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My Thoughts on the poem A Dream within a Dream by Edgar Allen Poe.

1) A Dream within a Dream was revised and published in 1849. Poe originally composed
this poem in 1820s. It was consider to be one of Poe's finest short poem.
2) Edgar Allen Poe express his love for his wife as he tells her goodbye with a kiss upon her
3) HOPE is like a bird there one minute and gone the next, never staying in one place to
4) All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream, is Poes way of saying he feels
like life is just an illusion. Are the people he once loved just a vision in his dreams and if
they are does it make the pain of losing them any less.
5) As he stands before the surf tormented shore he realizes that life is like the sea
unpredictable and sometimes rough. I hold within my hands the grains of golden sand
which is metaphor for all the hopes and dreams he feels he cannot hold onto any longer.
6) Poe asked God why cant I grasp but one grain of sand, but what he is really asking is
why cant he hold on to just one of the people he has loved and lost.
7) Poe is asking God why he cannot save the people that he loves from dying. Why is it that
no matter how tight I hold them I cannot save them from the pitiless waves? And so he
asked is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream.

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