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Set shortly after Prom night.

Junior year is comming to a close, what will happen now that

all the excitement has stopped, and summer vacation is on the way?
In my dream, two people were having an intense conversation in a meadow in the woods.
One of these people was just your average girl. he other person was fantastically
!eautiful, spar"ly, and a vampire. hey were discussing the difficulties inherent in the facts
that #$ they were falling in love with each other while %$ the vampire was particularly
attracted to the scent of her !lood, and was having a difficult time restraining himself from
"illing her immediately. &or what is essentially a transcript of my dream, please see
'hapter () *+'onfessions+$ of the !oo".
(Notes: this scene was clipped from Chapter 11 "Complications." It bugged me to remove
it, but I couldn't put m finger on wh that was, so I let it go. !hen it was too late to put
it bac", I finall reali#ed what was bothering me. $hough I refer to %ella's clumsiness in
gm several times, I never reall show it in action. $his was the one time that &dward was
"watching," and thus the natural place to showcase that clumsiness. 'a ha(and now m
e)planation is almost longer than the outta"e**+
I wal"ed into the gym, lightheaded, wo!!ly. I drifted to the loc"er room, changing in a
tranceli"e state, only vaguely aware that there were other people surrounding me. ,eality
didn-t fully set in until I was handed a rac.uet. It wasn-t heavy, yet it felt very unsafe in
my hand. I could see a few of the other "ids in class eyeing me furtively. 'oach 'lapp
ordered us to pair up into teams.
/ercifully, some vestiges of /i"e-s chivalry still survived0 he came to stand !eside me.
+1o you want to !e a team?+ he as"ed cheerfully.
+han"s, /i"e2you don-t have to do this, you "now.+ I grimaced.
+1on-t worry, I-ll "eep out of your way,+ he grinned. Sometimes it was so easy to !e fond
of /i"e.
It didn-t go smoothly. I tried to stay clear of /i"e so that he could "eep the !irdie in play,
!ut 'oach 'lapp came !y and ordered him to remain on his side of the court so I could
participate. 3e stayed, watching, to enforce his words.
4ith a sigh, I stepped into a more central place on the court, holding my rac.uet upright,
if still gingerly. he girl on the other team sneered maliciously as she served the !irdie2I
must have injured her during the !as"et!all section2lo!!ing it just a few feet past the net,
directly toward me. I sprung gracelessly forward, aiming my swing in the direction of the
little ru!!er pest, !ut I forgot to ta"e the net into account. /y rac.uet !ounced !ac" from
the net with surprising strength, popping out of my hand, and glancing off my forehead
!efore whac"ing /i"e in the shoulder as he rushed forward to get the !irdie I had
completely missed.
'oach 'lapp coughed, or muffled a laugh.
+Sorry, 5ewton,+ he mum!led, am!ling away so we could return to our former, less
dangerous, positions.
+#re you o"ay?+ /i"e as"ed, massaging his shoulder, just as I was ru!!ing my forehead.
+6eah, are you?+ I as"ed mee"ly, retrieving my weapon.
+I thin" I-ll ma"e it.+ 3e swung his arm in a circle, ma"ing sure he still had full range of
+I-ll just stay !ac" here.+ I wal"ed to the !ac" corner of the court, holding my rac"et
carefully !ehind my !ac".
(Notes: ,ou'll recogni#e portions of this chapter(small bits survived and were combined
with what is now Chapter -. "Impatience." $his chapter slowed down the pace of the
"hunt" part of the stor, but I feel li"e I cut out a lot of /lice's personalit when I sacrificed
Shopping with Alice
he car was slee", !lac" and powerful0 its windows were tinted limo !lac". he engine
purred li"e a great cat as we sped through the deep night.
Jasper drove one handed, carelessly it seemed, !ut the muscular car flew forward with
perfect precision.
#lice sat with me on the !lac" leather !ac" seat. Somehow, during the long night, my head
had ended up against her granite nec", her cool arms enfolding me, her chee" pressed
against the top of my head. he front of her thin cotton shirt was cold, damp with my
tears. 5ow and then, if my !reathing grew uneven, she would murmur soothingly0 in her
fast, high voice, the encouragements sounded li"e singing. o "eep myself calm, I focused
on the touch of her cold s"in0 it felt li"e a physical connection to 7dward.
%oth of them had assured me2when I reali8ed, panic stric"en, all my things were still in
the truc"2that leaving it !ehind was necessary, something to do with the scent. hey told
me not to worry a!out clothes or money. I tried to trust them, ma"ing an effort to ignore
how uncomforta!le I was in ,osalie-s ill9fitting outfit. It was a trivial thing to mind.
On the smooth highways, Jasper never drove the !rawny car !elow a hundred and twenty
miles per hour. 3e seemed utterly unaware of speed limits, !ut we never saw a patrol car.
he only !rea"s in the monotony of the drive were the two stops we made for fuel. I
noticed idly that Jasper went inside to pay cash !oth times.
1awn !egan to !rea" when we were somewhere in northern 'alifornia. I watched with dry,
stinging eyes as the gray light strea"ed across the cloudless s"y. I was exhausted, !ut
sleep had eluded me, my mind too full of distur!ing images to relax into unconsciousness.
'harlie-s !ro"en expression27dward-s !rutal snarl, teeth !ared2the "een9eyed stare of
the trac"er2:aurent-s !lea" expression2the dead loo" in 7dward-s eyes after he "issed
me the last time0 li"e still slides they flashed in front of my eyes, my feelings alternating
!etween terror and despair.
In Sacramento, #lice wanted Jasper to stop, to get food for me. %ut I shoo" my head
tiredly, and directed him to "eep driving in a hollow voice.
# few hours later, in a su!ur! outside :.#., #lice spo"e softly to him again, and he exited
the freeway to the sound of my fee!le protests. # large mall was visi!le from the freeway,
and he made his way there, pulling into the par"ing garage, down into the underground
level to par".
+Stay with the car,+ she instructed Jasper.
+#re you sure?+ he sounded apprehensive.
+I don-t see anyone here,+ she said. 3e nodded, consenting.
#lice too" my hand and pulled me from the car. She held on to my hand, "eeping me close
!y her side as we wal"ed from the dar" garage. She s"irted the edge of the garage,
"eeping in the shadow. I noticed how her s"in seemed to glow in the sunlight that reflected
off the sidewal". he mall was crowded, many groups of shoppers passed, some of them
turning their heads to watch us go !y.
4e wal"ed under a !ridge that crossed from the upper level of the par"ing garage into the
second story of a department store, always "eeping out of the direct sunlight.
Once we were inside, under the fluorescent lights of the store, #lice loo"ed less remar"a!le
2merely a chal"y pale girl with alert, !ut shadowed eyes and spi"y !lac" hair. he circles
under my eyes, I was sure, were more evident than hers. 4e still caught the attention of
anyone who glanced our way. I wondered what they thought they were seeing. he
delicate, dancing #lice, with her stri"ing angel-s face, dressed in thin, pale fa!rics that
didn-t .uite downplay her pallor enough, holding hands with me, o!viously leading, as I
sham!led tiredly along in my aw"wardly fitted !ut expensive clothes, my dull hair twisted
into "nots down my !ac".
#lice led me unerringly to the food court.
+4hat do you want to eat?+
he smell of the greasy fast foods turned my stomach. %ut #lice-s eyes were not open to
persuasion. I as"ed unenthusiastically for a tur"ey su!.
+'an I go to the !athroom?+ I as"ed as we headed for the line.
+O"ay,+ and she changed direction, never letting go of my hand.
+I can go alone.+ he commonplace atmosphere of the generic mall made me feel the most
normal I had since our disastrous game last night.
+Sorry, %ella, !ut 7dward-s going to read my mind when he gets here, and if he sees that I
let you out of my sight for a minute;+ she trailed off, unwilling to contemplate the dire
She at least waited outside the stall in the crowded !athroom. I washed my face as well as
my hands, ignoring the startled loo"s of the women around me. I tried to com! my fingers
through my hair, !ut .uic"ly gave up. #lice too" my hand again at the door, and we wal"ed
slowly !ac" to the food line. I was dragging, !ut she didn-t seem impatient with me.
She watched me eat, slowly at first and then faster as my appetite returned. I drained the
soda she !rought me so .uic"ly that she left me for a moment2never ta"ing her eyes off
me, though2to get another.
+It-s definitely more convenient, the food you eat,+ she commented as I finished, +!ut it
doesn-t seem li"e much fun.+
+3unting is more exciting, I imagine.+
+6ou have no idea.+ She flashed a wide mouthful of glittering teeth, and several people-s
heads turned in our direction.
#fter throwing our trash away, she led me down the wide corridors of the mall, her eyes
lighting now and then on something she wanted, hauling me along with her at each stop.
She paused for a moment at an expensive !outi.ue to !uy three pairs of sunglasses, two
women-s and one men-s. I noticed the cler" loo" at her with a new expression when she
handed him an unfamiliar clear credit card with gold lines across it. She found an
accessories shop where she pic"ed up a hair!rush and ru!!er !ands.
%ut she didn-t really get down to !usiness until she towed me into the sort of store I never
fre.uented, !ecause the price for a pair of soc"s would !e out of my league.
+6ou-re a!out a si8e two.+ It was a statement, not a .uestion.
She used me as a pac" mule, loading me down with a staggering amount of clothing. 5ow
and then I would see her reach for a si8e extra9small as she pic"ed something out for
herself. he clothes she selected for herself were all in weightless materials, !ut long
sleeved or floor length, designed to cover as much of her s"in as possi!le. # wide
!rimmed, !lac" straw hat crowned the mountain of clothes.
he salesgirl had a similar reaction to the unusual credit card, !ecoming more servile, and
calling #lice -miss.- he name she said was unfamiliar, though. Once we were out in the
mall again, our arms loaded down with !ags, of which she carried the lion-s share, I as"ed
a!out that.
+4hat did she call you?+
+hat credit card says ,achel :ee. 4e-re going to !e very careful not to leave any "ind of
trail for the trac"er. :et-s go get you changed.+
I thought a!out that as she led me !ac" to the restrooms, pushing me into the
handicapped stall so I would have room to move. I heard her rummaging in the !ags,
finally hanging a light !lue cotton dress over the door for me. I gratefully tugged off
,osalie-s too long, too tight jeans, yan"ed off the !louse that !agged on me in all the
wrong places, and flung them !ac" over the door to her. She surprised me !y pushing a
pair of soft leather sandals under the door2when did she get those? he dress fit
ama8ingly well, the expensive cut apparent in the way it flowed around me.
#s I left the stall I noticed that she was stuffing ,osalie-s clothes into the trashcan.
+<eep your snea"ers,+ she said. I put them on top of one of the !ags.
4e headed !ac" to the garage. #lice got fewer loo"s this time0 she was so covered in !ags
that her s"in was !arely visi!le.
Jasper was waiting. 3e slid out of the car at our approach2the trun" was open. #s he
reached for my !ags first, he gave #lice a sardonic loo".
+I "new I should have gone,+ he muttered.
+6es,+ she agreed, +they would have loved you in the women-s !athroom.+ 3e didn-t
#lice dug .uic"ly through her !ags !efore putting them in the trun". She handed Jasper a
pair of sunglasses, putting one pair on herself. She handed me the third pair, and the
hair!rush. #nd she pulled out a long sleeved shirt of thin, transparent !lac", pulling it on
over her t9shirt, leaving it open. &inally, she added the straw hat. On her, the ma"eshift
costume loo"ed li"e it !elonged on a runway. She gra!!ed one more handful of clothes
and, rolling them up in a !all, she opened the !ac" door and made a pillow on the seat.
+6ou need to sleep now,+ she ordered firmly. I crawled o!ediently onto the seat, laying my
head down at once, curling onto my side. I was halfway asleep as the car purred to life.
+6ou shouldn-t have gotten me all those things,+ I mum!led.
+1on-t worry a!out it, %ella. Sleep.+ 3er voice was restful.
+han" you,+ I !reathed, and slipped into an uneasy slum!er.
It was the soreness from sleeping in a cramped position that wo"e me. I was still
exhausted, !ut suddenly jittery as I remem!ered where I was. I sat up to see the =alley of
the Sun laid out in front of me0 the wide, flat expanse of tiled roofs, palm trees, freeways,
smog and swimming pools, em!raced !y the short, roc"y ridges that we called mountains.
I was surprised to feel no sense of relief, only a nagging homesic"ness for the dripping
s"ies and green enclosures of the place that meant 7dward to me. I shoo" my head, trying
to push !ac" the edge of despair that threatened to overwhelm me.
Jasper and #lice were tal"ing0 aware, I-m sure, that I was conscious again, !ut they gave
no sign. heir .uic", soft voices, one low, one high, wove musically around me. I
determined that they were discussing where to stay.
+%ella,+ #lice addressed me casually, as if I were already part of the conversation, +which
way to the airport?+
+Stay on the I9(>,+ I said automatically. +4e-ll pass right !y it.+
I thought for a moment, my !rain still foggy with sleep.
+#re we flying somewhere?+ I as"ed.
+5o, !ut it-s !etter to !e close, just in case.+ She flipped out her cell phone and apparently
called information. She spo"e more slowly than usual, as"ing for hotels near the airport,
agreeing to a suggestion, then pausing while she was connected. She made reservations
for a wee" under the name of 'hristian %ower, rattling off a credit card num!er without
loo"ing at one. I heard her repeating directions !ac" for the operator-s sa"e0 I-m sure she
didn-t need help with her memory.
he sight of the phone had reminded me of my responsi!ilities.
+#lice,+ I said as she finished. +I need to call my dad.+ /y voice was so!er. She handed me
the phone.
It was late afternoon0 I was hoping he was at wor". %ut he answered on the first ring. I
cringed, picturing his anxious face !y the phone.
+1ad?+ I said hesitantly.
+%ella? 4here are you, honey?+ Strong relief filled his voice.
+I-m on the road.+ 5o need to let him "now I-d made a three9day drive over night.
+%ella, you have to turn around.+
+I need to go home.+
+3oney, let-s tal" a!out this. 6ou don-t need to leave just !ecause of some !oy.+ 3e was
!eing very careful, I could tell.
+1ad, give me a wee". I need to thin" things through, and then I-ll decide if I-m coming
!ac". his has nothing to do with you, o"ay?+ /y voice trem!led slightly, +I love you,
1addy. 4hatever I decide, I-ll see you soon. I promise.+
+O"ay, %ella.+ 3is voice was resigned. +'all me when you get to Phoenix.+
+I-ll call you from home, 1ad. %ye.+
+%ye, %ells.+ 3e hesitated !efore hanging up.
#t least I was on good terms with 'harlie again, I thought as I handed the phone !ac" to
#lice. She was watching me carefully, perhaps waiting for another emotional !rea"down.
%ut I was just too tired.
he familiar city flew past my dar" window. he traffic was light. 4e made our way .uic"ly
through downtown and then looped around the north side of S"y 3ar!or International,
turning south into empe. Just on the other side of the dry Salt ,iver !ed, a mile or so
from the airport, Jasper exited on #lice-s command. She directed him easily through the
surface streets to the entrance of the airport 3ilton.
I had !een thin"ing /otel @, !ut I was sure they would !rush off any money concerns.
hey appeared to have an endless reserve.
4e pulled into the valet par"ing under the shade of a long ramada, and two !ellhops
moved .uic"ly to the side of the impressive automo!ile. Jasper and #lice stepped out,
loo"ing very much li"e movie stars in their dar" glasses. I stepped out aw"wardly, stiff
from the long hours in the car, feeling homely. Jasper opened the truc", and the
o!se.uious staff .uic"ly unloaded our shopping !ags onto a !rass cart. hey were too well
trained to offer any surprised loo"s at our lac" of real luggage.
he car had !een very cool inside its dar" interior0 stepping out into the Phoenix
afternoon, even in the shade, was li"e stic"ing my head into an oven set to !roil. &or the
first time that day, I felt at home.
Jasper strode confidently through the empty lo!!y. #lice "ept carefully !y my side, the
!ellhops following us eagerly with our things. Jasper approached the des" with his
unconsciously regal air.
+%ower,+ was all he said to the professional9loo"ing receptionist. She .uic"ly processed his
information, with only the tiniest of glances toward the golden9haired idol in front of her
!etraying her smooth proficiency.
4e were .uic"ly led to our large suite. I "new the two !edrooms were merely for
convention-s sa"e. he !ellhops unloaded our !ags efficiently as I sat wea"ly on the sofa
and #lice danced off to examine the other rooms. Jasper shoo" hands with them as they
left, and the loo" they exchanged on their way out the door was more than satisfied0 it
was elated. hen we were alone.
