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Stepper Motor: Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages, Application, Classification, define: step

angle, resolution, holding torque, detent torque, slew rate, permanent magnet stepper motor (construction
+ operation), Variable reluctance stepper motor (construction + half & full step operation), stepper motor
characteristics (static characteristics). No math

Asynchronous Motor: Three phase induction motor, principle of operation, advantages and
disadvantages, slip, frequency of rotor current, effect of slip on rotor circuit (induced emf, reactance,
frequency), Torque- Speed characteristics, Equivalent circuit of Rotor, Equivalent circuit of induction
motor (up to simplified one), Math- 34.3, 34.4

Alternator: Definition, Operation of alternator, Advantages of Stationary Armature, Construction of an
alternator (stator, rotor salient & nonsalient pole), speed and frequency of alternator, Equivalent circuit,
Method of excitation of alternator (brush connected excitation), alternator on load, synchronous
impedance, vector diagram of loaded alternator (for unity and lagging power factor load),
1. A 6 pole alternator is rotating at 1000 rpm. What is its frequency? If the frequency is 60 Hz, what is its
2. If 500 rpm, 50 Hz alternator if rotating at 600 rpm, what will be the frequency of generated voltage?

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