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on the instrument see that both red lights are on ....

liqid(water) bath is pres

ent in the square jar
here principle is A (CCl4 vapours) diffusing thru non diffusing B(air)
set temp 50 on heater and when steady temp is reached i.e, when liquid temp. is
equal to heater temp i.e 50 , immediiately pour
CCl4 into the tube upto say 10ml and start stopwatch and for 30 min wait and not
e the level decrease in liqid level
set temp 60 on heater and when steady temp is reached i.e, when liquid temp. is
equal to heater temp i.e 50 , immediiately pour
CCl4 into the tube upto say 10ml and start stopwatch and for 30 min wait and not
e the level decrease in liqid level
we cn do the vise versa i.e, for a particular ht decrese say 1cm note the time..

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