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Mikki Ellaine M.

Section: T 3R

Proposed topic:
Isolation, Identification, Comparison of Spoilage-causing Microorganisms Found on Unprocessed
Meat in Wet and Supermarket in Batong Malake, Los Banos
Unlike processed meat products, freshly sliced and sold meat has unfixed length of
expiration or spoilage. Putrefaction of unfrozen meat can occur as early as a few hours while
those kept in freezing temperature can withstand rotting for several days to a few weeks.
However, the quality of the product is compromised. Most consumers find it debatable to
choose where to purchase said commodity. The identification or survey of microorganisms
causing the meat to spoil using samples coming from the wet market and those from the
supermarket will assist the shoppers/consumers to decide where they should buy the product of
their preference. It will also be beneficial in detecting the potential food-borne disease-causing
microbes present.

Proposed Methodology:
Samples are gathered from separate locations (preferably small-scale markets e.g.
Raymundo gate market and supermarket e.g. Save More). Portions from the samples are taken
each day and will be kept incubated afterwards. The number of days in which the spoilage
starts to manifest will be recorded. The samples taken each day will be observed to identify the
microorganisms. Spoilage-causing and food borne disease-causing microorganisms that will be
isolated shall also be listed to see which sample has acquired thegreater number of

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