owe whi le your melee take out
the men ar ound hi m. Once ever yones dead, go for the A r l and take hi m out. Loot
thei r bodi es and head back to A nor a, open the door and follow her to the next r oom
to tr i gger a cut scene, wher e M i ss Cauthr i en tr i es to become all goody-goody and
attacks you wi th her men.

H er e, you can ei ther fi ght them or sur r ender and cr eate a chance for the Queen to
escape; i f you wi sh to fi ght then A nor a wi ll double-cr oss you and goes wi th
Cauthr i en. On the other hand, i f you sur r ender then theyll take you and A li stai r to
pr i son, fr om wher e you need to escape. I f you want to fi ght then use the same
str ategy we used for H owe and take out the soldi er s ar ound her , then go all out on
Cauthr i en and cut her into pi eces. I f you wi sh to sur r ender then shell take you and
A li stair and let the other s escape.

87 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Captur ed!

Theyll take off all your equipments and puts you and A listair in the dungeons.
H er e, you can ei ther br eak out of the pr i son your self or wai t for your teammates to
come and r escue your ass. A ct li ke you ar e si ck and lur e the guar d i nsi de the cell,
ki ll hi m and pi ck up the keys. Gr ab your belonging fr om the chest and exi t the
dungeons. Take out the soldi er s outsi de and bust out of the castle thr ough the fr ont
door .

I f you choose to wai t for your compani ons to come and save your sor r y ass then
choose any two char acter s wi th good fi ghti ng and per suasi on ski lls, talk to the
soldi er s i n the entr ance and theyll let you enter the castle. Talk to the captai n and
hell agr ee to let you enter the basement, sneak i nsi de and look for your teammates
cell. I f you have Leliana or Zevr an then have them open the door , i f not then ki ll the
patr olli ng guar ds and pi ck up the keys. Ei ther way, ki ll the r emai ni ng guar ds near
the door and escape the castle.

A fter escapi ng the pr i son or defeating Cauther i na, r etur n to Eamon and tell hi m
mi ssi on accompli shed. H e then tells you to vi si t the elven ali enage and see whats
happeni ng ther e. H e believes you can find pr oof to show H owes tr eacher y to the
nobles, whi ch wi ll gi ve a lot of suppor t i n the landsmeet.

U nr est i n the A li enage

H ead nor th fr om the entr ance and youll see a lar ge cr owd i n fr ont of the local
heali ng centr e [or whatever i t i s], talk to Shi anni and get some i nfo on whats
happeni ng. Go to the backsi de of the bui lding and br i be the guar d to let you in, clear
out guar ds insi de and pi ck up the note. Retur n to Shi anni and gi ve her the note you
found, head to the far east si de of the ali enage and enter the apar tment. K i ll the
guar ds i n the entr ance and keep moving south unti l you r each the war ehouse.

A t the entr ance, youll meet Dever a, you can ei ther per suade or i nti mi date her to
leave you or ki ll her and loot her to fi nd a codex i tem. Shes basi cally an ar cher and
weak at hand-to-hand combat, have one of your fi ghter s engage in fight whi le the
r emai ni ng clear the r oom. H ead to the next r oom and speak to Caladr uis, who offer s
a deal. Y ou can ei ther take the documents and leave the elves to di e or ki ll hi m and
88 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

take ever ything, fi ghti ng hi m i snt ver y har d so thr ow the offer back at hi s face and
dr aw out your swor d.

Take contr ol of your mage and use ear thquake to r educe the enemi es movements
then cast i nfer no dir ectly on Caladr ui s to bur n hi m down. Once hes dead, ki ll the
r emai ni ng and fr ee the hostages, talk to V aler dr i an and he asks you to meet hi m at
hi s house. Loot the bodi es and r etur n to Shi anni to i nfor m her about the si tuati on,
then talk to V aler dr ai n and hell gi ve you Duncans dagger , made out of pur e gr ey
i r on.

Retur n to Eamon and i nfor m about the alienage, he tells you to get r eady for the
landsmeet and meet him i n the hall wi th A li stair . I f you ar e planni ng to put
A li stair or your self [Possi ble only i f you ar e male noble human] on the thr one then
ther e ar e few thi ngs you need to do befor e goi ng to the landsmeet. Fi r st, speak to
A nor a and shell ask you to suppor t her i n the landsmeet, i f you ar e planni ng to
mar r y her and become ki ng then pr opose to her and per suade her unti l she agr ees. I f
you wi sh to put A li stair in the thr one then agr ee to suppor t i n the landsmeet and
pr omi se not to ki ll Loghai n. Then talk to A li stai r and convi nce him he can become a
good ki ng, i f ever ythi ngs goes well then youll get +3 or +4 appr oval fr om him, this
means hes r eady to become the ki ng. Retur n to A r l and tell hi m you ar e r eady.

I f you havent ki lled Cauthr i en then shell tr y to stop you i n the entr ance, you can
ei ther per suade or i nti mi date her to let you i n or ki ll her and enter the palace. I n
the landsmeet, ther e ar e few things you need to bor ne in mi nd. F i r st, speaki ng
stupi d thi ngs wi ll make you lose suppor t. Second, never tr y to i nti mi date or
per suade anyone. A nd thi r dly, dont tr y to br eak out a fi ght unti l i ts necessar y. U se
the followi ng di alogues and the landsmeet wi ll go smoothly:
[Per suade] I m not the one who betr ayed Fer elden!
Y ou allowed Rendon H owe to i mpr i son and tor tur e i nnocents.
Why di d you tr y to steal the thr one fr om your own daughter ?
What have I done? I ve pr otected her fr om you.
The queen speaks the tr uth [I f shes gi vi ng her suppor t to you].

89 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Thi sll cause a gr oup fight agai nst Loghai n and hi s men; let the nobles sur r ound
Loghai n whi le you and your compani ons take car e of the soldi er s. I f you have
followed all the steps cor r ectly then the Rever ed M other , who r ai sed A li stair wi ll
stop the fi ght, the nobles suggest to settle the di spute i n a duel. Y ou can have any of
your fr i end fight Loghai n but I suggest you dont choose A li stair because hell
automati cally gi ve the deathblow and ki lls hi m. Thi s i s bad i f you ar e planni ng on
r ecr ui ting hi m to the team.

A fter the fight, youll get an opti on to r ecr uit Loghai n to the Gr ey War dens or ki ll
hi m. I f you chose to r ecr ui t hi m then A listair wi ll leave your team. But ki lli ng him
means you or A li stai r have to di e i n the end [Spoi ler s!], so I suggest you let hi m live.
Then you need to choose who wi ll be the next K i ng and Queen, her e you can ei ther
chose A listair or A nor a or A li stair and A nor a or Y ou and A nor a or A li stai r and
you. I f you chose to ki ll Loghai n then A li stair wi ll continue as a Gr ey War den even
after becomi ng the ki ng so dont wor r y about losi ng hi m.

The F i nal Onslaught

I suggest you fi nish off your pendi ng si de quests befor e goi ng to Redcli ffe. When you
ar e r eady, head to Redcli ffe vi llage and talk to the guar d near the br i dge, who has
been sent to infor m you about the dar kspawns attack. Clear the dar kspawns near
the br i dge and head down to the vi llage, take out the ones near the chantr y and Ser
Per ths outpost and head to the castle.

The fr ont door wi ll be sur r ounded by dar kspawns, lots of them but dont wor r y as
they ar e all one hi t ki ll. Once you ar e done, talk to the guar d and tell him you wi sh
to see the A r l. A fter the cut scene, Ri or dan tells you to meet him in hi s r oom to
di scuss some Gr ey War dens busi ness, do as he says and speak to hi m. A ccor di ng to
the anci ents r ecor ds, the Gr ey War dens who gi ves the deathblow to the A r chdemon
wi ll r ecei ve the tai nt and DI E. Dang!

90 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

M or r i gans Ri tual

A fter talki ng to Ri or dan, r etur n to your r oom and youll have a long conver sati on
wi th M or r i gan. A ccor di ng to her , she can pr event the sacr i fi ce by sealing an
A nci ent God i n her womb so that when you or other Gr ey War dens gi ve the death
blow, the tai nt gets tr ansfer r ed to the chi ld and saves the War dens. Y ou can ei ther
agr ee to per for m the r i tual or deny i t, but denyi ng wi ll make M or r i gan leave the
team i mmedi ately [N o, ther es no way you can make her stay]. I f you want accept
the offer , then you / A listair / Loghai n have to go thr ough the r i tual and only that
one can to gi ve the death blow.

A fter accepting or denyi ng the r i tual, r estock your supplies and head to Dener im to
star t the final battle. Clear the dar kspawns in the entr ance and head to the gates.
Ri or dan tells you to take thr ee member s and go to the palace whi le the other s defend
the gates, though he tells you to take A li stai r or Loghai n ther es no need to take
them i f you dont want to. H er e, i f you ar e playi ng as female human noble then I
suggest you dont take A li stai r wi th you because hell automati cally gi ve the
deathblow and die, i f you ar e playing as male then i ts OK . One mor e thi ng, take
ei ther Leli ana or Zevr an wi th you, youll need them i n the fi nal battle.

H ead to the mar ket distr i ct and youll see a lar ge gr oup of ogr es attacki ng the
ci vi li ans, spli t i nto two teams and take out the ogr es one by one. I f you ar e havi ng
tr ouble then use any one of the melee r aces fr om the ar my selecti on slot to help you
ki ll them, clear out the tr oops i n the entr ance and head towar ds the open mar ket to
fi nd the H ur lock Gener al. K i ll the ogr es beside hi m fir st and then pummel hi s head
to the gr ound to fini sh hi m off.

Defend the A li enage

Once you ar e done i n mar ket di str i ct, head to the elven alienage and speak wi th
Shai nni , you can ei ther have the elves fi ght wi th you or tell them to flee. Wai t for
the dar kspawns to br eak the gates and cast bli zzar d. Pi ck them out one by one and
hold your posi ti on unti l ever yones dead

91 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

H old the Gates

Tr avel to your next desti nati on and youll be stopped by another r andom encounter ,
wher e you wi ll take contr ol of the other team, whi ch you left to defend the gates. I f
you ar e not usi ng these char acter s then have ever yones ski lls maxed out and
equi pped them wi th good equi pments, talk to the gener al and tell hi m you ar e r eady.
Rally your tr oops and block the gates ki lli ng ever yone as soon as they enter , thi sll
r educe the number of foes pour i ng i nto the ar ea at a ti me. I f you have Wynne then
you shouldnt have any pr oblems dealing wi th them, have her heal the i njur i es ti me
to ti me whi le the other s take car e of the battle. Once done, send the messenger back
to the palace.

The F i nal Battle

Y oull be back i n contr ol of your mai n team, ther ell be a lar ge gr oup wai ting near
the stair s pr eventing you fr om enter i ng F or t Dr akon. Y ou need to deal wi th them as
ther es no other way. Let me see, ther e ar e ten gener als like emi ssar i es and alphas,
thr ee dr agons and dozens of dar kspawns gr unts, I pr efer you summon one of the
melee fi ghter s fr om the slot unless you ar e fr eak who thi nks you can take on all of
them by your self. Once done, enter the for tr ess, wher e the stage has been set for the
fi nal battle. Enter the main hall and youll fi nd couple of shades and a Genlock
Conjur er , he can swi tch place wi th the shades so you need to ki ll the shades befor e
deali ng wi th hi m.

M ake your way to the left si de of the for tr ess. Y oull be constantly attacked by
emi ssar i es, power ful ones, deali ng wi th them i s no easy task. On the wester n wi ng,
youll fi nd Genlock Shapeshi fter , hes basi cally a shape shi fter like M or r i gan. H e
usually change i nto a spi der or a bear , you can easi ly fr y hi m wi th fir e spells. Once
done, conti nue down the hall and youll fi nd Sandal near the stair s to the second
floor . Pur chase anything and ever ythi ng you can thi nk of and enter the second
floor .

M or e emi ssar i es, ki ll them and clear the r emai ni ng mini ons. Open the door s to the
ar mor y and cast infer no befor e enter i ng, ther ell be thr ee gr oups of ar cher s wi th
fi ve men each, theyll br i ng death upon you befor e you can r each them. Pr oceed to
the next r oom and youll get attacked by a Genlock A ssassi n, another Genlock wi th
92 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Zevr ans abi li ty. K i ll hi m and anyone else you can possibly find. Then make your to
the nor th most par t of the for tr ess and enter the balcony for the final showdown,
save the game befor e the enter i ng.

Y es, i ts dr agon slaying ti me! The fight i s divi ded into four pieces; the dr agon wi ll
change i ts attacki ng pace ever y ti me you deplete 25% of i ts health. Of cour se, this
battle i s si mi lar to F lemeth and H igh Dr agon but a bi t easi er , mai nly because you
ar e str onger , power ful, have an entir e ar my to back you up and you know how to
fi ght in ti ght si tuati on. F ir st and for emost, you need a massive damage dealer , a
good tank, a r ogue and a ki ck-ass mage, pr efer ably a blood mage. When you enter ,
the dr agon wi ll be fi ghti ng i n the centr e of the balcony. Take contr ol of all your
char acter s and move them to near est tur r et. Gi ve hold posi ti on and have your mage
cast the most power ful A oE spells combi nation whi le your r ogue use the balli sta to
i nfli ct some cr i tical damage, make sur e your melee char acter s ar e near your mage
and r ogue so that they can pr otect them fr om the attacki ng tr oops, thi sll also save a
lot of health.

Once you deplete 25% of i ts health, i tll fly to the tur r et i n the other s si de of the
balcony and star ts fir i ng fir e balls and vor tex, you cant r each i t for melee combat
so move to the near est balli sta tur r et and r epeat the same techni que we used
pr evi ously. Ther ell be a lar ge of dar kspawns attacki ng at thi s pace, i f you ar e
havi ng tr ouble then call one of the melee fi ghter s to ai d you. M ake sur e your mage
and r ogue i s alive, you can wi n the battle as long as your mage or r ogue lives.

When i t r eaches 40% of i ts health, the dr agon wi ll fly back to the centr e and star ts
r ampaging the floor , get r eady for some ser i ous acti on. I f your melee fighter s ar e
dead then call for ar cher s, theyll i nflict maxi mum damage wi thout getti ng hur t.
Restor e your par tys health and cast stor m of the centur y di r ectly at the dr agon.
Once the dr agon i s fr eezed, have your melee fi ghter s engage i n combat. I gnor e the
dar kspawns i nter fer i ng the combat and concentr ate on fi ni shi ng the dr agon as soon
as possi ble. J ust keep up the fr eezi ng and pummeling for awhi le and the dr agon wi ll
fall befor e your par ty member s di e.

