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Thing 20: Online Video & Audio Resources

1. Pre-Assessment
Not to be completed

2. Prepared Video Assignment

In the elementary classroom, the core subjects are critical for success later in education. In the
world of language arts, it is very difficult for students to learn how to properly spell, formulate
sentences, and speak. Since visuals play a key role in language arts, especially because one of the
main ways students learn the language is through reading. It is imperative that some kind of
video technology be used to guide students toward future success in correctly using the English
language. The parts of speech is a more technical component of English that confuses many
students at the elementary level. On teacher tube, there is a video titled the Parts of Speech
Rap that uses rhyming lyrics and music to explain the parts of speech. This video is very useful,
because it can engage students more so than the typical video with a verbal explanation, which
can become monotonous very easily. Music is also something that people enjoy, so putting the
parts of speech into song can help students recall the information later

The second lesson, still within the language arts category, involves word recognition.
Recognizing words can help students become more familiar with commonalities within the
English language. The site extends to offer the Common Core standards that will be addressed
within the video, making writing the activity into a lesson plan simple.
This video offers moments where the teacher can pause while students generate answers. Once
the class has been given ample time, the teacher can resume the video for students to compare
their answers. After the activity is completed, the teacher can discuss variations within students
answers in comparison to the answers given by students in the video.

3. Prepared Audio Assignment
For the audio component of the assignment, I found audio recordings of poems on the Poetry
Foundation website. The website includes the featured poem of the day, a poetry magazine
podcast, poems read aloud, and poetry lectures. As mentioned in previous installments of the 21
things, poetry is a very special medium through which people convey any information/messages
they wish. Poetry has played a major role in my life through the art of expression. Being able to
express/communicate is essential in English. Incorporating poetry is something that can reflect
on the importance of expression of ideas. The great thing about poetry is its infinite amount of
possibilities within one style of writing. Students can express themselves and create poems that
reflect their lives, thoughts, emotions, or other topics that might be difficult to describe through
prose writing.

4. Media Creation via YouTube

Video Response:

6. Post-Assessment
Not to be completed

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