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Path to Civil War Review

This test will be on Tuesday, December 8th. It will have a multiple-choice section and a
short answer section.

Be able to identify the following terms, and explain their significance in the context of the Civil

Slavery & Regional Chapter 10 (Excluding

Economies section 10.3):
(Chapter 3.2, 3.3, & 7.1, and Compromise of 1850
8.2) Popular sovereignty
Economy of North Fugitive Slave Act and
Economy of South Personal Liberty Laws
Economics of Slavery Underground Railroad
Problem of Labor Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Middle passage Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
Cotton Gin John Brown
William Lloyd Garrison “Bleeding Kansas”
Frederick Douglass Raid on Harper’s Ferry
Abolition Stephen Douglas
Republican Party
Class Notes: Dred Scott v. Sanford
Missouri Compromise Abraham Lincoln
Texas Independence Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Mexican War Election of 1860
Whig Party South Carolina secession
Election of 1848 Confederate States of
Nullification Crisis America
Jefferson Davis
Henry Clay

You should also be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following:

 How did the differing economies of the North and South influence the spread of slavery in
those regions?
 How did the North benefit from Slavery? Why did the North eventually become more solidly
anti-slave? What evidence of racism do we see in Northern society?
 Was John Brown a martyr or a terrorist? Why?
 What events in the 1800’s were most significant in bringing about the Civil War?
 Was the Civil War inevitable? If so, when? If not, why not?

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