Once you deplete all i ts health, i ts ti me to make the final deci si on, who wi ll gi ve the
fi nal blow? The game has four possi ble endings, you gi ve the death blow and di e or
A lsi tair gi ves the deathblow and di e or Loghai n gi ves the death blow and di e or you
go thr ough that wi tchs i di otic r i tual and save ever yones ass. I f you di e then
A li stair wi ll be bui ld the Gr ey War dens for tr ess i n your name and your tomb wi ll
be bui lt i n Wei sshpaut F or tr ess, besi de the four other s who have gi ven thei r lives to
defeat the A r chdemon. I f you li ve then you can stay wi th A li stai r and become the
queen or the chancellor of F er elden, second only to ki ng, and bui ld Gr ey War dens
93 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

for tr ess in A mar athi ne [Cmon who wi ll take car e of your doggy i f you die?]. Ever y
one of your compani ons has thei r own endi ngs dependi ng on thei r si de quests,
deci si ons and appr oval. I dont want to tell mor e and spoi l your cur i osi ty, look for
your self.

Well thats i t guys. Y ou can sti ll download and play the DLCs i f you want. The
expansi on pack i s comi ng out on M ar ch; i ts the conti nuati on of the same stor y wi th
new enemi es and compani ons. Y ou can conti nue your same char acter fr om the
Or i gi ns or cr eate a new Gr ey War den so dont delete your save games after beati ng
the game. I ts coming out on M ar ch 16 and I ll be back as soon as i ts out. So, unti l
then BY E!

94 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

95 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Ostagar & K or car i Wi lds

Last Wi ll and Testment by examini ng the dead body near the cli ff i n
K or car i Wi lds

H ead west and youll see a dead body on the left si de of the r ui ns, exami ne the body
and pi ck up the letter , whi ch i s the last wi ll of thi s dead guy aski ng to deli ver the
chest to his wi fe i n Redcli ffe. H ead all the way to the nor th and youll fi nd a camp
near the fir st tr ai ls of the chasi nds. K i ll the dar kspawns i f ther e ar e any and
exami ne the fir e pi t/ camp fir e to find the chest, when you go to Redcli ffe seeking
alli ance wi th the A r l, go to the chantr y and deli ver to hi s wi fe, J etta.

Pi nch of A sses by pi cki ng up the pouch fr om the dead emi ssar y i n the
br i dge

H ead nor th and youll find a lar ge gr oup of dar kspawns near the br i dge, ki ll them
and pi ck up the pouch fr om the emi ssar y whi ch wi ll tr i gger the mi ssi on. H ead west
fr om the br i dge and spr i nkle the ashes on the r ocks to call the spi r i t, ki ll i t and pi ck
up the equipments to complete the quest.

The H ungr y Deser ter fr om the Pr i soner i nsi de the cage i n Ostagar

Talk to the pr i soner and hell ask you to br i ng some food in exchange for the key to
the tr anqui ller chest. Talk to the guar d and use per suasi on to get the food, i f you
dont have good per suasi on ski ll then agr ee to pay 10 si lver s and buy the key. But
r emember , hell only gi ve the food i f you have 10 si lver s, take the food back to the
pr i soner and r ecei ve the key.

PS: The chest can only be opened after ever yone leaves for the battle.

The M abar i H ound fr om the K ennel M aster or by pi cki ng up the plants
i n the Wi lds

I f you have sur vi val ski lls then talk to the kennel master and agr ee to examine the
dogs to r ecei ve the quest. I f you dont then tr avel to the wester n par t of the K or car i
Wi lds and youll find some whi te flower s wi th r ed center , pi ck them and gi ve i t to
the kennel master . I f you dont have a mabar i hound then completi ng this quest wi ll
get you one, but r emember you need to do i t befor e going to the meeti ng wi th
Loghai n.

The M i ssi onar y by exami ni ng the dead body near the r i ver i n the
entr ance of the K or car i Wi lds

A t the entr ance of the wi lds, youll fi nd a dead body near the r i ver , whi ch contai ns
a letter dir ecti ng the locati on wher e the guy i s supposed to meet hi s fami ly. F ollow
the di r ecti on gi ven i n the letter to find the chest:
96 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

- Look for tr ee leani ng on a r ui ned bui lding.
- Pass under the fallen tr ee.
- Pass a submer ged tower on the r i ght.
- Look between a high ar ch and a mossy standing stone.
- Walk along a path of r oots and stones.
- Look for two statues wi th a chest between them.
To put i t si mple, thi s place is located wher e youll find Ri gbys hi dden loot. Look
ar ound for a pack of wolves wi th an alpha wolf, ki ll them and open the chest behi nd
them to complete the quest wi th some equi pments.

Si gns of Chasi nds by locati ng all the tr ai ls of chasi nds i n the
wi lds

A fter you tr i gger Last wi ll and testaments si de quest, youll fi nd
sever al mar ked spots called, tr ai ls of chasi nds i n your map. The fi r st
one i s located to the east of War dens outpost, exami ning i t wi ll unlock
another one or two. Thi s goes on unti l you fi nd all si x or seven. Once
you ar e done, head to the fi nal/ last mar ked place i n the far end si de of
the map and youll fi nd a camp fi lled wi th dar kspawns unless you
have alr eady ki lled them whi le explor i ng the wi lds, ki ll the
dar kspawns and loot the camp to fi nd hi dden loots.

Lother i ng

A F allen Templar by exami ni ng the dead templar on the I mper i al
H i ghway

A fter dealing wi th the toll collector s, sear ch the dead templar s body i n the hi ghway
and pi ck up the i tems. Go to the chantr y insi de the vi llage and youll fi nd a kni ght
fr om Redcli ffe, talk to him and gi ve the i tems to complete the mi ssi on.

A Last K eepsake fr om the Chanter s Boar d

A ccor di ng to the chanter s boar d, the boys mother got separ ated i n the near by
for est; they fear she has been ki lled by the wi ld ani mals. H ead to the east of the
vi llage and youll find some wolves feedi ng on a dead body, ki ll the wolves and
collect the r emai ns fr om the body. Retur n i t to the chantr y to complete the quest.

A Poi sonous Pr oposi ti on fr om Bar li n i nsi de the taver n

Bar lin wants some poi son to use i n hi s tr aps, agr ee to get some poi son and leave the
taver n. Buy 3 flasks fr om the mer chant and head to the east si de of the vi llage, ki ll
the gi ant spi der s near the r iver and collect the venom. U se the flask and venom and
97 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

make 3 flasks for poi son, take i t back to Bar li n for some coi ns. Remember , only
Leli ana can mix the extr acted venom so i f dont have her then you cant make the
poi son.

Bandi ts on the Roads fr om the Chanter s Boar d

When you ar r ive in Lother i ng, youll meet some bandi ts collecti ng tolls fr om
tr aveler s, ki ll them or scar e them away and r epor t i t to br other outsi de the chantr y
to collect the r ewar d.

Der eli cti on of Duty fr om the Blackstone Li ai son

Y ou need to fi nd thr ee people who have deser ted thei r duties and teach them a
1. Layson i nsi de the r undown alley i n Dener i m.
2. Sammeal i n fr ont of the i nn in Lake Calenhad.
3. Tor nas near the entr ance of Or zammar s for tr ess.

M or e Than J ust Plants fr om the V i llage Elder M i r iam

The vi llage elder asks you to br i ng some poulti ces so that she can tend to the
wounded tr aveler s. Y ou need to gi ve 3 li ttle poulti ces, you can ei ther gi ve her the
ones you found or make new ones usi ng Leli ana.

Scar pi ng the Bar r els fr om the Blackstone Li ai son

Y ou need to fi nd the people, who pr omised to help Blackstone i n ti mes of need and
send them to the Blackstone:
1. Patter Gr i tch i nsi de the chantr y i n Lother i ng.
2. Der nal Gar r i son i nsi de the house near the wi ndmi ll in Redcli ffe vi llage.
3. V ar el Baer n insi de the Eleven A li enage i n Dener i m.

Tr aps ar e a Gi r ls Best F r i end fr om A li son in Lother i ng

Y ou need a compani on wi th basi c tr ap maki ng ski ll to i ni tate thi s quest; i f not then
you cannot ini tate the quest. Once you have r ecei ved the quest, go to Danes r efuge
and buy thr ee tr aps, have them tur ned to spr i ng tr aps and deliver them to A li son.

The Quanr i Pr i soner fr om the pr i soner insi de cage

Talk to the pr i soner and per suade hi m to join your cause, i f you have Leli ana then
have her open the locks or talk to Rever ed M other in the chantr y and inti mi date
her r elease hi m.

98 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Weed Out the Bandi ts fr om the Chanter s Boar d

Tr avel to the nor ther n si de of the hi ghway and youll see some bandi ts blocki ng the
way and collecti ng tolls fr om the vi llager s, ki ll them and r etur n to the chantr y to
complete the quest.

When Bear s A ttack fr om the Chanter s Boar d

Some of the bear s ar e dwelling i n the for est near the vi llage and vi llager s fear they
mi ght attack in ni ght ti mes, so they asks you to ki ll them so that they sleep
peacefully. H ead to the far east of the vi llage and youll see some bear s near the
r i ver , ki ll them and r etur n to the chantr y.

Redcli ffe

A M i ssi ng Chi ld fr om K ai tlyn

Talk to K ai tlyn i n the entr ance of the chantr y and shell ask to you look for her
br other , Bevi n. H ead to the east si de of the vi llage and enter K ai tlyns house,
appr oach the dr esser to fi nd Bevi n. I f you have good per suasi on ski ll then ask him
what he was doing and hell tell you he was looki ng for hi s gr andfather s swor d,
per suade him to gi ve the key and send hi m back to the chantr y. Pick up the swor d
fr om the chest and r etur n to the chantr y.

Br other s and Sons fr om the Chanter s Boar d

Some of the men, who left Redcli ffe has not r etur ned fr om thei r jour ney, the chantr y
wi shes someone to look for them. Tr avel to the Battlefi eld i n the wor ld map and
youll see a pack of wolves feedi ng on dead bodies, ki ll them and collect the
belongi ngs of the vi cti ms, especi ally the di ar y i n the entr ance of the ar ea. Retur n
them to the chantr y to complete the quest.

Car avan Down fr om the Chanter s Boar d

Ther e has been no r epor t fr om the car avan fr om few days and accor di ng to the
messenger i t has been attacked by dar kspawns on i ts way back. Tr avel to the
Car avan i n your wor ld map and ki ll the dar kspawns sur r oundi ng the ar ea, then
take the news back to the chantr y for your r ewar d.

Desper ate H aven fr om the Chanter s Boar d

Some of the r efugees have tr aveled to H aven and never r etur ned, you need to go to
the spot and see what happened to them. Tr avel to the spot i n the wor ld map and
youll fi nd a gr oup of dar kspawns attacki ng the r efugees, ki ll them and safely escor t
the r emai ni ng r efugees back to the vi llage.

99 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Gr easi ng the Wheels fr om the Blackstone Li ai son

Y ou need to find five hooded mages i n Dener im and tell them to r etur n to thei r
master s:
1. N ear the open mar ket.
2. I nsi de the dar k alley.
3. I nsi de the r undown alley.
4. I nsi de the i nn i n the pear l.
5. I nsi de the elven alienage.

J owans I ntenti on fr om the Chanter s Boar d

Y ou need to r elease J owan fr om the castle and tell hi m to get out of the place. I f you
ask hi m to help you, then Teagan wi ll once agai n impr i son unti l Eamon i s r ecover ed
so, you need to fr ee and send hi m out of the castle. Once you have fr eed him and
have completed the Ur n of the sacr ed A shes quest, the chantr y wi ll ask you to look
for the mi ssi on apostate and a new place wi ll be unlocked for you i n the wor ld map.
Tr avel to the spot and you wi ll see J owan pr otecti ng sever al r efugees fr om the
wolves, ki ll the wolves and you wi ll get an opti on to ei ther let hi m go or to ki ll hi m,
both the opti ons wi ll not have any impact on your compani ons so the choi ce is
completely up to you. once the fi ght i s over , r etur n to the chantr y to collect your
r ewar d.

Lost i n the Castle fr om Owen i n the smi thy

Talk to Owen in hi s house and hell ask you to look for hi s daughter , Velena. U se the
secr et passage in the wi ndmi ll and head to Redcli ffe castle, sear ch the r i ght si de of
the castle and youll find her in one of the r oom. Tell her to r etur n her father and
head back to Owen to complete the quest.

Ski n D eep fr om the Chanter s Boar d

The chantr y asks you to br ing some demoni c galls fr om the walki ng cor pses so that
they can r esear ch on them. Thi s can only be collected by ki lli ng any livi ng cor pses, i f
you dont get enough of them then wai t unti l you tr avel to H aven and Wer ewolves
li ar , wher e you can fi nd couple mor e of them. Br i ng 20-25 of them to get a huge
r ewar d.

U ni ntended Consequences fr om the Chanter s Boar d

Y ou need to complete the Summoni ng Science si de quest in the Ci r cle of M agi to
tr i gger thi s mi ssi on. Once you have accepted i t, you wi ll get a r andom encounter
when tr aveli ng ar ound the Ci r cle, wher e the whi m you summon attacks you, ki ll i t
and r etur n to the chantr y to complete the quest.

100 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

H aven

Dr agon Scale A r mor by pi cki ng up the dr agon scale fr om the H igh
Dr agon in H aven

I f you ar e mad enough to attack the H i gh Dr agon and slew i t then pi ck up i ts scale
and gi ve i t Wade, hell ask you to r etur n after someti me to collect your ar mor . Do as
he says and r etur n after awhi le to collect one of the legendar y ar mor s set i n the

PS: Ther es no need for you to pay hi m any money.

Dr ake Scale A r mor by pi cking up the dr ake scales i n H aven

K i ll the dr akes insi de the cave and collect thei r scales, you need two of them. Take
them to Wades empor i um in Dener i m and gi ve i t to the man i n the collector , Wade
asks you to gi ve hi m some time so that he can make the ar mor . V i si t after some ti me
and collect your ar mor , whi ch he complai ns i snt ver y ar ti sti c. Give hi m the other
set of scale and r etur n after some ti me to get a super i or or better one than the
pr evi ous one.

PS: Ther es no need for you to pay hi m any money.

F or gotten V er ses by pi cki ng up the old scr oll i n H aven

To the west of the Temple, youll fi nd an old scr oll i n the libr ar y, take it to the
chantr y i n Dener im and gi ve i t to Sister J ustine so that she can r esear ch on i t.

Ci r cle of M agi

Car eless A ccusati on fr om the M ages Collectives

Thi s poor guy has been accused for livi ng wi th a couple of blood mages in a vi llage.
Y ou need to find the wi tness and si lent them befor e they complain to the Cir cle, they
can be found when tr aveli ng ar ound Lother i ng, per suade or i nti mi date or ki ll them
and r etur n to the collecti ves to complete the quest.

F i ve P ages, F our M ages by collecti ng all the tor n paper s i n the thir d

H as the name suggests, you need to fi nd five notes of the mages scatter ed in the
thi r d and four th floor . These paper s ar e actually tor n paper s stacked to r eadi ng
stands. The best way to fi nd these paper s i s by vi si ti ng each r oom and hold Tab to
101 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

hi ghli ght usable objects; thisll highlight the paper s maki ng i t easi er for you to fi nd

Once you found all fi ve, youll get a war ning to be on lookout for the guy who
scammed the mages. The fi ght takes place when you ar e tr aveli ng i n the wor ld map.
H ell attack you wi th two melee fi ghter s and a mage, tr y getti ng r i d of the mage
fi r st, use advances dr ai n techni que then shower hi m fi r eballs and chai n li ghtni ng.
Once hes down, pi cki ng the r emaini ng i s fai r ly easy.

