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Salah, K; Kahtani, A. (2009). Improving Snort performance under Linux.

Communications, Vol. 3 Issue 12, p1883-1895, 13p, 5 diagrams, 4 graphs

Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) have become vital components in

securing today's computer networks. To be highly effective, NIDS must perform
packet inspection of incoming traffic at or near wire speed. Failing to do so will
allow malicious packets to sneak through the network undetected, and thus
jeopardising network security. Snort is one of the most popular IDS and
intrusion prevention system (IPS) applications. Snort is a publicly available
open-source NIDS application that typically runs on Linux. In this study, the
authors present and discuss the essential software components of Snort and its
underlying Linux support architecture. The authors characterise Snort execution
and present an analytical queuing model to give insight into understanding the
kernel and Snort behaviour as well as to identify key-dominating factors that
strongly influence and impact Snort performance. The authors demonstrate that
the current default configurations of the packet reception mechanism of the
Linux networking subsystem (a.k.a. NAPI) are not suitable for Snort
performance and show that the performance of Snort can be improved
significantly by tuning certain configuration parameters, specifically by having a
small NAPI budge value of 2. The performance is measured in terms of
throughput and packet loss. The authors also measure the packet loss
encountered at the kernel level as well as the interrupt rate of incoming traffic.
Performance was measured when subjecting a PC host running Snort to both
normal and malicious traffic, and with different traffic load conditions.

Babcock, Ch; (2009). Red Hat's Price War For Virtual Machines.
InformationWeek, Issue 1247, p18-18.[Versión electrónica] Recuperado el 04 de
diciembre de 2009, de Base de datos Academic Search Elite.

The article discusses the strategic plan of Red Hat Inc. as it enters the
virtualization management field. It states that the company has added support for
KVM hypervisor in its Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 which makes it an essential
piece of Red Hat's virtualization portfolio. Red Hat is late in the market in part
because it started out supporting Xen hypervisor but shifted toward KVM when
it was added to the Linux kernel.

Biersdorfer, J. D. (2009/29/10). How to Defrag a Linux System. New York

Times. p10.[Versión electrónica] Recuperado el 04 de diciembre de 2009, de
Base de datos Academic Search Elite.

Q.I recently bought a netbook with Ubuntu as its operating system and would
like to know if there is any simple way to defragment the drive. The help manual
for the system talks only about a complete start-over with reinstalling the OS,
rather than defragmenting it. A. Ubuntu Linux uses a different file system, or
method of storing and organizing data, than other operating systems do. Most
Ubuntu systems use the ext3 file system, which does not need regular
defragmentation like a Windows system does. [ABSTRACT FROM
Thomas, K.(2009). How to Run Your Windows Applications in Linux.
PC World, Vol. 27 Issue 10, p101 .[Versión electrónica] Recuperado el 04 de
diciembre de 2009, de Base de datos Academic Search Elite.

The article offers step-by-step instructions for running Windows applications in


Spring,T.(2009). Google's Chrome OS: Game-Changing Failure?.PC World,

Vol. 27 Issue 9, p12-14, 13p. .[Versión electrónica] Recuperado el 04 de
diciembre de 2009, de Base de datos Academic Search Elite.

The article focuses on the development of the Google Chrome operating system
(OS) and the company's plans for it in the future. It mentions that the OS is
specifically designed for notebooks, has the ability to boot in seconds, is
impenetrable by viruses, and is designed to run Web-based applications very
well. It mentions the plan of Google to introduce new software like Google Docs
following the success of the OS. Also noted are the challenges faced by the OS,
including competition with the Linux OS and possible privacy issues.

TEJAS Networks.(2009). Linux works for test. Test & Measurement World, Vol.
29 Issue 8, p11-11 .[Versión electrónica] Recuperado el 04 de diciembre de
2009, de Base de datos Academic Search Elite.

An interview with the assistant manager of test engineering Anshul Jain at the
networking products company Tejas Network is presented. When asked on what
tests do their Linux-based test systems perform, he said that they run three
parametric tests and examine with traffic and measure parameters. He mentions
that they chose the Linux operating system due to its hardware costs, software
costs and support. He stated that the company has added test-deployment
platforms on their LabView operations.

