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Conceptual Physics Ms.

1. Treat others and equipment with respect.
2. Be on time and prepared for class.

My Expectations:
1. Class starts when the bell rings. Be in your seat and ready to begin class. Anyone not in the room when
the bell rings is considered tardy. You must remain in your seat until the bell rings to end the period. You
will be dismissed to leave.
2. All assignments are to be turned into the appropriate box or area.
3. When you leave class, the room should be the same as when you began class. Things are to be returned
and cleaned up when you leave.

Room Rules
1. No leaning or balancing on two legs in your chair, they break easily.
room is difficult to navigate otherwise.
2. If you need to use a sink, ask me, sign out, and take the hall pass to the appropriate bathroom on our floor.


1. This is primarily a LAB and project course. You will be expected to complete several projects a nine
weeks and will need to supply many of the items used. This course is also student driven.

2. You will be required to have a composition book for all labs. Directions on how to fill them out will be
given at a later date. You must follow all safety procedures and directions for each lab.

3. Tests are only given when necessary, and cover recent material. These are given to make sure you have
been paying attention. They can be in the form of a lab test as well as written.

4. Presentations and projects will be assigned to better understand a topic and allow for group discovery. All
projects will be based on a rubric. Class time may be given for projects, it is to be used for that project,
not free time or other work. Penalties will be assigned for not working on project workdays. Projects
will be either individual, partner, or group. Some projects have a second chance built in, others you only
get one shot.

5. All sheets for labs and projects must be turned in to receive credit. No sheet = 0.

6. You will be assigned a lab partner. If you are absent, your partner or group is to do the work and you will
all get credit for the assignment. This means you may have to work alone on a lab. Lab partners will be
switched each 9 weeks, you cannot work with the same person twice. Same with projects.

7. This course will not have a set percentage grading system, although it will work out to roughly 70/30.
Where 70% of your grade will be based on summative assessments, which includes test, projects, and
quizzes. The other 30% will be formative assessments which can include labs, homework, and class work.

8. Your final grade will be based on the following scale, which is calculated as a percentage
90 - 100% A
80 89.5% B
70 79.5% C
60 69.5% D
0 59.5% F

9. Participation points will be awarded periodically for labs and projects. These can significantly impact
your grade. If you do not help your team/partner, you will lose points.

10. If you are absent, you are responsible for getting your missed assignments. Ask your lab partner about
missed material, check the absent binder, and find needed materials in the copy file box.


12. Your semester grade will be determined as follows: each nine weeks grade will count as 20%, and the
final exam will count for 10% of your grade.

13. Passes to leave the room will only be written in an emergency. You may not go to your locker or the
restroom. This should be taken care of on your own time. Passes will also not be written to be late to
another class.

14. The following will be taken if seen or heard, as they are not permitted in this room: hats, I-pods, and cell
phones. This includes headphones.

15. Cell phones: in order to be able to use one on the days that they are needed, you must first have your
parents give you access to Progress Book so that you can check grades. You will be notified when you
will need your phones, otherwise they are to remain in your lockers, out of sight. Any phones being used
at an inappropriate time in an inappropriate manner will be sent to phone jail.

16. Labs and homework are to be done during class and either by yourself, or with your lab partner. If you are
found with someone elses work, everyone will receive a zero.

17. If you are on school grounds for any part of the day and do not turn in an assignment
that is due that day, you will receive a zero. This includes field trips.

18. No food or drink is permitted in the classroom.


20. Tardies follow handbook. I will give detentions in between school punishments.

21. Any sawing, cutting, drilling, etc. is to be done in the work area, not at the lab tables, and
follow safety procedures at all times. This class requires you to be adults and to handle construction
equipment safely or we cannot conduct the class.

Projectile launchers, mousetrap cars, egg drop, hydraulic arm, and bridges.

Failure to follow the above procedures may result in a verbal warning, detention, office referral, call home, or
an alternate assignment or duty. Refer to your student handbook.

I have read the above policies and understand them and agree to follow them.

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