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why aim for no. 1?

if you are not no. 1,

then you are engaged in world-leading r&d.
what must a supercomputer have?
it is not just about computing.
power consumption and reliability are also vital.
what do developers want
we want to see how our creations help the world.
fujitsu heritage positions it uniquely for success.
introducing the k computer the worls fastest supercomputer.
overcoming technical challenges.
worlds best performance
in june 2011, the k computer achieved a performance that is three times faster than the top
machine of autumn 2010.
the sparc64 vlllfx has tripled the performance of precios-generation sparc4 processors.
while halving power consumption.
a truly energy-efficient, high-performance computer.
reliable performance.
as the k computer uses more than 80.000 linked processors.
we have worked hard to optimize reliability
in terms of circuit desing and operating environment.
even with such a complex configuration, the system has been designed to operate with
exceptional stability.
the world`s fastest in innovation
that is
k computer was designed to meet the requirements of a diverse range of r&d fields.
such as manufacturing, aerospace, biotechnology and disaster-prevention.
aerodynamic analysis of helicopters.
supercomputers were generally used to calculate fluid dynamics,
aerodynamic analysis of airplanes
meteorology, aircraft wing desing, and crash analysis.

particle method simulation of tsunamis.
heart simulator.
this system can also contribute in new fields and applications,such as biotechnology and
molecular dynamic desing of multifunctional antibody drugs for treating advanced-stage
for example, using existing computers, it may take 10 years to identify a potentially useful nem
chemical compuond.
this can be cut to just one year if processing speed jumps tenfold.
efforts can then focus on finding effective applications for variants of that material.
this helps to dramatically shorten the pharmaceutical development cycle.
becoming no.1 was not our goal - it was a result.
we belive this system will be highly regarded by our customers because of its contributions to
building the k computer is not the end of the story.
we are sure that our customers now have higher expectations for our next system.
our vision is to meet and exceed those new demands.
creating a prosperous future for our customers and society

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