F r i ends of Red J enny by pi cki ng up the painted box fr om the F ir st
Enchanter I r vi ngs study

Somewher e insi de the I r vi ngs study, youll find a small pai nted box, taki ng i t wi ll
tr i gger a r andom encounter in the wor ld map. K i ll the thugs or whatever they ar e
and loot thei r body to tr i gger the quest, which i s as easy taki ng a candy fr om the
baby. Take the box to the house near gnawed noble taver n in Dener im and pass it
thr ough the hole [M an! What the heck was that sound I just hear d!? Cr eepy!]. Thats
all. J

H er bal M agi c fr om the M ages Collectives

Some of the mages wants you to br i ng some deep mushr ooms to cr eate poti ons. These
thi ngs can be found all most anywher e, collect 10 of them and hand them over to the

N oti ce of Ter mi nati on fr om the M ages Collectives

Some of the students have pr oven useless and has been ter mi nated fr om the Ci r cle,
they need you to take the letter s to the students and gi ve them the happy news:
1. N ear the open mar ket i n Dener im.
2. I nsi de the wonder s of thedas i n Dener i m.
3. I n fr ont of the for tr ess i n Or zammar .

Places of Power fr om the M ages Collectives

The Collective needs you to acti vate four of thei r power gener ator s, whi ch ar e
scatter ed thr oughout F er elden:
1. Tr ee of Li fe i n the Elven A li enage.
2. I r vi ngs chair i n the Ci r cle of M agi .
3. Gr avestone near the Oak Tr ee in the Wester n Br eceli an F or est.
4. A ltar insi de or tan thai g in Or zammar , i ts the same altar wher e youll call
the fade beast i n A sunder si de quest.

Summoni ng Sci ence by collecting all the textbooks in the li br ar y

Thi s quest cant be activated unti l you complete Br oken Ci r cle. Sear ch all the books
i n the fir st floor li br ar y and find all the text books, just go to ever y r oom in the fir st
102 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

floor and pr ess Tab to highlight the text books. Then go to the libr ar y and activate
the i tems i n the following or der to call the summoni ngs:
1. Spi r i t H og
a. Summoni ng font
b. Tome of spi r it per sonages
c. F i r st summoni ng flame
2. Tr i ckster Spi r i t
a. Summoni ng font
b. Roder coms uncommon calli ng
c. Si lver coi n at the bottom of the statue
d. Second summoning flame
3. F ade Ri fter
a. Summoni ng font
b. Elvor ns gr enade beasti ar y
c. Tr ace si gi l
d. Spi r i tor um ether i ali s
e. Statue of magus gor vi sh
f. N ovi ce phylacter y
g. Thi r d summoni ng flame
K i ll the demon and loot i ts body to fi nd some equi pments and to complete the quest.
Remember , i f you dont have all the text books then the spi r i ts wi ll di e when you
summon them.

Thy Br other s K i ller fr om the M ages Collectives

Some blood mages has ki lled a Ci r cle mage and now the Collective needs you to take
r evenge for them, accor di ng to the jour nal they ar e located i nsi de the Br eceli an
F or est. H ead nor th i n the Easter n Br eceli an F or est and youll fi nd a gr oup of mages
per for mi ng a r i tual near the anci ent tombstone, ki ll them, they ar ent tough so you
shouldnt have any tr ouble deali ng wi th them, and r etur n to the collectives.

Watchguar d of the Reachi ng by fi ndi ng all notes i n the tower

Thi s quest i s easi er i f you play i t after cleani ng the tower out of abomi nati on. Sear ch
the r ooms i n the fir st thr ee floor s and collect all the notes, wr i tten by students. Tr y
pr essi ng Tab to highlight the objects; thisll make i t easi er for you to fi nd them. Once
you have found all the notes r equir ed to begi n the quest, head to the thir d floor and
acti vate the statues in left, r i ght and mi ddle or der . Then go to the centr e r oom and
acti vate the statue in the mi ddle, the one wi th thr ee shi elds and a swor d. Once you
ar e done, go to the fir st floor and exami ne the door to the basement to tr i gger a
fi ght wi th a r age demon, Shah somethi ng [I dont r emember pr oper ly], ki ll i t and
loot i ts body to complete the quest.

103 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Br eceli an F or est

Cammens Lament fr om Cammen

Ghenya has r efused to mar r y Cammen because hes not fully pledged hunter . The
completi on of the quest depends on your per suasi on, i f you have high level
per suasi on wi th all box checked or at least thr ee then you can talk to Ghenya and
per suade her to mar r y Cammen. I f you have medi um or OK per suasi on then talk to
Cammen and per suade hi m to take a wolf pelt fr om you, for thi s you need to have a
wolf pelt or you need to ki ll a wolf and take i ts pelt back to Cammen.

Elor as H alla fr om Elor a

Talk to Elor a near hallas stable and shell tell you one of the halla i s acting ver y
str ange and r efusi ng to take fool. Y ou need medi um or hi gh sur vi val ski ll for thi s, i f
you exami ne the halla and tell her a li e then the halla wi ll di e. I ts best you dont
take thi s quest unti l you get at least two to thr ee sur vi val boxes checked.

Lost to the Cur se fr om A thr as

A thr as thinks hi s wi fe has become a wer ewolf and needs you to look for her i n the
for est. When you tr avel to the for est, head to the east si de and youll fi nd a lone
wer ewolf called, Danyla, who asks you to ki ll her and gi ve her scar f to her husband.

I f you r efuse to mer ci ki ll her then shell lose contr ol and attacks you so i ts best to
take the scar f and r elease her fr om her pain.

PS: One mor e thi ng, when you ar e doing the mai n quest, the her mi t asks you to gi ve
something in r etur n of the acor n, you can convi nce A thr as that hi s wi fe h\ i s dead
wi thout the scar f so gi vi ng i t to the her mi t wi ll not stop you fr om completing the

Rar e I r onbar k fr om Var athor n

Talk to V ar athor n and hell menti on somethi ng about i r onbar k wood i n mi ddle of
the conver sati on. When you tr avel to the Br eceli an F or est, go to the west of the
for est and youll fi nd a lar ge ti mber of i r onbar k, take it to back to V ar athor n to
complete the quest. When you take i t back to V ar athor n, hell offer to make you
something out of i t, you can ei ther get a bow or an ar mor . I f you r efuse to take any
gi ft then hell gi ve an amulet, whi ch i s fair ly decent than the bow and ar mor .

104 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

The Elven Ri tual by collecti ng the tablet fr om the sar cophagus i nsi de the
r ui ns

To the south of the r ui ns youll fi nd a sar cophagus, whi ch wi ll explai n how to
per for m the elven r i tual. H ead to the far nor th si de of the bui ldi ng and youll fi nd a
pool and an altar , open your jour nal and go thr ough the steps menti oned i n i t:
- Exami ne the pool.
- Take the ear then pot.
- F i ll the jug wi th water .
- Take the jug and leave the pool.
- Exami ne the altar to the r i ght si de of the pool.
- Place the jug on the altar .
- K neel down and pr ay to the altar .
- Take a si ngle si p fr om the jug.
- Take the jug and leave the altar .
- Pool the r emaini ng water i nto the pool.
- Retur n the jug back to i ts place.
- Leave the pool.
Completi ng the r i tual wi ll open the door to the next ar ea, go thr ough the newly
opened door and youll see a ghostie woman, ki ll her to get the last piece of
J ugger naut ar mor .

The M ages Tr easur e by collecti ng all four pi eces of the J ugger naut
ar mor i n the Br ecelian F or est

Y ou need to fi nd four pieces of the ar mor in the for est to complete the quest:
1. Exami ne the gr avestone behi nd the Gr eat Oak Tr ee.
2. Exami ne the gr avestone near the M ad H er mi t.
3. Pass the magi cal bar r i er and examine the gr avestone at the far end si de of
4. Complete The Elven Ri tual si de quest and ki ll the ghost woman to get the
fi nal pi ece of the ar mor .

Wounded i n the F or est upon fi ndi ng the wounded wlf i nth for est

When explor i ng the for est, you wi ll find a wounded elf near the water fall, wher e
you wi ll fi r st encounter Swi ftr unner . Examine hi m and you wi ll get four opti ons:
you can ei ther take him back to the camp or ki ll hi m and loot hi s body or wake hi m
up and then take hi m back or ki ll hi m. I f you choose to take hi m back to the camp,
then a elven scout gr oup wi ll appear and offer s to escor t hi m back to the camp.
Retur n to the camp and talk to Deygan to get your r ewar d.

105 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Or zammar

A Lost N ug fr om the nug dealer i n the commons

The nug dealer s busi ness i s at r ui ns and he needs you to help hi m by fi ndi ng hi m
some nugs. Ther e ar e total of 10 nugs i n Or zammar but you only need one to
complete the quest. Ther es one r i ght near the br i dge to the pr ovi ng gr ound, pi ck i t
up and deliver i t to the nug dealer .

A M other s H ope fr om Fi lda

F i ldas son, Ruck went to the deep r oads and never r etur ned. Since, you ar e going
ther e for the mai n quest, agr ee to look for hi m. When you ar r i ve i n the centr e of
or tan thi ag, youll fi nd Ruck eati ng a dead dar kspawn, speak to hi m and hell r un
away, follow hi m to hi s camp and youll get an opti on to ei ther ki ll hi m or let him
li ve. When you r etur n to hi s mother , you can ei ther li e to her and tell her son died
as a her o or tell her the tr uth. Ei ther way, shell gi ve you a shi eld whi ch she was
keeping for her son.

A n A dmi r able Topsi der by collecti ng all thr ee pi eces of the Topsi der
swor d i n the deep r oads

Y ou need to collect all thr ee pieces of the blade and take them to i ts master s gr ave
i n or tan thi ag to complete the quest [and to r ecei ve the best long swor d i n the game]:
1. K i ll the Genlock Emi ssar y i nsi de the tunnel i n or tan thi ag to fi nd the hi lt.
2. Sear ch the vase i nsi de Rucks camp i n or tan thi ag to fi nd the pommel.
3. K i ll the A nci ent Dar kspawn i n the dead tr enches to fi nd the blade.

A n U nli kely Scholar fr om Dagna

Dagna wants to join the Ci r cle of M agi and study magi c but due to the r ules i n
Or zammar , she cant contact the Ci r cle so she asks you to do i t for her . Tr avel to the
Ci r cle of M agi and talk to I r vi ng, tell him about Dagna and hell agr ee to admi t her
to the Ci r cle. Take the good news back to Dagna to complete the quest.

A sunder by collecti ng all thr ee bloody sacks i n the deep r oads

F i r st, you need to collect all thr ee sacks whi ch contai ni ng pieces of a cr eatur e:
1. I nsi de the tunnels i n aeducan thiag.
2. A t the entr ance of car i di ns cr oss.
3. A t the edge of or tan thi ag.
Once you got all thr ee, take them to the altar i n or tan thi ag, i ts the same altar you
use i n Places of Power si de quest, and place them on the top to summon the fade
beast, you can ei ther let go for few gold or ki ll i t.

106 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Caged i n Stone by activati ng the thr one i n the Royal Palace

Y ou need to do thi s befor e choosi ng a ki ng. Go to the thr one r oom in the r oyal palace
and exami ne the thr one; youll notice nothi ngs happeni ng. Ther e ar e thr ee pr essur e
plates whi ch wi ll acti vate the thr one. One outsi de the r oom and two i n the r i ght side
of the r oom, suspend fr ee walk and place your compani ons in each plates. Then
exami ne the thr one to fr ee the dr agon, ki ll i t and loot i ts body to fi nd the second best
two-handed swor d i n the game.

PS: The best two-handed swor d i s i nsi de the deep r oads; look for i t in vase li ke
cr ates. I f you di dnt find i t i n the deep r oads, I thi ng Bodhan has one i n your par ty
camp, you can just vi si t him and buy i t.

Dead Castes by collecti ng all the pieces of the ar mor i n the deep r oads

F i r st, you need to collect all four pi eces of the ar mor scatter ed in the dead tr enches,
basi cally these thi ngs ar e hi dden i n sar cophagus i nsi de the houses i n dead tr enches.
Once you found the gloves, boots and ar mor , go to the r oom, wher e the spi r i ts ar e
r oami ng, and exami ne the altar to fi nd the helmet. Picki ng up the helmet wi ll cause
the spi r i ts to attack you, ki ll them and enter the r oom i n the centr e, whi ch wi ll lead
to the Br oodmother . H ave someone wear the ar mor , best i f i ts main char acter and
exami ne the sar cophagus to tr i gger a fi ght wi th a shade, ki ll i t and pick up the
i nsi gni a fr om the sar cophagus. When you r etur n to the ci ty, gi ve i t to the shaper ate
to complete the quest.

Dr i fter s Cache by exami ni ng the r ubble pi les i n Car i di ns Cr oss

Thi s quest can be tr i gger ed by exami ni ng one of the r ubble pi les i n car i di ns cr oss.
Y ou need to fi nd and exami ne all four to find the locati on of the cache, look at the
followi ng place and exami ne the pi les:
1. A t the for k r oad that leads to the dar kspawn for t.
2. N ear the lar ge cavar an wher e you fight the deep stalker matr i ar ach.
3. N ear the nor ther n br i dge, wher e you fight the genlocks and an ogr e.
4. N ear the wester exi t.
When you find and exami ne all the r ubble pi les, the cache locati on wi ll appear on
the map, go to the spot and open i t complete the quest wi th some goodi es i n hand.

Exoti c M etal fr om H er bali st Wi dr on i n Or zammar r oyal palace

Y ou need access to the r oyal palace to get thi s quest, r oam ar ound the place and you
wi ll fi nd a si ck woman and an her balist i n one of the r ooms. Talk to the her bli ast
and hell ask you to br i ng an anti dote for posi on. Y oull need the followi ng
i ngr edi ents to make the poti on:
1. 4 elfr oots
2. 2 li festones
3. 2 concentr ator agents
4. 1 flask
Once you have the goods, have your master her bali st to make the poti on and gi ve it
to the si ck dwar en woman.
107 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

J ammer s Stash by pi cki ng up the jour nal i nsi de the car ta

When you tr avel to the dust town to ki ll J ar vi a, sear ch the car ta and find the
jour nal, i ts hooked to a r eading stand i n one of the r ooms. Then look for the chests
scatter ed i n the car ta and take the cheapest i tems:
1. Sli ver custom r i ng.
2. I r on latter opener .
3. Gar net tr i nket.
Once you found all thr ee chests, go thr ough the tunnel near J ar vi as r oom and youll
fi nd the chest behi nd the tamed ani mals, unlock i t to complete the quest.

