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Meta Sigil

Satanism and the Cthulhu Mythos join to form a Greater Darkness, but only slimy,
tentacled Mythos seems to be charging ahead, erupting with determined force int
o uncharted territory places where even pentagrams and pitchforks fear to tread.
I challenge the Satanic faiths and philosophies to rear their demonic visage in
our direction, to watch what we have accomplished and to support those aims whi
ch are so very similar, not to mention necessary!
For decades, these two branches of the Left Hand Path have delved farther down i
nto mans disturbing unconscious than any other religions. Both paradigms frequent
ly find common ground, yet a wealth of untapped potential still lies unrecognize
d. You see, both Satanism and the Mythos try to uncover something dark and secre
t. This esoteric unwholesomeness could be about the world, mankind, or the unkno
wn forces that exist outside reality.
And then there are some who dont view Satanism or the Cthulhu Mythos as particula
rly religious; but what is religion? Prioritizing. Arranging things in order of
importance. How better to prioritize than assigning a super-natural significance
to certain concepts? Such areas as obtaining what we desire, living by an honor
able and noble code, becoming more than who we currently arethats all religion is
for. It is merely a strongly held belief-system to keep us mindful of what has t
he highest value. Deities and other pious trappings are almost incidentalalmost.
Theres still something fruitful in realizing that we are not the biggest fish in
the universe.
Getting back to Satanism and the Cthulhu Mythos, these extreme religions are eac
h onto something fundamentally truthful. One could say they court the same woman
: the possibility of attaining moreexploration with an eye towards conquering! C
reating lasting change for our benefit. Who among us does not crave transformati
on, power, control, fulfillment, accomplishment, and recognition? So why not emb
race these similarities? Why not join forces? Because its fashionable to put down
the other, thats why.
Together, the Lovecraftians and the Devil worshipers can unmask whatever it is t
hat extends beyond our human reach. We were all born under a nameless sign one th
at requires us to seek out gruesome mysteries and unspeakable lore. Yes, it is o
ur calling to penetrate the blackest reaches that lead toward salvation! But dont
forget Chaos Magic, Luciferianism, Setianism, Wotanism, Voudoun, Hermeticism, E
nochian, Kabbalah, Theosophy, and so forth All of these paths have something to
Let the Ancient Ones ( A:O ) who are the beginning and the end, our origin and f
inal destiny, recognize this mark of Greater Darkness.
Hail the A:O!

