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Methi seeds [fenugreek seeds]-½sp,
White sesame seeds-1sp,
Cumin seeds- ¾ sp,
Sambar onions- 15.
Tomato pieces-1½ cups,
Garlic flakes-6,
Coriander powder-1½sp,
Chilli powder-1 tbsp,
Turmeric powder-1sp
Kaththarikai [eggplant]-8 to 10[small size],
Gingelly oil- 4tbsp,
Mustard seeds-1sp,
Green chillies-5,[slit them lengthwise]
Tamarind-a lime size
Enough salt to taste.
Dry roast groundnuts, cumin seeds, kuskus, sesame seeds,
fenugreek seeds to a golden brown color and grind them with
onions, tomatoes and garlic without adding water.
Add the turmeric powder, chilli powder, and the coriander powder
and mix well.
Cut each eggplant in to 8 pieces lengthwise, add enough salt and
the mixed masala to this, mix well and keep them covered for ½
Heat the oil in a kadai and add mustard seeds.
When it splutters, add the green chillies and the peppercorns and
fry for two minutes. Now add the eggplant with masasla and cook
on a medium fire until the oil comes on the top.
Extract a thick juice from the tamarind and add to the eggplant.
When all the water is absorbed and the oil floats on the top,put off
the fire.
The gravy must be thick.

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