Jasper went to the windows, shutting !oth layers of curtains securely. #lice appeared and
dropped a room service menu in my lap.
+Order something,+ she instructed.
+I-m fine,+ I said dully.
She gave me a dar" loo", and snatched the menu !ac". Arum!ling something a!out
7dward, she pic"ed up the phone.
+#lice, really,+ I started, !ut her loo" silenced me. I put my head down on the arm of the
sofa and closed my eyes.
# "noc" on the door wo"e me. I jumped up so .uic"ly I slid right off the sofa onto the floor
and crac"ed my forehead against the coffee ta!le.
+Ow,+ I said, da8ed, ru!!ing at my head.
I heard Jasper laugh once, and loo"ed up to see him covering his mouth, trying to cho"e
down the rest of his amusement. #lice got the door, pressing her lips together firmly, the
corners of her mouth twitching.
I !lushed and scram!led !ac" onto the sofa, holding my head in my hands. It was my
food0 the smell of red meat, cheese, garlic and potatoes swirled enticingly around me.
#lice carried the tray as deftly as if she-d !een waitressing for years, and set in on the
ta!le at my "nees.
+6ou need protein,+ She explained, lifting the silver dome to reveal a large stea" and a
decorative potato sculpture. +7dward won-t !e happy with you if your !lood smells anemic
when he gets here.+ I was almost sure she was jo"ing.
5ow that I could smell the food I was hungry again. I ate .uic"ly, feeling my energy
returning as the sugars hit my !loodstream. #lice and Jasper ignored me, watching the
news and tal"ing so swiftly and .uietly that I couldn-t understand a word.
# second "noc" sounded on the door. I jumped to my feet, narrowly avoiding another
accident with the half empty tray on the coffee ta!le.
+%ella, you need to calm down,+ Jasper said, as #lice answered the door. # mem!er of the
house"eeping staff gave her a small !ag with the 3ilton logo on it and left .uietly. #lice
!rought it over and handed it to me. I opened it to find a tooth!rush, toothpaste, and all
the other critical things I-d left in the !ac" of my truc". ears sprung up in my eyes.
+6ou-re so "ind to me.+ I loo"ed at #lice and then at Jasper, overwhelmed.
I had noticed that Jasper was usually the most careful to "eep his distance from me, so it
surprised me when he came to my side and put his hand on my shoulder.
+6ou-re part of the coven now,+ he teased, smiling warmly. I felt a heavy lassitude
suddenly seeping through my !ody0 my eyelids were somehow too heavy to hold up.
+=ery su!tle, Jasper,+ I heard #lice say in a wry tone. 3er cool, slim arms slipped under my
"nees and !ehind my !ac". She lifted me, !ut I was asleep !efore she got me to the !ed.
It was very early when I awo"e. I had slept well, dreamlessly, and I was more alert than I
usually was upon wa"ing. It was dar", !ut there were !luish flashes of light coming from
under the door. I reached !eside the !ed, trying to find a lamp on the !edside ta!le. #
light came on over my head, I gasped, and #lice was there, "neeling !eside me on the
!ed, her hand on the lamp that was foolishly mounted over the head!oard.
+Sorry,+ she said as I slumped !ac" on the pillow in relief. +Jasper-s right,+ she continued,
+6ou do need to relax.+
+4ell don-t tell him that,+ I grum!led. +If he tries to relax me any more I-ll !e in a coma.+
She giggled. +6ou noticed, eh?+
+If he-d hit me over the head with a frying pan it would have !een less o!vious.+
+6ou needed to sleep.+ She shrugged, still smiling.
+#nd now I need a shower, ic"?+ I reali8ed I was still in the light !lue dress, which was
nowhere near as wrin"led as it had a right to !e. /y mouth tasted fu88y.
+I thin" you-re going to have a !ruise on your forehead,+ she mentioned as I headed to the
#fter I had cleaned up, I felt much !etter. I put on the clothes #lice laid out for me on the
!ed, a hunter green shirt that appeared to !e made of sil", and tan linen shorts. I felt
guilty that my new things were so much nicer than any of the clothes I-d left !ehind.
It was nice to finally do something with my hair0 the hotel shampoos were a good .uality
!rand and my hair came out shiny again. I too" my time !low9drying it into perfect
straightness. I had a feeling we wouldn-t !e doing much today. 'lose inspection in the
mirror revealed a dar"ening shadow on my !row. &a!ulous.
4hen I finally emerged, light was pea"ing around the edges of the thic" curtains. #lice and
Jasper were sitting on the sofa, staring patiently at the nearly muted =. here was a new
tray of food on the ta!le.
+7at,+ #lice said, pointing at it firmly.
I sat o!ediently on the floor, and ate without noticing the food. I didn-t li"e the expression
on either of their faces. hey were too still. hey watched the = without ever loo"ing
away, even though commercials were playing. I pushed the tray away, my stomach
a!ruptly uneasy. #lice loo"ed down now, eyeing the still full tray with a displeased loo".
+4hat-s wrong, #lice?+ I as"ed mee"ly.
+5othing-s wrong.+ She loo"ed me with wide, honest eyes that I didn-t !uy for a second.
+4ell, what do we do now?+
+4e wait for 'arlisle to call.+
+#nd should he have called !y now?+ I could see that I was near the mar". #lice-s eyes
flitted from mine to the phone on top of her leather !ag and !ac".
+4hat does that mean?+ my voice .uavered, and I fought to control it, +hat he hasn-t
called yet?+
+It just means that they don-t have anything to tell us yet.+ %ut her voice was too even,
and the air was suddenly harder to !reathe.
+%ella,+ Jasper said in a suspiciously soothing voice, +you have nothing to worry a!out. 6ou
are completely safe here.+
+1o you thin" that-s what I-m worried a!out?+ I as"ed in dis!elief.
+4hat else is there?+ 3e was also surprised. 3e might feel the tenor of my emotions, !ut
he couldn-t read the reasons !ehind them.
+6ou heard what :aurent said,+ my voice was low, !ut they could hear me easily, of course.
+3e said James was lethal. 4hat if something goes wrong, and they get separated? If
something happens to any of them, 'arlisle, 7mmett;7dward;+ I gulped. +If that wild
female hurts 'arol or 7sme;+ my voice had grown higher, a note of hysteria !eginning to
rise in it. +3ow could I live with myself when it-s my fault? 5one of you should !e ris"ing
yourselves for me2+
+%ella, %ella, stop,+ he interrupted me, his words flowing .uic"ly. +6ou-re worrying a!out all
the wrong things, %ella. rust me on this2none of us are in jeopardy. 6ou are under too
much strain as it is, don-t add to it with wholly unnecessary worries. :isten to me2+ for I
had loo"ed away, +Our family is strong. Our only fear is losing you.+
+%ut why should you2+ #lice interrupted this time, touching my chee" with her cold
+It-s !een almost a century that 7dward-s !een alone. 5ow he-s found you, and our family
is whole. 1o you thin" any of us want to loo" into his eyes for the next hundred years if he
loses you?+
/y guilt slowly su!sided as I loo"ed into her dar" eyes. %ut, even as the calm spread over
me, I "new I couldn-t trust my feelings with Jasper present.
(Notes: this piece was cut from the original epilogue. $hough I briefl e)plained &mmett's
bac" stor in Chapter 10 "1ind over 1atter," I reall miss not having it detailed in his own
Emmett and the Bear
I was surprised to find a strange "inship growing !etween myself and 7mmett, especially
since he had once !een the most frightening to me of them all. It had to do with how we
had !oth !een chosen to join the family0 we-d !oth !een loved2and loved in return2while
we were human, though very !riefly for him. Only 7mmett remem!ered2he alone really
understood the miracle that 7dward remained to me.
4e spo"e of it for the first time one evening as the three of us lounged on the light sofas
of the front room, 7mmett .uietly regaling me with memories that were !etter than
fairytales, while 7dward concentrated on the food networ"2he-d decided he needed to
learn to coo", to my dis!elief, and it was rough going without the proper sense of taste
and smell. #fter all, there was something that didn-t come naturally to him. 3is perfect
!row furrowed as the cele!rity chef flavored yet another dish according to taste. I
repressed a smile.
+3e was finished playing with me then, and I "new I was a!out to die,+ 7mmett
remem!ered softly, winding up the tale of his human years with the story of the !ear.
7dward paid us no attention0 he-d heard it !efore. +I couldn-t move, and my consciousness
was slipping away, when I heard what I thought was another !ear, and a fight9over which
would get my carcass, I supposed. Suddenly it felt li"e I was flying. I figured I-d died, !ut I
tried to open my eyes anyway. #nd then I saw her2+ his face was incredulous at the
memory0 I empathi8ed entirely, +2and I "new I was dead. I didn-t even mind the pain2I
fought to "eep my eyelids open, I didn-t want to miss one second of the angel-s face. I was
delirious, of course, wondering why we hadn-t gotten to heaven yet, thin"ing it must !e
farther away than I-d expected. I "ept waiting for her to ta"e flight. #nd then she !rought
me to Aod.+ 3e laughed his deep, !ooming laugh. I could easily comprehend anyone
ma"ing that assumption.
+I thought what happened next was my judgment. I-d had a little too much fun in my
twenty human years, so I wasn-t surprised !y the fires of hell.+ 3e laughed again, though I
shivered0 7dward-s arm tightened around me unconsciously. +4hat surprised me was that
the angel didn-t leave. I couldn-t understand how something so !eautiful would !e allowed
to stay in hell with me2!ut I was grateful. 7very time Aod came !y to chec" on me, I was
afraid he would ta"e her away, !ut he never did. I started to thin" may!e those preachers
who tal"ed a!out a merciful Aod might have !een right after all. #nd then the pain went
away;and they explained things to me.
+hey were surprised at how little distur!ed I was over the vampire issue. %ut if 'arlisle
and ,osalie, my angel, were vampires, how !ad could it !e?+ I nodded, concurring
completely, as he continued. +I had a !it more trou!le with the rules;+ 3e chuc"led. +6ou
had your hands full with me at first, didn-t you?+ 7mmett-s playful nudge to 7dward-s
shoulder set us !oth roc"ing.
7dward snorted without loo"ing away from the =.
+So you see, 3ell-s not so !ad if you get to "eep an angel with you,+ he assured at me
mischievously. +4hen he ever gets around to accepting the inevita!le, you-ll do fine.+
7dward-s fist moved so swiftly that I didn-t see what "noc"ed 7mmett sprawling over the
!ac" of the couch. 7dward-s eyes never left the screen.
+7dward?+ I scolded, horrified.
+1on-t worry a!out it, %ella.+ 7mmett was unruffled, !ac" in his seat. +I "now where to
find him.+ 3e loo"ed over me towards 7dward-s profile. +6ou-ll have to put her down
sometime,+ he threatened. 7dward merely snarled in response without loo"ing up.
+%oys?+ 7sme-s reproving voice called sharply down the stairs.
(Notes: $his section is self2gratification at its ver worst. I was 3ust having a blast being all
pin"2ribbons2and2bows girl with the prom thing. &nter at our own ris".+
Extended Prom Remix
+4hen are you going to tell me what-s going on, #lice?+
+6ou-ll see, !e patient,+ she ordered, grinning deviously.
4e were in my truc", !ut she was driving. hree more wee"s and I-d !e out of the wal"ing
cast, and then I was going to very firmly put my good foot down a!out the chauffeuring
!usiness. I li"ed driving.
It was late /ay, and somehow the land around &or"s was finding ways to !e even more
green than usual. It was !eautiful, of course, and I was growing somewhat reconciled with
the forest, mostly on account of my spending so much more time there than usual. 4e
weren-t .uite friends yet, nature and I, !ut we were getting closer.
he s"y was gray, !ut that was welcome, too. It was a pearly gray, not grim at all, not
raining, and almost warm enough for me. he clouds were thic" and safe, the "ind of
clouds that had !ecome pleasant to me, !ecause of the freedom they guaranteed.
%ut despite these agreea!le surroundings, I was feeling edgy. Partially !ecause of #lice-s
strange !ehavior. She had a!solutely insisted on a girl-s day out this Saturday morning,
driving me up to Port #ngeles in order for us to get manicures and pedicures, refusing to
let me have the modest shade of pin" I wanted, ordering the manicurist instead to paint
me up with a dar" shimmering red2even going so far as to insist I get the toenails of my
casted foot painted.
hen she too" me go shoe shopping, though I could only try on half of each pair. #gainst
my strenuous protests, she !ought me a pair of the most impractical, overpriced stiletto
heels2dangerous loo"ing things, held on only !y thic" satin ri!!ons that crossed over my
foot and tied in a wide !ow !ehind my an"le. hey were a deep, hyacinth !lue, and in vain
I tried to explain that I had nothing I could wear them with. 7ven with my closet
em!arrassingly full of the clothes she-d !ought me in :.#.2most of them still too light to
wear yet in &or"s2I was positive that I had nothing in that shade. #nd even if I-d had that
exact shade hiding somewhere in my wardro!e, my clothes weren-t really suited to stiletto
heels. I wasn-t suited to stiletto heels2I could !arely wal" safely in soc"s. %ut my
unassaila!le logic was wasted on her. She wouldn-t even argue !ac".
+4ell, they-re not %iviano-s, !ut they-ll have to do,+ she muttered !afflingly, and then
would spea" no more as she unleashed her credit card on the awe9struc" employees.
She got me lunch at a fast food drive through window, telling me I had to eat in the car,
!ut refusing to explain the hurry. /oreover, on the way home I had to remind her several
times that my truc" was simply not capa!le of performing li"e a sports car, even with
,osalie-s modifications, and to please give the poor thing a !rea". Bsually, #lice was my
preferred chauffeur. She didn-t seem !othered !y driving a mere twenty or thirty miles
over the speed limit, the way some people just couldn-t !ear to do.
%ut #lice-s o!vious secret agenda was only half the pro!lem, of course. I was also
pathetically anxious !ecause I hadn-t seen 7dward-s face in almost six hours and that had
to !e a record for the last two months.
'harlie had !een difficult, !ut not impossi!ly so. 3e was reconciled to 7dward-s constant
presence when he returned home, finding nothing to complain a!out as we sat over our
homewor" at the "itchen ta!le2he even seemed to enjoy 7dward-s company as they
shouted together at the games on 7SP5. %ut he-d lost nothing of his original sternness as
he grimly held the door for 7dward at precisely ten o-cloc" each wee"night. Of course,
'harlie was completely unaware of 7dward-s a!ility to return his car home and !e !ac"
through my window in less than ten minutes.
3e was much more agreea!le toward #lice, sometimes em!arrassingly so. O!viously, until
I had my !ul"y cast traded in for something more managea!le, I was in need of a woman-s
help. #lice was an angel, a sister0 every night and every morning she appeared to help me
through my daily routines. 'harlie was enormously grateful to !e relieved of the horror of
a nearly adult daughter who needed help showering2that "ind of thing was far !eyond his
comfort 8one, and mine, too, for that matter. %ut it was with more than gratitude that
'harlie too" to calling her +#ngel+ as a nic"name, and watched her with !emused eyes as
she danced smilingly through the little house, !rightening it. 5o human could fail to !e
affected !y her astounding !eauty and grace, and when she glided through the door each
night with an affectionate, +See you tomorrow, 'harlie,+ she left him stunned.
+#lice, are we going home now?+ I as"ed now, !oth of us understanding I meant the white
house on the river.
+6es.+ She grinned, "nowing me well. +%ut 7dward-s not there.+
I frowned. +4here is he?+
+3e had some errands to run.+
+7rrands?+ I repeated !lan"ly. +#lice,+ my tone turned wheedling, +please tell me what-s
going on.+
She shoo" her head, still grinning tightly. +I-m having too much fun,+ she explained.
4hen we got !ac" to the house, #lice too" me straight upstairs, to her !edroom9si8ed
!athroom. I was surprised to find ,osalie there, waiting with a celestial smile, standing
!ehind I low, pin" chair. # mind9!oggling array of tools and products covered the long
+Sit,+ #lice commanded. I considered her carefully for a minute, and then, deciding she
was prepared to use force if necessary, I limped to the chair and sat down with what
dignity I could manage. ,osalie immediately !egan !rushing through my hair.
+I don-t suppose you will tell me what this is a!out?+ I as"ed her.
+6ou can torture me,+ she murmured, a!sor!ed with my hair, +!ut I-ll never tal".+
,osalie held my head in the sin" while #lice scru!!ed through my hair with a shampoo that
smelled li"e mint and grapefruit. #lice toweled through the wet tangles furiously, then
sprayed almost an entire !ottle of something else2this one smelled li"e cucum!ers2on
the damp masses and toweled me again.
hey com!ed through the mess .uic"ly then0 whatever the cucum!er stuff was, it made
the tangles !ehave. I might want to !orrow some of that. hen they each too" a !low
dryer and went to wor".