Lost to the M emor i es fr om Or ta i n the shaper ate

Or ta believes she i s a descendant of the Or tan fami ly but she needs pr oof to pr ove i t
to the assembly. When you tr avel to the deep r oads, head to or tan thai g and youll
fi nd a chest containing documents at the far end of the tunnel, somewher e near
Br ankas jour nal or the altar you use i n A sunder si de quest. Take i t back to Or ta
and shell ask you to meet her i n the assembly hall, do as she says and meet her
outsi de the assembly to complete the quest.

Pr ovi ng A fter Dar k fr om the Pr ovi ng M aster

I n the pr ovi ng gr ounds, youll fi nd a guy who looks after ar ms and ar mor s, talk to
hi m and hell tell you to take place in one of i llegal fi ghts, agr ee to par ti ci pate and
wi n all r ounds to r ecei ve a r ewar d along wi th some exp. and gold.

Pr eci ous M etal fr om Rogek i n dust town

Y ou need to have 40 sover igns and si de wi th the mages i n the Ci r cle to complete thi s
quest successfully; i f you have si ded wi th the templar s then Godwi n wi ll be executed
along wi th the other mages. Once you have completed the Br oken Ci r cle quest, talk
to Rogek i n the dust town and hell ask you to deliver some smuggled lyr i um to a
mage i n Ci r cle. Take the lyr i um and tr avel to the Cir cle, talk to Godwi n i n the seni or
mage quar ter s and hell agr ee to pay 60 sover i gns for the lyr i um. I f you have high
per suasi on ski ll then you can per suade hi m to pay 65-70 sover i gns along wi th a cr ow
dagger . Ei ther way, take the money back to the Rogek to get your pay.

The Chant i n the D eep fr om Br other Bur kel

Br other Bur kel wi shes to bui ld a chantr y in Or zammar but the Shaper s ar e not
allowi ng him to bui ld i t. H ead to the shaper ate in the di amond quar ter s and talk to
the master , convi nce him to allow Bur kel to bui ld a chantr y and r etur n to Bur kel to
complete the quest. Y ou need a ver y hi gh level of per suasi on for thi s task; the
shaper s not an easy guy to convi nce.

108 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

The Golem Regi str y fr om the Shaper s

Talk to the shaper and hell ask you to br ing somethi ng valuable fr om the deep
r oads. A fter r ecei vi ng the cr own fr om Br anka or Car i di n, head to the A nvi l of the
V oi ds r oom and exami ne the tablet i n the entr ance, i ts a li st of all the dwar ves who
gave up thei r li ves to become golems. M ake a tr ace and take i t back to the shaper to
complete the quest.

The K ey to the Ci ty when you fi r st enter Or zammar

Y ou need to find five scr olls, whi ch ar e scatter ed all over Or zammar to complete
thi s quest. The scr olls ar e found in the followi ng places:
1. N ear the entr ance door i n the hall of her oes.
2. On the br i dge i n Or zammar commons.
3. N ear the cr ates or baskets in dust town, near the alimar s empor i um.
4. N ear the di amond quauter s entr ance or exi t.
5. I n one of the r ooms in the pr ovi ng gr ounds.
Once you have found all the scr olls, go to the assembly in the di amond quar ter s and
open the cr ate to fi nd your r ewar d, a r i ng that wi ll boost all attr i butes by 2.

The Lost N ug fr om the N ug Dealer

H i s busi ness i s r unning low so he asks you to fi nd some lost nugs so that he can sell
them and make some money. Ther e ar e ar ound 10 nugs scatter ed all ar ound dust
town but you only need one to complete the quest, i f you manage to fi nd all 10 then
hell gi ve a bi g bonus.

Thi ef i n the H ouse of Lear ni ng fr om the Shaper

The shaper beli eves some of the thugs have stolen thei r belonging and needs you to
fi nd them. H ead to the dust town and youll see some thugs at the entr ance, ki ll
them and loot thei r bodi es to find thei r leader s addr ess. Go to the pr ovi ng gr ounds
and look for thei r leader , ki ll hi m and loot his body to find the stolen i tems. Retur n
i t to the shaper s to complete the quest.

Zer li ndas Woe fr om Zer linda

When you fir st enter dust town, youll see a woman aski ng for money. Shes been
declar ed as casteless for gi vi ng bi r th to a baby and now has nowher e to go, you can
ei ther per suade her to go to the sur face or convi nce her father to take her back to
the fami ly or tell her to go to the chantr y [Possi ble only i f you have completed The
Chant i n the Deep si de quest].

109 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Dener i m

A n A udi ence wi th the A mbassador fr om M aster I gnaci o

The cr ows need you to ki ll an ambassador , who is cur r ently r esi di ng in the r oyal
palace of Or zammar , and make i t look li ke an acci dent. H es well pr otected by a
handful of soldi er s so pi ck some of your best fi ghter s and plan your str ategi es befor e
attacki ng him. H e is located i n one of the r ooms i n the r oyal palace, ki ll him and
r etur n to the cr ows to complete the quest.

A Gi ft of Si lence fr om the M ages Collectives

The M ages Collecti ves wants you to gi ve some lyr i um to the templar i n Redcli ffe.
Collect 10 lyr i um and take them to the K ni ght-Commander H ar r i th i n Redcli ffe, hes
stati oned i n fr ont of the wi ndmi ll i n the vi llage.

Backalley J usti ce fr om the Chanter s Boar d

The chantr y needs someone to clean up the backalleys of Dener i m and that someone
i s none other than our selves. Tr avel to the alleys and ki ll the thugs hi di ng insi de,
then r etur n to K ylon to complete the quest [Pr etty si mple huh?].

Blood of War ni ng fr om the M ages Collecti ves

The M ages Collectives wants you to mar k some blood mages house wi th blood so that
they can find them befor e the chantr y does:
1. One near the chantr y.
2. N ei ghbor i ng house of Goldanna i n open mar ket.
3. I nsi de the di r ty back alley.
4. I nsi de the dar k alley.

Change of Leader shi p fr om Renold H awkwi nd i n the entr ance of mar ket
di str i ct after completi ng all the si de quests given by the Blackstone I r r egular s

Y ou need to complete all the side quests gi ven by the Blackstone I r r egular s in or der
to tr i gger thi s quest. Tr avel to Dener i m and youll see a guy named, Renold
H awkwi nd i n the entr ance of the mar ker distr i ct. Talk to him and hell ask you to
ki ll hi s son, Tor nas, who has gone obsessed wi th hi s power s and r i ches. Tr avel
anywher e fr om Dener i m and youll r un into a gang of Blackstone I r r egular s
camping i n the woods. Talk to Tor nas and youll get an opti on to ei ther to let him
leave or ki ll hi m and complete the quest. I f you choose to ki ll hi m then you have to
deal wi th bodyguar ds, whi ch might be a bi t tough i f you ar e playing thi s ver y ear ly.

Cor r espondence I nter r upts fr om the gnawed noble taver n owner

110 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Y ou need fi nd 12 love letter s and hand them over to the thugs so that they can
demand some r ansom on them. These things ar e usually found i nsi de locked chests,
you need a r ogue, a ski lled one, below i s a li st of all the chests wher e you can find the
love letter s:
1. I nsi de the wi ndmi ll in Redcli ffe vi llage.
2. I nsi de the basement i n Redcli ffe castle.
3. I nsi de Wades empor i um i n Dener i m.
4. I nsi de the i nn i n the pear ls.
5. I nsi de A r l of Dener ims estate.
6. I nsi de the vi llager s house i n H aven.
7. I nsi de the i nn i n Lake Calenhad.
8. I nsi de the seni or mages study in the Ci r cle of M agi .
9. N ear the weapon shop in the Br eceli an Outski r ts.
10. I nsi de the secr et r oom i n the entr ance of the r ui ns i n the Br eceli an for est.
11. I nsi de the car ta i n the dust town.
12. I nsi de the r oyal palace i n Or zammar .

Cr i me Wave fr om Sli m Cloudr y i n the mar ket di str i ct

Y our War den needs to have at least one poi nt in stealth and steali ng abi li ti es to
tr i gger thi s quest. Sli m wi ll only appear i n the mar ket di str i ct i f you have ei ther one
of these ski lls and wi ll gi ve mi ssi on depending on your ski lls. I f you have both the
r equir ed ski lls then both li nes of the quest can be accepted and i f not then only one
li ne can be completed.

Pi ckpocketing can be unlocked i f your War den has steali ng ski lls. H er e, please note
that you only need your War den to tr i gger the quest and not to complete them, you
r ogues who have hi gh stealing and comflauge ski lls can complete these quests on
behalf of your War den.
1. Ladys M ai d The tar get i s standing near the center of the mar ket di str i ct
talki ng to mer chants, just appr oach her fr om behind and steal her stuffs.
2. Ser N ancine Y ou can ei ther steal hi s swor d nor mally your r ogue or steal i t
whi le talki ng to him.
3. M aster Ti lver I f your r ogue has stealth plus camflague then i t should be
enough to pass the guar ds and steal the key. I f not then pay the near by
messenger boy and hell di str act the guar ds, allowi ng you to get your hands
on the key.
4. Steal the Teyr ns Cr own Y ou need to enter Loghai ns seneschal estate and
steal the cr own. Y ou can ei ther ki ll the guar ds along wi th the seneschal and
then loot the cr own or inti mi date them to leave and steal i t.

U nlike pi ckpocketing mi ssi ons, wher e you need only stealing abi li ti es, bur glar i es
needs your War den to have some basi c camflauge abi li ti es along wi th steali ng. Y ou
can continue to use your r ogues after war d but your War den must have both the
ski lls whi le talki ng to Sli m to tr i gger thi s li ne of quests.
1. The A bsent M i str ess Dur i ng thi s quest, you need to br eak i nto Lady Sophi es
place and steal her stuffs. But you can complete thi s quest befor e talki ng to
Sli m and have hi m r eoay the money he took fr om you for the i nfor mati on.
111 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

2. A F i stful of Si lver Y ou need to br eak into the mar ket war ehouse and when
you do, you wi ll encounter sever al H owes men, ki ll them and loot the cr ates
fr om the quest i tems.
3. The Pr i vate Collector A fter accepti ng this quest, a new ar ea wi ll appear on
Dener i ms map, vi si t the place and youll r eali ze somethi ngs wr ong, head
back to Sli m and have your money r etur ned.
4. The Tear s of A ndr aste Thi s quest cannot be tr i gger ed unti l you complete the
landsmeet and has to be completed befor e goi ng for the final battle. Dur i ng
thi s quest, you need to i nfi ltr ate the A r ls estate agai n and steal the tear s, you
can go ahead and chop ever y guar d you fi nd i nsi de and loot the tear s or play
stealthy. Once you have got hold of the tear s, r etur n to Sli m and you wi ll
have a opti on to send i t to the chantr y or gi ve i t to Sli m or keep i t your self.

Dead Dr op fr om the gnawed noble taver n owner

K needs you to deliver some r ewar ds for hi s wor ker s/ cli ents:
1. N ear the docks i n Redcli ffe.
2. N ear the open mar ket i n Dener im.
3. I nsi de the spoi led pr i ncess i n Lake Calenhad.
4. N ear the mer chant stand outsi de the for tr ess i n Or zammar .
The last one actually explodes when you tr y to place i t; you can ei ther fi x it wi th
your r ogue or si mply r etur n to your contact. Ei ther way, youll get the r ewar d and
complete the quest.

Defendi ng the Collecti ves fr om the M ages Collectives after completi ng
all the si de quests gi ven by them

Some of the mages have tur ned agai nst the Collecti ves and ar e planni ng to complai n
to the chantr y. The Collecti ves asks you to handover some documents to K ni ght-
Commander H ar r i th in Redcli ffe so that he can tr ack down and si lent the tr ai tor s.
Tr avel to Redcli ffe and deliver the r ecor ds to H ar r i th, then r etur n to the Collecti ves
to complete the quest.

Defyi ng the Collecti ves fr om the M ages Collectives after completi ng all
the si de quests gi ven by them

Some of the mages have tur ned agai nst Collecti ves and ar e planni ng to complai n to
the chantr y about the usage of blood magi c. The Collecti ves asks you to deli ver some
documents to the K ni ght-Commander H ar r i th so that he can si lent them befor e they
r each the chantr y. I f you dont want to handover the r ecor ds to H ar r i th and help
the Collectives si lent the wi tnesses then you can gi ve them to K night-Commander
Tavi sh near the Elven A lienage in Dener i m.

F alse Wi tness fr om the gnawed noble taver n owner

Some of the thugs ar e abandoning thei r alli es and sur r ender i ng to the chantr y, you
need to fi nd them and ki ll them befor e they sur r ender :
1. Cam i nsi de the wonder s of thedas.
2. F r ank near the i nn in Lake Calenhad.
112 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

3. Br ai n i nsi de Or zammar .

F azzi ls Request fr om the Chanter s Boar d

A for eigner has lost hi s sextant and needs you to fi nd i t. I t i s located i nsi de the
chest in the elven ali enage or phanage, collect i t and r etur n i t to the chantr y to
complete the quest.

H ar sh Deci si on fr om the gnawed noble taver n owner after completi ng
F alse Wi tness si de quest

Enough of wor ki ng for K , i t ti me to do jobs for D, who needs you to ki ll K and hi s
men. Lol. Deliver the notes to Gor im near the open mar ket, si ster in fr ont of the
chantr y and the mage insi de the wonder s of thedas. Then youll be instr ucted to talk
to the guar ds about K . Go the entr ance of mar ket di str i ct and talk to the guar ds,
gi ve them the wi tness you have agai nst K and theyll war n you about hi s henchmen
mi ght/ wi ll attack you tr ying to get r evenge.

Tr y leavi ng the mar ket distr i ct and youll get attacked by a gr oup henchmen, ki ll
them and pi ck up the dir ecti ons fr om the lieutenant. Go to the hi deout i n Dener i m
map and youll fi nd K pr otected by a gr oup of melee fi ghter s and two ar cher s, have
your mage occupy the melee fi ghter s whi le your war r i or s ki ll the ar cher s. Once
ever yones dead, gang up and ki ll K , who i snt much of a boss. Loot hi s body and
r etur n to the bar tender to complete the quest.

H ave Y ou Seen M e? F r om the Chanter s Boar d

Renold went to the Br eceli an F or est wi th hi s appr enti ce and never r etur ned. When
you tr avel to the for est, head to the east si de of the for est and youll fi nd an
abandoned camp. Exami ne the camp and youll get attacked by an abomi nati on, ki ll
i t and r etur n i t to the mages to collect your r ewar d.

H ear i ng V oi ces fr om the Der anged Beggar i n the elven ali enage

Talk to the der anged beggar near the or phanage and shell menti on somethi ng about
an amulet lost i n the or phanage, pick up the amulet for the back si de of the bui lding,
i nsi de the same chest wher e youll fi nd the sextant, and gi ve i t her to complete the

H onor Bound fr om Ser Landr y

To the left of the mar ket, youll fi nd a punk named, Ser Landr y, who beli eves the
Gr ey War dens ar e the ones who ki lled the ki ng, talk to hi m and hell challenge you
for a duel. M eet hi m near gnawed noble taver n and defeat him to complete the
quest, hes damn too str ong for a one-on-one duel so go for team battle when he asks
you to state the condi ti ons.

