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Aneth Holgun (AH) y Jess Alejandro Cano Lpez. (JC)

1. JC: they can sell the perfume in most of the important European countries like
the UK and Italy.
AH: but also in the U.S because of the great market.

2. AH: no it would not be a good idea.
JC: I agree because it is already known as Physique so no.

3. AH: we can reduce the age so more people could but it.
JC: I dont think so because the fragrance is more like for people of that age.
AH: yes but maybe younger man like it.
JC: but it would be a risk so we better keep it in that range.

4. JC: mass fragrance
AH: yes definitely.

5. JC: it could be a good idea to change it.
AH: of course and maybe a little smaller.

6. AH: increase it because it would get more famous.
JC: Yes increase it.

7. AH: in more outlets so they can sold much more.
JC: I think the same that way more people can know about it.

8. JC: Maybe a different person in every country
AH: so the people can feel identify with the Fragrance.

9. JC: no I dont see that necessary
AH: Maybe another more attractive.

10. AH: yes absolutely so the profits increases.
JC: yes that the better thing maybe Taiwan could be a good country.

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