#s minutes tic"ed !y, and they "ept discovering new sections of dripping strands, their
faces started to !ecome a little worried. I smiled gleefully. Some things even vampires
couldn-t speed up.
+She-s got an awful lot of hair,+ ,osalie commented in an anxious voice.
+Jasper?+ #lice called clearly, though not loudly, +&ind me another !low dryer?+
Jasper came to their rescue, somehow coming up with two more !low dryers, which he
pointed at my head, deeply amused, while they continued to wor" with their own.
+Jasper;+ I !egan hopefully.
+Sorry, %ella. I-m not allowed to say anything.+
3e escaped gratefully when finally it was all dry2and poufy. /y hair stood out three inches
from my head.
+4hat have you done to me?+ I as"ed in horror. %ut they ignored me, pulling out a !ox of
hot rollers.
I tried to convince them that my hair didn-t curl, !ut they ignored me, dau!ing something
that was an unhealthy yellow in color through each loc" !efore winding it around a hot
+1id you find shoes?+ ,osalie as"ed intensely while they wor"ed, as if the answer was of
vital importance.
+6es2they-re perfect,+ #lice purred with satisfaction.
I watched ,osalie in the mirror, nodding as if a great weight had !een ta"en off her mind.
+6our hair loo"s nice,+ I noticed. 5ot that it wasn-t always ideal2!ut she had it pulled up
this afternoon, creating a crown of soft golden curls atop her perfect head.
+han" you.+ She smiled. hey-d started on the second set of curlers now.
+4hat do you thin" a!out ma"e9up?+ #lice as"ed.
+It-s a pain,+ I offered. hey ignored me.
+She doesn-t need much2her s"in is !etter !are,+ ,osalie mused.
+:ipstic", though,+ #lice decided.
+#nd mascara and eyeliner,+ ,osalie added, +just a little.+
I sighed loudly. #lice giggled. +%e patient, %ella. 4e-re having fun.+
+4ell, as long as you are,+ I muttered.
hey had all the curlers pinned tightly and uncomforta!ly to my head now.
+:et-s get her dressed.+ #lice-s voice thrilled with anticipation. She didn-t wait for me to
ho!!le out of the !athroom under my own power. Instead she scooped me up and carried
me to ,osalie and 7mmett-s !ig white room. On the !ed, there was a dress. 3yacinth !lue,
of course.
+4hat do you thin"?+ #lice chirped.
hat was a good .uestion. It was softly frilly, apparently meant to !e worn very low and off
the shoulders, with long, draping sleeves that gathered at the wrists. he sheer !odice was
girdled !y another, paled9flowered, hyacinth fa!ric, that pleated together to form a thin
ruffle down the left side. he flowered material was long in the !ac", !ut open in the front
over several fitted layers of soft hyacinth ruffles, lightening in shade as they reached the
tea9length !ottom hem.
+#lice,+ I wailed. +I can-t wear that?+
+4hy?+ she demanded in a hard voice.
+he top is completely see9though?+
+his goes underneath,+ ,osalie held up an ominous9loo"ing, pale !lue garment.
+4hat is that?+ I as"ed fearfully.
+It-s a corset, silly,+ #lice said, impatient. +5ow are you going to put it on, or do I have to
call Jasper and as" him to hold you down while I do it?+ she threatened.
+6ou-re supposed to !e my friend,+ I accused.
+%e "ind %ella,+ she sighed, +I don-t remem!er !eing human and I-m trying to have some
vicarious fun here. %esides, it-s for your own good.+
I complained and !lushed a lot, !ut it didn-t ta"e them long to get me in the dress. I had
to admit, the corset had its advantages.
+4ow,+ I !reathed, loo"ing down. +I have cleavage.+
+4ho would have guessed,+ #lice chuc"led, delighted with her wor". I wasn-t completely
sold, though.
+1on-t you thin" this dress is a little too;I don-t "now, fashion forward;for &or"s?+ I as"ed
+I thin" the words you-re loo"ing for are haute couture,+ ,osalie laughed.
+It-s not for &or"s, it-s for 7dward,+ #lice insisted. +It-s exactly right.+
hey too" me !ac" to the !athroom then, unwinding the curlers with flying fingers. o my
shoc", cascades of curls tum!led out. ,osalie pulled most of these up, carefully twisting
them into an e.uine mane of ringlets that flooded in a thic" line down my !ac". 4hile she
wor"ed, #lice .uic"ly painted a thin !lac" stripe around each of my eyes, !rushed on
mascara, and smeared dar" red lipstic" carefully on my lips. hen she darted out of the
room and returned promptly with the shoes.
+Perfect,+ ,osalie !reathed as #lice held them up to !e admired.
#lice tied the deadly shoe on expertly, and then loo"ed at my cast with speculation in her
+I guess we-ve done what we can,+ she shoo" her head sadly. +6ou don-t suppose 'arlisle
would let us;?+ she glanced at ,osalie.
+I dou!t it,+ ,osalie replied dryly. #lice sighed.
hey !oth per"ed their heads up then.
+3e-s !ac".+ I "new which -he- they meant, and I felt vigorous !utterflies in my stomach.
+3e can wait. here-s one more important thing,+ #lice said firmly. She lifted me again2a
necessity, I was sure I couldn-t wal" in that shoe2and carried me to her room, where she
gently stood me up in front of her wide, gilt edged, full length mirror.
+here,+ she said. +6ou see?+
I stared at the stranger in the mirror. She loo"ed very tall in the high shoe, with the long,
slender line of the clinging dress adding to the illusion. he dCcolletC !odice2where her
unusually impressive !ust line caught my eye again2made her nec" loo" very long, as did
the column of shining curls down her !ac". he hyacinth color of the fa!ric was perfect,
!ringing out the creaminess of her ivory s"in, the roses in the !lush on her chee"s. She
was very pretty, I had to admit.
+O"ay, #lice.+ I smiled. +I see.+
+1on-t forget it,+ she ordered.
She pic"ed me up again, and carried me to the top of the stairs.
+urn around and close your eyes?+ she ordered down the stairs. +#nd stay out of my head
2don-t ruin it.+
She hesitated, wal"ing more slowly than usual down the staircase until she could see that
he had o!eyed. hen she flew the rest of the way. 7dward stood !y the door, his !ac" to
us, very tall and dar"2I-d never seen him wear !lac" !efore. #lice set me upright,
smoothing the drape of my dress, twea"ing a curl into place, and then she left me there,
going to sit on the piano !ench to watch. ,osalie followed to sit with her in the audience.
+'an I loo"?+ his voice was intense with anticipation2it made my heart thro! unevenly.
+6es;now,+ #lice directed.
3e pivoted immediately, and then fro8e in place, his topa8 eyes wide. I could feel the heat
creep up my nec" and stain my chee"s. 3e was so !eautiful0 I felt a flic"er of the old fear,
that he was just a dream, not possi!ly real. 3e was wearing a tu)edo, and he !elonged on
a movie screen, not next to me. I stared at him in awed dis!elief.
3e wal"ed slowly toward me, hesitating a foot away when he reached me.
+#lice, ,osalie;than" ou,+ he !reathed without loo"ing away from me. I heard #lice
chuc"le in pleasure.
3e stepped forward, cupping one cold hand under my jaw, and stooping to press his lips to
my throat.
+It is you,+ he murmured against my s"in. 3e pulled away, and there were white flowers in
his other hand.
+&reesia,+ he informed me as he pinned them into my curls. +'ompletely redundant, as far
as fragrance is concerned, of course.+ 3e leaned !ac", loo"ing me over again. 3e smiled
his heart9stopping smile. +6ou are a!surdly !eautiful.+
+6ou too" my line,+ I "ept my voice as light as I could manage. +Just when I convince
myself that you-re actually real, you show up loo"ing li"e this and I-m afraid I-m dreaming
3e scooped me swiftly into his arms. 3e held me close to his face, his eyes !urning as he
pulled me even closer.
+4atch the lipstic"?+ #lice commanded.
3e laughed re!elliously, !ut dropped his mouth to the hollow a!ove my collar!one instead.
+#re you ready to go?+ he as"ed.
+Is anyone ever going to tell me what the occasion is?+
3e laughed again, glancing over his shoulder at his sisters. +She hasn-t guessed?+
+5o,+ #lice giggled. 7dward laughed delightedly. I scowled.
+4hat am I missing?+
+1on-t worry, you-ll figure it out soon enough,+ he assured me.
+Put her down, 7dward, so I can ta"e a picture,+ 7sme was coming down the stairs with a
silver camera in her hands.
+Pictures?+ I muttered, as he set me carefully on my wo!!ly good foot. I was getting a !ad
feeling a!out all of this. +4ill you show up on film?+ I as"ed sarcastically.
3e grinned at me.
7sme too" several snapshots of us, till 7dward laughingly insisted we would !e late.
+4e-ll see you there,+ #lice called as he carried me to the door.
+#lice will !e there? 4herever there may !e?+ I felt a little !etter.
+#nd Jasper, and 7mmett, and ,osalie.+
/y forehead wrin"led with concentration as I tried to deduce the secret. 3e snic"ered at
my expression.
+%ella,+ 7sme called after me, +6our father is on the phone.+
+'harlie?+ 7dward and I as"ed simultaneously. 7sme !rought me the phone, !ut he
snatched it as she tried to hand it to me, holding me away effortlessly with one arm.
+3ey?+ I protested, !ut he was already tal"ing.
+'harlie? It-s me. 4hat-s wrong?+ 3e sounded worried. /y face paled. %ut then his
expression !ecame amused9and suddenly wic"ed.
+Aive him the phone, 'harlie2let me tal" to him.+ 4hatever was going on, 7dward was
enjoying himself a little too much for 'harlie to !e in any danger. I relaxed slightly.
+3ello, yler, this is 7dward 'ullen,+ his voice was very friendly, on the surface. I "new it
well enough to catch the soft edge of menace. 4hat was yler doing at my house? he
awful truth started to dawn on me.
+I-m sorry if there-s !een some "ind of miscommunication, !ut %ella is unavaila!le
tonight.+ 7dward-s tone changed, and the threat in his voice was suddenly much more
evident as he continued. +o !e perfectly honest, she-ll !e unavaila!le every night, as far
as anyone !esides myself is concerned. 5o offense. #nd I-m sorry a!out your evening.+ 3e
didn-t sound sorry at all. #nd then he snapped the phone shut, a huge smir" on his face.
+6ou-re ta"ing me to the prom?+ I accused furiously. /y face and nec" flushed crimson with
anger. I could feel the rage9induced tears starting to fill my eyes.
3e wasn-t expecting the force of my reaction, that was clear. 3e pressed his lips together
and his eyes dar"ened.
+1on-t !e difficult, %ella.+
+%ella, we-re all going,+ #lice encouraged, suddenly at my shoulder.
+4hy are you doing this to me?+ I demanded.
+It will !e fun.+ #lice was still !rightly optimistic.
%ut 7dward !ent to murmur in my ear, his voice velvet and serious. +6ou-re only human
once, %ella. 3umor me.+
hen he turned the full force of his scorching golden eyes on me, melting my resistance
with their warmth.
+&ine,+ I pouted, una!le to glare as effectively as I would have li"ed, +I-ll go .uietly. %ut
you-ll see,+ I warned grimly, +this is the !ad luc" you-ve !een worrying a!out. I-ll pro!a!ly
!rea" my other leg. :oo" at this shoe? It-s a death trap?+ I held out my good leg as
+3mmm.+ 3e stared at my leg for a longer moment than necessary, and then loo"ed at
#lice with glowing eyes, +#gain, than" ou.+
+6ou-ll !e late to 'harlie-s,+ 7sme reminded him.
+#ll right, let-s go,+ he swung me through the door.
+Is 'harlie in on this?+ I as"ed through clenched teeth.
+Of course,+ he grinned.
I was preoccupied, so I didn-t notice at first. I was only vaguely aware of a silver car, and
assumed it was the =olvo. %ut then he stooped so low to put me in that I though he was
setting me on the ground.
+4hat-s this?+ I as"ed, surprised to find myself in an unfamiliar coupe. +4here-s the
+he =olvo is my everyday car,+ he told me carefully, apprehensive that I might throw
another fit. +his is a special occasion car.+
+4hat will 'harlie thin"?+ I shoo" my head disapprovingly as he clim!ed in and started the
engine. It purred.
+Oh, most of the population in &or"s thin"s that 'arlisle is an avid car collector.+ 3e sped
through the woods toward the highway.
+#nd he-s not?+
+5o, that-s more my ho!!y. ,osalie collects cars, too, !ut she prefers fooling around with
their innards to driving them. She did a lot of wor" on this one for me.+
I was still wondering why we were going !ac" to 'harlie-s house when we pulled up in
front of it. he porch light was on, though it wasn-t .uite dus" yet. 'harlie must !e
waiting, pro!a!ly pee"ing out the windows now. I started to !lush, wondering if my
father-s first reaction to the dress would !e similar to mine. 7dward strolled around the car,
slowly for him, to get my door2confirming my suspicions that 'harlie was watching.
hen, as 7dward was lifting me carefully out of the little car, 'harlie2very
uncharacteristically2came out into the yard to greet us. /y chee"s !urned0 7dward
noticed and loo"ed at me .uestioningly. %ut I needn-t have worried. 'harlie never even
saw me.
+Is that an #ston /artin?+ he as"ed 7dward in a reverent voice.
+6es2the =an.uish.+ he corners of his mouth twitched, !ut he controlled it.
'harlie released a low whistle.
+1o you want to give her a try?+ 7dward held up the "ey.
'harlie-s eyes finally left the car. 3e loo"ed at 7dward in dis!elief2colored !y a tiny hint of
+5o,+ he said, reluctant, +4hat would your father say?+
+'arlisle won-t mind at all,+ 7dward said truthfully, laughing. +Ao ahead.+ 3e pressed the
"ey into 'harlie-s willing hand.
+4ell, just a .uic" spin;+ 'harlie was already caressing the fender with one hand.
7dward helped me ho!!le to the front door, scooping me up as soon as we were inside,
and carrying me to the "itchen.
+hat wor"ed out well,+ I said. +3e didn-t have a chance to frea" out over the dress.+
7dward !lin"ed. +I didn-t thin" of that,+ he admitted. 3is eyes ra"ed over my dress again
with a critical expression. +I guess it-s a good thing we didn-t ta"e the truc", classic or
I loo"ed unwillingly away from his face long enough to notice that the "itchen was
unusually dim. here were candles on the ta!le, lots of them, may!e twenty or thirty tall,
white candles. he old ta!le was disguised !y a long, white cloth, as were two chairs.
+Is this what you were wor"ing on today?+
+5o2this only too" half a second. It was the food that too" all day. I "now how you find
fancy restaurants overpowering, not that there are many choices that fall into that
category around here, !ut I decided you couldn-t complain a!out your own "itchen.+
3e sat me in one of the white swathed chairs, and !egan assem!ling things out of the
oven and fridge. I noticed there was only one place setting.
+#ren-t you going to feed 'harlie, too? 3e-s !ound to come home eventually.+
+'harlie couldn-t eat another !ite2who do you thin" was my taster? I had to !e sure this
all was edi!le.+ 3e put a plate down in front of me, full of things that loo"ed very edi!le.
I sighed.
+#re you still mad?+ 3e pulled the other chair around the ta!le so he could sit next to me.
+5o. 4ell, yes, !ut not at this very moment. I was just thin"ing9there it goes, the one
thing I could do !etter than you. his loo"s great.+ I sighed again.
3e chuc"led. +6ou haven-t tried it yet2!e optimistic, may!e it-s awful.+
I too" a !ite, paused, and then made a face.
+Is it awful?+ he as"ed, shoc"ed.
+5o, it-s fa!ulous, naturally.+
+hat-s a relief,+ he smiled, so !eautiful. +1on-t !e concerned, there-s still lots of things
you-re !etter at.+
+5ame even one.+
3e didn-t answer at first, he just lightly ran his cool finger along the line of my collar!one,
holding my ga8e with smoldering eyes until I felt my s"in !urn and redden.
+here-s that,+ he murmured, touching the crimson in my chee". +I-ve never seen anyone
!lush as well as you do.+
+4onderful,+ I scowled. +Involuntary reactions2something I can !e proud of.+
+6ou-re also the !ravest person I "now.+
+%rave?+ I scoffed.