113 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

J usti ce M ust Be Ser ved by accepti ng A Gi ft of Si lence si de quest

The mages asks you to [collect and] deli ver 10 lyr i um poti ons to the K ni ght-
Commander i n Redcli ffe. I f you thi nk br i bing a templar i s wr ong then you can
complai n to the K ni ght-Commander Tavi sh near the elven ali enage.

PS: Y ou can actually complete both the quests i f you have enough lyr i um to gi ve.

Loghai ns Push fr om the Chanter s Boar d

I know I shouldnt be usi ng thi s wor d her e but when I fi r st saw thi s quest, i t r eally
made me say wtf!? they want U S to fi ght agai nst that good for nothi ng guy i n a
ci vi l war and help Bannor n wi n. Y uppi e! Tr avel to the civi l war i n the wor ld map
and youll see both char ging towar ds each other , r ush to the fi eld and ki ll all
Loghai ns soldi er s attacki ng the Bannor ns. Once you ar e done, r etur n to the chantr y
and thank them for gi vi ng such a wonder ful quest.

Lost Templar fr om I r mi ni c insi de the H owes estate

When you tr avel to H owes estate, sneak i nto the dungeons and youll find a
wounded templar , talk to hi m and hell ask to deli ver a r i ng to hi s si ster , Bann
A lfstanna. She i s located i nsi de gnawed noble taver n i n Dener i ms mar ket di str i ct,
talk to her and gi ve her the r i ng to gai n her suppor t i n the landsmeet [ver y
i mpor tant i f you ar e planning to make A listai r ki ng].

M er cenar y H unt fr om M aster I gnaci o

The cr ows need you to get r i d of some qunar i mer cenar i es who ar e causing tr oubles
to thei r oper ati ons. Tr avel to K adan-F e in the wor ld map and youll see a bunch of
qunar is hangi ng out i n the for est, ki ll them and r etur n to the taver n.

M i ssi ng i n A cti on fr om the Chanter s Boar d

When you sneak i nsi de H owes estate to r escue the queen, youll fi nd a guar d named,
Rexel wi th other nobles i n the dungeons. K i ll the patr ol uni ts and use the key to let
them out. Retur n to the chantr y and infor m the si tuati on to get your r ewar d.

N egoti ati on A i ds fr om the gnawed noble taver n owner

Y ou need to collect 15 toxi n extr acts and gi ve them to the owner on behalf of K .
These ar e ver y har d to fi nd, I tr i ed collecting fr om the spi der s but i t di dnt wor k. So
the best suggesti on is to tr avel to the Br eceli an Outski r ts and buy them fr om
V ar athr on.

N ew Gr ounds fr om the Blackstone Liai son after completi ng Dead Dr ops
si de quest

114 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Deli ver the notes to Gor i m near the open mar ket, si ster in fr ont of the chantr y and
the mage i nsi de the wonder s of thedas. Then youll be i nstr ucted to talk to the guar ds
about D. Go the entr ance of mar ket di str i ct and talk to the guar ds, gi ve them the
wi tness you have agai nst D and theyll war n you about hi s henchmen might/ wi ll
attack you tr ying to get r evenge.

Tr y leavi ng the mar ket distr i ct and youll get attacked by a gr oup henchmen, ki ll
them and pi ck up the dir ecti ons fr om the lieutenant. Go to the hi deout i n Dener i m
map and youll fi nd D pr otected by a gr oup of melee fi ghter s and two ar cher s, have
your mage occupy the melee fi ghter s whi le your war r i or s ki ll the ar cher s. Once
ever yones dead, gang up and ki ll K , who i snt much of a boss. Loot hi s body and
r etur n to the bar tender to complete the quest.

N oti ces of Death fr om the Blackstone Li ai son

Some of the soldi er s have di ed i n a battle and they need you to take the bad news to
thei r fami ly:
1. I r eni a i nsi de the chantr y i n Redcli ffe.
2. Sar a near the entr ance of mar ket di str i ct i n Dener i m.
3. Tani a i nsi de the di r ty back alley i n Dener im.
4. Lar ana i nsi de the i nn i n Lake Calenhad.

Pear ls Befor e Swi ne fr om Ser gent K ylon

K ylon i s havi ng tr ouble dealing wi th the local mer cenar i es and needs some help to
deal wi th them. H ead to the pear ls i n Dener ims map and talk to the Whi te F alcons
leader , per suade or i nti mi date him and scar e them out of the i nn. Remember K ylon
asks you to scar e them out of the taver n and not ki ll them, take the news back
K ylon to complete the quest.

Restocki ng the Gui ld fr om the Blackstone Li ai son

The Blackstone needs you to br ing them 20 health poultices i n exchange for some
gold. J ust gi ve them the ones you pi cked up or have your mage make some and gi ve
i t to the Li ai son.

Si gn of Safe Passage fr om the gnawed noble taver n owner

When you tr avel to the Br eceli an F or est seeki ng help fr om the Dali sh Elves, youll be
made to tr avel to the wi lds to ki ll the wer ewolves. A t the fir st quar ter of the
entr ance, youll fi nd the mar ked place wher e you ar e supposed to fir e an ar r ow
si gnali ng passenger s. Equip a bow and enter the mar ker to fir e an ar r ow, doi ng this
wi ll tr i gger a fi ght wi th couple of thugs, ki ll them and r etur n to the owner to
complete the quest. One mor e thing, only your mai n char acter i .e., you, The War den,
can fir e the ar r ow, i f you tr y to do i t wi th your campaigns then i t wont wor k.

115 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Solvi ng the Pr oblems fr om the gnawed noble taver n owner

Some of the clients have commi tted mur der s and need help deali ng wi th the bodies,
collect the bodies and dump them i nto the well i nsi de the chantr y:
1. A lley next to the chantr y.
2. I nsi de the war ehouse near gnawed noble taver n.
3. I nsi de the pear ls i n Dener i m.

Somethi ng Wi cked fr om Ser Otto i nsi de the elven alienage

Ser Otto asks you to find out what causi ng the diseases in the ali enage. Talk to the
der anged woman near the or phanage and examine the blood and the poster near
the dogs, then head nor th and examine the dead r abi d dog to get all the clues.
Repor t back to Ser Otto and he asks you to accompany him to the or phanage. Enter
the or phanage and youll see a young boy r unni ng ar ound the place, follow him
ki lli ng all the spi r i ts and demons unti l you r each a r age demon at the back si de of
the bui ldi ng. Remember you need keep Otto ali ve thr oughout the quest, i f he dies
then youll lose the mi ssi on.

Once you ki ll the demon, he asks you to follow hi m to the next bui ldi ng, wher e mor e
demons ar e wai ti ng for you. U se A oE spells and stun or fr eeze them, thi sll r educe
the damage i nflicted on Otto. A t the end of the second bui ldi ng, Otto di es [her e, hell
di e no matter how much health he got so dont wor r y] leavi ng you to deal wi th the
last r age demon, ki ll i t and exi t the or phanage to complete the quest.

The Cr i mson Oar s fr om Ser gent K ylon

Some mer cenar i es ar e causi ng tr ouble to the nobles r esti ng i n the taver n and needs
to be dealt wi th. H ead to the gnawed noble taver n and talk to the Cr i mson Oar s
leader i n the left r oom, scar e them out off the bui ldi ng and r etur n to the Ser gent to
complete the quest. Remember not to ki ll them when they ask you to spar e thei r li fe,
K ylon only asks you to get r i d of them out of the taver n.

The F i r st Test fr om M aster I gnaci o

Y ou need to r ecr ui t Zevr an to tr i gger these si de quests. When you fi r st ar r i ve i n
Dener i m, a ki d br i ngs you a letter fr om the A ntivan Cr ows; they wi sh to see i n
gnawed noble taver n. Speak wi th M aster I gnaci o and he asks you to do some wor k
for the Cr ows, i f you have Zevr an i n your team then hell tr y to inter fer e the
conver sati on but i t doesnt stop you fr om doi ng the quests.

A guy named, Paedan i s gather i ng all the Gr ey War dens suppor ter s and ki lli ng
them. H ead to the elven ali enage gate and youll fi nd poster at the entr ance,
exami ne i t to locate thei r hi deout. H ead to the pear ls and talk to the owner , shell
si gn towar ds a r oom, wher e tar get i s hi di ng. K nock the door and tell the passwor d
The Gr i ffons wi ll r ai se again, ki ll the mer cenar i es i nsi de and r etur n to the cr ows to
complete the quest.

116 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

The Last Request by collecting the jour nal fr om Ser F r i dens body i n the
r undown alley

Enter the r undown alley and youll find a dead knight in the entr ance, sear ch the
body and pi ck up the jour nal to fi nd out he has been mur der ed by a blood mage.
Tr avel to the deser ted bui ldi ng and ki ll the blood mage to complete the quest.

The Ransom fr om M aster I gnaci o

Some of H owes men have ki dnapped Cr ows cli ents son and demanding a r ansom,
the Cr ows have alr eady set up an ambush i n the r endezvous place and needs you to
be ther e just i n case i f thi ngs gets out of hand. H ead to the r endezvous place and
wai t for the Cr ows to signal, ki ll the guar ds and r etur n to the taver n to r ecei ve your
r ewar d.

The Scr olls of Banastor fr om the M age Collecti ves

Y ou need five of the Banastor scr olls to complete the quest, they can be found i nsi de
the anci ent textbooks in the followi ng li br ar i es:
1. Two i nsi de the li br ar i es/ study r ooms i n the Ci r cle of M agi .
2. Two i nsi de the li br ar i es i n the Sacr ed A shes Temple.
3. One i nsi de the wer ewolves li ar i n the Br eceli an F or est.

The Tor tur ed N oble fr om Oswyn i nsi de H owes estate

When you tr avel to H owes estate to r escue the queen, youll find couple of nobles
i mpr i soned i n the dungeons, ki ll the patr olling guar ds and r elease them fr om the
cells. Then talk to Bann Si ggur d i nsi de the gnawed noble taver n to complete the
mi ssi on.

U nbound by collecting all thr ee jour nals fr om adventur er s

Y ou need to fi nd thr ee pi eces of i nfor mati on befor e unlocking thi s quest:
1. Pi ck up the jour nal fr om the dead adventur er i nside the temple i n H aven.
2. Pi ck up the jour nal fr om the dead adventur er insi de the wer ewolves lair in
the Br eceli an F or est.
3. Talk to the scar ed adventur er i nsi de the tapster s taver n i n Or zammar .
Once you collect all thr ee jour nals, head to the di r ty back alley i n Dener im and
knock on the door , tell hi m you wi sh to hear tales about Gazkang and hell open the
door . Enter the hovel and ki ll the r evenant to complete the quest.

U ntr aceable fr om the gnawed noble taver n owner

K needs you to get 10 gar nets so that he can br ibe some of hi s clients. To be honest, I
dont know wher e to get these things. Tr y the temple tunnels i n H aven and deep
r oads i n Or zammar ; I m sur e youll find couple of them ther e. I f you have alr eady
sold them then buy them back fr om the mer chant, ther es r eally no other way to
thi s.
117 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

PS: By the time you r each The Landsmeet you should have 12 gar nets i f you have
collected them fr om ever y foe you ki lled, I dont think any of the mer chants sells
them so the only way i s to collect them manually.

Par ty Camp & Compani ons

Enchanti ng fr om Bodahn and Sandal

A fter you save Bodahn and Sandal in Lother i ng, theyll set up a shop in your camp
and sells you i tems and enchants your ar ms. U se a r une stone and enchant a
weapon to complete the quest.

A Golems M emor y fr om Shale

I n or der to tr i gger thi s quest, you need to take Shale to Car i di n befor e he di es. When
you r etur n to the camp, Shale asks you to accompany her to her bi r th place, Chadas
Thai g i n the deep r oads. Put Shale i n the par ty and tr avel to Chadas Thaig, make
your way to the other side of the thaig ki lli ng the dar kspawns and youll fi nd a
statue bear i ng the names of all the dwar ves bor n in the thai g, exami ne i t to tr i gger
a cut scene and to complete the quest.

A li stai r s F ami ly fr om A li stair

A li stair thi nks he have a half-si ster who li ves in Dener i m and wants you to
accompany him to her house to meet her . H er house i s located in fr ont of the open
mar ket, appr oach the mar ket and A li stai r wi ll poi nt out the house. Enter the house
and watch the cut scene, ther es nothi ng for you to do except to say some wor ds to
A li stair [Poor guy].

F lemeths Gr i mor e by gi ving the black gr i mor e to M or r i gan

When you ar e doi ng the Br oken Ci r le quest, pi ck up the black gr i mor e fr om I r vi ngs
study. Give i t to M or r i gan and shell tell some shocki ng news after studyi ng i t.
A ccor di ng to the gr i mor e, F lemeth is usi ng her chi ldr en bodies to stay ali ve fr om
centur i es and M or r i gan i s next i n the li ne, she asks you to tr avel to the K or car i
Wi lds and put an end to thi s.

H ead to F lemeths H ut and talk to her , you can ei ther take the gr i mor e and li e to
M or r i gan or ki ll F lemeth and take the gr i mor e back to M or r i gan. I f you deci de to
ki ll her then shell change i nto a dr agon and attacks you, thi s i s not an easy fight to
wi n so I suggest you just take the gr i mor e and let her li ve [Cmon, i ts the least you
can do for her for savi ng your ass fr om the tower ].

118 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Leli anas Past fr om Leli ana

Leli ana beli eves she has been followed when shes tr aveli ng wi th you so she needs to
check on them. When you next tr avel, youll get attacked by some guar ds, who tr y
to ki ll Leli ana, beat them and per suade them to get some i nfor mati on about thei r
boss. Tr avel to mar ket di str i ct and enter the house wi th A ssassi nati on Contr acts for
Leli ana. A t the entr ance, youll fi nd two quenr y mer cenar i es, di spatch them. Enter
the second r oom and youll M ar jolai ne.

H er e, you can ei ther thr eaten and make her leave Leli ana alone or ki ll her . I f you
choose to ki ll then you need to deal wi th two melee fi ghter s, a mage and M ar jolai ne.
H ave M or r i gan or Wynne take car e of the mer cenar i es whi le your war r i or s r ush to
mage. Once the guar ds and mages dead, you can deal wi th M ar jolai ne however you

Oghr ens F lame fr om Oghr en

Talk to Oghr en in the camp and he asks you to fi nd someone for him. Tr avel to Lake
Calenhad and enter the i nn to tr i gger a cut scene, talk to F elsi and r etur n to Oghr en
to acti vate a conver sati on between Oghr en and F elsi . Suppor t Oghr en and li e to her
about how he has changed to complete the quest.

