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Radio Trailer

(Non-diegetic music – low key)

Voiceover - If you are stopped by the police, it doesn't automatically mean

that they think you've done something wrong and it's not the same as
being arrested.

(music stops)

Policeman – excuse me mate can you just step to the side for me please.

(music continues)

Voiceover - They could be asking you for help or checking if you've seen
anything suspicious happening in the last few minutes.

(music stops)

(police cars, busy background can be heard)

Policeman- I’m stopping you under section 44 the Terrorism Act 2000.

Teenager – I aint done nothing come on man.

(music continues)

Voiceover - Unless you fit the description of someone who's suspected of

committing a crime, the police are not allowed to stop you just on the
basis of your race, religion, age or the clothes that you're wearing.

(music completely stops)

Dave – bit of speech from the film

Do you feel the stop and search procedure is carried out effectively?

Find out for yourself on Thursday night HCTV presents ‘Against the wall’ –
Who’s side are you really on?

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