+6ou spend all your spare time in the company of vampires0 that ta"es some nerve. #nd
you don-t hesitate to put yourself in ha8ardous proximity with my teeth;+
I shoo" my head. +I "new you couldn-t come up with anything.+
3e laughed. +I-m serious, you "now. %ut never mind. 7at.+ 3e too" my for" from me,
impatient, and !egan feeding me. he food was all perfect, of course.
'harlie came home when I was almost finished. I watched his face carefully, !ut my luc"
was holding, he was too da88led !y the car to notice how I was dressed. 3e handed the
"eys !ac" to 7dward.
+han"s, 7dward,+ he smiled dreamily. +hat-s some car.+
+6ou-re welcome.+
+3ow did it all turn out?+ 'harlie loo"ed at my empty plate.
+Perfect.+ I sighed.
+6ou "now, %ella, you might let him practice coo"ing for us again sometime,+ he hinted.
I gave 7dward a dar" loo". +I-m sure he will, 1ad.+
It wasn-t till we were headed out that door that 'harlie completely wo"e up. 7dward had
his arm around my waist, for !alance and support, while I ho!!led along in the unsta!le
+Bm, you loo";very grown up, %ella.+ I could hear the !eginnings of fatherly disapproval
+/lice dressed me up. I didn-t get much say in anything.+
7dward laughed so low only I could hear.
+4ell, if #lice;+ he trailed off, somewhat mollified. +6ou do loo" pretty, %ells.+ 3e paused, a
sly gleam in his eyes. +So, should I !e expecting any more young men in tuxedos showing
up here tonight?+
I groaned and 7dward snic"ered. 3ow anyone could !e as o!livious as yler, I couldn-t
fathom. It wasn-t as if 7dward and I had !een exactly secretive at school. 4e came and
left together, he half carried me to all of my classes, I sat with him and his family everyday
at lunch, and he wasn-t shy a!out "issing me in front of witnesses, either. yler clearly
needed professional help.
+I hope so,+ 7dward grinned at my dad. +here-s a refrigerator full of leftovers2tell them
to help themselves.+
+I don-t thin" so2those are mine,+ 'harlie muttered.
+a"e names for me, 'harlie,+ the trace of menace in his voice was pro!a!ly only audi!le
to me.
+Oh, enough?+ I ordered.
han"fully, we finally made it into the car and away.
he wilight Soundtrac"D
(. +4hy 1oes it #lways ,ain on /e?+ 2 ravis
E. +I-m 5ot O"ay *I Promise$+ Fvideo editG 2 /y 'hemical ,omance
). +'reep+ Fradio editG 2 ,adiohead
H. +In /y Place+ 2 'oldplay
I. +%y /yself+ 2 :in"in Par"
@. +1reaming+ 2 O/1
J. +Please &orgive /e+ 2 1avid Aray
K. +3ere 4ith /e+ 2 1ido
L. +4ith 6ou+ Freanimation remixG 2 :in"in Par"
(>. +ime is ,unning Out+ 2 /use
((. +1reams+ 2 he 'ran!erries
(E. +rem!le for /y %eloved+ 2 'ollective Soul
(). +:ulla!y *Aoodnight, /y #ngel$+ 2 %illy Joel

After Twilight
Disclaimer: do not own Twilight or an! of it"s characters# do howe$er% own this
stor! and would appreciate to keep it that wa! &'
I could feel his !reath on my nec" and I rested my forehead against his shirt, waiting for
him to move out of the statue li"e state he was in. I felt two sharp points on my nec" that
nearly made me jump, !ut for once I was a!le to control myself enough not to move.
%ut then there was that !u88ing noise;
:i"e !ee humming near!y in the meadow they were standing in.
he sunlight so rarely shining made his s"in loo" li"e glittering diamonds that would stop
hearts and cause car crashes from distracted drivers all around.
%ut I didnMt have time to pay attention;
#nd the !u88ing was growing louder.
N7dward?O I as"ed, !lin"ing and sitting up.
I was suddenly aware of myself on my !ed and in my room; right where I had !een
!efore I went to sleep.
%itterly I ru!!ed my eyes and shut off the !u88ing alarm cloc" with more force then I
meant, "noc"ing it off the !edside ta!le. ,eaching down I intended to pic" it up, only
managing to hit my head on the ta!le as well and stum!le out of !ed, wincing at the pain
that was surprisingly not on my forehead !ut on my nec".
:i"e in the dream;
I shoo" my head, muttering under my !reath a!out how if I hit my head enough times
from !eing a "lut8 I might eventually hit the part in my head that causes it.
N3ow a!out you get to school first !efore hurting yourself, %ella;O a rather amused voice
as"ed from the window.
I didnMt have to turn around to "now it was 7dward. It was a daily routine now; I wo"e up,
tried not to hurt or injure myself, and 7dward would show up at my window loo"ing as
perfect as ever with his !eautiful smile and molten golden eyes.
urning around and smiling, everything always seemed well after 7dward came over.
/y smile dropped as I loo"ed over at who was at my window.
It wasnMt 7dward;
#lthough he loo"ed around the same age, if not a year older;
3is hair was a dar" !lood red that was tied !ac" in a ponytail !ehind his head, his eyes
were pitch !lac" and empty; !ut with a fierce loo" as though he were at a mix of taunting
her and hating her. 3is !uild was indeed wider then 7dwardMs !ut was poised li"e a cat
ready to stri"e.
Smoothly and with astonishing grace he stood up and started over towards me, his dar"
eyes narrowing at me li"e a cat stal"ing its mouse.
3e moved to reach out at me and I was suddenly aware of how close he was.
I did the only thing my !rain could comprehend;
I screamed and tried to hit him, shutting my eyes and turning my head away I waited for
him to hit me !ac".
N%ella? %ella?O
I "new that voice;
Opening my eyes again I !lin"ed and my eyes met those gorgeous honey colored eyes
which were full of confusion and worry.
N3uh? 7dward? 4henMd you get here?O I as"ed, dum!struc" to what had happened. /y
hand outstretched hand, meant to hit the stranger that had !een in front of me moments
!efore was now firmly held in 7dwardMs cold hands.
7dward continued to loo" at me, and I could already tell that he was thin"ing that I had
pro!a!ly finally gone completely insane.
I felt myself leave the ground and into his strong arms as he pic"ed me up and placed me
securely !ac" on the !ed. %efore I could !lin" I had the covers drawn !ac" up around me
and the cloc" safely perched on my nightstand.
N6ouMre staying home today.O 3e said firmly, proving me right, that he thought I had finally
I ru!!ed my head, wondering if pro!a!ly the !ump on my head had done more then given
me a !ruise.
N4hat happened?O 7dward finally as"ed, sitting down next to me on the !ed, loo"ing
overly worried.
NI guess I was still half asleep; I thought you were someone else and I guess I panic"ed.O
I said slowly, ru!!ing my forehead still.
3is eyes loo"ed at me s"eptically.
#nd it was true, I never panic"ed; my !oyfriend and his family were all vampires
*although safely had gone off !lood from humans$ and I was never scared around them for
those reasons. I had !een cornered in an alley !y four guys who would have done more
then just steal my money and had !een worried !ut was trying to figure out how to fight
them all !efore even really considering screaming.
N6ou just hit your head a !it hard.O 3e said, and so smoothly I hardly even noticed him
until I felt his cold touch, he gently ran his fingers around the forming !ruise on my
NI always hit my head a !it hard; I thin" IMm just going insane;O I muttered, sighing
against his cool touch.
7dward smiled, o!viously resisting the urge to say something o!vious.
N4hat did you dream a!out?O 3e as"ed softly, already starting his daily in.uisition on the
smallest things a!out her life.
I felt my face heat up and his face remained expressionless !ut I could have sworn I saw
the corners of his lips twitch in a small smile. N4ell I tal" in my sleep and youMre always
around listening, so why donMt you guess?O I as"ed him, folding my arms in an attempt to
loo" defensive.
NStrangely enough you didnMt say anything.O 7dward said, and I could have sworn I heard a
disappointed note in his voice.
N1onMt worry0 IMm sure the P%ella 1ream ShowM will !e !ac" on later tonight.O I muttered
3e laughed; that wonderful, musical laugh that I love.
N#renMt you going to !e late for school?O I as"ed. I "new I sounded disappointed, even
though I had tried to hide it in my voice, it was still there.
3e motioned towards the window which was !righter then usual which could only mean
that it was the rare case of sunlight in &or"s, 4ashington.
I sighed N#nd are you going to .uestion me all day?O I as"ed, loo"ing at him.
7dward grinned, showing his perfect and straight, however deadly, teeth. NOf course not. I
intend for you to have !rea"fast and to get ready while I call 'harlie.O 3e said simply.
I shoo" my head N#nd I thought I was the one going insane; if you call 'harlie wonMt he
!e a !it surprised that youMre over here?O I as"ed !lan"ly.
N%ella, you go and get ready and I will ta"e care of 'harlie.O 7dward said simply, standing
up and starting from the room, much to my disappointment.
%ut I nodded and stood, waiting for him to shut the door !ehind him !efore gra!!ing a
change of clothes and a !rush and heading to the !athroom, turning on the water and
getting undressed, loo"ing at the growing dar" shadow on my forehead and I frowned.
It had !een a few months since prom and school had started again. Over the summer
though 'harlie was a lot more used to having 7dward come over pretty much every day
and then having the !oth of us leave soon after.
I am really close to 7dwardMs family now0 going over there was a lot more fun, although
,osalie was still a !it distant from me, I have grown fond of the rest of his family. #lthough
still really felt the odd one out when I was so easily reminded of how perfect they were;
which was !asically; any time they wal"ed and I was stum!ling !ehind.
:uc"y for me though 'harlie had forgiven me easily over what had happened a while ago
when I had !een hunted; although IMm still not sure if 7dward forgives me yet, he is still
acting too overprotective for my taste. I was surprised he had let me go off to the
!athroom !y myself.
#fter ta"ing a shower and straightening my hair to perfection; or however close I would
ma"e it; I got changed and started downstairs, instantly greeted !y a rather pleasing
smell of !acon and eggs.
I sighed sadly, loo"ing over at 7dward who was !eside me Nhe one thing I thought I could
do !etter then you.O I said sadly, loo"ing at the perfect !rea"fast on the ta!le.
7dward grinned N4ell you havenMt tasted it yet, it might !e horri!le.O 3e said, trying to
comfort me as he sat down next to the chair with the meal in front of it and I too" that
I too" a !ite out of the !acon and made a face.
3e !lin"ed Nhat !ad?O 3e as"ed.
N5o, itMs perfect;O I muttered, eating the rest of the !acon and staring at the plate.
4hat was wrong with me? 1id that !ump on the head really cause that illusion? Or was I
still half asleep; that !oy; there was no way that I made him up; heMs not a character in
any !oo" IMve ever read, heMs not from school or any part of my imagination and IMve never
seen anyone li"e him; !ut his !ody ree"ed of power and something else; possession;
and hatred; the same hatred I remem!er 7dward loo"ing at me with last year in our first
%iology class together.
I chanced a glance over at 7dward and that only proved me right in my assumption he was
staring at me worriedly.
NIMm not going insane, I swear.O I said, putting up my hands in defense as I stood up with
the empty place and for" and !rought it over to the sin".
N4hat were you thin"ing?O 3e as"ed.
I de!ated on telling him what I had seen and ris"ing him whis"ing me off to the nearest
asylum. Bnfortunately although he couldnMt read my mind he could sure read the faltering
loo" on my face.
N%ella;O he said softly, his tone worried and I wondered if heMd ever !e a!le not to worry
a!out me for more then a few minutes.
%efore I could even thin" to !lin" he had his arms around me gently, !ut !rea"ing his grip
was li"e trying to !rea" steel. N#re you sure youMre o"ay?O 3e as"ed.
I made yet another mista"e as I turned around and loo"ed at his gorgeous eyes. NI9IMm
fine;O I managed to say.
N4hat were you thin"ing a!out?O 7dward as"ed again.
1amn those stupid eyes of his, I really needed to !uy him sunglasses or something;
Nhis morning;O I muttered, glad at least it wasnMt a lie.
N4hat a!out this morning?O 3e as"ed, already placing me into a chair !efore I reali8ed he
had pic"ed me up.
I shoo" my head NItMs nothing; I was just dreaming and IMm sorry I almost hit you.O I said
.uic"ly, !efore he could ma"e eye9contact with me again.
7dward !lin"ed, not !uying my story completely !ut dropping the su!ject until a later
time, than"fully.
N'harlie said heMll !e !ac" around noon to chec" up on you and ma"e sure youMre o"ay.O 3e
added, and I was glad for the change in su!ject, at least until he added the last part.
NI am going to !e leaving soon !ut I will !e !ac" later, alright?O 3e as"ed, worry laced in
his tone.
I sighed, nodding my head and "nowing that it was pro!a!ly !est I shouldnMt argue with
him. 3e pro!a!ly didnMt want to leave any more then she wanted him to, so it must !e
important to him that he leaves, and itMll only !e for a few hours.
Nry not to;O 3e trailed off, trying to thin" of an appropriate word that would descri!e all
the mayhem I might !e a!le to get into.
I smiled lightly NIMll try to stay intact while youMre away.O I said, nodding my head
7dward smiled lightly and leaned close to me, gently "issing my chee" and ma"ing my
heart stutter and pound frantically.
#nd then he was gone.
I sighed and sat !ac" down on the couch, wondering if there was anything worthwhile
doing today.
I sighed and sat bac" down on the couch, wondering if there was anthing worthwhile
doing toda.
#fter trying to concentrate on a !oo" and then going to the computer with itMs minute9long
loading pages and finally cleaning up my room, !rushing my hair, organi8ing my things
over three hours had passed. :uc"y for me though, 'harlie had come over early.
N4ell you have a pretty !ad !ump on your head.O 3e said, noticing the !ruise a!out an
inch over my left eye!row.
N6eah; I "inda; fell over; this morning.O I muttered, although pretty much guessed
'harlie had !een told the whole story already.
NItMs a good thing 7dward had come over to pic" you up and noticed something or you
would have !een in trou!le.O 3e said, nodding.
I sighed, at least happy to "now the ali!i 7dward had made as to why he was here so early
in the morning.
N6eah; me too.O I added, nodding my head.
'harlie still loo"ed at me worriedly N6ou should get some more sleep, %ells; youMre still not
loo"ing that well. IMll !e !ac" home later, if youMre not feeling well donMt use the stove.O 3e
said, already putting his jac"et !ac" on.
NO"ay, will do, dad.O
N4ell; if youMre o"ay; then I guess IMll go.O 'harlie added, nodding.
Nhan"s dad.O I added with a small grin and I stood, wal"ing into the other room. 'harlie
and I were the same, we !oth were horri!le at good!yes and giving than"s or tal"ing;
4al"ing over I gra!!ed my jac"et off the hanger NIMm gonna go for a short wal", nowhere
too far.O I added, loo"ing over at 'harlie who was a!out to as" where I was going.
NO"ay, %ells, just !e careful, o"ay?O 3e said !efore wal"ing out the door.
I waited until I heard the car pull away and I tugged my jac"et on, slipping on two sandals
which were inappropriate for the cold fall weather !ut I was only going to !e out for a !it.
I headed outside after ma"ing sure there was a spare "ey in my poc"et and the door was
loc"ed !ehind me. Starting down the driveway I started through the forest I had gone
through once !efore and dreamt a!out as well.
#fter !eing here for so long I had grown used to &or"s; I mean; it wasnMt so !ad once
you got past the rainy, dreary, and cold part of it; here were pretty good plus sides to it;
and I mean !esides !eing with 7dward. he forest was !eautiful, and the school was nice
enough0 I have friends there; itMs all great.
I loo"ed around tentatively0 sighing deeply when I reali8ed I had ran out of path a long
time ago. N4hy does this always seem to happen to me?O I groaned aloud, running a hand
through my hair in frustration as I loo"ed around, hoping to find a sign of the path
5o such luc".
Aroaning inwardly I sighed and sat down on a moss9covered log and tried to thin".
Perhaps if I just wal"ed !ac"wards for a few minutes IMd find the pathway? %ut then I could
just end up getting more lost then !efore; or may!e the ground is wet enough so that I
would have left footprints?
he one time I was glad for the s.uishy green stuff on the ground, I could just follow my
own footsteps !ac".
# low; feral growl ripped through the air, cutting the peaceful silence and sending !irds
and other small animals flying and speeding away from the source.
I nearly jumped out of my s"in !ut my !ody didnMt want to react as I stood stoc" still,
una!le to move or even !reathe. Somehow the one part of my !rain that still seemed
functional "new that growl was !oth human and inhuman.
