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1. What is UAI?

1.1 Definition of UAI

1.2 2different sets of Data (Core data & Classification data)
1.2.1 Core data
- Brand awareness data
- Product usage data
- Purchase data
- Attitude data
- Product and brand image data

1.2.2. Classification data
- Demographics
- Sociographics

2. Commonly cited purpose for UAIs use
-Environmental Scanning (explain briefly what is environmental scanning)
- Marketing performance (explain briefly what is marketing performance)
-Market segmentation (explain briefly what is market segmentation)
Product positioning Research (explain briefly what is product positioning

2.1. Environmental Scanning
-Macro Environment
-Immediate environment (Internal & External)

2.1.1. 6 different market and competitive opportunities
- Market penetration opportunity
- Product improvement opportunity
-Neglected but highly promising market opportunity
-Market size opportunity
-Product life recycling opportunity
-Promotional and product extensions opportunity

2.2 Marketing performance
- 4 contents

2.3. Market Segmentation (explain what is market segmentation)

2.4. Product positioning
- Explain what is product positioning
-Example of doing product positioning

2.5. Other research strategies to determine product benefit/ attribute positioning

. 3. Sample Questionnaire
- Explain contents.

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