The Swor d of Ber esaad fr om Sten

Sten asks you to look for his swor d, whi ch got lost whi le hes tr aveling. Tr avel to the
Lake Calenhad and youll see some scavenger , ask them about the swor d and hell tell
you to meet a guy named, F ar yn. Tr avel to Or zammar and talk to F ar yn at the
entr ance to fi nd he sold i t to a dwar f named, Dwyn. Tr avel to Redcli ffe and ask
Dwyn about the swor d, per suade hi m to gi ve the swor d or buy i t and gi ve i t Sten to
get huge amount of appr oval.

Wynnes Regr et fr om Wynne

A fter you r ai sed Wynnes appr oval level, shell menti on about one of her students
who went to the Br ecelian F or est and di ed. Put Wynne in your team and tr avel to
the Dali sh Camp, talk to Sar el and hell tell you they know a boy named, A nei r in.
Bi ngo. H ead to the Easter n Br eceli an F or est and youll fi nd hi m behi nd the M ad
H er mi ts camp, talk to hi m to complete the quest.

119 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

120 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

The War dens K eep

Talk to Levi Dr yden i n the Par ty Camp and hell ask you to help hi m r eclai m hi s
fami ly name by cleani ng the War dens K eep i n Soldier s Peak, agr ee to help hi m
clean the for tr ess / keep and tr avel to Soldi er s Peak in the wor ld map. U pon
ar r i vi ng, youll get a cut scene and meets up wi th Levi , wholl gui de you ar ound the
keep. Enter the compound and ki ll the skeletons i n the entr ance, then exami ne the
statue in the left si de of the gate to tr i gger A nci ent H istor y si de quest. K i ll the
skeletons near the mai n door s and enter the keep.

A fter the cut scene of past events, clear the left and r i ght r oom and enter the
bar r acks, wher e youll meet Commander A thalr wi th few of hi s compani ons. H ave
your mage take car e of A thlar whi le your war r i or s r ush to the ar cher s, the
di ffi culty of the battle depends on your level so i f you ar e playi ng thi s on the ear ly
stage of the game then you mi ght have some pr oblem deali ng wi th hi m/ them. Once
done, head to the libr ar y and ki ll the demons dwelli ng insi de along wi th A r chi vi st.
Then examine the book for another clue about the hi stor y of the Soldier s Peak, you
can also examine A r chi vists book for a cut scene, but doi ng so calls upon mor e
demons i n the r oom whi ch i s best to avoi d i f you cant handle them.

Pr oceed to the second floor and youll get another cut scene, whi ch wi ll end
tr i gger i ng a fight wi th couple of nor mal demons and a r age demon. U se A oE spells
li ke cone of cold or bli zzar d and fi x them i n a place so that your war r i or s can
shatter them wi th ease. Pr oceed to the next r oom and exami ne to r aspber r y jam
bottle for another update on the si de quest. F ollow the plot helper and enter the
commander s quar ter s and youll meet Sophi a [ a demon ki nda thi ng whi ch i s sti ll
keeping her body movi ng to put i t pr oper ly]. A fter the conver sati on, you can ei ther
let her go or ki ll her , ki lli ng her wi ll net you a ni ce pair of ar mor wher eas letti ng
her go wi ll save your ass fr om getting ki lled.

121 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Exi t the bui lding and on the other si de of the br i dge, youll find A ver nuss
labor ator y, examine the book on the table to fi nd out mor e about A ver nuss
r esear ch. Then exami ne the alchemi cal concocti on on the table to gai n two new
abi li ties dependi ng on your class. F or example: war r i or s wi ll get bloody thi r st and
blood fur y, dr i nki ng the poti on wi ll also get an achi evement so dont miss i t. Pr oceed
to the next r oom and youll see some demons attacki ng A ver nus, ki ll them and talk
to A ver nus to tr i gger a conver sati on, whi ch wi ll end in ei ther ki lling hi m or helpi ng
hi m fi x the por tals and stop the demons fr om enter i ng the keep.

H er e, you need to choose between Sophi a and A ver nus, choosing one ends up ki lling
the other one, whi ch i s r eally a pai n in the r ear pr oblem. K i lli ng Sophi a wi ll get you
War den Commander ar mor wher eas ki lli ng A ver nus gets you a r obe, one of the best
r obe for blood mage. Once you ar e done wi th choosi ng and ki lli ng, you need to help
the other fi x the por tal. F ollow hi m / her back to the mai n hall and pr otect them
whi le they fi x the por tals. Ther ell be four waves of attacks, most consi sting low level
r age demons; you can easi ly deal wi th them even i f you ar e below level 10. A fter
closi ng the por tals, you need to deci de what to do to your new ally; you can ei ther
ki ll them or pr i son them i nsi de the keep for ever .

Befor e leavi ng the keep, go back to A ver nus lab and exami ne the dead body to get
the final clue to War dens cache, whi ch i s located behi nd the pai nti ng i n the main
hall, collecting the cache wi ll complete the A nci ent H i str oy si de quest. Leave the
keep and talk to Levi to complete the DLC. A fter completi ng the DLC, Levi and his
fami ly wi ll setup shops i n fr ont of the keep and youll get a chest wher e you can
stor e unli mi ted i tems [Be car eful though, i f you uni nstall the DLC then youll lose
your stuffs]. I f you have found the str ange metal i n the r andom encounter i n cr ater
[A r efer ence to Super man], you can gi ve i t Levis br other and have i t for ged i nto a
fi ne swor d or twi n blade.

The Stone Pr i soner

Tr avel to the Sulcher s Pass and youll meet a mer chant named, F eli x, who asks you
to buy a contr ol r od, whi ch wi ll awaken a golem in the near by vi llage. Buy the r od
and tr avel to the vi llage of H onnleath, ki ll the dar kspawns i n the entr ance and
make your way to the centr e of the vi llage, wher e youll fi nd the golem petr i fied i nto
stone. Enter the house i n fr ont of the golem and ki lli ng the dar kspawns attacki ng
the vi llager s, talk to Wi lhelm, the owner of the golem and agr ee to look for hi s
daughter . Enter the basement and make your way to the other si de, you wont fi nd
much cr eatur es so dont wor r y.
122 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

On the end, youll fi nd the gi r l and a cat possessed by a desi r e demon. H er e, you can
ei ther ki ll the demon along wi th the gi r l or per suade the demon to help and then ki ll
i t savi ng the gi r l. Ei ther way, talk to Wi lhelm and exi t the house, appr oach the
golem agai n to complete the DLC. A golems memor i es i s a side quest that can be
unlocked by ei ther taki ng Shale to Car i din or by completi ng A Par agon of H er
K i nd i n the deep r oads. When you r etur n to the par ty camp, Shale asks you to
accompany her to her bi r th place, chadas thai g in the deep r oads. Put Shale in the
par ty and tr avel to chadas thai g, make your way to the other si de of the thai g
ki lli ng the dar kspawns and youll fi nd a statue bear i ng the names of all the dwar ves
bor n i n the thai g, examine i t to tr i gger a cut scene and to complete the quest.

Retur n to Ostagar

The War den and A li stai r wi ll begi n to get visi ons of Ostagar and deci des to vi si t the
place and take r evenge on the dar kspawns. Tr avel to Bann Lor ens land near Lake
Calenhad and youll see an unar med man being attacked by Bann Lor ens men. Y ou
can ei ther jump into the fight and ki ll them or wai t for them to leave. Ei ther way,
the man wi ll die gi vi ng you the map to K i ng Cai lons r oyal ar ms and secr et
documents. Y ou know what thi s i s r i ght? Y es, r evenge ti me for Gr ey War dens. Put
A li stair i n the team and tr avel back to Ostagar i n the K or car i Wi lds.

A s soon as you set foot i n Ostagar , youll encounter a gr oup of dar kspawns at the
entr ance, dispatch them and another gr oup wi th H ur lock Str i der wi ll pour i n, ki ll
them and loot Str i der s body to fi nd Calians boots. Go to the opposi te si de of the war
counci l and exami ne the glowi ng thi ng on the gr ound to fi nd the joini ng chali ce, a
gi ft to A li stair . Then head downstai r s and collect the r oyal chest key fr om the
mar ked place, near the statue. Picki ng i t wi ll cause a lar ge gr oup of dar kspawns to
attack, ki ll them and loot the V anguar d to find Cai lons shi eld.

123 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Go near the War dens camp and open the chest [I t i s located exactly wher e I m
standing i n the map] to fi nd M ar i cs swor d and cor r espondences sent to Cai lon.
Leave the chest and conti nue down the path to fi nd a bi g [r eally bi g] gr oup of
dar kspawns, best i f you use infer no or blizzar d her e. H ave someone deal wi th the
genlock usi ng the balli sta, your mage can hold off the tr oops wi th A oE spells. I used
stor m of the centur y [Spell M i ght + Blizzar d + Tempest] but gr ease fi r e [Gr ease +
F i r e] wi ll also wor k.

Once you ar e done wi th the ki lli ng, head to the other si de of the br i dge to tr i gger a
cut scene, whi ch i s r eally senti and makes you feel sad, you mi ght as well as need
some ti ssues. A fter the cut scene, ki ll the dar kspawns on the br i dge and chase after
the N ecr omancer , who wi ll lead you into another ambush and escape, ki ll the
dar kspawns and look up to fi nd a fami li ar scene, the Tower of I shal, wher e you and
A li stair almost got ki lled. K i ll the dar kspawns led by H unlock Str ategi st and loot his
body to fi nd Cai lons ar mor .

Enter the tower and get r eady for another fi ght [F eeli ng a bi t dj vu?], i ts ver y
si mi lar to the fi ght you played when you fi r st came to the Tower of I shal after
getting r ecr ui ted to the Gr ey War dens. A nyway, ki ll the dar kspawns and enter the
r oom whi ch leads to the second floor , examine the door and youll find i ts blocked
fr om the other si de. Go thr ough the lar ge hole i n the floor and enter the dar kspawns
tunnel. K i ll the spi der s at the entr ance and enter the next r oom to find mor e of
them get r i d of them and chase after the N ecr omancer to the sur face, wher e hell
r esur r ect the Ogr e that ki lled Cai lon and Duncan.

I ts as same as any other ogr e and wi ll go down pr etty easi ly. Star t off wi th cone of
cold and follow i t up use advanced dr ai n to deplete most of i ts health, then have
your war r i or s fi ni sh i t off and loot i ts body to fi nd Duncans Swor d and Dagger .
Once the Ogr e i s down, gang up on the N ecr omancer and ki ll hi m for all the tr ouble
he caused, loot his body to find Cai lons helmet, whi ch wi ll complete Cali ons ar mor
set. Enter the tunnel agai n and watch the cut scene, per for m the last r i tes to K i ng
Cai lon and leave Ostagar to complete the DLC.

124 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

The Dar kspawn Chr oni cles

Dur i ng thi s DLC, youll contr ol the dar kspawn leader , H ur lock V anguar d and aid
the A r chdemon in the final battle in Dener i m. Once you got contr ol of the H ur lock,
use enthr all on the mar ked genlock and take i t to your command. H er e ther e ar e no
per manent compani ons, you can r ecr ui t any dar kspawn and have them fight for
you. I f you want to r ecr ui t a new dar kspawn or di sband the one you have, then use
enthr all again on a dar kspawn i n your team to ki ll i t. One mor e thi ng you need to
r emember i s that i f your par ty member dies then they wont r e-spawn after the

K i ll the humans outsi de the ci ty gates and then clear the ones near the balli sta and
the r emai ni ng ar ea. Pr oceed towar ds the gates and Ser Cauthr i en wi ll attack, shes
not power ful as she was in the Or i gi ns wi ll go down wi th few hi ts. Once shes dead,
head left and r ecr ui t the mar ked ogr e, ki ll the men and use the ogr e to destr oy the
bar r i cades mar ked on the map. Then lead your team towar ds the gates and ki ll
Rendon H owe, ther e wi ll be a couple of men and hounds pr otecting hi m but ignor e
them concentr ate on him to end the battle qui ckly. Deal wi th the r emai ni ng guar ds
i n the ar ea and head to the mar ket di str i ct.

When you ar r i ve i n the mar ket, youll be i nstr ucted to hold posi ti on and use a shr i ek
to destr oy the near by balli sta. Enthr all the shr i ek next to you and use i t to destr oy
the balli sta, make sur e you have put i t i n stealth befor e advancing. Once the balli sta
i s gone, Ser Per th and hi s knights wi ll show up, make them di sappear and loot thei r
bodi es. Whi le in the mar ket di str i ct, youll see sever al civi li ans including Goldanna
and Gor i m r unni ng ar ound the place, ki lling ten of them wi ll complete Slaughter
the I nnocents side quest. Then pr oceed towar ds the chantr y and ki ll the Rever ed
M other , i f any soldi er s tr y to i nter fer e then ki ll them as well and then deal wi th the
guar ds near the open mar ket.

125 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

H ead to the estate on the other si de of the map and youll fi nd Teagan and Ser
Landr y, i ts best to lur e away the men and ki ll them separ ately befor e engagi ng in
fi ght wi th them. Once they ar e dead, enthr all the Sapper near the ali enage and hell
begi n to sabotage the gate. Whi le wai ti ng for hi m to destr oy the gates, youll be
i nstr ucted to destr oy the new weapon supply i n the di str i ct. H ead towar ds the plot
helper and youll see H er r en and M aster Wade near the weapon cache but you cant
ki ll them, they ar e under some sor t of enchantment or somethi ng and you cant
touch them. K i ll the guar ds along wi th Oghr en and exami ne the weapon cache,
another sapper wi ll show up and destr oy i t.

Once the weapons ar e destr oyed, youll get a message sayi ng that the gate has been
destr oyed but a mage i s stoppi ng the for ce fr om enter i ng the ali enage. Pr oceed
towar ds the gate and youll see Wynne attacki ng the dar kspawns wi th other guar ds.
A s you alr eady know, shes a healer and wi ll heal her allies no matter what, so take
her out fir st and then deal wi th the guar ds. Enter the ali enage and youll be gi ven
ten fir e bombs and instr ucted to set the tr ee into fi r e. V isi t all the places mar ked on
the map and use the bombs on them. Once the tr ee i s set to fi r e, Zevr an wi ll attack
wi th some elves. Once again, hell go down wi th couple of cr i ti cal hi ts and wi ll not
dr op anything of si gni fi cance.

H ead to the palace di str i ct and the A r chdemon wi ll or der you to fr ee the tr apped
ogr e and hur r y to hi m. Thi s i s not ver y much needed at pr esent but i ts best i f you
r ecr ui t a genlock / hur lock emi ssar y to the team so that you can heal your par ty
member and use magi c, ther e ar e couple of them i n the ali enage so make sur e you
get one when you ar e ther e. K i ll the dwar ven soldi er s near the entr ance and head
east, K ar dol and hi s men fr om the Legi on wi ll be stati oned her e, take hi m out fi r st
then deal wi th the r est.