N4on5t go into the woods alone65 7dwardMs words echoed in my head.
NI5m not alwas the most dangerous thing out there. 8et5s leave it at that.6
he words echoed in my head, I remem!ered them clearly; well of course I remem!ered
them clearly now when I was already deep in the forest and facing something with a growl
li"e an animalMs roar.
I loo"ed around, trying to figure out where the growl had come from, !ut it was nearly
here was a faint rustle of leaves and I stood up, ready to try and run; although I dou!ted
I would get anywhere !efore I tripped and fell flat on my face. So typical for me to
em!arrass myself as I was a!out to die !y doing a face9plant into the dirt and moss;
I heard another rustle, this one closer and I !ac"ed up, away from the noise. Ironically
enough many things happened all at once;
I had tripped over the log I had !een sitting on moments !efore, ma"ing myself fall over
onto my !ac" and propped up onto my el!ows. 3alfway through losing my !alance and
!ending !ac"ward a sharp pain had sliced over my chee", very thin yet long. he pain was
followed !y a rever!erating thud against the tree nearest to me. here were more rustling
of leaves then total, deadly, silence.
#fter what seemed li"e hours !ut was pro!a!ly only a second, I managed to stand !ac" up
without tripping over the log again and loo"ed around. /y chee" stung lightly, feeling li"e
a paper cut that had met soap.
:oo"ing over at the tree I saw a "nife; not a Swiss army "nife you can get at the dollar
store, !ut a real "nife, complete with a !ron8e and engraved with patterns and sym!ols on
the hilt and a jagged !lade that had o!viously !een thrown into more then one tree; or
anything else; It too" me a few seconds to reali8e that it was stuc" into the tree right
where my head had !een !efore I tripped.
a"ing a deep !reath I put a hand over my fast !eating heart as I stood up and wrapped
my hand around the hilt of the "nife0 placing my foot on the !ar" of the tree and !oth
hands on the hilt I managed to pull out the "nife, sending myself staggering !ac"wards
into the tree !ehind me.
3olding the "nife firmly in my hand and ma"ing sure it was well away from my !ody I
loo"ed around again, hoping to find something; !ut I didnMt "now what it was.
he wind !lew my dar" !rown hair around my face and I !rushed it !ac" irrita!ly.
I could soon smell the horri!le sic"ening smell of rust, or salt, and my hand was wet with
the red li.uid from my face. Instantly I felt faint and had to lean against the tree,
!reathing heavily and trying not to thin" of the horri!le smell, the sic"ening touch, the
stic"y feeling of it on my fingers.
/y whole !ody was sha"ing and I felt li"e I was going to !e sic", closing my eyes tightly I
tried to !reathe deeply through my mouth, gathering air into my lungs and letting it out
slowly. #ir swirled around me again, ma"ing me sigh as the !ree8e felt nice on my s"in
which was pro!a!ly coated in a fine sheen of sweat.
I "new it wasnMt safe to stay and that I had to hurry up and move !efore whatever it was
that seemed to disli"e me, came !ac", and most li"ely he or she; or it; wouldnMt li"e that
I had survived.
Opening my eyes and !reathing deeply and slowly once again I started !ac" down the trail
of where my footprints lead. I didnMt dare wipe the !lood from my chee", only "nowing IMd
pro!a!ly smear it and snap my control which was hanging !y a thread.
#ll at once I felt my !ody collide against into a tree, a horri!le sic"ening crunching sound
almost assured me I was dead !y my un"nown attac"er, !ut I didnMt feel anything !ut a
!ruising and aching feeling on my !ac" from !eing rammed into the tree so hard.
I loo"ed around !lan"ly, trying to ta"e in everything !ut my !rain only processing a few
!its of information at once. here were two hands on each side of my lower head and
upper nec", !oth hands were so stiff and rigid and strong they were crunching into the
wood of the tree, ma"ing two deep hand mar"s that were sending splinters of wood onto
the ground.
here was a !ody in front of me, very close and !reathing heavily yet as rigid as his hands
wo eyes loo"ed up into mine0 !oth of them were a pitch !lac" and full of a raw pain; and
a hunger; a need; so much li"e a predator I almost thought they !elonged to an animal.
I noticed the wonderful scent of him !efore I could process his face which was hardly half a
foot from mine and struggling to pull !ac" yet moving closer so smoothly I hardly noticed
N7dward;O I said softly, my voice dry and wea" and sounding so soft I wasnMt sure if I had
said it aloud or not.
he sound of his name seemed to give him a !it of strength and he managed to stop
moving closer to her; not that it mattered0 he was hardly less then four inches from my
N%ella; run; now;O 3e growled, each word loo"ing li"e it cost him great difficulty to say.
7ven as he said it his head was moving closer and his lips soon found mine, stopping all
thought forming in my head. 3e trailed his "isses over to the side of my face and swiftly
lic"ed away the !lood from the wound on my face, nearly stopping my heart; if it hadnMt
done that !efore. 4ith a strangled cry and gasp he forced himself away from her,
!reathing heavily and his hands !urrowing deeper into the wood. NI said AO.O 3e yelled,
shutting his eyes tightly and fighting every urge and instinct he had.
It too" me a few seconds to reali8e what he had said and I started to duc" down from
!etween his arms, li"e youMd see so many times in the movies; !ut it didnMt wor" out so
well. I fell over onto my side and fell a !it onto him although he didnMt !udge at all. I stood
completely still; de!ating on weather to run or not. On one hand, if I let this happen; I
could !ecome li"e 7dward; !ut that was horri!ly selfish; I couldnMt do that; he would
never trust me or himself again;
NI told you to run?O 7dward yelled, leaning his head against the tree and holding it
I stum!led and tripped over five times as I ran, although managed to "eep myself from
falling too heavily or scratching myself up too !adly. It only seemed li"e a matter of
seconds that I ran through the forest and was !ac" along the path and I could clearly see
houses in view.
&or some reason I felt calm as I wal"ed !ac" to the house, calmly wal"ing inside and
calmly sitting down. I closed my eyes, trying hard to stay calm while I processed
everything that had happened;
I had gone for a wal"; and then something happened with a "nife and my chee" was cut;
the wind must have !lown the scent of my !lood around, !ut 7dward must have !een
near!y to !egin with; it would have ta"en a while for the scent to even reach 3IS nose
and for him to come all the way to me without !eing a!le to control himself.
/y fingers gently traced along the cut on my chee" which, miraculously, had felt li"e it was
starting to heal, and luc"y for me, wouldnMt scar. I stood up and wal"ed into the !athroom,
securely shutting the door !efore turning on the light. #s usual I was pale, !ut even worse
now and my s"in loo"ed pretty close to the same tone as 7dwardMs own now.
# faint line, hardly !igger then a papercut, was placed on my chee". It was faint now and
there was still a light smear of !lood on the side of my chee", !ut other then that it was
hardly noticea!le and a!out the length of a pin"y finger.
Ara!!ing a washcloth I wiped off the remaining !lood and though I washed my face to
ma"e sure no hint of !lood was left, the feeling of 7dwardMs mouth on my chee" still
I had never seen him so out of his control; he had ta"en my !lood !efore; when he had
no other choice; and he had pulled away even though it cost him great strain. %ut !ac" in
the forest, he was fighting with every ounce of his strength, we were outside so my scent
wasnMt as heavy, and his eyes earlier that day hadnMt !een so dar". Bnli"e in the dancing
room; my !lood had !een all over the place and the room was rather small; !ut then
again he was pro!a!ly more worried then anything else;
NI thought it was supposed to get easier?O I as"ed helplessly as I loo"ed at myself.
3olding up my hand there was a faint line across the !ac" of my palm, a scar that would
never heal. I could see my hands were sha"ing as well and I felt li"e I needed to lie down
for a !it, although I "new I wouldnMt !e a!le to get any decent sleep. NIMm sorry; 7dward;O
I whispered .uietly, almost half expecting him to respond.
5ow I was dreading school tomorrow; would he even !e there? 3e pro!a!ly wouldnMt
show up tomorrow and may!e even the next day. If he showed up tomorrow; surely heMd
!e furious with me; who wouldnMt? 3e had told me to run, and I was stupid enough to
thin" to stay and ma"e him change me.
Silently I left the !athroom and I heard 'harlieMs car pull into the driveway. Quic"ly, I
started up the stairs as he wal"ed in, IMd rather not show him my scratched up hands and
my extra9pale s"in.
N%ells?O 3e as"ed, loo"ing over at the stairs.
N3i dad, welcome !ac", I just got !ac" and IMm gonna ta"e a shower and get some sleep,
IMm "inda tired.O I said .uic"ly, too .uic"ly, and my voice was sha"y and uneven. I could
tell 'harlie was de!ating on weather as"ing what was wrong or not and I sei8ed the
opportunity to continue upstairs and wal" into my !athroom easily.
I leaned against the door of the !athroom, sighing heavily and sin"ing down along it. /y
mind was !u88ing with so many .uestions, yet I couldnMt concentrate on any of them to
really figure out why I was so; anxious? 4orried?
I slipped into the shower and stayed in there even after the hot water started to run out.
#fter coming to my senses I finally clim!ed out, got changed into my pajamas and started
!ac" into my room, sitting down on the !ed, !ut feeling too num! to really notice my
It was a long time that I just stared around at my room, every once and a while trying to
get a !oo" and actually get into reading, or may!e playing my '1 player, !oth soft and
then so loud my ears hurt, yet none of it seemed to clear my head.
&inally it was at least a reasona!le time to sleep, !ut still fairly early as I saw it was only
eight oMcloc". N7dward?O I as"ed, "nowing he wouldnMt !e there and I felt stupid, tal"ing to
7ven so; I switched the !lan"ets and pillows around so I slept closer to the window, just
in case 7dward came !ac". I "new I wouldnMt !e a!le to sleep, I felt tired, yet full of
adrenaline. I sighed and turned my head towards the window, loo"ing outside and waiting
for the one who was most dangerous to me then anyone else on the planet to return.
(ot reall! what expected### wanted a scene with Edward hunting% )ut
couldn"t reall! imagine so much what he would )e like% not to mention wh! he
would )e close enough for Bella to "happen" apon him#
But hope !ou all like this#
Disclaimer: The book 'Twilight' is owned by Stephenie Meyer... not little 'ol me
&ven so9 I switched the blan"ets and pillows around so I slept closer to the window, 3ust
in case &dward came bac". I "new I wouldn5t be able to sleep, I felt tired, et full of
adrenaline. I sighed and turned m head towards the window, loo"ing outside and waiting
for the one who was most dangerous to me then anone else on the planet to return.
#fter a few very long hours I heard my alarm go off and reali8ed I must had fallen asleep
after all. ,eaching my hand over I attempted to turn off the alarm, only to find thin air.
%lin"ing da8edly I loo"ed up and remem!ered that I had slept next to the window.
#fter turning off my alarm cloc" and getting dressed and ready, strangely without any
incident !esides almost tripping out of the shower stall. #fter drying my hair impecca!ly
straight and actually ma"ing my !ed I was ready to loo" outside the window, something I
had !een avoiding for a while.
Just as I thought, there was no silver =olvo waiting for me today, just my truc" and
'harlieMs car in the driveway. I sighed softly and gra!!ed my jac"et, putting it on and
heading outside and into my car;
I had noticed something in the rearview mirror that I hadnMt noticed in my !athroom. he
mar"; right where the "nife had cut me; was completely gone, no trace of anything that
had ever !een there.
%lin"ing and loo"ing at my chee" in wonderment my mind wandered !ac" to the "nife. It
was old and rather !eautiful, a hunterMs "nife, one that you would get as a custom9made
gift and would never leave !ehind. 4hoever it was, most li"ely I wouldnMt !e so luc"y next
time, and whoever had thrown the "nife, would not settle for that I hadnMt !een "illed.
It was ama8ing how I ended up sitting down in my first period class without even noticing
how I got there. It was /i"e that had called me !ac" from my da8e as he wal"ed over and
sat down at the ta!le in front of ours. N6ou loo" really upset, %ella;O 3e said, his concern,
I "new, was still more then a !it friendly.
NI didnMt get much sleep last night;O I muttered, sighing and ru!!ing my eyes to !rea" out
of my stupor and "eep it that way.
N'ullen isnMt here today;O /i"e noted, glancing at the empty chair !eside me.
I didnMt even !other to glare at /i"e this time N6eah, I donMt thin" heMs feeling that well
today;O I muttered softly, una!le to "eep the sadness out of my voice.
#nd my luc" just couldnMt get any !etter could it? /i"e noticed my tone as well.
N1id you two have a fight or something?O 3e as"ed, "eeping his tone concerned !ut I could
have sworn I heard him with a !it of hopefulness in his voice as well.
NSorta;O I muttered0 it was either that or have him tal"ing to me a!out ta"ing me to the
nurse. /ay!e /i"e would grow a !rain and "now to !ac" off from the topic after all.
%ut I was saved from the possi!ility of /i"e !ecoming even happier at the thought and
starting to ta"e that to his advantage; the teacher had come in and started to write
directions up on the !oard, still a review from last year, and my mind was free to wander;
not a good thing;
I had gym next period; and oh joy for me, 7dward was in one of the two classes that
shared the gym at the time, so he was a!le to see how really "lut8y I was; although it
wasnMt so !ad anymore; at least; I hadnMt hurt anyone so far, just myself once ore twice.
I could remem!er the first time we had class and we had to run trac", after the second lap
my shoe !ecame untied and I fell right on my face. I remem!ered only getting a scratch
!ut ever since then 7dward always watched me carefully and was near!y when we ran.
I felt my heart rate start to accelerate when once again my thoughts strayed !ac" to why
7dward wasnMt at school; !ut I donMt thin" I would !e a!le to face him after what
happened; I felt li"e I had !etrayed him; It felt li"e I had !een shutting him away,
rejecting him;
Is that what he thought then? hat I had !etrayed him? I had a!andoned him;
4ithout noticing my heart rate had continued to clim! and the teacher had stopped
tal"ing. /i"e had turned towards me and loo"ed alarmed N%ella? %ella are you alright?
6ouMre really pale;O 3e said, worried.
I shoo" my head and put a hand to my forehead, feeling that I was clammy. NI; thin" I
need to lie down;O I muttered.
/i"e nodded his head and wal"ed over towards the teacher0 I didnMt even pay attention
!ut was pretty sure that he was as"ing if he could ta"e me to the nurseMs office. In truth I
wasnMt feeling that !ad, !ut I needed to calm down, and there was no point in stressing on
my own pro!lems when I canMt pay attention in class. NItMs o"ay0 I can go !y myself;O I
added, standing up and swaying a !it on my unsteady feet.
N#lright then Isa!ella, if you thin" thatMs !est;O he teacher said simply, a small smile on
the old womanMs lips and I pac"ed my stuff away !efore starting out the door.
I hardly got a few feet past the door, still staring at my feet, and I rammed head9long into
someone. I winced and fell onto the ground, ru!!ing my head and loo"ing up to apologi8e
to the person I had rammed into. # hand reached down and effortlessly pic"ed me !ac" up
to my feet !y gra!!ing my arm. N#re you o"ay? Sorry for !umping into you;O # male voice
said0 a faint trace of amusement in his tone.
I !lin"ed and loo"ed up at him, my eyes widened in horror and shoc". I recogni8ed the
!lood red hair tied in a ponytail and spilled a !it onto his shoulder; his pitch !lac" eyes
that gleamed with a sort of possession and his whole !ody which screamed power. 4ithout
saying anything I gathered my stuff from the ground and ran down the hallway.
I could have sworn I heard him laughing and spea"ing softly N6ou have something of
mine; I want it !ac";O 3e had said softly;
I didnMt stop running until I ended up tripping over myself and !reathing heavily as I
loo"ed around anxiously, as though expecting him to still !e standing there. #t least I
"now itMs not my imagination now; it was real; he was real;
I winced and ru!!ed my chee" that had started to sting a !it !efore starting out from the
school. I donMt thin" I could ta"e it, I was too anxious to even try and pay attention in
class either.
Sighing I was glad now that I had pac"ed my stuff at least. I unloc"ed my car and tossed
my !ag into the !ac" !efore closing the door and clim!ing into the front. :uc"y for me now
my car didnMt have a roar, just a nice purr as I pulled out of the school par"ing lot and
started !ac" home.
I de!ated on weather trying to see if 7dward was home; !ut I dou!ted it. #fter what
happened he either wouldnMt answer or he would !e out hunting to ma"e sure it didnMt
happen next time he saw her.
