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A Review On Healthcare Medical Systems Information

Technology Essay
Health care in Canada is delivered through a publicly-funded health care system, which is mostly
free at the point of use and has most services provided by private entities. It is guided by the
provisions of the Canada Health Act. The government assures the quality of care through federal
standards. The government does not participate in day-to-day care or collect any information
about an individual's health, which remains confidential between a person and his or her
Canada's provincially based Medicare systems are cost-effective partly because of their
administrative simplicity. In each province each doctor handles the insurance claim against the
provincial insurer. There is no need for the person who accesses health care to be involved in
billing and reclaim. Private insurance is only a minimal part of the overall health care system.
Competitive practices such as advertising are kept to a minimum, thus maximizing the
percentage of revenues that go directly towards care.
In general, costs are paid through funding from income taxes, although three provinces also
impose a fixed monthly premium which may be waived or reduced for those on low incomes.
There are no deductibles on basic health care and co-pays are extremely low or non-existent.
This case analysis on Sasktel and on Canadas Health-Care System is divided into 6 sections.
SECTION 1 - History and growth of Canadas health care system
SECTION 2 - Product description and the potential customers.
SECTION 3 - includes the competitions for the product and the different distribution strategies
employed by the company.
SECTION 4 - Comparative study of the competitors
SECTION 5 - Companys competitive strategies, promotion and costs.
SECTION 6 - Recommendations made for the company.

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