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The forms of the Active Passive

Indefinite To speak/open To be spoken/be
Continuous To be speaking/be opening -
Perfect To have spoken/have To have been spoken/
opened have been opened
Perfect continuous To have been speaking -
have been opening

The syntactical functions of the infinitive

-as a subject
-a predicative
-part of a compound verbal predicate
-an object
-an attribute
-an adverbial modifier of purpose

-an adverbial modifier of result

-an adverbial modifier of comparison (manner)


Bare infinitive is used after:

- auxiliary verbs
- modal verbs except ought. After dare
you can use with or without to
- verbs denoting sense perception
- the verb to let
- the verb to make in the meaning of to
force someone to do something
- the verb to have in the meaning to cause
someone to do smth
- the verb to bid
- the verb to know when its meaning
approaches that of to see, to observe.
- the expressions had better, would rather, would
sooner, cannot but, nothing but, cannot choose but

-The verb to be after to feel is used with the particle to

-after the verbs to hear, to see, to make and to know in
the passive voice, is used the infinitive with the particle
-after dare the infinitive is used without to especially in
negative and interrogative sentences
-help may be followed by the infinitive with or without

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