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United Nations
- An international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War
by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security,
developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social
progress, better living standards and human rights.
- Forum for 193 member states to express their views in different
committees e.g social council, security council
- Primarily goals are peacekeeping and humanitarian aid

Main issue: Lack of Power

1. Divergence of multiple interests
- debating society
- Each country/ country representative has their own interests at heart difficult
to reach consensus
- Delayed/ no action on important issues

2. Allocation of power
- Veto power
- Smaller countries have lesser say

3. Limitations of power
- UN Peacekeepers can only defend not attack
- Requires approval from all parties involved before intervention
- Cannot enforce decrees/ decisions

1-2 case studies/examples with relevant stats/info
Pick 1 essay question from Global Issues Infopack + use your research info
to outline a paragraph that answers that question, using the P-E-E-L structure

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