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Ingredients (american measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml)

cup tightly packed seedless tamarind
cup seedless dates
cup powdered or grated jaggery or as required - adjust as per your taste
2 cups water
tsp roasted cumin powder
tsp coriander powder
tsp dry ginger powder
or tsp red chili powder or 1 dry red chili * see notes
black salt or rock salt as required.

in a pan, take the tamarind, dates and water.
cook the tamarind and date for about 8-9 minutes on a low flame till they soften.
now add the powdered jaggery and continue to cook.
cook for a further 8-9 minutes on a low flame.
the mixture would thicken slightly.
add all the spice powders - red chili powder, bring the whole mixture to a boil and dates take all the
main 4 ingredients: tamarind, dates, jaggery, red chili powder, dry ginger powder and roasted cumin
stir & simmer for a further 1-2 minutes more.
season with salt.
let the chutney mixture cool down.
in a chutney grinder or small blender, grind the this whole mixture till smooth.
add some water if required while grinding.
strain the chutney through a strainer.
store the tamarind date chutney in an airtight bowl or container in the refrigerator and use it when you
make chaat at home.

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