H ead to the r amps and youll encounter couple of steel golems along wi th some
quanr i mer cenar i es, ki ll them and clear the r emai ni ng soldi er s in the ar ea. Once
ever yone i s dead, pull the lever s and r ecr uit the tr apped ogr e i nto the team [Y ou
can have two ogr es at a ti me]. K i ll the steel golems and use the ogr e to destr oy the
bar r i cade next to the gate to fi nd Ser gent K ylon and his guar ds, ki ll them and loot
thei r bodi es for some poti ons. Then destr oy the gate blocki ng the path and ki ll all the
soldi er s and golems behi nd i t, most of them ar e dwar ven soldier s so be car eful wi th
126 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Then head upstair s and youll see Sten wai ting near the exi t. I t wi ll be ver y har d to
deal wi th hi m havi ng all the guar ds ar ound. So take contr ol of your enti r e team
[Thi s i s because we dont want anyone to attack Sten or go near hi m] and clear the
guar ds in the ar ea. Then use your emi ssar y to fr eeze or stun Sten and fini sh hi m off.
I f any of the golems tr y to inter fer e then use your ogr es hur l attack to deal wi th
them. Once hes dead, loot ever yones body for some weapons and poti on and exi t the
ci ty thr ough gates.

When you ar r i ve i n the F or tr ess, youll be instr ucted to confr ont and ki ll A li stair
befor e he ki lls the A r chdemon. Loot Ri odans body at the entr ance to fi nd War dens
swor d. Then clear the soldi er s near the cour tyar d and stair s and pr oceed towar ds
the main door s. Dont wor r y; ther e ar ent any dr agons thi s time. Enter the for tr ess
and youll be dir ectly taken to the r ooftop, wher e the A r chdemon i s fi ghti ng. Y our
fi r st four compani ons namely, A li stair , M or r igan, Leliana and your dog wi ll be her e
along wi th the wer ewolves fr om the Ber ecli an F or est.

Dont wor r y about the A r chdemon, i t got tons and tons of health and can hold up to
i tself. So just concentr ate on the battle and have one of your par ty member deal
wi th M or r i gan as soon as possi ble. Then put your shr i ek to stealth and use i t to take
out Leli ana fr om behi nd. Once both the r ange attacker s ar e dead, ki ll the dog and
some wer ewolves. Then gang up on A li stai r and fi nish hi m off, use cone of cold to
fr eeze hi m and then use ogr es hur l attack to deal some massi ve damage on him. The
DLC wi ll end once A li stai r i s dead.

Leli anas Song

The DLC featur es Leli ana as the her oi n. Y oull ar r i ve in Dener i m wi th your
compani ons, an elven mage, Sketch and a dwar ven swor d and shield type war r i or ,
Tug. M ove towar ds the open mar ket and youll see thr ee mar ked chests, exami ne
each of them and steal the goods i nsi de. Then head to the alley near the gnawed
127 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

noble taver n and talk to J ovi M er i ce to attack him, ki ll hi m and loot hi s body to fi nd
a master wor k leather pi ece [master wor k leather pi ece i s a par t of Or lesi an
Battledr ess] and his body.

N ext, head to the estate and youll be attacked Bann Per r i n and hi s guar ds at the
entr ance, ki ll them and loot Bann Per r i ns unconsci ous body to fi nd suspect
under things. N ow, make your way to the alley near the chantr y and exami ne the
mages collecti ve bag to fi nd out ther e i s hi dden tr easur e in the ci ty, go to all the x
mar k on the map and exami ne the hi dden spots to fi nd mor e clues. When you
exami ne the last clue, Sever i n Cor wood wi ll attack wi th his guar ds, ki ll them and
loot thei r bodi es to fi nd mages collecti ve signet.

Once you have collected all the stuffs, go to the alley wher e you fought J ovi and
youll fi nd a dr unken guar d called, Eams, leave all your stuffs on him to complete
the last mi ssi on. H ead to the plot helper and exami ne the glow on the gr ound to call
M ar jolai ne and Lem to the ar ea, M ar joli aine wi ll explai n the next missi on and tells
you to meet her when you ar e r eady. Shop whatever you want fr om Lem and tell
M ar jolai ne, you ar e r eady to star t the next mi ssi on.

Y oull ar r i ve i n Dener i m A r ls estate [Y es, the same estate whi ch we have i nfi ltr ated
100 ti mes i n the Or i gi ns], pr oceed i nsi de and on the way, youll fi nd thr ee eli te
soldi er s and some hounds, ki ll them and hi de thei r bodies i n the gar den. Then go to
the plot helper and i nfi ltr ate the estate vi a the window. Once i nsi de, make your way
to the last r oom i n the easter n cor ner and open the locked chest to fi nd another
master wor k leather piece. Then enter the r oom at the end of the passage and ki ll the
ser geant, loot hi s body to find a set of keys and enter the r oom ahead for a cut scene.

Enter the bedr oom and open the chest to find the thi r d piece of the ar mor . Then
exami ne the desk and plant the paper s to tr i gger another cut scene. A fter the cut
scene, youll be i n your hi deout. Talk to Lem and dump off your stuffs, then talk to
your compani ons and then fi nally to M ar jolai ne. Once youve talked to M ar jolai ne,
shell agr ee to r etr i eve the paper s and youll once agai n ar r ive i n the estate. Y oull
star t at Raleighs r oom; the mai n door s wi ll be locked so r un to the passage i n the
128 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

left. Ther e wi ll be couple of off-duty guar ds her e, ki ll them and loot thei r bodies to
fi nd some stuffs.

The locked r oom at the end of the passage is the ar mor y, ki ll the weapon master
i nsi de and open the chest to find another master wor k leather pi ece. Once thats
done, r ush to the exi t and watch the cut scene. Y oull wake up i n the dungeons wi th
all your weapons str i pped off. Exami ne the pack to fi nd a shor t blade and the key,
exi t the cell and enter the left r oom. I nsi de youll fi nd Sketch and a pr i soner , deal
wi th the guar ds and pull the lever to r ai se the gates. Oh! Y our stuffs ar e kept i n the
chest next to the lever , make sur e you collect them.

H ead to the next plot helper and when you get ther e, youll find out you ar e too late
to save Tug. Collect hi s weapons fr om the stand and equip them to Si las, thi s wi ll
complete Tugs si de quest. H ead to the bar r acks, the last r oom at the easter n si de
and pi ck up the master wor k leather pi ece fr om the chest. Then escape the dungeons
to tr i gger another cut scene, wher e youll meet the woman who helped you escape
the dungeons.

Y oull wake up in the chantr y, examine the desk and pick up the last pi ece of
master wor k leather pi ece. Then talk to your compani ons and Lem for some i nfo and
stuffs and finally talk to the Rever ed M other to set out to fi nd Ralei gh. A fter the cut
scene, youll ar r i ve in wi ndswept shor es, ki ll the soldier s and enter the canyons.
Y oull fi nd some sand stalker s at the entr ance, ki ll them and follow Raleigh to the
other si de of the map. Ther e wi ll be couple of beasts and soldier s all the way, fr eeze
them usi ng cone of cold and then shatter them.

Y oull encounter couple of ar cher s when you enter the bli ghted cli ffs, ki ll them and
make your way to Ralei gh. The dude r efuses to fi ght fair and calls a dr agon, use
bli zzar d to exti ngui sh i ts fir e and to fr eeze i t and then hi t i t wi th your war r i or s.
Once the dr agon i s dead, the mage and Ralei gh wi ll attack, i t i s ver y har d to fight
hi m wi th the mage and he wont let you ki ll her . But ther es a way to wi n the fi ght
easi ly, all you need to do is to keep Leliana alive and acqui r e her fei gn death ski ll.
129 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Once the dr agon i s dead, take contr ol of your team and use them to lur e Raleigh to
the other si de of the br i dge. Once you ar e away fr om the mage, attack hi m and tr y
to deplete as much health as possi ble. I f he manages to ki ll your compani ons then
qui ckly use fei gn death to tr i ck hi m to walk away. Once he has gone, come out of
fei gn death and r estor e you and your compani ons health. Repeat the same step
sever al ti mes and fi ni sh him off to complete the DLC.

The Golems of A mgar r ak

A member of the Dace fami ly in Or zammar wr i tes to you to help hi m look for his
br other i n A mgar r ak. Y ou can i mpor t any of your pr evi ous char acter fr om the
Or i gi ns or A wakeni ng or cr eate a new one, whi ch wi ll star t at level 20. A s far as I
know ther es no r efer ence to the past events i n the DLC so i t doesnt matter i f you
cr eate a new char acter though i t i s best to impor t a high level char acter fr om your
Or i gi ns or A wakeni ng. F or thi s, I ve i mpor ted my pr evi ous human noble char acter ,
whi ch I used i n both Or i gi ns and A wakeni ng.

A fter the openi ng cut scene, youll ar r ive i n the deep r oads gr otto wi th J er r ik and
hi s pet, Snug. Pr oceed a bi t deeper into the gr otto and youll fi nd your fi r st gr oup of
dar kspawns, ki ll them and enter the next ar ea. A s you can see the entir e gr otto i s
fi lled wi th mist, ki ll the shr i eks i n the cor ner and a par t of the mi st wi ll clear
allowi ng you to enter the next ar ea. Enter the tunnel ahead and youll fi nd an
i nacti ve r uni c golem and r ecei ve Runi c Golem si de quest. H ead back to the
pr evi ous ar ea and enter the left tunnel, pick up the contr ol r od fr om the table and
use i t on the golem to take i t i nto the team and complete the quest.

A fter clai mi ng the golem, go back to the pr evious ar ea and ki ll the shr i eks to r emove
the final par t of the mist cover i ng the gr otto. F ollow the tunnel to the thai gs
entr ance and youll encounter a lar ge gr oup of dar kspawns i ncludi ng r evenant and
ar cane hor r or ; deal wi th the r evenant fir st then ki ll the r emaini ng dar kspawns.
130 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Remember , unlike your nor mal compani ons, the br onto and the golem wont
r espawn i f they fall in the battle. So keep a fr equent check on thei r health and
i njur i es.

A fter deali ng wi th the gr oup, follow the blue shadow and enter the door to
A mgar r ak. When you enter the thaig, the exi t wi ll get sealed wi th a gr een mi st and
the gr oup wi ll noti ce a cr eepy cr awli ng beast lur ki ng ar ound the place, follow i t to
the easter n tunnel and some golems wi ll attack, ki ll them and sear ch the chests to
fi nd some poti ons and stuffs. Then, go thr ough the ar chway in the left and youll
fi nd Br ogan standi ng i n a cor ner , hes cur r ently cover ed wi th a blue mist and you
cant talk to hi m so lets move on. M ake your way to the anci ent hall ki lling all the
cr eatur e you encounter and on the way, youll fi nd one of Dar i on;s J our nal on the
gr ound.

When you r each the anci ent hall, enter the lyr i um well and i nter act wi th the floor
swi tch to activate the blue phase. N ow, head back and talk to Br ogan and hell join
your gr oup, Br ogan i s a shi eld and swor d type and wi ll act si mi lar to A listair and
J usti ce. A fter r ecr ui ting Br ogan, go to the tunnel i n the nor thwest cor ner of the map
and enter the r oom fi lled wi th blue mi st, i t i s di r ectly opposi te to the lyr i um well
you went befor e talki ng to Br ogan.

I nsi de, youll fi nd an ar cane hor r or called, twi sted senti nel and some cor pses, ki ll
them and collect the stuffs fr om the blue chests. Then go to the lyr i um well and
deactivate the blue phase to go back to the nor mal phase. N ow, r etur n to the r oom
wher e you fought the twi sted sentinel and youll fi nd some golems, ki ll them and
open the chest to find Golem Resear ch N otes: H eali ng. N ext, go the r oom next to the
one wher e you found Br ogan and youll find a r evenant type cr eatur e called,
war ped watcher and another twi sted senti nel, ki ll both of them along wi th thei r
buddi es and open the chest to find Golem Resear ch N otes: F ir e and M echani cs.

Once youve collected both the notes and r ecr ui ted Br ogan, go to the entr ance of the
thai g and enter the pur ple mist r oom in the left, i nter act wi th the floor swi tch and
acti vate the pur ple phase. Whi le i n thi s phase, go to the anci ent hall and enter the
131 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

r oom in the nor ther n cor ner . I nsi de, youll find some tough looki ng golems, ki ll them
and activate the gr een phase. The golems in the r oom wi ll deacti vate i n gr een phase
so you can swi tch back and for th between the two phases to heal your self whi le
fi ghti ng.

When all the golems ar e destr oyed, enter the gr een phase and open the chests to find
Golem Resear ch N otes: H ealing and Li ghting. Then tur n off the gr een phase and exi t
the r oom, the exi t wi ll be sealed in gr een phase so make sur e you tur n i t off befor e
tr yi ng to leave. Enter the lyr i um well next to the pur ple one and youll fi nd
Dar i ons body i n the southeast cor ner , examine hi s body and pi ck up the
combi nati on code to the r ed phase.

Enter the r oom adjacent to the lyr i um well and youll fi nd four swi tches on the wall,
acti vate them i n the followi ng or der and ki ll the golems: YM WC [the golems wi ll
only attack i f you enter the combinati on wr ong or tr y to acti vate the swi tches
befor e r etr i evi ng the code fr om Dar i ons body so make sur e you collect the code and
enter i t pr oper ly]. Once the golems ar e dead, exami ne the dai r y on the table and
youll be shi fted to r ed phase and i nstr ucted to ki ll the H ar vester . Go back to the
lyr i um well and enter the r oom cover ed wi th r ed mi st, follow the tunnel to the for ge
and youll find the H ar vester feedi ng on dead bodi es.

Thi s i s defiantly the toughest fi ght in the DLC. A t fir st, the H ar vester wi ll fi ght
usi ng a cr eepy four ar ms cr eatur e as i ts body. Once youve defeated i t ther e, i tll
r etur n to i ts nor mal cr awli ng body and attack you. A long wi th the H ar vester , ther e
wi ll be some annoying skeletons attacki ng you all the ti me. I f your mai n char acter
i s a mage, then have hi m / her set an A oE spell on the r oom to deal wi th them
qui ckly. I f you dont have any r anged member in the gr oup, then have the golem
attack the H ar vester whi le the other s di str act the skeletons. The golem can deal
massive damage wi th r ock thr ow and also heal your par ty member s wi thin i ts aur a.
The DLC wi ll end once you have defeated the H ar vester .

132 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Wi tch H unt

A s most of you alr eady know, the DLC i s based on M or r i gan, who di sappear s befor e
the final battle against the A r chdemon in Or i gi ns. Once agai n, you can i mpor t any
of your pr evi ous char acter fr om the Or i gi ns or A wakeni ng or The Golems of
A mgar r ak or cr eate a new one fr om scar p [A level 20 her o]. Ther e ar e lots of
r efer ences to the past events so i ts best i f you i mpor t your pr evi ous char acter , who
had a hosti le or fr i endly r elati onshi p wi th M or r i gan. A lso, i f you have played as
Dali sh Elf then impor ti ng that char acter wi ll get you a lot of di alogues r egar di ng
your or igi n.

