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Changing American Family

Assignment One
Chapter 1
First, everyone should read the article on this site:!".html #new url$%
and also loo& at: http://www.conte'*/(C"/Fraser.htm
+hen loo& at:
+he second article is more than 0 years old. +he A*C new report was done less
than two years ago. ,ith all that in mind, using the in-ormation in all o- the
above, how would .O/ de-ine a -amily today0 +his should be to 3 paragraphs,
Chapter 2
For this chapter watch this .ou+ube video:
( e'pect you to watch the entire 53 minute video because it embodies much o-
what is in the boo& and i- it were an on campus class, ( would show it. +here will
be at least one discussion 6uestion -rom this video.
Compare and contrast what 7tephanie Coont8 said to Cherlin outlined in Chapter
and what you concluded in your de-inition o- a -amily. +his should be to 3
paragraphs, minimum.

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