Kinnander,O. (2009/28/08). Nokia to Roll Out Phone Based on Linux Software.

Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition. pB4.[Versión electrónica] Recuperado el
04 de diciembre de 2009, de Base de datos Academic Search Elite.

The article reports on the launch by Finland-based Nokia Corp. of smart phones
based on Linux-based software. It relates the importance of the high-end phone
category to the company. It presents remarks of executive vice president Anssi
Vanjoki on the move. It cites that Nokia's main competition with the iPhone are
smart phones that use the Symbian operating system. The formation of an
alliance by Nokia with Microsoft is also noted.

Castellano,M;Mastronardi,G;Bellotti,R;Tarricone,G..(2009). A bioinformatics
knowledge discovery in text application for grid
computing.BMCBioinformatics, Vol. 10,Special section, p1-10, 13p. .[Versión
electrónica] Recuperado el 04 de diciembre de 2009, de Base de datos Academic
Search Elite.

Background: A fundamental activity in biomedical research is Knowledge

Discovery which has the ability to search through large amounts of biomedical
information such as documents and data. High performance computational
infrastructures, such as Grid technologies, are emerging as a possible
infrastructure to tackle the intensive use of Information and Communication
resources in life science. The goal of this work was to develop a software
middleware solution in order to exploit the many knowledge discovery
applications on scalable and distributed computing systems to achieve intensive
use of ICT resources. Methods: The development of a grid application for
Knowledge Discovery in Text using a middleware solution based methodology
is presented. The system must be able to: perform a user application model,
process the jobs with the aim of creating many parallel jobs to distribute on the
computational nodes. Finally, the system must be aware of the computational
resources available, their status and must be able to monitor the execution of
parallel jobs. These operative requirements lead to design a middleware to be
specialized using user application modules. It included a graphical user interface
in order to access to a node search system, a load balancing system and a
transfer optimizer to reduce communication costs. Results: A middleware
solution prototype and the performance evaluation of it in terms of the speed-up
factor is shown. It was written in JAVA on Globus Toolkit 4 to build the grid
infrastructure based on GNU/ Linux computer grid nodes. A test was carried out
and the results are shown for the named entity recognition search of symptoms
and pathologies. The search was applied to a collection of 5,000 scientific
documents taken from PubMed. Conclusion: In this paper we discuss the
development of a grid application based on a middleware solution. It has been
tested on a knowledge discovery in text process to extract new and useful
information about symptoms and pathologies from a large collection of
unstructured scientific documents. As an example a computation of Knowledge
Discovery in Database was applied on the output produced by the KDT user
module to extract new knowledge about symptom and pathology bio-entities.

Yalta,A; Lucchetti,R. (2008). The GNU/Linux platform and freedom respecting

software for economists. Journal of Applied Econometrics.Vol. 23,Issue 2,
p279-286 .[Versión electrónica] Recuperado el 04 de diciembre de 2009, de
Base de datos Academic Search Elite.

The GNU/Linux operating system is rapidly gaining ground as an attractive

alternative to the proprietary platforms particularly in academic institutions and
government agencies. Here, we supply an assessment of this resource from the
perspective of econometricians, discuss its benefits and disadvantages along
with a basic overview of some of the popular free/libre and open source
programs hosted by this platform for conducting research in economics.

Noriega,S.(2006). Sistemas de Almacenamiento y Respaldo sobreGNU/LINUX.

Servicios Electrónicos Para la Sociedad de la Información. Desarrollo de
Grandes Aplicaciones Distribuidas Sobre Internet, p227-240.[Versión
electrónica] Recuperado el 04 de diciembre de 2009, de Base de datos Academic
Search Elite.

Este texto pretende explicar las características entre los distintos tipos de
sistemas de almacenamiento masivo (NAS , SAN, DAS), sus ventajas e
inconvenientes y que diferencias hay a la hora de gestionarlos según sean libres
o propietarios. Profundiza en las funcionalidades de Bacula, un software de
respaldo de datos desarrollado con licencia GPL, capaz de realizar copias de
seguridad en sistemas heterogéneos (GNU/linux, Unix, Macintosh, Novell y

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