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3.4.4 Hora Bala: Hora means planetary hour.

Each day from sunrise to next sunrise is divided into 24

equal parts of one hour. These Horas are ruled by the 7 Grahas from Sun to Saturn. The first Hora of the
day is ruled by the ord of the !ee" day. The 2nd one is ruled by the ord of the #th !ee" day$ counted
from the first ruler. The %rd Hora is ruled by the ord of the #th !ee" day$ counted from the 2nd Hora
ord. Similarly it proceeds in the same manner$ till the first Hora of the next day is ta"en over by the
ord of that day himself. &t a particular time$ the lord of a particular hora 'ets the Hora bala of #(
*rom the stren'th of the )arsa$ +aasa$ ,ina and Hora lord$ !e can see that Hora lord 'ets the maximum
stren'th$ i.e.$ #( )irupas$ hi'hli'htin' the importance of the hora lord over the other lords at any time.
Varahamihira: Strength of Planets: The Shadbala - I file:///E:/T.S.RAO/T.S.RAO-1/ASTROLOGY/may-2014/webpage/Var...
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