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Participation in the Group Project

Team : Wileyettes

I felt that the team worked well together. There was constant communication. Othneils initiative
on setting up a Google doc for the report facilitated everyones needs. It allowed us all to work on
the document at our own convenience. We were able to see the contributions of others at all times.
Even though I was in a different time zone, I was able to contribute to the group efforts via this
medium. The outcomes occurred because we were all in touch as a group. As a group I wish we all
had more time to work on the document.

I would have liked to include more tables, diagrams and statistics in my submissions, however time
was a major constraint. I also feel we should have been able to conduct some meetings via
Blackboard Collaborate to improve the teams confidence in the medium.

Working as a group helped me in this process. There were some misconceptions and it was
only after discussion with the team or by sharing views I was able to see another point of
view or another perspective. By opting to do the project as a team we learnt much more than
if we had done the project individually. Each person was able to increase the knowledge
which s/he had gained overall but each person also contributed to the other persons overall

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