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1. Which is the largest island in the world and where it is situated ?

Ans, Greenland. It is situated in the northern part of North America.

2. What is Cordillera and where it is situated ?
Ans. Cordillera is a chain of parallel mountain ranges situated - North America.
3. What are Canyons ?
Ans. Long gorges are called Canyons.
4. Where is the Great Canyon situated ?
Ans. California in North America.
5. Where the Yellowstone National Park is situated ?
Ans. In the USA.
6. What is the Canadian shield ?
Ans. In the Northern part of the continent, there are some oldest rocks found in this region which
is known as Canadian shield.
7. Where the famous Niagra Falls are located ?
Ans. Between the USA and Canada.
8. Which is the most important river of North America ?
Ans. Mississippi.
9. What are Prairies ?
Ans. The temperate grasslands of North America are called Prairies.
10. What are the Grand Banks ?
Ans. These are fishing ground off the coast of Newfoundland in North America.

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