/y mind wandered off, trying to thin" of what to say or do when 7dward returned; or
de!ating on going to the door and seeing if he was home or not. I ended up not paying
attention and wasnMt thin"ing a!out the !lac" car driving onto the road from a turn in front
of me. I thought they would wait for me to pass !ut my luc" has once against failed me for
the day.
/y attention snapped up as the car started in front of me0 instinctively I slammed on the
!rea"s and turned away from the car. I expected to hear a horn !laring, swearing, steel
!eing crushed or glass !rea"ing. Instead I felt a light !ump and !lin"ed, loo"ing around to
find the carMs front !umper lightly touching mine, it pro!a!ly didnMt even scratch the paint.
%lin"ing and trying to gather my scram!led thoughts I !ac"ed up onto the side of the road
!efore getting out and seeing if there was any damage. Shoc"ingly there wasnMt any
damage at all. I loo"ed over at the car which pulled in front of me and the driver got out.
3is !lood red hair pulled into a ponytail fell from over his shoulder onto his !ac" as he
turned his !lac" eyes over at me with a faint amusement. Nhey teach you in driving
school to pay attention to the road.O 3e said softly, his voice soft and musical, holding the
same da88ling a!ility that 7dwardMs had, !ut I "new well enough now so it didnMt effect
me; at least not li"e 7dwardMs did.
#lthough my heart was ramming against my ri!s so hard I thought it would !urst, and it
didnMt help that he was pro!a!ly a!le to hear it. Slowly I !ac"ed up against the door of my
car, my hand on the handle and ready to !olt inside. here was no way he was human; I
was sure enough of that. %ut if he wasnMt human; and he was a vampire li"e the 'ullens;
then there was no chance I would !e a!le to get into the car !efore he could do; whatever
he was going to do. I dou!t the car would even ma"e me safe from such a dangerous
N4hy are you stal"ing me?O I demanded0 my throat dry and my voice wea" even though it
was supposed to !e demanding.
3e smiled and started towards me li"e a predator stal"ing its prey. NI already told you;
you have something of mine and I want it !ac".O 3e said simply, as though the
conversation were as light as tal"ing a!out the weather.
NI9I donMt "now what you mean;O I muttered lic"ing my lips in hopes to try and !ring some
moisture !ac" to my mouth; it didnMt wor".
N'ome now, you must "now what I mean;O 3e said softly, another step.
N4ho are you?O I as"ed, swallowing and happy that my voice was at least sturdier then it
had !een !efore.
N/y name? 'all me Julian;O 3e said, grinning lightly and wal"ing forward again.
I winced as he stuc" out his hand, expecting there to !e some sort of !oom, or crash, or
pain or something. %ut lo !ehold he was just holding out his hand to sha"e my own hand;
which was currently sha"ing on its own. I held it out to him anyways and shoo" his hand
cautiously, "nowing full well that he could "ill me any split second he wanted to right now.
NIMm %ella;O I said, rather surprised to find my voice somewhat calm this time.
3e smiled NI "now; after all; everyone "nows everyone else here in &or"s.O 3e said,
nodding his head !efore shrugging.
Nhen where are you from?O I as"ed, still sha"ing and not trusting him at all, those eyes
full of humor and possession as well as something that loo"ed close to hunger.
I !lin"ed, sha"ing my head and clim!ing !ac" into my own car. I had the feeling as though
I had just !een thrown off a cliff and somehow survived without a scratch. here was a
horri!le !urning pain on the side of my head and I closed my eyes for a few seconds,
ru!!ing my head sorely.
I moved !ac" onto the road, ma"ing sure to pay attention this time as I passed the turn.
#lthough this time; there was a loud screech, a horn !laring, and loud popping noises as
well as glass shattering and steel smashing.
I felt my head ram against something and a sharp pain across my forehead; !ut it all felt
num!; li"e I was feeling it !ut everything was happening too fast for my !rain to process
what was going on or the pain.
hen everything went !lac";
It was a while !efore the !lac"ness started to fade and I could feel myself again.
I too" a deep slow !reath, de!ating on weather to open my eyes or not, I focused on
trying to figure out what was going on without opening them. /y hands felt !andaged up,
taped up and laying on a thin and rather uncomforta!le !lan"et. I was lying down on a !ed
and it was stiff and uncomforta!le, a !andage around my head and a splitting headache.
he !ed had me in a somewhat upright position, so I was lying down at a !it of an angle.
,eality hit me and it made me feel stupid that I didnMt "now where this was at first. NOw;O
I muttered softly, wincing and !iting my lip when that hurt as well.
&inally I opened my eyes and loo"ed around0 I was !ac" in the same white room as
!efore, !ac" when I had almost !een hit !y ylerMs car and when I had almost !een "illed
!y the trac"er.
/oving a !it I was pleased to find that sitting up a !it more didnMt hurt me. I shivered and
tried hard not to loo" down at my arms, already "nowing needles were pro!a!ly em!edded
into them.
I !lin"ed and turned, wincing and then !iting my tongue again as all of that seemed to
hurt at once. N'h9 1ad?O I as"ed, !lin"ing and loo"ing over at him. 3e was almost paler
then I was and let out a sigh when he heard me respond.
N4hat happened?O I as"ed, my voice was wea" and I could hardly hear it myself, !ut
'harlie seemed to hear me as he sat down in the chair next to the !ed.
Nhan" goodness youMre alright; they said you had gone to the nurseMs office and no one
had even thought you were missing at all. %y the time someone saw it you had !een
unconscious for almost an hour and had lost a lot of !lood. he person in the other car had
apparently run away from the scene and the car itself was stolen. :uc"ily your wounds
werenMt that serious and you were ta"en to the hospital .uic"ly.O 'harlie said very .uic"ly.
'ome to thin" of it, that was pro!a!ly the longest thing heMs ever said to me all at once.
N%ut; what happened; I mean; there wasnMt.O /y head hurt and I felt confused, my mind
finding it nearly impossi!le to digest everything.
N6ou were driving and the person who was in the !lac" car came out of a turn without
loo"ing and you !oth crashed.O 'harlie said simply.
:,ou were driving and the person who was in the blac" car came out of a turn without
loo"ing and ou both crashed.6 Charlie said simpl.
I just stared; I couldnMt do anything else !ut stare at him;
3ow had that happened?
I had remem!ered missing the car, tal"ing to that guy;
hat guy; Julian;
3e wanted something;
Or some things;
I .uic"ly found my voice and hoped it was at least somewhat audi!le NI wasnMt feeling good
and I decided to go home, I guess I must have passed out or something.O I muttered
softly, ru!!ing my head and surprised to hear my own voice.
%efore 'harlie could say anything I .uic"ly as"ed N4hatMs the damage?O
N5ot that !ad, the front paint was scratched off and the !umper hanging off. %ella I canMt
!elieve how irresponsi!le you were; that accident could have !een so much worse;O
'harlie said, anguish etched deep into his voice along with worry and concern. It hadnMt
!een that long ago that I had nearly !een "illed !y Pfalling out of a windowM after all.
NIMm sorry, 1ad; IMll get the truc" fixed up with my own money; I really donMt "now what
happened though0 I have no memory of hitting a car.O I said softly, my voice !ecoming
wea"er and I felt drowsiness starting to overcome my senses;
N6ouMre not going to !e driving for some time.O 'harlie added sternly !efore standing up,
o!viously sensing my sudden wave of lethargy. N6ou should !e a!le to come home later
today or tomorrow; youMre luc"y though, your arm is sprained !ut not !adly; 6ou have a
!unch of !ruises and cuts, !ut nothing too !ad.O 'harlie said, nodding.
NIMll need a cast?O I as"ed, trying to sound horrified !ut it came out da8ed.
'harlie just smiled N5o, you wonMt need a cast, !ut youMll have to wear a !race on your
arm, or a lighter cast.O 3e said, wal"ing over towards the door and opening it, halfway out
of the room already. N6ou get some rest, %ells0 IMll !e !ac" later when youMre awa"e.O 3e
said, slipping out the door.
I could have sworn I saw two dar", dar", eyes staring at me from the hallway !ehind
'harlie, !ut I was too tired to really care.
If that wasnMt weird enough; as my eyes started to close I felt someone watching me,
leaning close to me. #s my eyes closed I felt two lips !rush my chee", so light I dou!t I
was supposed to feel it, !ut I felt hyperaware of anything at the moment.
N7d;ward?O I whispered !ro"enly, trying to open my eyes, !ut there was too much fog.
I felt the figure !ac" away; and I swore I could have heard a soft menacing growl.
%ut once again, all was !lac".
I !lin"ed and opened my eyes again, only to wince and close them soon after. Since when
was the light so !linding?
Opening my eyes again I glanced over at the familiar curtains and sheets and pillow; and
more importantly the comforta!le mattress !eneath me.
:oo"ing around it felt li"e I had come !ac" from a vacation; or a very long dream;
7verything to me was fu88y and felt li"e a dream.
One loo" at myself in the mirror over at the other side of the room told me different.
/y arm was in a light cast, holding it firmly in place and ma"ing it una!le for me to move
my wrist, yet not as !ul"y as a cast. It was on a sling wrapped around my shoulder.
Surprisingly enough the !ruises on my face had started to heal a !it, and only a few still
healing scars remained on my face and arms. he only thing that hurt was my chee"; it
stung horri!ly li"e a papercut that had touched a lemon, or alcohol. I wanted to touch it,
figure out why the unmarred part of my face was stinging so !adly, !ut I didnMt trust
myself to move at the moment.
entatively I moved and !rought my un9injured arm a!ove the !lan"ets, gently resting my
shoc"ingly cold fingers on my smooth chee", inspecting it for anything, something that
would !e logical to the pain that was feeling worse now.
I couldnMt find anything !ut just decided to ignore it0 the pain was fading already anyways.
I sighed and too" a deep !reath, registering everything !efore trying to figure out what to
do, or what time it was. I glanced out the window and saw that not only was it day, and
pro!a!ly pretty early in the day, !ut it was actually sunn.
4hile loo"ing at the window I !lin"ed, seeing a glint of red. /oving gingerly I found that
there wasnMt any pain really in moving my legs or my un9injured arm, just a few "in"s
from not moving in so long.
I !lin"ed and my eyes widened, loo"ing at the scene li"e it was a murder.
here on my windowsill had !een a !eautiful rose, all thorns removed carefully and loo"ing
so perfect.
Or it had !een.
he lush red petals had !een ripped off, leaving only a few in the middle that had !een cut
up, the petals were scattered and what loo"ed li"e; sta!!ed. he stem of the rose was
sliced up, !ut not all the way through.
It was cut up; sta!!ed with a; dagger;
I half stum!led out of !ed and darted over towards my drawer, yan"ing it open and leafing
through the papers, !ro"en colored and lead pencils, a few discarded '1Ms and
It was; gone;
he dagger was gone; that means whoever had tried to "ill me had come into my room
while I was sleeping and was a!le to ta"e the dagger without alarming anyone.
%ut why hadnMt they just "illed her then? 4hoever it was o!viously wanted her dead, so
what was the point?
I remem!ered JulianMs words; somehow I already "new it was his "nife;
%ut that didnMt explain the rose; why would he cut up a rose and leave it at the
N7dward;O I said aloud, surprised to hear my own voice, it sounded foreign and strange to
my ears. %ut one thing was for certain; I was almost certain that it was 7dward who had
left the rose for her; he was the one, after all, which had a ha!it of watching her sleep.
; #nd Julian was the one to tear and sta! at the flower to shreds.
%ut what did that mean?
4ell; I "new what it meant; !ut my mind refused to process it; I now "new that the lips
I had felt on my chee" werenMt 7dwardMs; they were JulianMs;
I shoo" my head and .uic"ly started through the drawers, with some difficulty and
grum!ling I was actually a!le to put a shirt on without "noc"ing anything over or hurting
myself. I tugged on a pair of jeans and !rushed my hair which was worse then ever, I
wanted to ta"e a shower !ut I wasnMt sure if the cast was waterproof or not.
I started downstairs and I could tell 'harlie had gone off to wor"; so what was it then?
4ednesday? hursday? 4ow; even after !eing in a hospital and !eing unconscious for the
most of a few days the wee" went !y very slowly.
/y eyes strayed towards the calendar, the "ind when you rip off a sheet for every day and
they had a cute picture or a phrase or something on it. /y heart sun" and I reali8ed it was
&riday. 3ow could I have !een sleeping for that long? 'harlie said the injuries werenMt that
/y eyes moved over to the cloc" on the microwave and luc"ily it was ED)>, which meant
that the 'ullens would !e home soon, or at least all the ones in high school; mainly
7dward or #lice.
I felt goose !umps rise on my arms and the hair stand on my nec"; my pulse was racing
and I glanced around, suddenly feeling li"e I was !eing watched; and it was not nearly as
scary as people made it seem in the movies;
I glanced over at the front door; loc"ed.
he !ac" door; loc"ed.
#nd I didnMt have to chec" the windows0 they were always loc"ed and closed !ecause of
the rain.
I forced myself to !reathe deeply !efore aimlessly wal"ing from the "itchen only to return
when my stomach growled loudly. I laughed .uietly to myself; the noise strangely loud in
the empty house.
4hat was I getting upset for? here was no one in the house? 5o one could have gotten
Bnless; of course;
5o; I didnMt dare finish that thought0 it would have me .uivering against the corner at the
thought of him !eing in the house.
rying to occupy my mind I gra!!ed a few things from the refrigerator and made myself a
.uic" lunch. It occupied my mind for only a few minutes, and then the full force of
someone watching me returned as I slowly continued to eat, my eyes darting around the
room, alert for any sign of movement.
I felt relieved when I was done eating, that meant I could wash the dishes, and "eep my
hands, and hopefully my mind, !usy.
he door!ell rang and, already tenser then a spring, I jumped and dropped the glass onto
the ground, and winced when a shatter soon followed. ,eacting .uic"ly I started over
towards the door and sighed heavily, my heart starting to slow down when I saw the
familiar pixie9li"e girl loo"ing through the window at me, loo"ing startled and worried and I
was certain she had heard the glass shatter and pro!a!ly my erratic heart!eat as well.
N#lice;O I said, a long sigh of relief as I opened the door and she hugged me, starting
NIMm sorry; I didnMt mean to scare you,O She said, wal"ing into the "itchen with me and
loo"ing down at the glass on the ground. NIMll clean it up.O She said, smiling and already
!ending down to clear the glass into a pile.
N#lice you donMt have to? ,eally, it was just me !eing clumsy; even worse now !ecause of
my arm;O I said, wal"ing over and gra!!ing the !room and helping her sweep the glass
onto a pile which I .uic"ly helped dump into the trash.
N#re you o"ay, %ella? 6ou loo" really pale;O #lice said, loo"ing up at me, her eyes laced
with worry.
I felt a shiver run down my spine and part of me was ready to tell #lice everything, the
man stal"ing her, the rose that was torn up, everything. I even opened my mouth to tell
her, !ut what I heard come out was NIMm fine, you just really spoo"ed me.O
4hy didnMt I tell her?
#lthough that was simple enough to answer; the same reason that "ept me from running
and trying to find 7dward to help her;
4hoever Julian was, he was powerful; he ree"ed of power; so far from what I could tell;
he had stopped time, tal"ed with me, got me to go !ac" into the car and the same place
and crashed it all over again; I was scared for myself, yes, !ut even more scared for
7dward and #lice and their family. If Julian wanted me; then 7dward would protect me;
!ut that would end up causing a fight;
N3owMs 7dward? Is he o"ay? 3as he !een at school at all? 3as he said anything a!out what
happened?O I as"ed, firing off .uestions to even startle #lice.
N7dwardMs !een; .uiet. 3eMs !een staying in his room and has only gone out to feed. 3e
hasnMt tal"ed to anyone, not even Jasper when he tried to coax him out of the room. I
thin" heMs watching that tape again; which frightens me;O #lice said softly, loo"ing away
from my eyes.
I was a!out to as" what tape !ut I figured it out easily; the tape that had !een recorded
!y James when he was trying to "ill me; I shivered at the thought of 7dward watching
that tape; the rage !oiling in his eyes; or even worse, the deadly calm and sad loo" he
NI have to see him.O I said softly, I glanced at the cloc" and saw that it would !e at least
another hour and a half !efore 'harlie came !ac" home. I darted over towards the
notepad on the refrigerator and jotted down that I was going with #lice and IMd !e !ac"
soon, although hopefully 'harlie wouldnMt have to see that.
#lice smiled as she watched me run around NhatMs what I was hoping you would say;
'Mmon; IMm sure 7dwardMs waiting for you.O She said, nodding and starting out the door as
I started out after her, very much aware of the two !lac" o!sidian eyes staring at me from
the window !ehind me as I started out the door and loc"ed it securely !ehind me.
