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Title: Digital Story About Animal Adaptations

Topic: Animals adaptations for survival

Standards: 5.3.6.E.1, 5.3.4.E.1, 5.3.4.E.2, 5.3.4.A.2

Goal: Students will report about an animal that has adaptations to live in a certain defined

Specific Objectives: To explain the type of animal chosen including but not limited to its adaptations
for survival and environmental factors needed to survive. Students will also be able to create a
storyboard and digital story to save and present in class.

Required Materials: Paper, Pencil, headphones or personal speakers for audio, Computer, Laptop or
Tablet with internet access, PowerPoint for Story Board creation

Anticipatory Set: Show Powtoon example and Amazing Animal Adaptations and Evolutionary
Problem Solving Youtube video by Stacy Brimly. Students will be expected to provide the teacher with a
copy of their resources and Storyboard before beginning to create their final project. The step-by-step
procedures will have deadlines assigned to them once the project begins. The website will be updated t
that time.

Step-By-Step Procedures:
Watch video in class (This will be posted online upon the completion of class to refer back to if
needed and/or you are not in class the day in which its shown.)
Distribute and discuss what a digital story is including storyboard and rubrics
Discuss human and animal adaptations for survival
Students will choose an animal to research and take notes
Students create Storyboard for Digital Story
Students create and save their Digital Story presentation
Students present their Digital Story to the class, and turn in Storyboard with rubric for each

Plan for Independent Practice:

Closure: Students will be given time to reflect in class and then write about the importance of
adaptations for survival.

Assessment: Students will be graded based on observation, completed storyboard and completed
digital story

Adaptations: For students with disabilities: Students will be given extra time to work on their project.
Teacher template and additional assistance will be based on IEP.

Extensions: Students can create a digital story for other classes and research the topic further

Possible connections to other subjects: Language Arts: Cause and effect relationships, reading, and
creative writing.

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