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Kuya, im jo, Elijahs mom. I assumed Zandro has confided to you his problem about what had happened.

Im sorry i know I dont have the right to meddle with his personal life, and I should have anticipated the
trouble that will cause them coz of what I did. I placed him in a very difficult situation.. I know what he is
going through right now, and it was all my fault. Please, advise him to settle a fix everything with his
wife. Tell him probably its not too late to make up with her. I gave up. I should have done this before
but I stood by his words and promises. There is no point of fighting for something I could not possibly
have and hurting other people in the process. Its so hard but I have to do the right thing for our son.
Please tell him not to worry, I am no longer asking for any financial support from him. Tell him not to
worry, I will do everything to provide for our son and raise him well on my own. I am really sorry for the
trouble that I have caused your family. He will not hear from us again. I know its hard but I have to dot
the right thing this time. Thank u for your help last month, I appreciate it though I didnt have the
chance to say thank you. Please guide Zandro to do what is just. I will cut whatever communication
that we have and he will not hear from us again. ..isa lang po ang alam kong kasalanan ko, minahal ko po
sya kahit alam kong mali. I have never loved a person in my life as much as I love him,.. Elijah will miss
him..pls.erase this message after reading. Salamat po.

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