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Daniel Pranjkovic

Dear Sir or Madam

I have just read two letters in an article from the newspaper The Times about the ugliest building in
my neighbourhood. In my opinion I think the ugliest building in my town is the !g!rg "els# in
%irstly& I disagree with the first letter written by 'oger& from (amagate& )apan because I think the
*pal +ourt looks on the first sight like a building for poor people or maybe it is because I don,t like
high buildings. I completely disagree with Patrick +offey from -eathfield& .ngland because he
thinks that the "embley Stadium is ugly. I think it looks very modern and stylish and I could really
imagine watching a game there.
/s a student I think the ugliest building in my town is my school. The e0terior is damaged and the
facade looks very odd with the yellow paint. The sports field is very small compared with others
schools and it was very damaged. 1rass was growing outside the field. The interior is much more
uglier because there are only old tables and chairs.
In addition to this I think modern architecture is very important for a town. If you are a tourist and
you like the buildings around you& you would go there anytime but if there are only ugly buildings
you would avoid these.
To sum up there will always be buildings you want to avoid. So therefore modern architecture is
important not only because of tourists but also for the look of the town.
"ords2 344

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