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From: hemendra varma [hemendra.varma@gmail.

Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 1:12 AM
To: 5S@he!5"!in"
Subject: #$: %our &arici'aion in he 2(h 5S &raciioner)" *eri+caion
&rogramme ! ,-ind An : Mr. .emendra /arma !
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dev"
To: "'5S'"
!c: "agadish.hiremath@sbi-"$$
Sent: Th &'())(*+ 5:), -M
Sb"ect: F.d: /0: 1or 2artici3ation in the &'th 5S 2ractitioner's
!ertification 2rogramme - 45ind -ttn : Mr. 6emendra 7arma - Director8
Dear Mr. Hemendra Varma
Many Thanks for the excellent Program organized for all of us. Personally I
felt that we can do a lot in order to keep our orkplace! "ffice # e$en our
homes neat # clean.
%s the saying goes A place for everything & everything in its place,
&' workshop has taught me to find ways to accomplish this task. I
thoroughly en(oyed your session which was li$ely! interacti$e # simple style
approach adopted to make us understand the concepts.
My )est ishes to you # your dedicated team for many such orkshops in
future. May we continue to make India our Motherland! a cherished place to
li$e # work with.
ith arm *egards
Head+ "ps , 'outh+-.
')I /ife 0hennai 1
/and /ine2 ,344. 45-454-3
Mo62 784-5 7399-
!!!!!2riginal Me""age!!!!!
From: 5S [mailo:5S@he!5"!in"]
Sent: 2( 3ovem4er 2005 06:57
To:; "an<ay';;; <aya53"; "8<; S.A3-
A# #AJ S.A#MA; v'; a.gandhi@'"i';
<d"onar@r'gca4le".com; "hai8h@r'gca4le".com; hru"hi8e"h.4ahe8ar@"4ili>;
man<u.mamani@"4ili>; rema.'illai@"4i!li>; .dev@"4i!li>;
vurimi.ra<ani8anh@"4ili>; a.?o'e@"iemen".com; /inaya810(;
coAceadmin9l@indiandieca"; udemar8eing@indiandieca"er".com;
amarnah.8oli@=ar"; "ohom.roy@"4ili>
Subject: %our &arici'aion in he 2(h 5S &raciioner)" *eri+caion &rogramme
November 25, 2009
Dear Amarnath, Anuradha, Arun, Babu, Dev, Goutam, Hemal, Hrushikesh,
Jayaseelan, Jitendra, Manu, !aramesh"ar, !rabhakar, #anikanth, #ema, $anay,
$antosh, $haikh, $hankar, $ohom, $uhas %u&hekar, $uhas !andit, 'inayak and
Mr( Jain
)t "as a *leasure to have you "ith us +or the 2,th 5$ !ra&titioner-s .erti+i&ation
!ro/ramme( 0hank you very mu&h, indeed, +or your a&tive *arti&i*ation and
*atient listenin/(
1e do ho*e that you +ound the *ro/ramme use+ul and interestin/ and are
*lannin/ to im*lement the learnin/ +rom the *ro/ramme at your "ork*la&e as
"ell as in your *ersonal li+e(
2ou are most "el&ome to &onta&t us on tele*hone or by e3mail i+ you need any
in+ormation or assistan&e or &lari+i&ation in your 5$ e++ort(
1e also en&lose the summary o+ the +eedba&k /iven by your bat&h +or this
%ind re/ards and best "ishes

hemendra k( varma
0he 5$ )nstitute
b345 bombay market a*artment
m( m( malaviya road, tardeo
mumbai 500065
tel 7 94 8 22 8 2652 6552 tel 9 +a: 7 94 8 22 8 2652 6555
e3mail 7 5$;the35s3institute(&om, *ratik;*ratikm*s(&om

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