I was "noc"ing on the door lightly with my fist, no answer;
I hit it harder N7dward? 7dward its %ella; please open the door;O I said, staring at the door
and my heart in my throat, s.uee8ing painfully.
NStay away from me, %ella?O I heard 7dwardMs voice snap at me, not calm and soft, !ut
loud and furious; not at me; !ut at himself.
I scowled softly under my !reath, #lice had left !ut I was sure she could pro!a!ly hear the
!oth of us, along with everyone else in the house. N7dward if you donMt open the door IMll9
IMll;O I loo"ed around, trying to find a good enough threat !efore sighing.
NPlease; 7dward;O I finished softly, my tone !egging.
NI; 1idnMt protect you;O 7dward said .uietly; so softly I had to press my ear against the
door to hear it.
N6ou canMt protect me all the time; it was my fault; !ut; if you donMt come out and start
protecting me soon0 I dou!t itMll get much !etter.O I said, half jo"ingly.
I heard the door loc" clic" and I .uic"ly opened the door and !efore I could wrap my arms
around him he was nearly smothering me against himself. I could hear a faint whispering
and it too" me a few seconds to reali8e he was whispering my name again and again and
NI should have had more control over myself, !ut I did not and I could have "illed you,
%ella. I stayed in my room; I fed a lot more then I should have done, so I wouldnMt hurt
you; I hardly noticed the time pass !y; !ut then I heard 'arlisle tal"ing to 7sme a!out
you !eing in a car accident; I was almost afraid to go to you;O 3e said .uietly, his voice
strained and filled with so much despair it almost made me cry
I hardly even noticed that he had closed the door and pulled me onto his lap and onto the
sofa in his room as he cradled me close, his grip li"e iron !ut soft, as though he were
afraid to !rea" her.
N%ut you did; you left me the rose that was on my windowsill.O I said softly, leaning
against him and feeling at peace now.
N4as?O 7dward repeated, rather confused.
NIt was; torn up;O I admitted .uietly, loo"ing away from him. I couldnMt lie to him; no
matter how hard I tried; I couldnMt;
Norn up?O 7dward as"ed again, at a cross !etween shoc" and anger.
I shoo" my head NIMll get to that; let me start at the !eginning;O I said, ta"ing a deep
!reath and starting where to !egin.
N4ell; it started; I guess; when I wo"e up and hit my head;O
/N: I5ve been waiting for someone to attempt this sort of stor, but have grown tired of
waiting and decided to do it mself. I5ve done something similar when I wrote ;risoner of
/#"aban from <emus 8upin5s ;o= (which ou can find here at f f. net+. Now I5m going to
tr it again with $wilight and &dward Cullen.
>tephenie 1eer has a note on her website in the ?/@ section that she wrote the first
chapter of $wilight from &dward5s perspective and plans on sharing it with us either at the
end of the paperbac" in Aune or on her website. $hat being the case, when I set out to
write a series of missing moments from &dward5s perspective, I specificall avoided %ella5s
first da. $here is no wa I would be able to compare m wor" with hers. $hus, I begin m
dive into &dward5s view with his return to ?or"s and his first da bac" at school "eeping in
mind all that he has been through. I hope ou en3o m ta"e on this ama#ing boo".
1an than"s to Imogen for the beta. ,ou5re a life saver*
Nothing belongs to me. It5s all 1s. 1eer5s. /nd es, I reali#e I5m using some e)act lines
from the boo". $hat5s what happens when ou write from an alternate ;o=.
'3#P7, O57
4o ou suppose he5ll actuall go with us toda7
Carlisle threatened him if he didn5t. $he humans will grow suspicious. %esides, if he misses
too man das he could get e)pelled.
$hen mabe he shouldn5t go. I would thin" that not having to spend another da in a
classroom would be worth ris"ing e)pulsion.
<osalie, ou "now that wouldn5t help matters.
I don5t thin" it would do &dward, or an of us, much harm never to have to sit through
another dull lecture about the ramifications of !orld !ar II on international politics.
1abe we could convince &sme to sa we are home schooled the ne)t time we move.
I wish there wasn5t a law reBuiring us to be in school. I hate pretending to be this oung.
If &dward gets e)pelled then I5m dropping out. I5ve alread got five diplomas.
1abe he shouldn5t go bac". I5ve never seen him so wor"ed up over a human. !hat if he
can5t resist7
I5ve hunted with him ever da this wee". If he can5t resist after that, then that5s his
,ou mean our problem. If he can5t resist9then9
Similar conversations have !een going on for nearly a wee" now, driving me to the !rin" of
my own sanity. ItMs unfathoma!le to me that my family dou!ts my a!ility to resist the
human girlMs !lood. IMve always !een one of the strongest in the family. It has !een years
since I dran" from a human. #nd to thin" that I naively imagined I was almost as
competent as 'arlisle in his self9control, as if I was growing immune to the scent of human
!lood. hat idea was soundly crushed with the arrival of Isa!ella Swan.
ItMs maddening, em!arrassing even to consider how one insignificant little girl could alter
my life !y simply wal"ing into a room and sitting next to me. It was as if the 1evil himself
had set a trap for me, and the dar" haired child with the deliciously potent !lood was the
!ait. I had called on every ounce of my strength to "eep from ta"ing what I so desperately
desired from her right there in that classroom full of unsuspecting children. IMm luc"y;she
is luc"y that I havenMt tasted human !lood in so long that I could only just manage to get
away from her.
#nd yet the damage was done. /y family now "nows she affects me in ways no mortal
ever has. hey "now I can !rea", that my self9control isnMt as perfect as I profess it to !e.
4orst of all, they dou!t my a!ility to protect this family from human suspicion !y "eeping
my thirst for her !lood in chec". heir privacy and security are at ris" !y my very actions.
>o, is he coming or not7
I haven5t seen him this morning. I "now he was out last night.
'e5s been out ever night this wee".
I canMt ta"e this anymore. I have to move on. I cannot allow such a common human to
stand in the way of the existence we have !uilt here in &or"s. 5or can I continue to let my
family !elieve that I would put them at ris" !y my !ehavior. IMm stronger than this. I can
withstand temptation.
It wouldnMt !e so difficult if I could only hear her mind. If I had any idea what thoughts
were going through that head, I might !e a!le to !etter persuade the !east within me to
let her go. If her thoughts were as sweet and innocent as I assumed them to !e, it would
!e much easier to convince my own mind that she wasnMt to !e touched. #s it is, I canMt
read her at all. She is li"e a !lan" to me, which is dangerous to consider. /y eyes tell me
she is human, !ut without the aid of her childli"e mind, all I can focus on is the scent of
her !lood.
his is something my family doesnMt "now a!out. hey "now I crave her !lood, for that
was something I thought they needed to !e aware of. %ut I havenMt told anyone, not even
'arlisle that I canMt hear the girlMs mind. I canMt explain why, which !oth worries and
frightens me. It surprised me to no end when I loo"ed at her and found a void. Bntil I can
manage to get past whatever !arrier !loc"s her mind from me, I donMt intend for my family
to "now a!out the issue.
I ta"e a deep !reath and let it out very slowly in a rather mortal attempt to calm my
trou!led nerves. o have any hope of lasting through the day, I will have to stay focused
and composed. his girl is not going to ruffle me. I wonMt let her.
!e5re going to be late. I sa let5s go.
>ince when are ou in such a hurr to get to school7
>ince I have a test this morning and I reall hate being rushed.
I rolled my eyes at their !ic"ering and decided to put an end to the speculation of the
morning. I too" the steps two at a time, offering what I hoped was a !right and
encum!ered smile when I came to a stop next to them. N6es, IMm going.O
,osalie smir"ed at me. N'hancing fate then, are you? Or are you just anxious to see if she
really is as delicious as you had imagined?O
NI didnMt imagine it,O I !it out. N#nd I would appreciate it if you didnMt goad me a!out the
3er eyes went wide. NPardon me.O She turned to 7mmett and said, N6ou "now, I always
thought that hunting made 7dward less irrita!le to !e around. #lthough, given the amount
heMs consumed this last wee", may!e he is suffering from indigestion.O
N,osalie,O 'arlisleMs voice sounded from the far side of the room. NhatMs enough.O
4ith a loud thud, Jasper jumped to the foot of the stairs. 3e smiled eagerly around at all
of us. N#lice says itMs going to snow sometime today. 4eMd !etter !undle up.O
7mmettMs eyes darted to mine and we !oth !ro"e out in an infectious chuc"le. NSnow,O he
said slowly, his !rows rising up.
N#re you challenging me?O I grinned.
N4hatMs the current score?O he as"ed.
NI thin" 7dwardMs up !y three points,O #lice answered for me, lightly ma"ing her way down
the steps.
NIMll !e up !y four this afternoon,O I said, slipping into my coat.
7mmett laughed. N6ou wish.O
Snow fights, especially wet ones, were always loo"ed forward to, and today was no
exception. 7mmett and I had !een "eeping a tally of our !attles for years now. he actual
score was outrageous, !ut we usually "ept trac" of who was ahead and just went from
there. Snow was a distraction we could easily afford. I loved messing in the cold, wet mush
as it was one of the few things on this 7arth that actually felt cold in my hands. 4e all did
well in the winter and could tolerate it much !etter than any human. It was nice to have
something else to expect other than the impending and possi!ly dangerous meeting with
/iss Swan.
&eeling a !it lighter than I had just momentMs ago, I clim!ed into my car, along with the
other younger mem!ers of my family, and sped off towards the school. Jasper and 7mmett
were ma"ing plans for their attac" while ,osalie listened on with a warning in her eyes,
ma"ing it plainly clear she wanted no part of the sport, or more specifically, the possi!ility
of getting wet. #lice only laughed at them all and refused to tell whom she suspected
would win this particular challenge.
4e arrived at school just !efore classes were to start, which meant we all had to hurry in
order to not !e counted tardy. It also meant that I wasnMt given a chance to see Isa!ella.
Instead, I was forced to resort to letting my mind drift over the meaningless teenage
conversations until I could find her. 4ell, not her, !ut at least I could find who was tal"ing
to her;or focusing on her.
/i"eMs underdeveloped mind was easily found. # wee" ago I had scoffed at his lust for this
girl whom he hardly "new. I remem!er laughing at lunch with my !rothers and sisters
a!out how all the teenage !oys had all ta"en notice of the Pfresh meatM in the school.
:oo"ing !ac" on the comment, I found it ama8ingly ironic that I had la!eled her as such.
I spent the rest of the morning listening on the mind of that tiny girl with all the fu88y hair.
Jessica. IMd never really noticed her !efore, !ut it seemed she had formed a friendship with
%ella, and her mind was simple enough that I hardly even struggled to hear her. o my
disappointment, I hadnMt learned very much a!out %ella other than she hated the cold and
preferred to !e called %ella instead of her full name. 5ot much to go on, !ut at least it was
a start.
On my way to the lunchroom, I was pummeled !y half a do8en snow!alls. #s much as I
wanted to have the chance to actually loo" at the girl who had set my existence upside
down, my pride wouldnMt allow me to retreat from my !rothers without a fight. I pic"ed up
a chun" of wet snow with my !are hands and gave as good as I got. %efore long, our
efforts left us all completely covered. <nowing it would cost me points, !ut not really
caring, I let 7mmett win this round and headed for indoors, !rushing off some remnants of
snow from my shoulders and sha"ing out my wet hair.
#lice and ,osalie were already sitting at our usual ta!le with a few trays of food when I
arrived in the cafeteria. I plopped down next to ,osalie who grimaced and leaned away
from me. N1onMt even thin" a!out getting me wet,O she warned.
N3ow a!out me?O 7mmett said from over her shoulder. # drop of water fell from his onto
her !louse.
N7mmett,O she scolded, !rushing at the spot. NI just !ought this.O
3e leaned in close to her. # little too close for a normal teenage !oy and his girlfriend.
N#nd it loo"s lovely on you.O heir eyes met and I had to force myself away from the
intimate thoughts that passed !etween them.
I turned my focus to Jasper, who was ta"ing a seat next to #lice, only to find him giving
her a similar loo". It was a su!tle reminder once more that I was the odd man out in our
N#ll right, cut it out. #ll of you,O I said .uietly. N6ouMll draw attention.O
NSpea"ing of attention,O Jasper said, NSheMs loo"ing at you.O
N4ho?O %ut it was silly to as" !ecause I "new exactly who he meant.
/y eyes flashed over to her ta!le to find her staring directly at me. Immediately her eyes
darted down to loo" at the ta!le, a curtain of hair !loc"ing me from seeing her face. he
girl with her, Jessica, leaned in to tell her I was still watching. I could hear her plain and
simple thoughts so clearly it was ridiculous. ItMs almost an insult to have to resort to such
means, !ut I needed to "now what Isa!ella wass thin"ing.
Ch, his ees. 'e5s so cute. I wish he would loo" at me li"e that.
/ngr7 No, he loo"s9interested. %ella is so luc"*
8i"e ou7 I don5t thin" he li"es anone outside of his famil.
C"a. I5ll stop loo"ing. %ut, oh %ella, if he were loo"ing at me li"e he5s loo"ing at ou9oh
It was li"e listing in to one side of an adolescent phone conversation. I have to remind
myself from time to time that nearly everyone in the !uilding is adolescent, !ut it doesnMt
mean I have to enjoy the low level of their thoughts. It frustrated me that the one mind I
was desperate to read is the only one I couldnMt access.
N4hat is she thin"ing?O Jasper as"ed.
N4hy do you want to "now?O I reply, not wanting to give away the fact that I havenMt a
clue what is going on in her mind.
N/or!id curiosity,O he says with a grin. N#fter the way you descri!ed your last meeting,
sheMs got to !e confused.O
#lice leaned forward. N5ot to mention that you havenMt !een here for a wee". SheMs
pro!a!ly scared of you.O
I pull my eyes away from the girl and frown over at #lice. NShe should !e afraid of me, !ut
I;donMt want her to !e.O
N4hy not?O Jasper as"ed.
N%ecause it isnMt my intention to frighten her or anyone else in the town. If weMre going to
stay here for another few years, I donMt want the humans to !e afraid of us.O
NAood point,O Jasper said.
N%ut youMre still going to class?O as"ed #lice.
N4hy wouldnMt I?O
N4ell loo" at her.O She pointed over to where %ella was still hiding !ehind her hair. NIt loo"s
to me li"e she wants to avoid you at all costs. 4hat is she thin"ing a!out anyway?O
I glanced !ac" over at her, "nowing there would still !e a !lan" !ut hoping !eyond hope
that I could pic" up on one of the otherMs minds to find what she was thin"ing. o my
disappointment, everyone was discussing the snow. 7veryone except %ella. I called on the
earlier conversation for my information.
NShe thin"s IMm angry at her. hat I;donMt li"e her.O
Jasper laughed out loud at this. NQuite the contrary, huh?O
I ignored him. N#nd she doesnMt want to !e part of the snow!all fight that they are
planning for after school.O
hat !it of information did the tric" and the topic of %ella SwanMs thoughts was instantly
a!andoned. N4ho is planning a snow!all fight?O 7mmett as"ed.
Nhe !lond. /i"e. In the par"ing lot.O
7mmettMs smile was wic"ed as his thoughts of covering the human !oy with snow filled his
thoughts. N#re you up to showing them how itMs done?O he as"ed.
N#nytime,O I replied, grateful for the change in topic. N%ut, we will have to go easy on
I made sure the conversation stayed on the weather and avoided discussing the human
any further, "nowing it would !e all too soon that I would !e face to face with her. Side !y
side. rapped once more in a classroom.
I would get through it. I wasnMt a!out to let her control my life. She was insignificant;and
she was going to stay that way.
If I build a wall a hundred feet tall ... would that "eep ou in ...
he !eautiful !oy was crying. 7ven his tears were !eautiful in their glistening fall down his
angel-s face. 3e said the girl-s name, .uiet !ut steady.
+%ella. %ella, please don-t cry.+ 3e plead with her, to please, %ella, stop, he couldn-t ta"e
any more. 3e didn-t "now how much longer he could resist her. he salty scent of her
furious tears was driving 7dward insane.
he girl wore her paint proudly, she-d done this !efore. She could hurt him li"e she hurt
'harlie, and her mother.
+I-m s9sorry, 7dward. I can-t allow you to torture yourself.+ he lovely girl-s words tore her
own heart apart. 5o longer did her eyes portray love, they were horri!ly dead. Aone was
the radiant fire that lit them from within. he fire that "ept the !oy from ta"ing himself
away from her, the fire that he loved.
