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Ideas for Sponsors

The most important role of the sponsor is simply to beto be a spiritual friend and companion
for the catechumen with whom youve been joined. Its about the relationship. The shape of
that relationship will assume different forms for different people, depending on their unique
interests and background. Here are some ideas for cultivating your companionship with your
! Regularly pray for your catechumen: for spiritual needs, physical needs, and especially
their maturation in and understanding of Gods word (see the Parable of the Sower). Ask
them, How can I pray for you? This question can get to the heart of whats going on in
someones life.
! Accompany your catechumen in the Divine Service (i.e., Sunday worship). Sit with them
in the pew, talk with them about the lectionary texts or the sermon, help them with the
hymn if theyre unfamiliar with the tune.
! Encourage your catechumen to stay for fellowship after worship and introduce them to
others from the congregation. Especially for sponsors who may not have time or
opportunity to be with their catechumen during the week, this is a vital chance to develop
the relationship.
! Select a book of the Bibleone of the Gospels may work bestto read together and
discuss periodically. Along these lines, consider memorizing a verse of Scripture together.
! Attend catechesis with your catechumen as you are able, and (whether or not you were
present) discuss the days topic, work through questions, etc.
! Give your catechumen an occasional phone call (or, if youre so inclined, text message)
just to see how theyre doing and to let them know youre praying for them.
! Offer your help to your catechumen in temporal needsfor instance, perhaps they need
a seamstress or a leaky faucet xed. Your relationship neednt be conned to spiritual
! Invite your catechumen to your house for supper or (if you arent the cooking type) to
your favorite local restaurant. Food & faith go naturally together!
! Share with your catechumen how you practice daily devotions and encourage them in
similar practice, or introduce other means. Dont just talk about prayer, model it!
! Serve alongside your catechumen at a favorite charity (such as a food pantry), or search
out one together. Invite other catechumenate pairs to come along, too.
! Let others in Journey of Faith know about your great ideas!

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