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Clean and wash a medium vaazhaipoo and chop finely.

With little water and salt, cook this until all the water is
Grind 1 cup of shredded coconut with ½ sp fennel seed, 3 green
chillies, 3 red chillies, 1 small piece of cinnamon, ½ sp ginger and ½
cup of pottukkadalai to a paste.
Add enough salt and the cooked vaazhaippoo to this and run the
motor of the mixie for a second.
The vaazhaippoo must be ground coarsely, not finely.
You can add chopped onions, coriander leaves and curry leaves to
Make balls out of this ground paste, flatten them and fry vadais in
hot oil.
NB: You can make vaazahippoo vadai with ½ cup of soaked chenna
dal [Bengal gram] instead of pottukkadalai using this same method.

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