F or this, I i mpor ted my level 35 human noble [the same one I used in Or i gi ns,
A wakeni ng and DLCs] who had +100 status wi th M or r i gan [and no, I deni ed her
r i tual i f that i s your questi on]. The stor y i s set 1 year after the Or i gi ns and 6 months
after the A wakeni ng. The War den Commander r ecei ves news of a dar k hai r ed mage
r oami ng ar ound the wi lds and he deci des to i nvestigate to fi nd out i f i ts M or r i gan
or not. The new compani ons and the N PCs r esponds based on your deci si ons in
Or i gi ns and A wakeni ng so I r eally cant tell how they ar e going to r espond to you
though most of the sequences and the stor yli ne ar e same for all the char acter s.

The DLC star ts wi th your War den ar r i vi ng in the deep woods, he has hear d sever al
r umor s about a dar k hair ed mage so he decides to fi nd out i f i ts M or r i gan or not.
Y oull have a mabar i hound r egar dless of whether or not you had one i n the Or i gi ns,
pi ck a name for it and follow i t down the path. Enter F lemeths hut and youll meet
an elven woman, who has been sear chi ng for the thi ef who has stolen an anci ent
book fr om her clan. A sk her what she knows about M or r i gan and agr ee to help her
look for the thi ef. Ther e ar e no codi ces her e so exi t the house to fi nd the fi r st tr oop of
dar kspawns; all of them ar e low level genlocks and hur locks so deal wi th them
however you want and exi t the ar ea.

133 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Tr avel to the Ci r cle of M agi and talk to H adley, tell hi m you ar e looking for a book
and hell gladly let you explor e the ar ea. M ake your way to the li br ar y and examine
the A -F index stand, exami ne The Catalog for Elven Reli cs to fi nd out i ts in the
M yster i ous A r ti facts secti on of the libr ar y. Go to the M yster i ous A r ti facts secti on
and examine the books to find out they ar e in elven language and your new elven
compani on cant r ead them wi thout a tr anslator . H ead back to the i ndex secti on
and look for Tr anslating Elven Languages in the T-Z i ndex stand. Then go to the
H i stor y secti on i n the same floor and pick up the book to tr i gger a cut scene.

A fter meeti ng F inn, wor k a bi t on his spells and ski lls and equi p him wi th a good
r obe i f you have one. Best i f you choose pr i mar y spells for him than mind spells and
cur ses, hes a spi r i t healer like Wynne so choose the other two speci alties whi ch wi ll
contr ibute towar ds hes healing ski lls. Once you ar e done, meet H adley near the
basement and take the key to the r eposi tor y. Y ou mi ght have alr eady noti ced,
ther es a li l pale whi te dwar f standi ng next to H adley. Yes, i ts none other than
Sandal F r edr i ck. Talk to hi m i f you want to buy anything or enchant your weapons
and ar mor s or to know what hes doi ng i n the Ci r cle and wher e Bodhan i s.

Once you have picked up ever ythi ng you need, head downstair s and enter the
basement. Enter the fi r st r oom and two sentinels wi ll attack, defeat them and F inn
wi ll noti ce that destr oyi ng the vei l wi ll clam the senti nels. Enter the r eposi tor y and
exami ne the Tevi nter statue, the statue r efuses to answer and F inn noti ces that the
statue wont wor k unti l all the vei ls ar e mended. Ther e ar e total of si x tear s i n the
ar ea, you need to knock down the senti nels and destr oy the vei ls befor e they r ecover .
I f you ar e havi ng tr ouble dealing wi th the senti nels then just concentr ate on
destr oyi ng the vei ls, the senti nels wi ll r etur n to nor mal once the near by vei l i s
destr oyed. Once you ar e done, head back to the r eposi tor y and talk to the statue to
r ecei ve the next mi ssi on.

Exi t the Ci r cle and tr avel to the r uins in the Br eceli an F or est. Dont go to Cadash
thai g fi r st; you cant complete that quest wi thout the shar d. Enter the r uins and
youll encounter some dar kspawns i n the entr ance, ki ll them and examine the
landmar k wi th your hound to acti vate i ts M abar i Domi nance [What he actually
does is pi ss on i t and mar k i t as hi s ar ea of domi nance. Lol]. Enter the next ar ea and
youll fi nd some shr i eks and infected elves, ki ll them and head r i ght at the for k.
134 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

When you enter the next ar ea, a whi te r obed mage or der s the dar kspawns to ki ll
you and escapes, ki ll shr i eks and exami ne the door to the mir r or r oom to find i ts
locked. H ead back to the for k and deal wi th the dar kspawns outside the door , enter
the r oom at the end of the passage and ki ll the key master to find the key to the
mi r r or r oom. Exi t the r oom thr ough the locked door and make your way to the
mi r r or r oom, ki ll the dar kspawns outsi de the r oom and exami ne the br oken glass to
pi ck up a shar d fr om the mi r r or [I f you have played as Dali sh Elf then thi s i s the
same mir r or that Duncan destr oys befor e taki ng you i nto the War dens].

Once youve collected the shar d, head to Cadash thaig i n the deep r oads. Dur i ng the
cut scene, F i nn wi ll explain how to fi nd the ar ti facts so pay SOM E attenti on and
li sten to i t. F ollow down the path ki lling all the dar kspawns and youll fi nd a magic
vor tex at the bottom of the br i dge, they act as GPS and gui de you to the ar ti facts
hi dden i n the ar ea. Basi cally, you ar e going to stand on all the vor texes and follow
thei r li ght unti l you fi nd the ar ti facts, i f an ar ti fact i s near then the li ght wi ll hi t
that ar ea and gets deflected.

I know the ar ti facts ar e ver y har d to fi nd so I ve mar ked the locati on of all the
ar ti facts i n the ar ea, just stand on the near by magi c vor tex to detect the ar ea and
collect the ar ti fact. One mor e thi ng, youll be ambushed by a gr oup of eli te elven
guar di ans ever y ti me you collect an ar ti fact so be car eful, they ar e not har d to
defeat, just have your dog knock them down wi th over whelm and then fi ni sh them
135 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

off. Once you have collected all the ar ti facts, lead F i nn to the mar ked ar ea and
pr otect hi m fr om the fade cr eatur es whi le he per for ms the r i tual.

A fter the r i tual, F inn di scover s that the mir r or i s hi dden i n Dr agonbone Wastes.
Exi t the thai g and tr avel to the fi nal desti nati on in the DLC, ther es another
landmar k her e, examine i t wi th your hound to i ncr ease hi s attacki ng power . Then
follow down the path and ki ll the dr agonli ngs and culti sts at the entr ance [What
H avens culti sts doi ng her e? Collecti ng dr agonbones?]. Fi ght your way to the other
si de of the map and appr oach the nest to tr i gger a cut scene. A boss at the same spot,
wher e we fought the H i gh Dr agon i n A wakeni ng! H ow unsur pr i sing! Bi owar e
should put a fence ar ound the ar ea and hang a boar d descr i bi ng Do not enter ! Boss

Despi te i ts scar y outlooks, the V ar ter r al i s half as tr oubli ng as the H igh Dr agon. I tll
go down pr etty easi ly i f you manage to dodge i ts legs. Oh one mor e thi ng, ther e ar e
couple of dr agons in the ar ea, who wi ll jump i nto the fi ght wi thout per mi ssi on. J ust
i gnor e them and concentr ate on the bi g boss, I know dr agons ar e not weak against
fi r e but set an A oE spell li ke gr ease fir e [Gr ease + F ir e] or stor m of the centur y [Spell
M i ght + Bli zzar d + Tempest] to deal some massi ve damage on the spi dy. A lso, move
your enti r e team to another place as soon as i t jumps up, i ts jump attack hur ts a lot
so you need to dodge i t at any cost.

Once the bi g spi dy i s down, deal wi th the dr agons and enter the nest. M ove towar ds
the cli ffs and watch the fi nal cut scene, wher e youll meet M or r igan [Y uppi e! I was
mi ssi ng her a lot]. H er e, the conver sati on goes accor di ng to the deci si on you made
befor e the A r chdemons fi ght i n the Or i gins and your r elati onshi p stats wi th her .
H aving hosti le or fr i endly stats wi ll get you di ffer ent types di alogues, she might talk
a bi t spi cy i f you have a low r ating or she mi ght shut up and talk to you nor mally i f
you have +70 stats and completed her si de quest.

A lso the fi nal deci si on i s based on whether or not you agr eed to go thr ough her
r i tual befor e the fi nal battle in Dener im. I f you have deni ed her r i tual then you can
let her go as a good fr i end or i f you have gone thr ough the r i tual then you can go
136 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

wi th her and leave the War dens. The thir d opti on [A ttack her !] i s avai lable for both
the si tuati on and you can do so wi thout any hesi tati on because you ar e not goi ng to
fi ght her , your War den wi ll stab his dagger and shell fall i nto the mi r r or . Ei ther
way, the DLC and Dr agon A ge wi ll end after the cut scene [Wi thout answer i ng any
of our questi ons, of cour se].

137 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

A chi evements
A chi evements Game Scor e
Last of Y our Line
Complete the H uman N oble or igi n stor y.
Cor r upted
Complete the Dali sh Elf or i gi n stor y.
Conscr i pted
Complete the Ci ty Elf or i gi n stor y.
H ar r owed
Complete the M agi or i gi n stor y.
Complete the Dwar f Commoner or i gi n stor y.
K i nslayer
Complete the Dwar f N oble or i gi n stor y.
Last of the War dens
Complete Ostagar .
Standar d-Bear er
U se the Gr ey War den tr eati es to r ecr ui t all possi ble alli es.
H er o of Redcli ffe
Complete The A r l of Redcli ffe.
Complete The Landsmeet.
M er cenar y
Complete 15 job-boar d quests.
Recr ui ter
A cr oss all playthr oughs, r ecr ui te all par ty member s.
H opelessly Romanti c
A cr oss all playthr oughs, exper ience all possi ble r omances.
Per fecti oni st
A cr oss all playthr oughs, di scover all possible endi ngs.
U se a tome to impr ove the main char acter s attr i butes, talents, spells, or
ski lls.
M agi c Sympathizer
Si de wi th the mages i n Br oken Ci r cle.
A nnulement I nvoker
Si de wi th the templar s i n Br oken Ci r cle.
Si de wi th the wer ewolves i n N atur e of the Beast.
Si de wi th the elves i n N atur e of the Beast.
Sacr i legi ous
Si de wi th the Cult of A ndr aste i n The U r n of Sacr ed A shes.
138 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Cer emoni ali st
Defi e the Cult of A ndr aste i n The U r n of Sacr ed A shes.
Bhelens A lly
Si de wi th Bhelen i n A Par agon of H er K i nd.
H ar r owmonts A lly
Si de wi th H ar r owmont i n A Par agon of H er K i nd.
Li ber ator
Destr oy the A nvi l of the V oi d.
Pr agmati st
Pr eser ve the A nvi l of the V oi d.
H eavy H i tter
M ai n char acter i nflictes 250 damage wi th a single hi t.
Bloodi ed
Complete an or igi n stor y wi thout the main char acter ever falli ng i n battle.
Tr aveler
Set foot i n ever y ar ea i n the game.
M aster of A r ms
M ai n char acter achi eves level 20 as a war r i or .
M ai n char acter achi eves level 20 as a r ogue.
A r chmage
M ai n char acter achi eves level 20 as a mage.
Pi lgr i m
Complete a Chanter s Boar d quest.
Gr ey War den
K i ll 100 dar kspawn.
M aster War den
K i ll 500 dar kspawn.
Bli ght-Queller
K i ll 1000 dar kspawn.
Ti nker er
Cr aft an i tem.
Per suasive
Succeed at five di ffi cult per suasti on attempts.
Si lver Tongue
Succeed at 25 di fficult per suasti on attempts.
Succeed at five di ffi cult i nti mi date attempts.
M enacing
Suceed at 25 di ffi cult i nti mi date attempts.
F i r st K ni ght
Exper ience the thr i ll of r omance wi th A li stair .
Wi tch Gone Wi ld
Exper ience the thr i ll of r omance wi th M or r igan.
Easy Lover
Exper ience the thr i ll of r omance wi th Zevr an.
Wi ne, Woman and Song
Exper ience the thr i ll of r omance wi th Leli ana.
139 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

V eter an
M ai n char acter lear ns a speci ali zati on.
Eli te
M ai n char acter lear ns two speci ali zati ons.
A Dar k Pr omi se
Defeat the A r chdemon and, thr ough a dar k r itual wi th M or r i gan, spar e your
own li fe.
The U lti mate Sacr i fi ce
The ultimate sacr i fi ce was made i n defense of F er elden.
Dr agonslayer
Defeat the dr agon guar di ng the U r n of Sacr ed A shes.
Pr eser ve the li ves of half the tr oops at Dener ims Gates i n The Fi nal Battle.

The War dens K eep DLC
Di aboli st
Take advantage of A ver nuss r esear ch.

The Stone Pr i soner D LC
Rock and a H ar d Place
Complete The Golem i n H onnleath.
Stones lament
Complete The Golem i n H onnleath.
M aster of the Peek
Complete Soldi er s Peak.

Retur n to Ostgar DLC
I n War , V i ctor y
Defeat the ogr e that ki lled K i ng Cali an.

The Dar kspawn Chr oni cles DLC
Bane of Thedas
H and vi ctor y to the ar chdemon by ki lli ng the F er eldens last Gr ey War den.
Ogr es keeper
K eep the i nti al ogr e alive as your thr all thr oughout the enti r e module.
Enthr alli ng
Ear n maxi mum appr oval fr om all thr all types.

Leli anas Song DLC
Pr ovocateur
Collect and assemble the Battledr ess of the Pr ovocatuer .
Tur ni ng Poi nt
H ear Leli anas ver si on of her betr ayal.
140 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

V endetta
Destr oy the car eer of Guar d Captai n Eams.

The Golems of A mgar r ak DLC
Defeat the H ar vester .
Gr i m Reaper
Defeat the H ar vester i n H ar d or N i ghtmar e di ffi culty.
A Secr et Sti tched Together
Gather all of the r esear ch notes i n A mgar r ak.

Wi tch H unt DLC
V ar ter r als F all
Defeat the V ar ter r al in H ar d or N i ghtmar e di ffi culty.
Wi tch H unter
Complete Wi tch H unt.
A Ti me of Wood and Stone
Gather the last lor e of Cadash thai g.
Thr ough the Looki ng Glass
Complete the scr yi ng r i tual.

141 Dr agon A ge: Or i gi ns

Copyr i ghts

Thi s document i s copyr i ghted to me, Gaming Dr agon and i t i s only intended to help
gamer s beat thei r game. I n other wor ds, it cannot be copied and used i n any
commer ci al business. A ny i llegal di str i buti on of this document wi thout my
per mi ssi on wi ll be di r ect vi olati on of copyr i ghts law, so i f you want to use any of the
content found in thi s document then please contact me befor e doi ng so or else you
wi ll be scr ewed.

N ote: F or latest updates of all my Gui des and F A Qs, please vi si t my blog.

Contact: gamingdr agon@gmai http:/ / gami ngdr

The End

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