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The advantage of homeschooling

In Malaysia, the idea of homeschooling is still dormant. It is due to

the lack of education for the parents. However, they do not know
that homeschooling their children has many great benefts for their
One of it is the children will learn better. It is because they learn with
their own pace. or e!ample, a child is weak at Math but is good at
"nglish. #o the child only needs an hour or so to learn "nglish but
take $ hours at Math. #o the child did not waste any time in learning
things that he already knows.
%lthough most parents are afraid when they homeschool their
children, their children will be isolate from other kids. It may not be
so if the parents take the children to for e!ample music class. The
children will be socialising with other children &ust fnd. The recent
research also said that homeschoiol children will not only socialise
with their own age, but also to older people. #o, the children will
learn respects from early on.
In conclusion, parents should consider the idea of homeschooling.
%lthough it ha its benefts, but homeschool their children are costly
and taking much time. The parents should reconsider from both
sides before making decision.

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