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YOUR BIOME NAME: _______________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions as you quietly and calmly observe
your classmates posters and research sheets.
Knowledge Questions
List two interesting facts from biomes other than your own.


Name a plant from the Chaparral and its adaptation(s).

How cold does it get in the Arctic Tundra?

Application Question
Think about what you already know. Name an instance other than those
presented on posters that shows an organism adapting to extreme temperatures.

Analysis Questions
State one point of similarity between your assigned biome and another biome.
Make sure both biome names are included in your response.

How is a coastal desert different from what you think of as typical desert?

Synthesis Question
Threats to the Wetland biome include water pollution, humans pumping water out
of the Wetlands or building dams to transport water to other places, and invasive
weeds. Choose one of these threats and think of a way that threat can be lessened or
fixed. List the steps of your plan below.

Evaluation Question and Assessment

To be completed AFTER the gallery walk. You may want to jot down a few points
while you look around, however.
Based on what youve learned researching your own biome and now seeing the
work of your peers, which biome would you most like to visit and WHY? Your
response must be neatly written in at least two complete paragraphs and should
contain at least two specific examples and/or facts from your studies this week.
Your response will count as a test grade.
20 points possible

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