Suddenly 7dward-s am!er eyes grew dar", and %ella could feel cold, pain, hurt, searing
from those glowing !lac" or!s. hey were !eautiful, in the twisted way that only the young
girl "new. Somehow those eyes always made sense to her.
+6ou won-t go. I-m not going to allow it, and I thin" you "now that.+ he !oy was !reathing
in %ella-s face within seconds. 3er icy facade faltered considera!ly as she !reathed in the
ama8ing scent of his !reath.
+#nd 9 and how do you .. "now I won-t?+ she .uestioned. 7dward glowered. Something
small and faint shimmered in his eyes, far away, li"e the !eam of a train in a long tunnel.
he train advanced, slowly at first, then increasing speed, till finally she would !e hit 9
She was in his arms then, the cold enveloping her. he !oy !reathed in, long and deep, as
though it were his last fleeting !reath. 3er scent was astounding.
N%ella ; my Isa!ella ;O 3e closed his eyes, the light shade of lavender of his eyelids
shimmering in the light from the flic"ering !ul! in the girlMs !edroom ceiling. 3e seemed
consumed then, ta"en up in his world of dar" and light, of want and need. %ella pulled her
face from his chest, and too" a moment to gather her thoughts !efore loo"ing up into
7dwardMs glorious face. hen something hit her li"e that distant train.
N7dward, are you cring?O
7dward was pulled from his reverie. NOf course not, I9O he !oy stopped short. One slender
hand left the girlMs !ac" and touched its ownerMs face. here was moisture there.
NI suppose I am ; N Shoc" laced his voice. hen he seemed to relax. N1o you remem!er
what I told you once? he humanness is starting to come !ac" to me. %ut this is very
strange, all the same.O
he girl stood stoc" still, ga8ing at the shimmering tear9trails on his face.
NIt 9 doesnMt matter, does it?O he as"ed her, his face full of concern.
%ella gave no answer. Instead., she !uried her face in his chest once again, !reathing in
his scent and just !eing grateful that he was hers. SheMd never try to hurt him again. SheMd
If I was sincere .. and whispered m fears ... would ou still be here ...
I wo"e up slowly at first. urning over, feeling .uite disorientated. /y hair felt funny9 stiff
and "notted. /y eyelashes seemed to have some sort of thic" glue clinging to them. hen
I remem!ered0 prom. I had !een mercilessly decorated, clothed and sent off to a dance
twelve hours earlier. !ait, twelve hours7 !hat time was it7 I lifted my head suddenly,
searching for my alarm cloc".
NQuarter past one, darling.O
#nd then he was next to me. I lay down on my !ac" and watched the ceiling. 7very night I
fell asleep !eside him, and every morning *or afternoon$ he waited patiently for me to
wa"e up. 1espite this constant routine, !utterflies raced !ac" and forth inside of me every
time he crawled !eneath the !lan"ets and draped his strong, cool arms around me.
7dward was getting !etter at recogni8ing my human needs. Spending excessive amounts
of time at my house with 'harlie and I had !egun to pay off. 3e rested his head on my
shoulder and let me sha"e off the sleep.
I sighed heavily, not feeling very rested. 7dward lifted his head and used his el!ow to prop
himself up !eside me. I turned to loo" up at him and smiled faintly. 3e slowly ran his long
cold fingers along my jaw line !efore leaning down towards me. %efore his lips touched
mine I could feel the light !u88 of electricity under my s"in. I closed my eyes in time to
feel his icy lips press gently against mine. It was just a .uic" and soft pec", !ut it sent my
!rain into melt9down mode none the less.
N4hereMs 'harlie?O I as"ed, after he had pulled away from me slowly. I was !ecoming
progressively more aware of what was going on around me.
I should have guessed. /y heart s"ipped a !eat and sight panic !raced my !ody.
N1id he say who he was going with?O I silently pleaded that he had gone off with a !uddy
from wor" or !y himself9 anyone !ut %illy. Jaco!Ms warning lingered in my mind.
N3e left a note. It didnMt say who9 if anyone9 he was going with.O 7dward "new what I was
worrying for. 7ven if he couldnMt always tell what I was thin"ing9 he had, no dou!t listened
in on Jaco!Ms conversation with me last night. 3is voice was smooth and calming.
NPlease donMt worry %ella. 6ou "now IMve always ta"en care of things. 5o!ody is going to
ta"e you from me. 7ven if 'harlie !elieves that old manMs ghost stories, you "now thereMs
nothing he can do to "eep me from seeing you. IMll always find a way.O 3is light eyes loc"ed
on mine and he added fiercely, :/lwas.6
I did "now. #nd having !een assured, I felt relaxed enough to sin" !ac" down into my
pillows next to him. I wondered faintly what we were going to do today. It was, after all, a
very vacant Saturday.
N/ay!e IMll shower. 6ou "now, ta"e care of that human part of me.O I glanced over to
7dward and smiled.
3e groaned in disapproval, wrapped his arms tightly around my !ody and !uried his face
into my nec". I laughed ju!ilantly, and s.uirmed !eneath his iron tight grasp. 5ot !ecause
I thought I had any chance of escaping his clutches, !ut !ecause I li"ed to humor him.
#fter several seconds of very o!vious failure to free myself, I lay still.
N6ou "now, IMm going to have to get up eventually. 4hy not let me go now? hat way you
can have a clean and a fresh %ella to cuddle.O
7dward shoo" his head in o!jection, !ut said nothing. I "new how to settle this. Bsing the
hand that wasnMt pinned to my !ody, I ran my fingers through his soft hair. 3e loo"ed up at
me hopefully. I smiled at his !oyish tendencies. :eaning over, I "issed him sweetly on the
mouth. 3e unfurled his arms and !rought one hand to rest powerfully on my chee". It was
frigid in contrast to my flushed face. #s I pulled away from him, he ran his hand down my
chee"!one and held me securely !eneath the jaw. 3e moved his lips to follow mine and
gently pulled me !ac" towards him. I was surprised at his willingness to comply. I let him
"iss me. It was strange for him to !e the one pressing for more. 4hen we came apart I
"ept my eyes closed longer than necessary, trying to regain the partial consciousness that
I had lost in affect to 7dwards contact.
N6ou mMdear are free to go.O 3is voice was permissive. :i"e a "ing granting freedom to a
NAee, than"s a lot.O I spo"e sarcastically, as if I didnMt enjoy every aspect of !eing his.
I !rushed wet my hair .uic"ly. It was too late in the day to !e !othering with a hair dryer.
It was a la8y sort of day anyhow. Sweatpants, an oversi8ed t9shirt and wet un"empt hair
suited me just fine. 7ven in the !athroom where steam from my hot shower fogged the
mirrors and the scent of soap and shampoo lingered, I could smell whatever it was 7dward
had prepared for me. I rolled my eyes at his developing perfection for coo"ing. I put my
!rush !ac" in the ca!inet and went to find lunch.
I had !een in the shower for just over thirty minutes and still, 7dward had no dou!t
managed to Pthrow togetherM a meal far !etter anything IMve ever made. I wandered into
the "itchen to find him standing !y the stove, in completely different clothes than he had
!een earlier.
I sat at the !ar where he had already laid out a place setting for me.
NI hate when you leave without telling me. 6ou "now that donMt you?O I put my el!ow on
the ta!le and rested my head on my hand. 3e glanced across the "itchen and smiled at me
devilishly !efore returning to whatever it was he was ma"ing. I watched him float !usily
around the "itchen. 3e had !ecome as familiar with it as I had, these past few wee"s9 as
my father seemed to prefer 7dwards perfected meals over mine. So far I couldnMt
recogni8e what he was coo"ing, !ut I "new !etter than to as". 3e li"ed to surprise.
#fter a few moments 7dward covered the pot in finality and turned towards me.
N#nd now we wait.O
N:ong?O I whined exaggeratedly at him, my stomach !eginning to ache for sustenance.
N5o, not long.O 3e whined !ac" at me. I opened my mouth in astonishment, fa"ing offence
at his mimic. I crossed my arms and swiveled the rotating !ar stool, turning my !ac" on
him. 3e laughed dar"ly. 5o sooner had he done so I found his arms gently around my
middle, his chin resting on my shoulder.
N#w... %ella IMm sorry. I promise to never again moc" your eagerness to eat.O 3is voice was
animated, willing to play along with my little faSade.
N3umph.O I pouted in reply. 7dward hummed a small chuc"le in response.
urning his face towards mine he "issed my jaw softly and repeatedly. 1amn. he !oy was
!eating me at my own game. I swiveled my chair to face him. 3e loo"ed at me in !emused
surprise. I peered up at him curiously.
N4hat?O he as"ed0 his face now e.ually as intrigued as mine.
NI donMt understand.O
N4hatMs to understand? I simply adore you. Personally I find this theory .uite !asic and
rather easy to comprehend;O 3is voice trailed, suggesting my intelligence lay far !eneath
his. I too" a second to scowl at him. 3e sure was feeling li"e a tease this morning. I
.uic"ly refocused on my point.
N5ot that. I mean; donMt I tempt you any more?O
It didnMt ma"e sense. 3e was typically so cautious, so hesitant in showing such affection. I
must have come across as concerned9 worried even. 7dward smiled down at me in
assurance, putting one hand on the side of my nec" and letting his fingers run into my
hair. 3e loo"ed at me as if everything were perfectly simple.
N4ell of course you till tempt me. IMm just learning to give in a little differentlyO
/uthor's Note: Aust Buic"l, I wanted to than" ?luffster and %eta1ichelle for, as ou can
guess, being m betas. I encourage everone who hasn't alread to go chec" out our
wilight communit, twilightfans, over at live3oural and give the ;lot %unn 8ist a read for
ideas. &n3o and please review*
his was what I wanted. Bndenia!ly. In fact, I didnMt thin" there was anything I wanted
ruthfully, I was going to miss a few of the per"s of mortality. he necessity of eating, for
instance. Aoing outside in the sunshine without glittering li"e fairydust. he a!ility to !lend
into a crowd. #nd of course, I couldn-t !egin to explain to my parents what happened to
their little girl.
%ut when I thought of who I was doing this for, despite his protests that he li"ed my
humanness, it made all my dou!ts disappear. 6ou can-t fight destiny.
I could ma"e out the vampireMs extraordinary eyes from across the dar" room, loo"ing me
up and down. I stood my ground, staring at him defiantly, daring him to deny my re.uest.
3e rose slowly from his seat, pacing away from me.
+4ill you do it?+ I as"ed .uietly, !ut firmly. 3e paused, resting his pale hand on the !lac"
leather armchair.
+hat depends,+ he answered at the same volume. 3e met my eyes and his voice grew
louder. +#re you serious a!out this?+ I nodded slowly. +6ouMre sure this is what you desire?+
I nodded again. 3e sat and ru!!ed his forehead wearily, although I "new he wasnMt tired in
the slightest.
+%elieve it or not, I find myself at a crossroads, %ella,+ he said in his deep, pleasing voice. I
coc"ed my head, prompting him to go on.
3e watched me carefully. +On the one hand, you certainly loo" and smell delecta!le. IMm
sure I would enjoy you.+ 3e sniffed the air. +5o, no dou!t a!out that. On the other hand, I
have !een a luc"y guest in the 'ullen home for a month now, and it would !e a poor way
to repay them, donMt you thin"? 5ot to mention what your 7dward will do to me when he
discovers it was I that fed off you.+ 3e smiled wea"ly.
+6ou mean, if 7dward discovers it was you,+ I corrected. I had no intention of telling my
!oyfriend a!out any of this.
+!hen,+ he restated, lowering his voice. +3e would smell it in an instant.+
+hen you run.+
+#nd the 'ullens? It was almost human of them to ta"e me into their home and teach me
their way of life. 7specially with you wal"ing around here so often.+ I sensed a trace of
aggression in his tone, as if I came around the 'ullen home merely to tempt him.
&or the first time since IMd approached him with my re.uest, I stepped toward him.
+4as this life ever meant for you anyway? 6ouMre a hunter. 'ould you ever !e content to
live on animals?+ I spat the word in disgust. #nd 7dward said I couldnMt act.
I too" a few more daring steps, until I was "neeling next to the armchair. 3e stared at his
"nees, pondering my words. 3is finders gripped the arms of the chair, ma"ing indents in
the leather. I was getting to him already. I decided to push it a little further.
+6ou "now what I want. 6ou "now what you want. 4hy deny it?+ I whispered urgently in
his ear. 3e made no move to escape. 3e was listening. +ItMs natural. 4eMd !e doing each
other a favour.+
#nd then I unleashed my deadliest weapon 9 myself. I reached around !ehind my head
and swept my hair !ac" so the right side of my nec" was exposed. hen I leaned in toward
him and turned my head so my flesh was inches from his face. I caught his expression,
loo"ing out of the corner of my eye.
3e didnMt !other to avoid me. 3is eyes, now pure !lac", stared hungrily at my throat. 3is
nostrils flared, trying to capture more of my scent. I smiled. I "new I had him.
+#nd 7dward?+ he as"ed in a strangled voice, not ta"ing his eyes off my throat. I flinched
at the mention of my !oyfriendMs name. IMd !een trying to "eep the projected image of his
pained face out of my head throughout this conversation. /y reaction didnMt go unnoticed.
+4hat will he thin" when he finds you cold?+
IMd thought long a!out that, more than I was willing to let myself. Just picturing his pained
expression caused pangs in my chest. he last thing I wanted to do was hurt him. %ut I-d
come this far, so close to acheiving my goal. Once he got over his initial disappointment in
me, he would reali8e that I did this for us.
+3eMll deal with it,+ I replied softly. +3eMll understand.+ 7dward "new it was coming,
anyway, no matter how much he refused to !elieve #lice. 3e had to !e somewhat prepared
for this.
+3ow do you "now he canMt hear us?+ he as"ed, his voice slightly more controlled, although
anxious. I could tell he was on the last leg of his argument. +3e could !e on his way here
right now.+
+7dward thin"s IMm safe at home. 3e has no reason to !elieve IMm here.+ hat, I wasnMt
sure of. 3e didnMt trust his house guest, so there was a chance he was listening in right
now. %ut I couldnMt say that. +he 'ullens wonMt !e home for hours.+ he thunder chimed
in effectively.
I turned my head !ac" to face him and stared as he deli!erated. &inally, he rose, jaw
+#lright,+ he said, finally meeting my ga8e. +IMll do it.+
I smiled, pleased with my victory, and stood, stepping as close to him as necessary. 4e
were surprisingly close to the same height. 3e decided to ta"e this slowly, to enjoy as
much of me as possi!le !efore indulging. 3is patience was certainly admira!le.
3e ran a cold fingertip along my exposed throat, then leaned in to smell my nec" once
more. Sighing with pleasure, he circled me, running his fingers through my hair, then
coming to a stop in front of me again. 'arefully, he !rushed my chee" with the !ac" of his
3is cool touch reminded me of 7dward and made me feel worse. If it was 7dwardMs face I
was staring into, the prospect of pain wouldnMt seem so terri!le. 5ot to mention my
incredi!le guilt from !etraying him, snea"ing around !ehind his !ac". 3eMd rip this man to
shreds if he were to see him touching me this way.
I shivered as he dragged the tip of his tongue from the !ase of my throat to my chin. I felt
li"e I was !eing marinated.
+6ou "now, IMm curious, %ella,+ he murmured in my ear, smoothing my hair with his palm.
+Of all the vampires you "now, why trust me?+
+'onvenience,+ I stated simply, fixating my glare on the wall !ehind him. #ctually, he was
more or less my last option. 7dward refused again and again, and he would massacre the
other 'ullens if they so much as pinched me. his made more sense than leaving &or"s to
find another vampire.
/y simple answer was good enough for him. 3e chuc"led and pressed his cool chee"
against my warm one.
+So willing to give up her life for one of eternal dar"ness. ,eminds me of when
I was young, really,+ he mused. If he didn-t do this now, I "new I was going to !ac" out.
+:aurent, just do it,+ I snapped, pulling my head !ac" to meet his eyes. hey flashed ru!y
once !efore dar"ening again. 3is handsome face widened in a smile and he growled with
pleasure. 3e exposed his teeth and lowered his head. I s.uee8ed my eyes shut.
he !ite itself was nothing. I waited, feeling the strength leave my !ody slowly. 4hen I
was limp in his arms, :aurent laid me down in the armchair and .uietly left the room, no
dou!t to prepare himself to leave &or"s forever.
#nd yet, as the fire intensified and overtoo" my !ody, I smiled, pleased that my life was
finally !eginning.

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