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Chapter 8

Case Study

Patient Name: HW

Subjective: 58 year old man came to Clinic with midsternal chest pain radiating to both
shoulders. Patient has an unremarkable history, denies smoking, drinks socially, no illicit
drug abuse. Family history shows that his father died of a myocardial infarction at age
68. His mother, 78, is living with hypertension and hypercholesterolemia that developed in

Objective: BP 160/94, apical rate 100 and regular, respirations 24, weight 208 lbs,
height 6’1’’. HEENT: head normocephalic, atraumatic. TMs intact. Neck: no carotid bruits
or JVD. Lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally. Extremities: no clubbing, clots, cyanosis,
or edema. ECG is WNL. Cardiac enzymes are WNL. Cholesterol 250. Thallium stress test
showed chest pain with exertion and demonstrated a need for cardiac catheterization.
Cardiac Cath: Coronary angiography showed blockage in three main coronary arteries.

Assessment: 1. Hypercholesterolemia 2. Coronary artery disease 3. Angina pectoris

Plan: CABG in the am. Need stat lipids, CBC, chemistries and chest x ray.


1. Myocardial infarction:______________________________________________________

2. Hypertension:_____________________________________________________________

3. Angina pectoris:_________________________________________________________

4. CABG:___________________________________________________________________

5. ECG:____________________________________________________________________

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