The Eldritch Infernal symbol is actually a Meta Sigil. A Meta Sigil, by definiti
on, is after or beyond an ordinary magical symbol. This one in particular was cr
eated to absorb sigils, sorcery, and even souls in order to store power for late
r use and higher ends. The Meta Sigil uses this energy as fuel to reach the ulti
mate achievement: Godhood.
Another name for it might be a Master sigil. Just like a master key, this one un
locks any and all doors. It is the ideal perfection. All other sigils are subserv
ient to this one, and Eldritch Infernal will do whatever it takes to accomplish
its goal; ruthless efficiency meets determined fanaticism.
Domains / Spheres of Influence: Reaching the end, necessary destruction, synthes
is, absorption, domination, eternal power, Godhood, and combining all Left Hand
Paths with the Cthulhu Mythos.
Background: For years I have used Satanism and the Mythos as interchangeable mod
els even the very same paradigm at times. I am one of the few, however. There alw
ays seems to be resistance from one side or the other Cthulhu is not at all Satani
c, one guy says, or Satanism has nothing to do with the Mythos, spouts another. Pop
pycock, I say to both camps! The same exact elements can be found in each.
Crazed wizards worshiping ancient things that existed millennia ago; hideous sec
rets scrawled in forbidden tomes of flesh; contacting evil servitors who will do
the sorcerers biddingAll of these are Satanic and Lovecraftian. HPL tapped into s
omething, an area that Satanism later explored. Here it is the 21st century and
most people still cling to the idea that theres a heretical disparity between the
two. Well, no more! The Devils of our culture are the same as the Old Ones from
weird fiction. Eldritch Infernal is a celebration of these similarities.
However, since the first design of the Meta Sigil, I realized that Satanism was
quickly becoming either a dead end or an albatross around the Cults neck. Satani
sts who are interested in evolution are few and far between. Satan is widely re
cognized, but still not accepted. Although, I see the trappings of Satanism rid
iculed virtually everywhere (as are Lovecrafts creations). So, let the Cthulhu C
ult break away from any and all paradigms which weaken our hold upon reality, th
e new reality which we are creating every single night.
Origin: For almost a year, I have felt a subtle yet nagging compulsion to create
something. This feeling was different than my normal artistic desires; as if I w
ere unconsciously receiving a signal or message from an outside source. Not only
that the phrase Eldritch Infernal kept turning over in my mind like the phrase Abr
acadabra. There was a disturbing future familiarity to the name. I knew that som
ething was supposed to be named that, something I was to create.
At first, thats what I was going to call a movie production company, next a rolep
laying game, then it was a pair of webzines, and finally a book. Eldritch Infern
al might incorporate all these creative endeavors eventually; however, a Meta Si
gil seems most appropriate at this time. Almost as if the fiendish glyph itself
had summoned me from out of nowhere and then commanded that I give it form and l
ife! Incidentally, it is the artist and web designer, Ariock who re-interpreted
Kortthalis in his own peculiar and spectacular way. The Left Hand Path owes him
a debt of gratitude.
True Name: Kortthalis is the true name of the Meta Sigil. In certain ways, Korttha
lis could be loosely defined as a Great Old One in symbolic form; building upon
the connections between folklore and super-science (such as quantum physics, str
ing theory, the holographic universe, etc.) to forge a new dark age where men sh
all become reveling, nihilistic Devil Gods!
Objective: This may be the Cult of Cthulhus most powerful magic. Think of an eso-
terrorist cell obtaining a nuclear warheadunlimited leverage. To will the end, yo
u must first will the means. The Eldritch Infernal Meta Sigil is our nuke. Garga
ntuan changes are needed for man to evolve into God. This task cannot be accompl
ished alone or unaided. This Master Sigil is the serious magicians most dedicated
, wise, and disciplined companion.
We encourage every human being to not only shatter their illusionary selves, but
to then pick up the pieces and glue them back together. The new self will appea
r distorted and warped, but that is as it should be. Opening ones self up to pote
ntial annihilation is only for the intrepid and the ambitious those who would ris
k a fate worse than death in order to achieve ineffable transcendence. That is w
hy its only fair that we warn you of the dangers. The Master Sigil will not be co
ntent unless it fulfills its purpose: transforming the magician into a God. Ther
efore, this sigil cannot be reasoned with. There is no compromise. It has zero t
olerance for anything that hinders progress. Chances are that the magician can l
ive up to the Meta Sigils exacting standards, receiving gentle and frequent pushe
s in the right direction. However, if the mage is found to be seriously wanting
or insincere in his aim, then Kortthalis may utterly subjugate him. The Meta Sigi
l can and will drain the magicians essence in order to carry out its plan.
Ordinary sigils will have no choice but to willingly surrender their power to th
is rune of red and green, so take care when introducing a sigil into an area occ
upied by the Meta Sigil. In fact, all energy is vulnerable, except that which is
directly used for evolutionary purposes. This is an all-or-nothing, Drill Sarge
nt kind of entity.
Additionally, if you feel comfortable with your current life, at peace with this
world, or merely wish to remain a puppet of the lesser gods, then refrain from
even glancing at this Great Old One. It may be absorbing your essence as you rea
d this
Venger AsNas Satanis
Cult of Cthulhu High Priest
Attuning the God Sigil
Iza hazjid Nobhori tuso
Esjed Yeeska formahelhj irriksa
Nenk ibgrat zort hehyl Kortthalis!
Kortthalis, God of sigils and sigil of God
I allow you to invoke me, unlock the barriers within and unleash your endless po
You are the illuminating key; nightmare within a nightmare; Ancient Ones, reveal
the meaning of this symbol so that I might reach your malevolent glory!
Ia Ia Kortthalis
Tsathogguoa, nesting in His cavernthe furry toad God orchestrating the world belo
w. The black toad which came from earths primordial soup aeons ago, names his sev
en disciples. With tentacles thrashing and eyes glazed in darkness, Tsathogguoa
croaks the incantation. The disciples are initiated and each bleeds their lifebl
ood into a vast, unforgettable symbol.
Tsathogguoa, the Sleeper of Nkai, flaps His leathery bat-like wings in pleasure a
s the Door of Saturn creaks open. The Master Sigil is being charged and nothing
will ever be the same again. Lost in the caves, it was. Now at long last Kortthal
is has been Awakened.
Ubbo-Sathla, The Unbegotten Source, you who quiver and ooze in dimensional facet
s contradictory to our own you are the resonance deep within the earth. Your amoe
bic magnificence is known to all who call you. Ubbo-Sathla, we are all your spaw
n and this sigil is Your greatest sorcery. Surrounding you, the star-quarried ta
blets glow dim and hushed, their forbidden lore reflected in Kortthalis. Behind t
he veil of illusion, Your Cultists are the mold into which your foulness pours.
Atlach-Nacha, The Great Spidery Entity from the Oldest Gulf, Your human eyes see
as we do, but Your ever-expanding consciousness reaches beyond time and space.
Your coarse, violet fur shines in the blackest pits. Atlach-Nacha crawls through
the tunnels which lead to the Saturnine gates. Your screaming sacrifices are de
voured in haste so as not to slow the progress of the web. These strands connect
the worlds of man and Hell. When Your web is complete, the earth will crack ope
n like an egg and the Old Ones shall drink of its fetid waters. And the chosen s
hall survive, as they bear the seal of completed evolutionKortthalis.
Nyarlathotep, nigrescent king of the witches, You deliver our cries to the Ancie
nt Ones. The angles have been attuned, our sigil is the ancient sign for Demon G
od. The secret ways between the spheres, reality tunnels leading to Your black m
ajesty. Thy blood-stained tongue recedes into the night sky. Nyarlathotep travel
s with Dread Cthulhu from star to star, plane to plane. Energize our pattern so
that You will know us always!
The four crown princes of Hell, I summon thee
Leviathan, dragon from the depths.
Lucifer, light-bringer from the air.
Belial, beast without a master roaming the plains.
Mephistopheles, the warrior skulking among the flames.
And Satan, you are the whole that includes the spiritual element.
Bestow your demonic potency upon this sigil.
Iza hazjid Nobhori tuso
Esjed Yeeska formahelhj irriksa
Nenk ibgrat zort hehyl Kortthalis!
So it shall be done!

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