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TENER ( not ser or estar) is

used to describe certain
characteristics or feelings.
** For expressions of feeling with
TENER see page G42, Dime2.
SER: Adjectives of personality traits/physical characteristics (People and things):
1. aburrido(a) boring*
2. activo(a) active*
3. agradable nice place; nice person
4. alto(a) tall(height)*; loud/high
5. amable thoughtful, kind person*
6. ambicioso(a) ambitious
7. ancho(a) wide
8. antiptico(a) mean*
9. artstico(a) artistic*
10. atltico(a) athletic*
11. bajo(a) short (height)*; low
12. barato(a) affordable, cheap thing*
13. bonito(a) pretty (thing/person)*
14. bueno(a) good (thing/ person)*
15. caro(a) expensive
16. chismoso(a) gossipy
17. chistoso(a) funny
18. cmico(a) funny*
19. corts courteous
20. corto(a) short (length)*
21. credo (a) conceited
22. dbil weak
23. delgado(a) thin*
24. desorganizado(a) disorganized*
25. difcil difficult*
26. divertido(a) fun*
27. elegante elegant*
28. emocionante exciting
29. enorme enormous, huge*
30. estrecho(a) narrow
31. estudioso(a) studious*
32. excelente excellent*
33. exigente demanding*
34. extrovertido(a) extroverted
35. fabuloso(a) fabulous*
36. fcil easy*
37. famoso(a) famous*
38. feo(a) ugly*
39. flaco(a) skinny*
40. fornido(a) stocky, husky
41. fuerte strong*
42. generoso(a) generous*
43. gordo(a) fat*
44. grande large, big*
45. guapo(a) good-looking*
46. idealista (m/f) idealistic
47. hermoso(a) beautiful
48. honesto(a) honest
49. imposible impossible
50. inteligente intelligent,smart*
51. interesante interesting
52. introvertido(a) introverted
53. joven young*
54. largo(a) long (length)*
55. lento(a) slow
56. listo(a) clever
57. maduro(a) mature
58. malo(a) bad (thing/person)*
59. mediano(a) medium (height)
60. moreno(a) dark-complexioned *
61. nuevo(a) new*
62. organizado(a) organized*
63. plido(a) pale
64. pelirrojo(a) red-headed*
65. pequeo(a) small (size)*
66. perezoso(a) lazy*
67. perfecto(a) perfect*
68. pesado(a) heavy
69. pobre poor
70. popular popular*
71. rpido(a) rapid, fast*
72. raro(a) strange
73. realista(m/f) realistic
74. responsable responsible
75. rico(a) rich (person)
76. ridculo(a) ridiculous*
77. romntico(a) romantic*
78. rubio(a) blond*
79. sencillo(a) simple, plain
80. serio(a) serious*
81. simptico(a) nice*
82. tacao(a) stingy, cheap person
83. tmido(a) timid, shy*
84. tonto(a) silly, foolish*
85. trabajador(a) (hard) working
86. viejo(a) old*
SER: Adjectives of Color:
1. amarillo (a)*
2. anaranjado (a)*
3. azul*
4. blanco (a)*
5. caf/marrn*
6. gris*
7. morado (a)*
8. negro (a)*
9. rojo (a)*
10. rosado (a)*
11. verde*
12. [color] claro light [color]
13. [color] oscuro dark [color]
Description with TENER:
1. tener ojos [color]
to have [color] eyes
2. tener pelo [X]: to have [X} hair:
[castao] brown (for hair color)
[corto/largo/hasta el hombro]
short / long / shoulder-length
straight / curly / wavy
3. tener [X] aos:
to be [X] years old*
* = Spanish I Review
Espaol II
ESTAR: Adjectives of feelings/emotions/temporary conditions:
1. aburrido (a) bored*
2. alegre happy
3. ansioso (a) anxious
4. asustado (a) scared
5. avergonzado (a) embarrassed*
6. cansado (a) tired*
7. celoso (a) jealous*
8. contento (a) happy*
9. deprimido (a) depressed*
10. desilusionado (a) disappointed
11. emocionado(a) excited*
12. encantado (a) delighted*
13. enfermo (a) sick*
14. enfadado (a) angry
15. enojado (a) mad*
16. feliz happy*
17. flojo(a) weak (in skill/subject)
18. frustrado (a) frustrated
19. furioso (a) furious*
20. listo (a) ready*
21. loco (a) crazy*
22. nervioso (a) nervous*
23. ocupado (a) busy*
24. orgulloso (a) proud
25. preocupado (a) worried*
26. rico (a) delicious (food)*
27. roto (a) broken, torn
28. sorprendido (a) surprised*
29. tranquilo (a) calm*
30. triste sad*
Expressions with ESTAR:
1. estar bien = to do something well / to feel well (emotionally or physically)
2. estar mal = to do something poorly / to feel bad (emotionally or physically)
3. (no) estar de acuerdo con = to agree (or not) with
4. estar de buen humor = to be in a good mood
5. estar de mal humor = to be in a bad mood
ESTAR: Adverbs of place and directions:
izquierda (de)* alrededor (de) entre*
derecha (de)* al lado (de)* en*
delante (de) junto a adentro
detrs (de)* sobre afuera
cerca (de)* en la esquina*
lejos (de)* en el rincn
arriba (de) norte / sur / este / oeste
abajo (de)
enfrente (de)*
encima (de)
Los lugares (places): Use with ESTAR and ADVERBS of place:
el banco* el gimnasio* el restaurante*
la biblioteca* el hotel* el teatro*
el caf* el hospital* la tienda*
la cafetera* la iglesia* la zapatera*
el centro* la librera* el zoolgico*
el centro comercial* el museo*
el cine* el mercado*
el colegio* el patio*
el correo* el parque* (de diversiones)
la discoteca* el pasillo*
el edificio* la plaza*
la escuela* la piscina*
La ciudad

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