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Kpd. Yth.

DR. dr. Ida Bagus Fajar Manuaba SpOG, MARS

di- tempat

Dengan hormat,
Mohon persetujuan judul jurnal berikut sebagai bahan yang akan diajukan untuk
jurnal reading. Atas waktu dan perhatian dokter saya ucapkan terima kasih.

1. Bagian Fertilitas dan endokrinologi reproduksi
Elevated 3 day FSH in younger women : is gonadotropin
stimulation/intrauterine insemination a good option
A Comparison of pregnancy rate before and after the
administration of HCG in intrauterine insemination
2. Bagian Onkoginekologi
Ovarian carcinosarcoma : Effects of cytoreductive status and
platinum-based chemotherapy on survival
HPV-16 is related to the progression of cervical intraepithelial
neoplasia grade 2 : A case series
3. Bagian Obstetri-Sosial
Womens attitude towards the option to choose between
karyotyping and rapid targeted testing during pregnancy
Preventing repeat pregnancy in adolescent : is immediate
postpartum insertion of the contraceptive implant cost effective?
4. Bagian Fetomaternal
Risk of cesarean in obese nulliparous women with unfavorable
cervix: elective induction vs expectant management at term
The potential role of prolactin as a modulator of the secretion of
proinflamatory mediators in chorioamniotic membranes in term
human gestation
5. Bagian Uroginekologi
Anterior colporrhaphy compared with collagen-coated
transvaginal mesh for anterior vaginal wall prolapse : a
randomized controlled trial
Sexual function after vaginal and abdominal fistula repair

Denpasar, 18 Juli 2014

Franky Ardhana Kawilarang

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