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Water Cycle Study Guide Name _____________________

HR _____ Date ____________
You must know the following things to do well on your test.
1. The water found on Earth today is the same water that was here when the
Earth was first formed.
2. Water on Earth changes back and forth from liquid, gas, and solid, but the total
amount of water does not change.
3. Most evaporation occurs over the ocean.
4. Our sun is the source of energy for the water cycle.
5. It can take anywhere from a few days to thousands of years for water to
complete the water cycle.
6. H2O is the chemical name for water. The H stands for hydrogen and the O
stands for oxygen.
7. The 2 in H2O stands for the number of hydrogen atoms in a water molecule.
8. Draw and label a water molecule in the box below.

9. Definitions and examples of the four stages of the water cycle:
evaporation when water turns to vapor
condensation when vapor turns to water droplets
precipitation when water returns to Earth from the clouds
accumulation when water collects and makes its way back to the ocean

10. The three states of water are solid, liquid, and gas.
11. Water as a gas is called vapor.
12. Water as a solid is called ice.
13. Water as a liquid is called water.
14. Water vapor sticks to dust particles in the air to form clouds.
15. The four types of precipitation are rain, sleet, snow, and hail.
16. Molecules move faster in water vapor than when water is at room
17. About 70 % of the Earth is covered by water.
18. Write the percentage of each type of water on Earth.
Salt water 97%
Frozen water 2%
Fresh water 1%
19. Draw a picture of the water cycle and label the energy source and the four

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