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English for Translation 1

Class : September, 15th, 2013
Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan
Elizabeth Valentin
Formative Test 2
Module 5 Module 6
FISH MOM: Ill pick you up after school.
CRAB KID: Come on, you guys. Stop it! Give it back!
MARLIN: Come on, well try over there.
MARLIN: Excuse me, is this where we meet his teacher?
FISH MOM: Ibu akan menjemputmu sepulang sekolah.
CRAB KID: Ayo teman-teman. Hentikan! Kembalikan!
MARLIN: Ayo, kita coba sebelah sana.
MARLIN: Permisi, kita ketemu gurunya di sini?
MARLIN: All right, I know one joke. Um, theres a mollusk, see? And
he walks up to a sea, well he doesnt walk up, he swims up. Well,
actually the mollusk isnt moving. Hes in one place and then the sea
cucumber, well they I mixed up. There was a mollusk and a sea
cucumber. None of them were walking, so forget that I
BOB: Sheldon! Get out of Mr. Johansenns yard, now!
KIDS: Whoa!
Mr. Johanssen: All right, you kids! Ooh! Uuh, whered you go? Where,
whered you go?
MARLIN: Baiklah, aku tahu satu cerita lucu. Hmmm, kan ada seekor ubur-ubur. Dan ia berjalan ke
permukaan laut, eee ia nggak jalan, ia berenang. Sebenarnya ubur-ubur itu nggak bergerak. Ia be
rada di suatu tempat dan kemudian seekor timun laut, eee mereka aku bingung. Ada seekor ub
ur-ubur dan seekor timun laut. Keduanya nggak berenang, aku lupa aku...
BOB: Sheldon! Keluar dari pekarangan Pak Johansenn! Sekarang!
KIDS: Wooooow!
Mr. Johansenn: Baiklah anak-anak! Ohh! Mau pergi ke mana kalian? Mau pergi ke mana kalian?
Scorcese reunites on The Aviator with several longtim collaborators.
Director of Photography is Robert Richardson who worked with the
director on Casino and Bringing Out The Dead. Richardson has shot
several Oliver Stone films, including Platoon, JFK and Nixon, and
most recently photographed Quentin Tarantinos upcoming Kill Bill.
Dalam film The Aviator, Scorcese melakkan reuni dengan kawan-kawan lamanya. Sutradara fotog
rafinya ialah Robert Richardson yang bekerja sama dengannya dalam film Casino dan Bringing O
ut The Dead. Richardson telah memfilemkan beberapa film Oliver Stone, termasuk film Platoon, J
FK dan Nixon, dan yang paling akhir adalah menjadi pengambil gambar film dari Quentin Tarantin
o berjudul Kill Bill yang akan segera beredar.
Costume designer Sandy Powell is an Academy Award winner for
Shakespeare In Love and Academy Award nominee the same year
for Velvet Goldmine, Wings on the Dove, for whih she was also
nominated for an Oscar and Far From Heaven are among her many
other credits.
Desainer kostum, Sandy Powell, adalah seorang pemenang Academy Award untuk film Shakespe
are In Love dan nominator Academy Award pada tahun yang sama untuk film Velvet Goldmine. Fil
m Wings of the Dove, dimana ia dinominasikan untuk mendapat Oscar, dan Far From Heaven ada
lah diantar banyak nilai plusnya.
Module 9
A. Photography
Pictures communicate some ideas better than words do.
Since the days of cavemen, artists have been drawing
pictures. But early in the 19
century men tried to invent
a mechanical way of picturing an object just as it really
Listen carefully the sentences from
Module 9, Learning Activity 1
Write and translate it.
Question 1
Since the early 19
century, cameras have been used
to photograph and thereby save the real look of people
and events.

(Sejak awal abad ke-19, kamera telah digunakan untuk memfoto dan den
gan demikian mengabadikan rupa yang sesungguhnya dari berbagai ora
ng dan kejadian.)

Question 5
Thousands of years before the telegraph was invented,
men knew that sound and sight travelled faster than the
speediest runner or horse.

(Ribuan tahun sebelum telegraf ditemukan, manusia tahu bahwa
suara dan penglihatan bergerak lebih cepat daripada pelari atau
kuda yang paling cepat.)

Module 10
Advertising in Hongkong under Political Transition:
A Longitudinal Analysis
Hongkongs return to China has raised doubts about its
ability to keep its status as the advertising capital of Asia.
Hongkong consumers were suffering from incompetent
new boss syndrome and its advertising industry used
different strategies to cope with their anxiety.
See Task 2-14 on your Module 10,
Learning Activity 1
Formative Test 1
Module 9
Modul 10
Next class: Review class
Recall everything has been taught in previous 3 classes.

Prepare questions!
Practices! :D

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