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Franz Boas

German-American scientist, who is also known as the Father of

Modern Anthropology
Widely considered to be one of the greatest and most influential
anthropologists ever
He was the first person to implement the scientific method into the
study of human cultures and societies.
His field of research
At first Franz boas was a geographer, but after conducting research on
native Inuit he got interested in culture, and later on switched his
field of study to anthropology
He advocated the four field concept, which means that an
anthropologist should research in all four sub categories: Linguistics,
Cultural anthropology, physical anthropology , and archeology
Contribution to the social science
Cultural relativism: a concept that cultural norms and values derive
their meaning within a specific social context.
Used in response to western ethnocentrism
Many scientists were deeming other culture primitive and not as
sophisticated as their own.
An example of ethnocentrism is when U.S immigration would impose
unfair restriction to other races. Many would refer to Franz boas
theory of cultural relativism to criticize the restriction
Franz boas said that everyones culture is important and has its own
How he helped further anthropology
He pioneered the four field concept. This bought together
anthropologist from different fields of work and encouraged them to
work in al four sub sections of anthropology
Worked to eradicate racism firm anthropology and promoted cultural
Importance of his study
Without franz boas racial bigotry would be rampant in anthropology.
Almost none of the scientist of his era put any effort in proving their
own theories about other cultures.
He bought to anthropology a methodology which stated that one
could publish their theories only after they had done numerous
experiments and exhausted all their resources.
He instilled a set of work ethics in anthropology which promotes
unbiased research.
His activism against racism and call for better understanding of each
other cultures cleared up many misconceived notions on races.

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