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Dear Chairman Wheeler,

I know you are beholden to the industry behemoths who want to protect their precious profit machines,
but what they want is not in the best interests of the People or our democracy. Your job is to regulate
these corporations so they dont ruin our democracy. It seems like regulators ha!e been asleep on the
job since the "##$s. We depend on the Internet for many things in our daily li!es. %or e&ample,
children in my de!elopmental preschool classroom need the Internet to recei!e speech therapy ser!ices.
'he Internet needs to be reclassified as a public utility. Citi(ens of the )nited *tates pay a much higher
price for Internet than do people in other countries, and our Internet is *+,W-.. /et neutrality
ensures that the Internet remains a free and open network where people can freely share ideas 0besides
the fact that all online acti!ity is monitored1recorded by go!ernments, which leads to self2censorship3.
4i!ing corporations control o!er the speed and content of the Internet is a horrible idea and will further
weaken our already decrepit and corrupt democratic system. I know that you ha!e industry ties, and
most likely already ha!e your mind made up. I want you to really think about what you are doing and
the harmful effects it will ha!e on our democracy and future generations of 5mericans. 6ass media is
a near2monopoly in our country already22these companies do not need more C,/'.,+, nor do they
need more 6,/-Y. What we do need is more %.--D,6 of -7P.-**I,/ and -8)5+ 5CC-**
to I/%,.65'I,/.

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